61288 Site does not support resume downloading. This part job is halted.
61289 Shutdown
61290 FlashGet will shutdown Windows in %d seconds.
61291 HangUp
61292 FlashGet will hangup in %d seconds.
61293 Destination file exists, auto rename
61294 Destination file exists, download job is halted.
61295 Are you sure you want to delete downloading job(s)?
61296 Software,Game,Driver,Mp3
61297 The file on server is the same as the file on the local machine.
61298 The file on the server is newer, you should download it again.
61299 Didn't receive any data within 99 tries, should stop.
61300 Item not found!
61301 Date,Information
61302 Parