PC World 2002 June
Microsoft Windows Help File Content
729 lines
:Base EXPRESS.hlp > main
:Title eXPress++ Documentation
1 Introduction
2 eXPress++ Version Information=INTRO:REVISIONS
2 Computer System Requirements=INTRO:COMPUTER
2 Please read this to GET STARTED with eXPress++=INTRO:GETTINGSTARTED
2 Important Notes (Please Read)=INTRO:IMPORTANT
2 Features of eXPress++=INTRO:FEATURES
2 Frequently Asked Questions=INTRO:FAQ
2 Problem Reports=INTRO:PDR
1 Converting Clipper Applications
2 Converting @SAYS from text to GUI=CONVERT:CONVERTINGSAYS
2 Converting @PROMPT menus from text to GUI=CONVERT:CONVERTINGMENUS
1 The eXPress++ Libraries
2 LIBRARIES - A brief description of the eXPress++ libraries 1.3=LIBRARY:LIBRARIES
2 The ImgSource Graphics Image support library 1.3=LIBRARY:_ISOURCEDLL
2 The eXpress++ 2.0 dynamic-link library 1 of 2 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIP1DLL
2 The eXpress++ 2.0 dynamic-link library 2 of 2 2.0=LIBRARY:DCLIP2DLL
2 The eXpress++ Graphics Image support library 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPIMGDLL
2 The eXpress++ dynamic-link library 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPXDLL
2 The dCLIP1 "Exports" library 2.0=LIBRARY:DCLIP1LIB
2 The dCLIP2 "Exports" library 2.0=LIBRARY:DCLIP2LIB
2 The eXpress++ "stubs" dynamic-link library 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPSDLL
2 The dCLIPX "Exports" library 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPXLIB
2 The dCLIPS "Exports" library 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPSLIB
2 The Source file for DCLIP1.DLL exported functions 2.0=LIBRARY:DCLIP1DEF
2 The Source file for DCLIP2.DLL exported functions 2.0=LIBRARY:DCLIP2DEF
2 The Source file for DCLIPS.DLL exported functions 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPSDEF
2 The Source file for DCLIPX.DLL exported functions 1.3=LIBRARY:DCLIPXDEF
2 Linking eXpress++ resources with your application (GUI) 1.3=LIBRARY:EXPRESSRES
2 The Source file for eXpress++ resources (GUI) 1.3=LIBRARY:EXPRESSARC
1 Include Files
2 DCCUSTOM.CH - The User-Defined, "custom" command set (GUI) 2.0=INCLUDE:DCCUSTOMCH
2 DCSTD.CH - The "Standard" command set (GUI) 2.0=INCLUDE:DCSTDCH
2 DCPRINT.CH - The "Printer" Command set (GUI) 1.3=INCLUDE:DCPRINTCH
2 DCDIALOG.CH - The "Robust Dialogue" command set (GUI) 1.3=INCLUDE:DCDIALOGCH
2 DCDIR.CH - The "Directory Dialogue" command set (GUI) 1.3=INCLUDE:DCDIRCH
2 DCTREE.CH - The "Array-Tree Dialogue" command set (GUI) 1.3=INCLUDE:DCTREECH
2 DCUDC.CH - The "User-Defined Command" template (GUI) 1.3=INCLUDE:DCUDCCH
2 DCAPP.CH - The "Application Dialogue" command set=INCLUDE:DCAPPCH
2 EXPRESS.CH - The "Clipper Compatabile" Command Set (GUI) 1.3=INCLUDE:EXPRESSCH
2 DCXTOC.CH - The Xbase to Clipper Interface definitions=INCLUDE:DCXTOCCH
1 Commands
2 @ DCKLMLE - Create a MULTILINE edit for displaying with GUI reader 0.0=COMMAND:DCKLMLE
2 @ DCPRINT SAY - Send text to printer using @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTSAY
2 @ DCRIGHTPRINT SAY - Send right-justified text to printer (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCRIGHTPRINTSAY
2 => (ECHO) - Display the pre-processed output of a DOT PROMPT command 2.0=COMMAND:(ECHO)
2 @ DC3STATE - Create a 3-STATE object for displaying with the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DC3STATE
2 @ DCAPPCRT - Create an APPLICATION CRT object for displaying with GUI rea (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCAPPCRT
2 @ DCBROWSE - Create a BROWSE object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCBROWSE
2 @ DCCHECKBOX - Create a CHECKBOX object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCCHECKBOX
2 @ DCCOMBOBOX - Create a COMBOBOX object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCCOMBOBOX
2 @ DCCUSTOM - Create a CUSTOM object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCCUSTOM
2 @ DCDIALOG - Create a DIALOG object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCDIALOG
2 @ DCDIRTREE - Create a DIRECTORY TREE object for displaying with GUI reade (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCDIRTREE
2 @ DCFINDBROWSE - A browse-window find utility that uses AutoSeek (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCFINDBROWSE
2 @ DCGET - Create a GET object for displaying with the text/GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCGET
2 @ DCGRAPROC - Draw a screen object with a custom procedure (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCGRAPROC
2 @ DCGRASTRING - Write a text string (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCGRASTRING
2 @ DCGROUP - Create a GROUP object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCGROUP
2 @ DCLISTBOX - Create a LISTBOX object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCLISTBOX
2 @ DCMESSAGEBOX - Create a MESSAGE BOX area for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCMESSAGEBOX
2 @ DCMULTILINE - Create a MULTILINE edit for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCMULTILINE
2 @ DCOBJECT - Define an existing object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCOBJECT
2 @ DCPICKLIST - Create a PICKLIST dialog object for displaying with GUI read (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPICKLIST
2 @ DCPRINT BITMAP - Send BitMap to printer using @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTBITMAP
2 @ DCPRINT BOX - Send Box to printer using @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTBOX
2 @ DCPRINT LINE - Send Line to printer using @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTLINE
2 @ DCPRINT MARKER - Send Marker to printer using @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTMARKER
2 @ DCPROGRESS - Create a PROGRESS BAR object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPROGRESS
2 @ DCPUSHBUTTON - Create a PUSHBUTTON for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPUSHBUTTON
2 @ DCQUICKBROWSE - Create a QUICKBROWSE object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCQUICKBROWSE
2 @ DCRADIOBUTTON - Create a RADIO BUTTON object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCRADIOBUTTON
2 @ DCSAY GET - Create a SAY..GET object for displaying with the text/GUI re (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSAYGET
2 @ DCSCROLLBAR - Create a SCROLL BAR object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSCROLLBAR
2 @ DCSPINBUTTON - Create a SPIN BUTTON get for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSPINBUTTON
2 @ DCSTATIC - Create a STATIC object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSTATIC
2 @ DCTABPAGE - Create a TAB PAGE object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCTABPAGE
2 @ DCTOOLBAR - Create a TOOLBAR object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCTOOLBAR
2 @ DCTREEARRAY - Browse a multi-dimensional array using Tree-View (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCTREEARRAY
2 @ DCTREEROOT - Create a Root object for a Tree View (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCTREEROOT
2 @ SAYWIN - Write a SAY text string in a Text or GUI dialog (DUAL) 1.3=COMMAND:SAYWIN
2 ABROWSE - Browse an array (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:ABROWSE
2 AEDIT - Edit an Array (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:AEDIT
2 AEVAL - Evaluate an Array 2.0=COMMAND:AEVAL
2 APPEND - Append and Edit a new record (TEXT) 2.0=COMMAND:APPEND
2 APPEND BLANK - Append a Blank record 2.0=COMMAND:APPENDBLANK
2 APPEND FROM - Append records from another file 2.0=COMMAND:APPENDFROM
2 APPEND VIRTUAL - Append Virtual Record to selected database 2.0=COMMAND:APPENDVIRTUAL
2 AVERAGE - Average numeric fields in selected database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:AVERAGE
2 AVIEW - A Tree style array/object browser (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:AVIEW
2 BATCH - Process a Batch file with Dot-Prompt commands 2.0=COMMAND:BATCH
2 BLANK - Blank record(s) in currently selecte database 2.0=COMMAND:BLANK
2 BROWSE - A text-base Database browsing system (TEXT) 2.0=COMMAND:BROWSE
2 CALC - A popup, full-function calculator (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:CALC
2 CD | CHDIR - Change system directory 2.0=COMMAND:CDCHDIR
2 CHR - Display an ASCII Character Chart (TEXT) 2.0=COMMAND:CHR
2 CLEAR SCOPE - Clear scoping values for the current work area 1.3=COMMAND:CLEARSCOPE
2 CODE DELETE - Delete a code table (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:CODEDELETE
2 CODE EDIT - Edit a Code Table (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:CODEEDIT
2 CODE IMPORT - Import a code table (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:CODEIMPORT
2 COMPILE - Compile a source .PRG or all changed .PRGs (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:COMPILE
2 CONTINUE - Continue Locating a record (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:CONTINUE
2 COPY TO - Copy records from selected database to a new database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:COPYTO
2 COPYNEW - Copy only new files to another directory 2.0=COMMAND:COPYNEW
2 COUNT - Count records in selected database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:COUNT
2 CREATE - Create a new database 2.0=COMMAND:CREATE
2 CRT - Run a text-based procedure in a new CRT Window (TEXT) 2.0=COMMAND:CRT
2 DATACONVERT - Convert a database to a different DBE driver 2.0=COMMAND:DATACONVERT
2 DATE - A pop-up calendar for selecting a date (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DATE
2 DCADDBUTTON - Add BUTTON to TOOLBAR object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCADDBUTTON
2 DCAPPEDIT - Create an APPLICATION EDIT object for displaying with GUI re (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCAPPEDIT
2 DCAPPFIELD - Create an APPLICATION FIELD object for displaying with GUI r (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCAPPFIELD
2 DCBITMAP - Create a BITMAP object for displaying with the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCBITMAP
2 DCBROWSECOL - Create a BROWSE column object for displaying with GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCBROWSECOL
2 DCFINDADDCOL - Add column to an array to be used by DCFINDBROWSE (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCFINDADDCOL
2 DCGETOPTIONS - Set the options for the Dialog Reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCGETOPTIONS
2 DCHOTKEY - Set a Hot-Key for action by the GUI Reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCHOTKEY
2 DCMENUBAR - Create a MENUBAR object for displaying with Text/GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCMENUBAR
2 DCMENUITEM - Add Item to SUBMENU object for displaying with Text/GUI read (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCMENUITEM
2 DCMSGBOX - Display an array of messages in a window (DUAL) 1.3=COMMAND:DCMSGBOX
2 DCPRINT ?/?? - Send text to printer using ?/?? style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINT
2 DCPRINT ATTRIBUTE - Set the Attributes for printing with DCPRINT commands (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTATTRIBUTE
2 DCPRINT EJECT - Eject the printer page (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTEJECT
2 DCPRINT EVAL - Evaluate a code block to imbed custom graphs in printed page (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTEVAL
2 DCPRINT FONT - Set the Font for printing with @..SAY style coordinates (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTFONT
2 DCPRINT OFF - Destroy a printer object (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTOFF
2 DCPRINT ON - Create a printer class object for @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTON
2 DCPRINT OPTIONS - Create an option array for setting printing defaults (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTOPTIONS
2 DCPRINT SIZE - Set the size of the print page in rows and columns (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCPRINTSIZE
2 DCQDEBUG - Send debug information to a debugging CRT window (DUAL) 1.3=COMMAND:DCQDEBUG
2 DCQOUT - Send data to the default CRT window (DUAL) 1.3=COMMAND:DCQOUT
2 DCQOUT WINDOW - Establish or Create a CRT window for debugging GUI apps (DUAL) 1.3=COMMAND:DCQOUTWINDOW
2 DCSETGROUP - Set the GROUP name for successive DC* commands (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSETGROUP
2 DCSETPARENT - Set the Parent object for successive DC* commands (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSETPARENT
2 DCSTATUSBAR - Create a Status Bar area on the perimiter of a dialog (GUI) 1.5=COMMAND:DCSTATUSBAR
2 DCSUBMENU - Add Submenu to MENUBAR object for displaying with Text/GUI r (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCSUBMENU
2 DCTREEITEM - Create a new item for a Tree View (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCTREEITEM
2 DELETE - Mark record(s) for deletion 2.0=COMMAND:DELETE
2 DELETE TAG - Delete a tag from a combined index (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:DELETETAG
2 DIR - Display a directory of files or databases (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:DIR
2 DISPLAY MEMORY - Display the contents of a memory file or current memory (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:DISPLAYMEMORY
2 DISPLAY STATUS - Display System status window (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:DISPLAYSTATUS
2 DISPLAY STRUCTURE - Display the structure of the selected database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:DISPLAYSTRUCTURE
2 DLL LIST - List all loaded dynamic .DLLs (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:DLLLIST
2 DLL LOAD - Load a dynamic .DLL 2.0=COMMAND:DLLLOAD
2 EDIT FILE - Edit a source file (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:EDITFILE
2 FILE DELETE - Delete a file group from the DCFILES.DBF dictionary (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:FILEDELETE
2 FILE EDIT - A Database File / Work area Definition editor (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:FILEEDIT
2 FILE IMPORT - Import File Group(s) from the Import File Dictionary (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:FILEIMPORT
2 FILE RESTORE - Restore work areas, indexes, relations, from dictionary (DUAL) 2.0=COMMAND:FILERESTORE
2 FILE SAVE - Save Work area definition array to dictionary (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:FILESAVE
2 FIND - GUI dialog for finding a record using an index (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:FIND
2 GO BOTTOM - Go to the Bottom of a set of Scoped Records 2.0=COMMAND:GOBOTTOM
2 GO TOP - Go to the Top of a set of Scoped Records 2.0=COMMAND:GOTOP
2 GUI - Set the Dialogue mode to GUI or TEXT (DUAL) 1.3=COMMAND:GUI
2 HUNT - Hunt for a record by search all indexes (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:HUNT
2 IF ELSE - Evaluate a list of expressions based on a condition 2.0=COMMAND:IFELSE
2 INDEX FIELDS - Create index tags for all fields in a database 2.0=COMMAND:INDEXFIELDS
2 INDEX ON - Create an index 2.0=COMMAND:INDEXON
2 INKEY - Display Inkey() and AppEvent() values for pressed keys (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:INKEY
2 INSERT - Insert Blank or Virtual records in selected database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:INSERT
2 INTERPRET - Interpret a command string 2.0=COMMAND:INTERPRET
2 LOCATE - Locate a record (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:LOCATE
2 LOCK - Lock the current record 2.0=COMMAND:LOCK
2 LOCK EDIT - Maintain the "Lock" definition database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:LOCKEDIT
2 LOCK FILE - Lock the current file 2.0=COMMAND:LOCKFILE
2 LOG - Write system status to a log file (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:LOG
2 LOGIN - Login to application to establish user rights (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:LOGIN
2 MENU CREATE - Create a new menu with Menu Editor (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:MENUCREATE
2 MENU EDIT - A Complex Pull-Down Menu Editor (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:MENUEDIT
2 MODIFY STRUCTURE - Modify the structure of a database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:MODIFYSTRUCTURE
2 OBJ LOAD - Dynamically load an Xbase++ compiled .OBJ for execution 2.0=COMMAND:OBJLOAD
2 PACK - Pack the current database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:PACK
2 PROGRAM - Run a Program from the Program Dictionary 2.0=COMMAND:PROGRAM
2 PURGE - Purge duplicate records from a database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:PURGE
2 RECALL - Recall record(s) that were previously marked for deletion 2.0=COMMAND:RECALL
2 REPLACE - Assign new values to field variables 2.0=COMMAND:REPLACE
2 REPLACE VIRTUAL - Replace the current record contents with Virtual record arra 2.0=COMMAND:REPLACEVIRTUAL
2 RESTORE ARRAY - Restore a multidimensional array from a binary file 1.3=COMMAND:RESTOREARRAY
2 RESTORE SET - Restore the SET environment from a file 2.0=COMMAND:RESTORESET
2 SAVE ARRAY - Save a multidimensional array to a binary file 2.0=COMMAND:SAVEARRAY
2 SAVE DATA - Save info about all open workareas to an array 2.0=COMMAND:SAVEDATA
2 SAVE SET - Save the SET environment to a file 2.0=COMMAND:SAVESET
2 SAVE VIRTUAL - Save current record to Virtual record 2.0=COMMAND:SAVEVIRTUAL
2 SEARCH - Search all fields in a set of databases for a value (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:SEARCH
2 SEEK - Seek a record in a set of Scoped Records 1.3=COMMAND:SEEK
2 SELECT - Select a database from a picklist of open files 2.0=COMMAND:SELECT
2 SET - Pop up an editing screen for all SET environment variables (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:SET
2 SET <var> - Set and/or view an environment variable 2.0=COMMAND:SETvar
2 SET AUTOLOCK - Toggle automatic File/Record locking 2.0=COMMAND:SETAUTOLOCK
2 SET BATCH - Create a command to run a batch file 2.0=COMMAND:SETBATCH
2 SET COMMAND - Create a command to run an executable program 2.0=COMMAND:SETCOMMAND
2 SET DBE | RDD - Select a database driver 2.0=COMMAND:SETDBERDD
2 SET DOSKEY - Set Dot-Prompt command stack to DOS-Key emulation 2.0=COMMAND:SETDOSKEY
2 SET DOTSTACK - Set the size of the Dot-prompt command stack 2.0=COMMAND:SETDOTSTACK
2 SET EDITOR - Establish the default source code editor 2.0=COMMAND:SETEDITOR
2 SET FLDKEY - Establish the hot key for popping up a field list 2.0=COMMAND:SETFLDKEY
2 SET GUI - Set the Dialogue mode to GUI or TEXT (DUAL) 2.0=COMMAND:SETGUI
2 SET ODIR - Establish the working directory for .OBJ files 2.0=COMMAND:SETODIR
2 SET ODPERCENT - Set percentage update of progress odometer (DUAL) 2.0=COMMAND:SETODPERCENT
2 SET PDIR - Establish the working directory for .PRG files 2.0=COMMAND:SETPDIR
2 SET PROCEDURE - Create a command to run a function or procedure 2.0=COMMAND:SETPROCEDURE
2 SET PROMPT - Establish the type of prompt for the Dot-prompt (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:SETPROMPT
2 SET RELATION - Set a relation with a child scope 2.0=COMMAND:SETRELATION
2 SET SCOPE - Set a scoping value for the current work area 2.0=COMMAND:SETSCOPE
2 SET STATUS - Toggle display of GUI Status Window (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:SETSTATUS
2 SET TALK - Toggle display of pre-processed output (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:SETTALK
2 SET USEEXCLDATA - Force Exclusive use of application databases 2.0=COMMAND:SETUSEEXCLDATA
2 SET XPPOPT - Set the default Compiler switches 2.0=COMMAND:SETXPPOPT
2 SET XPPPATH - Set the directory when the Compiler resides 2.0=COMMAND:SETXPPPATH
2 SKIP - Skip <n> records in a set of Scoped Records 2.0=COMMAND:SKIP
2 STACK - Display the callstack and optionally edit the source (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:STACK
2 SUM - Sum numeric fields in selected database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:SUM
2 TAG - Build or add to a Record Tag Array 2.0=COMMAND:TAG
2 TAG CLEAR - Clear the Record Tag Array 2.0=COMMAND:TAGCLEAR
2 UNLOCK - Unlock the current record 2.0=COMMAND:UNLOCK
2 USE - Open a database file in a work area 2.0=COMMAND:USE
2 USER EDIT - Maintain the DCUSERS.DBF User Database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:USEREDIT
2 UTIL - A menu of database utilities (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:UTIL
2 WHERE PUBLIC - List .OBJ(s) that contain public function 2.0=COMMAND:WHEREPUBLIC
2 WHERE SOURCE - Display a list of .OBJ/.PRG files containing PUBLIC proc (DUAL) 2.0=COMMAND:WHERESOURCE
2 ZAP - Zap the database (GUI) 2.0=COMMAND:ZAP
2 USER-DEFINED COMMANDS - Create a User-Defined object for displaying with GUI reader 1.3=COMMAND:USERDEFINEDCOMMANDS
2 DCAPICK - A dialogue for choosing a item from an array pick list. (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCAPICK
2 DCREPORT FORM - A Windows compatible replacement for REPORT FORM (GUI) 1.3=COMMAND:DCREPORTFORM
1 Functions
2 dc_readguitypeahead() - Enable Keyboard typeahead buffer in GUI dialogs 1.7=FUNCTION:dc_readguitypeahead()
2 dc_scopeexpress - Use eXPress++ scoping system in lieu of Xbase++ 0.0=FUNCTION:dc_scopeexpress
2 dc_tabactivate() - Activate a Tab Page 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_tabactivate()
2 dc_winmenudestroymode() - A Get-Set function for setting AUTOWINMENU destroy mode 1.7=FUNCTION:dc_winmenudestroymode()
2 dc_readguihandler() - Post a "default" event handler for DC_ReadGui() 1.7=FUNCTION:dc_readguihandler()
2 dc_batch() - Process a Batch file with Dot-Prompt commands 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_batch()
2 dc_batchnewthread() - Process a Batch file in a new thread 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_batchnewthread()
2 dc_blank() - Blank all fields in the current record 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_blank()
2 dc_browsedb() - A text-based Database browsing system (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_browsedb()
2 dc_codeedit() - Edit a Code Table (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codeedit()
2 dc_create() - Create a new database 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_create()
2 dc_dbstru() - Display the structure of the selected database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbstru()
2 dc_dbstruw() - Display the structure of the selected database (wide format) (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbstruw()
2 dc_isblank() - Test to determine if all the fields in a record are empty 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_isblank()
2 dc_random() - Return a random number between 0 and 255 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_random()
2 DBU - A Gui Database Management Utility (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:DBU
2 dc_abigelem() - Return element of longest string in an array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_abigelem()
2 dc_achoice() - A Dual-Mode replacement for ACHOICE() (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_achoice()
2 dc_acompare() - Compare two arrays 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_acompare()
2 dc_aconvert() - Convert a Ragged array to a Parallel array and vice-versa 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_aconvert()
2 dc_addcargo() - Add cargo to the GetList (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_addcargo()
2 dc_addrec() - Append a new record and lock the record 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_addrec()
2 dc_addsetkeys() - Convert all SET KEYS to DCHOTKEY commands (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_addsetkeys()
2 dc_alert() - A Dual-Mode replacement for Clipper's ALERT() function (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_alert()
2 dc_andbits() - A logical AND of two bytes 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_andbits()
2 dc_apick() - A dialogue for choosing a item from an array pick list. (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_apick()
2 dc_appendmode() - Set the default mode of operation for DC_AddRec() 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_appendmode()
2 dc_appevent() - Post an Event Loop (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_appevent()
2 dc_appeventdefine() - Translate AppEvent() value to DEFINE value (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_appeventdefine()
2 dc_appkeydefine() - Translate AppEvent() keyboard value to DEFINE value (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_appkeydefine()
2 dc_ar2str() - Convert a multidimensional array to a string 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_ar2str()
2 dc_arestore() - Restore a multidimensional array from a binary file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_arestore()
2 dc_areverse() - Reverse all elements in an array 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_areverse()
2 dc_array_r() - Create a multi-dimensional array from an array text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_array_r()
2 dc_array_w() - Write contents of a multi-dimensional array to file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_array_w()
2 dc_array2prg() - Save the contents of a multidimensional array to source code 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_array2prg()
2 dc_arrayview() - A Tree style array/object browser (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_arrayview()
2 dc_asave() - Save a multidimensional array to a binary file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_asave()
2 dc_at_clear() - Clear all prompts added by DC_At_Prompt() (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_at_clear()
2 dc_at_prompt() - A moused replacement for AT..PROMPT (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_at_prompt()
2 dc_atnext() - Find the next occurrence of a string in another string 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_atnext()
2 dc_atoattr() - Convert a Clipper color string to a screen color attribute (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_atoattr()
2 dc_attrtoa() - Convert a screen color attribute to a color string (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_attrtoa()
2 dc_autoresize() - Resize all objects to fit on the resized parent (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_autoresize()
2 dc_average() - Average numeric fields in selected database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_average()
2 dc_bin2num() - Converts a Binary String to a Number 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_bin2num()
2 dc_bitmapdraw() - Redraw a Bitmap Object on a GUI dialog screen (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_bitmapdraw()
2 dc_bitmaptransparentcolor() - Set RGB transparent color for pushbutton bitmaps 1.7=FUNCTION:dc_bitmaptransparentcolor()
2 dc_bittest() - Tests if a bit is set to 1 or 0 in a number 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_bittest()
2 dc_bof() - Is the record pointer at the beginning of the file? 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_bof()
2 dc_browcelledit() - Edit Cells of a Browse Object (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_browcelledit()
2 dc_browcelleditexit() - Force an exit of the Browse Cell Editor (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_browcelleditexit()
2 dc_browpres() - A Get/Set function for browse presentation parameters. 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_browpres()
2 dc_browseautoseek() - Seek a record/array element based on a data entered into a G (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_browseautoseek()
2 dc_browserow() - Set or return the row (element) of a browse (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_browserow()
2 dc_browsesort() - Set Sort Header options for @..DCBROWSE (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_browsesort()
2 dc_byteshift() - Shift a byte a specified number of bits 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_byteshift()
2 dc_calcabsoluteposition() - Calculate desktop position from an objects coordinates 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_calcabsoluteposition()
2 dc_callstack() - Display the callstack and optionally edit the source (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_callstack()
2 dc_capfirst() - Capitalize the first character of each word. 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_capfirst()
2 dc_cascadecoords() - Returns coordinates to cascade a window (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_cascadecoords()
2 dc_cdow() - Translated name of the Day of Week 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_cdow()
2 dc_celledittimeout() - Set a timeout for the Cell-Editor (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_celledittimeout()
2 dc_centerobject() - Center an Object (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_centerobject()
2 dc_cgigetenvval() - Read an environment variable in a CGI program 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgigetenvval()
2 dc_cgigetparmval() - Read a data variable in a CGI program 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgigetparmval()
2 dc_cgiinit() - Initialize CGI environment 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgiinit()
2 dc_cginocrsend() - Send data to the web browser without a CR 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cginocrsend()
2 dc_cgiparamarray() - Return an array of all Data Variables 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgiparamarray()
2 dc_cgisend() - Send data to the web browser 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgisend()
2 dc_cgisetparmval() - Set a data variable in a CGI program 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgisetparmval()
2 dc_cgistuff() - Stuff an HTML response template with data 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgistuff()
2 dc_cgitrans() - Write a transacation to log file 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgitrans()
2 dc_cgiupdate() - Update a database from an array of information 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_cgiupdate()
2 dc_chdir() - Change dos directory 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_chdir()
2 dc_childcount() - Report the number of child work areas 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_childcount()
2 dc_chrsel() - Choose a character from an ASCII Character Chart (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_chrsel()
2 dc_clearevents() - Clear all events out of the Event Queue (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_clearevents()
2 dc_closearea() - Close the database that is open in the current work area 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_closearea()
2 dc_clrarr() - Initialize or modify the Color Array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_clrarr()
2 dc_clrscope() - Clear scoping values for the current work area 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_clrscope()
2 dc_cls() - Perform a clear screen of a window created by DC_EXPL() (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_cls()
2 dc_cmonth() - Translated name of the Month 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_cmonth()
2 dc_codedelete() - Delete a code table (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codedelete()
2 dc_codeget() - Get a choice from a code table (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codeget()
2 dc_codeimp() - Import a code table (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codeimp()
2 dc_codeload() - Load a code table into an array (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codeload()
2 dc_codepick() - Pick a code table from the Code Table File (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codepick()
2 dc_coderename() - Rename a Code Table (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_coderename()
2 dc_codesave() - Save a code table array to the Code Table file (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_codesave()
2 dc_color() - Set the current screen color value (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_color()
2 dc_color2array() - Convert a color string to an array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_color2array()
2 dc_color2gra() - Convert a color string to a GUI compatible color (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_color2gra()
2 dc_coloradd() - Add a new color set to the Color Array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_coloradd()
2 dc_colordel() - Delete a color set from the Color Array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_colordel()
2 dc_colorlist() - Convert a GRA_CLR_* numeric index to a description array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_colorlist()
2 dc_colormode() - Enable or Disable Color / Monochrome display mode (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_colormode()
2 dc_colorrest() - Restore a color set (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_colorrest()
2 dc_colorsave() - Save the current color set (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_colorsave()
2 dc_colorsel() - Select a color set from the Color Array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_colorsel()
2 dc_compile() - Compile a source .PRG or all changed .PRGs 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_compile()
2 dc_copynew() - Copy only new files to another directory 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_copynew()
2 dc_count() - Count records in selected database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_count()
2 dc_crindex() - Create an index file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_crindex()
2 dc_crtrun() - Run a text-based procedure in a new CRT Window (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_crtrun()
2 dc_crtrunwindow() - Set the CRT Window for DC_CrtRun() (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_crtrunwindow()
2 dc_crtwindow() - Create a Crt Window to be used later with DC_CrtRun() (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_crtwindow()
2 dc_curpath() - Get the current dos directory 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_curpath()
2 dc_dataconvert() - Convert a database to a different DBE driver 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dataconvert()
2 dc_datarest() - Restore work areas 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_datarest()
2 dc_datasave() - Save info about all open workareas to an array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_datasave()
2 dc_dbchcreate() - Create a database or array pick-list object 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbchcreate()
2 dc_dbchoice() - A browse-style, moused, database/array pick-list (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbchoice()
2 dc_dbcontinue() - Continue Locating a record in a set of Scoped Records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbcontinue()
2 dc_dbcreate() - Create a database from structure in parallel-array format (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbcreate()
2 dc_dbedit() - A Dual-Mode replacement for DBEDIT() (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbedit()
2 dc_dbeval() - Evaluate set of expression for a database with active Escape 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbeval()
2 dc_dbfile() - Open a database file in a work area 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbfile()
2 dc_dbfname() - Get the full path database name of an open work area 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbfname()
2 dc_dbfsel() - Select a database from a picklist of open files (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbfsel()
2 dc_dbgobottom() - Go to the Bottom of a set of Scoped Records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbgobottom()
2 dc_dbgoposition() - Moves the record pointer to a percent position in a work are 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbgoposition()
2 dc_dbgotop() - Go to the Top of a set of Scoped Records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbgotop()
2 dc_dblocate() - Locate a record in a set of Scoped Records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dblocate()
2 dc_dbseek() - Seek a record in a set of Scoped Records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbseek()
2 dc_dbskip() - Skip <n> records in a set of Scoped Records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dbskip()
2 dc_dbstruct() - Get the structure of a database in various formats 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbstruct()
2 dc_dbu() - A Gui Database Management Utility (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dbu()
2 dc_debugqout() - Send debug information to a debugging CRT window (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_debugqout()
2 dc_debugqoutappendblock() - Send debug information to a debugging CRT window (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_debugqoutappendblock()
2 dc_dec2hex() - Returns a hexidecimal number from a numeric value 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dec2hex()
2 dc_delete() - Mark record(s) for deletion 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_delete()
2 dc_dir() - Display a directory of files or databases (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dir()
2 dc_dispbegin() - Begin buffering screen output (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dispbegin()
2 dc_dispclear() - Clear the screen output buffers (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dispclear()
2 dc_dispend() - End buffering screen output (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dispend()
2 dc_dispmem() - Display the contents of a memory file or current memory (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dispmem()
2 dc_dlllist() - List all loaded dynamic .DLLs (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dlllist()
2 dc_dllload() - Load a dynamic .DLL 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dllload()
2 dc_dllunload() - UnLoad a dynamic .DLL 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dllunload()
2 dc_do() - A handy method of creating a late-binding call to a function 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_do()
2 dc_docase() - Evaluate a list of expressions based on a CASE condition 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_docase()
2 dc_dot() - A Dot-Prompt Interpreter (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dot()
2 dc_dotdoskey() - Set DC_Dot() command stack operation to Dos-Key emulation (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dotdoskey()
2 dc_dothotkey() - Set the Dot-Prompt hot key (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_dothotkey()
2 dc_dotsize() - Set the size of the Dot-Prompt command stack (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_dotsize()
2 dc_dowhile() - Evaluate a list of expressions based on a CASE condition 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_dowhile()
2 dc_drag() - Drag window coordinates and return a coordinate array (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_drag()
2 dc_editconfig() - Edit a source file (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_editconfig()
2 dc_editprg() - Edit a source file (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_editprg()
2 dc_envirrest() - Restore the environment from an array or file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_envirrest()
2 dc_envirsave() - Save the entire environment to an array or file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_envirsave()
2 dc_eof() - Is the record pointer at the end of the file? 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_eof()
2 dc_erase() - Delete a file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_erase()
2 dc_errormsg() - Display an array of error messages in a window (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_errormsg()
2 dc_expl() - Explode a Text or GUI dialogue window (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_expl()
2 dc_explmode() - Enable/Disable exploding windows (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_explmode()
2 dc_explode() - Explode a window (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_explode()
2 dc_fancybuttonmode() - Enable or disable FANCY pushbuttons (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_fancybuttonmode()
2 dc_fielddel() - Delete a field group from the field group dictionary (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fielddel()
2 dc_fieldedit() - Field Dictionary Editor (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fieldedit()
2 dc_fieldload() - Load a field Group Array from the Field Dictionary (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fieldload()
2 dc_fieldpick() - Choose a field group or browse the field group dictionary (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fieldpick()
2 dc_fieldsave() - Save a Field Group Array to the Field Dictionary (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fieldsave()
2 dc_fieldvalidate() - Validate a value in a field during data entry (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fieldvalidate()
2 dc_fieldwblock() - A replacement for FieldWBlock() for debugging 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_fieldwblock()
2 dc_fieldwdebug() - Enable debug window for Get/Set field code blocks 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_fieldwdebug()
2 dc_filearray() - Capture work area(s) to a file definition array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_filearray()
2 dc_filedel() - Delete a file group from the DCFILES.DBF dictionary (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_filedel()
2 dc_fileedit() - A Database File / Work area Definition editor (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fileedit()
2 dc_fileimp() - Import File Group(s) from the Import File Dictionary (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fileimp()
2 dc_fileload() - Load a file group array from the file dictionary 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fileload()
2 dc_filepik() - Pick a file (work-area) group from the file dictionary (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_filepik()
2 dc_filerest() - Restore work areas, indexes, relations, from dictionary 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_filerest()
2 dc_filesave() - Save Work area definition array to dictionary (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_filesave()
2 dc_filock() - Lock the current file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_filock()
2 dc_find() - GUI dialog for finding a record using an index (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_find()
2 dc_findbrowse() - A browse-window find utility that uses AutoSeek (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_findbrowse()
2 dc_findbrowsesort() - Set Sort Header options for DC_FindBrowse() (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_findbrowsesort()
2 dc_fornext() - Evaluate a list of expressions in a FOR..NEXT loop 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_fornext()
2 dc_getactive() - Return the currently active GET object (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getactive()
2 dc_getactiveinfo() - Return the currently active GET object (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getactiveinfo()
2 dc_getanchorcb() - Create a codeblock to anchor local variables to the GetList 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getanchorcb()
2 dc_getbitmap() - Create a bitmap object from any source 1.6=FUNCTION:dc_getbitmap()
2 dc_getbrowarray() - Get or Store an array pointer from/to Array Browse (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getbrowarray()
2 dc_getcargo() - Get and/or set the cargo of an object 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getcargo()
2 dc_getcolarray() - Get Column array information from a DCBROWSE array browse (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getcolarray()
2 dc_getcombomode() - Set mouse mode for @..DCGET..COMBO 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_getcombomode()
2 dc_getdestroy() - Destroy all objects in the Dialog Getlist (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getdestroy()
2 dc_getdevout() - A Replacement for DevPos()/DevOut() when writing @SAY..GETS (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getdevout()
2 dc_getdisplay() - Display a GET on the screen if it falls in scroll region (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getdisplay()
2 dc_getlisttype() - Return the "define" name of a Get Object from it's type (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getlisttype()
2 dc_getlistvalidate() - Validate all objects in GetList (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getlistvalidate()
2 dc_getobject() - Return a pointer to an object from an ID name (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getobject()
2 dc_getoptdefault() - Set the Default options for the GUI Reader (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getoptdefault()
2 dc_getorigset() - Set the original values of the Dialog items in the Getlist (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getorigset()
2 dc_getorigupdated() - Test the original values of the Dialog items in the Getlist (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getorigupdated()
2 dc_getpopupcaption() - Set the default caption for the POPUP pushbutton (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getpopupcaption()
2 dc_getpopupprotecthide() - A Get-Set function for hiding protected POPUP buttons (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getpopupprotecthide()
2 dc_getprogress() - Update a Progress bar object (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getprogress()
2 dc_getrefresh() - Refresh the display of all objects in the Get List (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getrefresh()
2 dc_getvalidate() - Run validation logic in the GetList (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getvalidate()
2 dc_getwhen() - Refresh the WHEN/HIDE status of object(s) in the GetList (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getwhen()
2 dc_getworkarea() - Get the actual working area of the Desktop (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_getworkarea()
2 dc_gotoget() - Go directly to a desired GET (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_gotoget()
2 dc_gra2color() - Convert GUI compatible color to a color string (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_gra2color()
2 dc_graquerytextbox() - Get the width and height of a text string based on a font (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_graquerytextbox()
2 dc_gui() - Set the Dialogue mode to GUI or TEXT (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_gui()
2 dc_guiabrowse() - Browse a multi-dimensional array using Tree-View (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_guiabrowse()
2 dc_guiachoice() - A GUI replacement for ACHOICE() (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_guiachoice()
2 dc_guialert() - A GUI replacement for ALERT() (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_guialert()
2 dc_guialertcolor() - Preset the foreground/background color of DC_GuiAlert() (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_guialertcolor()
2 dc_guigrumpbrow() - An emulation of Greg Lief's GrumpBrow() (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_guigrumpbrow()
2 dc_guipopcalc() - A popup, full-function calculator (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_guipopcalc()
2 dc_hunt() - Hunt for a record by search all indexes (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_hunt()
2 dc_icondefault() - Set Default Icon for Dialog Windows (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_icondefault()
2 dc_ifelse() - Evaluate a list of expressions based on a condition 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_ifelse()
2 dc_impl() - Implode a dialogue window created by dc_expl() (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_impl()
2 dc_implode() - Implode a window created by dc_explode() (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_implode()
2 dc_indexfilt() - Return the Conditional Index Expression 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_indexfilt()
2 dc_indexkey() - Return the current index key expression 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_indexkey()
2 dc_iniload() - Load an array from a *.INI (initialization) file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_iniload()
2 dc_iniread() - Read a parameter from a *.INI (initialization) file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_iniread()
2 dc_inisave() - Save an array to a *.INI (initialization) file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_inisave()
2 dc_iniwrite() - Write a parameter to a *.INI (initialization) file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_iniwrite()
2 dc_inkey() - Moused replacement for INKEY() 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_inkey()
2 dc_inkeydsp() - Display Inkey() and AppEvent() values for pressed keys (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_inkeydsp()
2 dc_inkeyeval() - Post a code block for evaluation by DC_INKEY() 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_inkeyeval()
2 dc_inkeyrelease() - Require mouse to be released or positioned in specified area 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_inkeyrelease()
2 dc_inspectobject() - An Xbase Parts Object Inspector (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_inspectobject()
2 dc_interpret() - Interpret a command string 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_interpret()
2 dc_isanum() - Is a character alphanumeric? 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_isanum()
2 dc_isapprunning() - Test if an application is running 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_isapprunning()
2 dc_isdescend() - Is the current index a Descending index? 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_isdescend()
2 dc_ispath() - Is a directory listed in an Environment string? 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_ispath()
2 dc_isshared() - Is a work area opened in Shared mode? 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_isshared()
2 dc_isstru() - Verify the structure of a database 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_isstru()
2 dc_isunique() - Is the current index a Unique index? 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_isunique()
2 dc_keycount() - Return the number of "active" records 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_keycount()
2 dc_keyno() - Return the ordinal position of the current record 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_keyno()
2 dc_keystat() - Enable or disable scoping 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_keystat()
2 dc_keytran() - Translate AppEvent() keyboard value to Inkey() value 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_keytran()
2 dc_langblock() - Post a code-block for language translator 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_langblock()
2 dc_langmsg() - Translate a message by language 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_langmsg()
2 dc_langset() - Set the default language for eXPress++ messages 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_langset()
2 dc_lockmaint() - Maintain the "Lock" definition database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_lockmaint()
2 dc_log() - Write system status to a log file (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_log()
2 dc_memoedit() - A Dual-Mode replacement for MemoEdit() (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_memoedit()
2 dc_menu_p() - A nested, moused pull-down menu-system (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menu_p()
2 dc_menu_to() - A moused replacement for MENU TO (__menuto()) (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menu_to()
2 dc_menuaccel() - Process a menu Accelerator key (TEXT) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menuaccel()
2 dc_menuarray() - Create an array of mouse buttons for a single-line menu bar (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menuarray()
2 dc_menubar() - Paint a menu bar with key characters highlighted (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menubar()
2 dc_menucompile() - Compile a Menu Array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menucompile()
2 dc_menuedit() - A Complex Pull-Down Menu Editor (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menuedit()
2 dc_menuload() - Load a menu from the Menu Dictionary (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menuload()
2 dc_menulock() - Lock all Menu items (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menulock()
2 dc_menumain() - An "integrated" menu system with a bar and pull-downs (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menumain()
2 dc_menupick() - Pop up a Pick list of all menus in the Menu Dictionary (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menupick()
2 dc_menupull() - A nested, moused pull-down menu-system (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menupull()
2 dc_menurun() - Run a menu (DUAL) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_menurun()
2 dc_menuto() - A Moused replacement for MENU TO (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_menuto()
2 dc_mergeblocks() - Merge two code blocks for later evaluation 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mergeblocks()
2 dc_mergegetlists() - Merge two GetLists into one (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mergegetlists()
2 dc_modstru() - Modify the structure of a database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_modstru()
2 dc_moubutton() - Test the status of the mouse buttons (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moubutton()
2 dc_mouclick() - Set the mouse button double-click delay (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mouclick()
2 dc_moucol() - Get current screen column of mouse cursor (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moucol()
2 dc_moudisable() - Disable the mouse functions (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moudisable()
2 dc_mouenable() - Enable the mouse functions (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mouenable()
2 dc_mougetevent() - Get a mouse event from the Mouse Click buffer (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mougetevent()
2 dc_mougetpos() - Get the current row and column of the mouse (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mougetpos()
2 dc_mouhide() - Hide the mouse cursor (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mouhide()
2 dc_mouinitialize() - Initialize the mouse functions (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mouinitialize()
2 dc_moupresent() - Is a mouse present? (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moupresent()
2 dc_mourow() - Get current screen row of mouse cursor (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mourow()
2 dc_mousebutton() - Paint a mouse button on the screen (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mousebutton()
2 dc_mousekey() - Scan array of mouse buttons and stuff keyboard or evaluate (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mousekey()
2 dc_mousetpos() - Set the current row and column of the mouse (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mousetpos()
2 dc_moushow() - Show the mouse at it's current screen position (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moushow()
2 dc_moustart() - Enable automatic keyboard stuffing on a Mouse Click (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moustart()
2 dc_moustop() - Turn off the Mouse Event driver (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moustop()
2 dc_mouvisible() - Is the mouse cursor visible? (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_mouvisible()
2 dc_moveobject() - Move or resize an Xbase Parts object with the mouse (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_moveobject()
2 dc_msgbox() - Display an array of messages in a window (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_msgbox()
2 dc_msgboxgui() - Force DC_MsgBox() to always display a GUI dialog (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_msgboxgui()
2 dc_msgboxtitle() - Set the default title for DC_MsgBox() (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_msgboxtitle()
2 dc_num2bin() - Converts a Decimal number to a Binary String 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_num2bin()
2 dc_num2word() - Convert an integer number to a 2-byte word 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_num2word()
2 dc_numincr() - Increment a numeric value within a string 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_numincr()
2 dc_objload() - Dynamically load an Xbase++ compiled .OBJ for execution 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_objload()
2 dc_objpublic() - List .OBJ(s) that contain public function (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_objpublic()
2 dc_objsource() - Get the source code name from an .OBJ file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_objsource()
2 dc_objsourcelist() - Display a list of .OBJ/.PRG files containing PUBLIC proc (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_objsourcelist()
2 dc_odblock() - Get a Progress indicator code block to pass to dbeval() (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_odblock()
2 dc_odometer() - Display a progress indicator for database/index operations (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_odometer()
2 dc_odpercent() - Set numeric value for progress indicator percentage of updat (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_odpercent()
2 dc_openindex() - Open a set of index files 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_openindex()
2 dc_pack() - Pack the current database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_pack()
2 dc_parent() - Get the Alias name of the Parent database 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_parent()
2 dc_parentval() - Get the Alias name of the Parent database 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_parentval()
2 dc_path() - Return the path or file name from a file specification strin 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_path()
2 dc_pathfound() - Return the directory name in which a file is found 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_pathfound()
2 dc_pause() - Pause program execution for a specified amount of time 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_pause()
2 dc_pickcase() - A function that replaces CASE..ENDCASE statements 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_pickcase()
2 dc_pointerarrow() - Set the mouse pointer to an arrow (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_pointerarrow()
2 dc_pointerwait() - Set the mouse pointer to an hourglass (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_pointerwait()
2 dc_popcalc() - A popup, full-function calculator (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_popcalc()
2 dc_popcolor() - A pop-up dialog for selecting Colors (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_popcolor()
2 dc_popdate() - A pop-up calendar for selecting a date (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_popdate()
2 dc_popdatestart() - Select Monday or Sunday as start of week (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_popdatestart()
2 dc_popdir() - A dialog for choosing a directory (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_popdir()
2 dc_popfile() - A dialog for choosing a file (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_popfile()
2 dc_popfont() - A pop-up dialog for selecting a Font name (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_popfont()
2 dc_poppresalign() - A popup dialog for selection Presentation Alignment (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_poppresalign()
2 dc_poppresborder() - A popup dialog for selection Presentation Border (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_poppresborder()
2 dc_poppreslayout() - A popup dialog for selection Presentation Layout (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_poppreslayout()
2 dc_poppressep() - A popup dialog for selection Presentation Separator (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_poppressep()
2 dc_popscrn() - Restore a screen area from the screen stack (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_popscrn()
2 dc_presadd() - Add Presentation Parameters to a PP Array (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_presadd()
2 dc_presedit() - A GUI Editor for a Presentation Parameters Array (GUI) 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_presedit()
2 dc_printclipboard() - Print the contents of the ClipBoard (BitMap Only) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printclipboard()
2 dc_printercol() - Returns the current Printer Column position (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printercol()
2 dc_printerdialog() - A Printer Dialog for setting up printing options (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printerdialog()
2 dc_printerobject() - Return a reference to the static printer object (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printerobject()
2 dc_printeroff() - Destroy a printer object (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printeroff()
2 dc_printerok() - Test whether or not the user aborted the Print process (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printerok()
2 dc_printeron() - Create a printer class object for @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printeron()
2 dc_printerrow() - Returns the current Printer Row position (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printerrow()
2 dc_printfile() - Print an ASCII file using Windows Print Driver (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_printfile()
2 dc_progload() - Load a Program from the Program Dictionary to an Array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_progload()
2 dc_progmaint() - Maintain the DCPROG.DBF Program Dictionary File (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_progmaint()
2 dc_program() - Run a Program from the Program Dictionary 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_program()
2 dc_progress() - Display a Progress bar (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_progress()
2 dc_purge() - Purge duplicate records from a database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_purge()
2 dc_putkey() - Stuff any keyboard value into Keyboard Buffer 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_putkey()
2 dc_qout() - Send data to the default CRT window (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_qout()
2 dc_qoutwindow() - Establish or Create a CRT window for debugging GUI apps (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_qoutwindow()
2 dc_rddsel() - Select a database driver (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_rddsel()
2 dc_readalt() - Establish alternate usage of Ctrl-END in table of Gets (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readalt()
2 dc_readapick() - Pops up array pick-list if GET not valid or double-clicked (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readapick()
2 dc_readbox() - Create a modal dialog box and Mouse Buttons for DC_ReadModal (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readbox()
2 dc_readcapfirst() - Capitalize all first letters of all words in all GETs (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readcapfirst()
2 dc_readclick() - Evaluate code-block if mouse is double-clicked in a GET (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readclick()
2 dc_readcolor() - A function for validating color strings in a GET (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readcolor()
2 dc_readcua() - Set CUA-Compliance for Navigating Gets (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readcua()
2 dc_readcut() - Establish the keys to use for cutting and pasting Gets (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readcut()
2 dc_readdpick() - Pops up database or array pick-list in a GET (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readdpick()
2 dc_readempty() - Validate that a GET is not empty or display message (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readempty()
2 dc_reader() - A Replacement for GetReader() that works with mouse (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_reader()
2 dc_readgets() - Process the Getlist array with the Text or GUI reader (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readgets()
2 dc_readgui() - Process the Getlist array with the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readgui()
2 dc_readguidebug() - Enable/Disable DEBUG mode in the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readguidebug()
2 dc_readguieval() - Post a code block for later evaluating in DC_ReadGui() (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readguieval()
2 dc_readguievent() - Create an event to control the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readguievent()
2 dc_readguieventloop() - Start up an event loop that is compatible with GetList (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readguieventloop()
2 dc_readguilastkey() - Process the Getlist array with the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readguilastkey()
2 dc_readguimenuaccess() - Assign a set of keys to open menu or tree locks (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readguimenuaccess()
2 dc_readhelp() - Post a code-block for F1 help when using DC_ReadGets() (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readhelp()
2 dc_readincr() - A "VALID" function for incrementing a GET value with the mou (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readincr()
2 dc_readkill() - Return, and/or set, whether current READ should be exited (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readkill()
2 dc_readmodal() - A moused and robust replacement for ReadModal() (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readmodal()
2 dc_readmodalsize() - Set the size of the static array for DC_ReadModal() (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readmodalsize()
2 dc_readnav() - Enable an alternative navigation method for GETS (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readnav()
2 dc_readvar() - Update a check box or Radio Button GET (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readvar()
2 dc_readwindow() - Establish scroll-region for DC_ReadModal() GETS (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_readwindow()
2 dc_recall() - Recall record(s) that were previously marked for deletion 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_recall()
2 dc_reclock() - Lock the current record 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_reclock()
2 dc_rectag() - Build or add to a Record Tag Array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_rectag()
2 dc_rectagclear() - Clear the Record Tag Array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_rectagclear()
2 dc_regquery() - Read a parameter from the Windows Registry 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_regquery()
2 dc_regwrite() - Write a parameter to the Windows Registry 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_regwrite()
2 dc_replace() - Assign new values to field variables using GUI dialog 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_replace()
2 dc_restset() - Restore all SETs from an array 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_restset()
2 dc_reuseexclusive() - Re-Use a database Exclusive 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_reuseexclusive()
2 dc_saveset() - Save all SETs to an array 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_saveset()
2 dc_say() - Perform @..SAYs relative to coordinates in dc_expl() window (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_say()
2 dc_saycenter() - Write a string in the center of an area of the screen (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_saycenter()
2 dc_scrldata() - Display a database vertical scroll bar (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrldata()
2 dc_scrldmou() - Return a record pointer from database scroll-bar mouse-click (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrldmou()
2 dc_scrldthumb() - Enable display of database vertical scroll bar thumb (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrldthumb()
2 dc_scrlhbar() - Display a horizontal scroll bar (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrlhbar()
2 dc_scrlhmou() - Return an array pointer from horizontal scroll-bar mouse-cli (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrlhmou()
2 dc_scrlvbar() - Display a vertical scroll bar (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrlvbar()
2 dc_scrlvmou() - Return an array pointer from vertical scroll-bar mouse-click (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrlvmou()
2 dc_scrn2clipboard() - Capture current dialog screen to the ClipBoard (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_scrn2clipboard()
2 dc_search() - Search all fields in a set of databases for a value (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_search()
2 dc_setappfocus() - Set Focus to a specified object (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setappfocus()
2 dc_setdclip() - Set the directory to use for dCLIP data-dictionary files 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setdclip()
2 dc_setdefault() - Set the DEFAULT directory the right way 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setdefault()
2 dc_setedit() - Pop up an editing screen for all SET environment variables (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_setedit()
2 dc_setkeyactive() - Force DCREAD GUI dialogs to evaluate SET KEY code blocks (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setkeyactive()
2 dc_setpointertree() - Set the mouse pointer on all objects in a tree (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setpointertree()
2 dc_setpopkey() - Set or the return the value of the POPUP hot key 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setpopkey()
2 dc_setrelation() - Set a relation with a child scope 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setrelation()
2 dc_setrest() - Restore the SET environment from a file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_setrest()
2 dc_setsave() - Save the SET environment to a file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_setsave()
2 dc_setscope() - Set a scoping value for the current work area 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_setscope()
2 dc_status() - Display System status window (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_status()
2 dc_str2ar() - Convert a string to a multidimensional array 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_str2ar()
2 dc_struupdate() - Modify the structure of a database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_struupdate()
2 dc_strwrap() - Convert a string to a text array and specify line length 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_strwrap()
2 dc_sum() - Sum numeric fields in selected database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_sum()
2 dc_tagallcreate() - Create index tags for all fields in a database 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_tagallcreate()
2 dc_tagdelete() - Delete a tag from a combined index 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_tagdelete()
2 dc_tbinkey() - A special version of INKEY() for adding mouse to Tbrowse sys (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_tbinkey()
2 dc_testbof() - Test if record pointer is at top of file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_testbof()
2 dc_testeof() - Test if record pointer is at bottom of file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_testeof()
2 dc_token() - Extract a token from a string 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_token()
2 dc_tokenarray() - Parse all tokens in a string to an Array 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_tokenarray()
2 dc_tokenjustify() - Perform text-justfication of tokens in a string 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_tokenjustify()
2 dc_tokennum() - Determine the number of tokens in a string 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_tokennum()
2 dc_translate() - Translate a command line to an array of Functions 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_translate()
2 dc_txtclose() - Close text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtclose()
2 dc_txtcount() - Return the number of lines in an open text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtcount()
2 dc_txteof() - Is file pointer at end of text file? 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txteof()
2 dc_txtfind() - Fast text search for a string within a text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtfind()
2 dc_txtgoto() - Goto a specified line in a text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtgoto()
2 dc_txtline() - Read the current line of a text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtline()
2 dc_txtlno() - Report the current line pointer of an open text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtlno()
2 dc_txtopen() - Open a text file for use with Text file functions 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtopen()
2 dc_txtsize() - Return the size in bytes of an open text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtsize()
2 dc_txtskip() - Skip a specified number of lines in a text file 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtskip()
2 dc_txtword() - Return value of a word in a String by specifying position 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_txtword()
2 dc_updated() - Determine whether a GET changed during a READ (TEXT) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_updated()
2 dc_usearea() - Open a database file in a work area 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_usearea()
2 dc_usedbfprotect() - A Get/Set function for establishing data protection mode 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_usedbfprotect()
2 dc_useraccess() - Determine if Logged-On user has access to a lock 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_useraccess()
2 dc_userfree() - Free the lock on the the User file to allow user access 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_userfree()
2 dc_userinfo() - Get or Set information about Logged-On User 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_userinfo()
2 dc_userlock() - Lock or attempt to lock all users out of the system 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_userlock()
2 dc_userlogin() - Login to application to establish user rights (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_userlogin()
2 dc_usermaint() - Maintain the DCUSERS.DBF User Database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_usermaint()
2 dc_userset() - stablish the Logged-On user from the User Database 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_userset()
2 dc_util() - A menu of database utilities (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_util()
2 dc_validateblock() - Validate a code block string 1.5=FUNCTION:dc_validateblock()
2 dc_valtype() - Validate input parameters and set default values 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_valtype()
2 dc_varfromlistbox() - Store List box choices into memory variable array (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_varfromlistbox()
2 dc_vartolistbox() - Store memory variable array into ListBox (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_vartolistbox()
2 dc_versionexpress() - Returns the current eXPress++ version 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_versionexpress()
2 dc_virtcapt() - Capture the current record to a Virtual record array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_virtcapt()
2 dc_virtrepl() - Replace the current record contents with Virtual record arra 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_virtrepl()
2 dc_virtrest() - Restore the virtual record contents to an array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_virtrest()
2 dc_virtsave() - Save the current record to the virtual record file 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_virtsave()
2 dc_wait() - 3 Dual-Mode replacement for the WAIT command (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_wait()
2 dc_waiton() - A Dual-Mode dialog for "Work in Progress" (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_waiton()
2 dc_winalert() - Popup a GUI alert box (GUI) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_winalert()
2 dc_word2num() - Convert a 2-byte word to an integer number 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_word2num()
2 dc_working() - Display a "Working in Progress" bar (DUAL) 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_working()
2 dc_xcarray() - Return an Array Template for X2CLIP interface 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xcarray()
2 dc_xccall() - Send a message to X2CLIP to perform an operation 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xccall()
2 dc_xcclose() - Close an X2CLIP session 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xcclose()
2 dc_xcopen() - Open an X2CLIP session for database operations 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xcopen()
2 dc_xcreturn() - Return data from the X2CLIP program 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xcreturn()
2 dc_xcupdate() - Update pointers in the X2CLIP program 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xcupdate()
2 dc_xorbits() - A logical EXCLUSIVE OR of two numbers 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xorbits()
2 dc_xpftoarray() - Load the contents of an .XPF memory file to an array 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_xpftoarray()
2 dc_xtoc() - Converts any variable type to a String 1.3=FUNCTION:dc_xtoc()
2 dc_zap() - Zap the database (GUI) 2.0=FUNCTION:dc_zap()
1 Classes
2 dc_printer() - A Printer class for @..SAY style printing (GUI) 1.3=CLASS:dc_printer()
2 dc_settimerevent() - Set a Timer Event 1.6=CLASS:dc_settimerevent()
1 Utilities
2 Template for Multi-Edit Professional Editor=UTIL:MULTIEDITTEMPLATE
2 Xbase to Clipper Interface for improved database performance=UTIL:X2CLIPEXE
2 Convert Clipper .MEM files to Xbase++ .XPP files=UTIL:MEM2XPPEXE
1 Advantage Server DBE
2 FUNCTIONS_ADS_DATA - Ads_*() Data Manipulation Functions (Advantage Server) 1.3=ADSDBE:FUNCTIONS_ADS_DATA
2 FUNCTIONS_ADS_DRIVER - Ads_*() Driver Functions (Advantage Server) 1.3=ADSDBE:FUNCTIONS_ADS_DRIVER
2 FUNCTIONS_ADS_MG - Ads_*() Management Functions (Advantage Server) 1.3=ADSDBE:FUNCTIONS_ADS_MG
2 FUNCTIONS_ADS_SQL - Ads_*() SQL Functions (Advantage Server) 1.3=ADSDBE:FUNCTIONS_ADS_SQL
2 FUNCTIONS_ADS_TABLE - Ads_*() Table Functions (Advantage Server) 1.3=ADSDBE:FUNCTIONS_ADS_TABLE
2 FUNCTIONS_AX - AX_*() Functions (Advantage Server) 1.3=ADSDBE:FUNCTIONS_AX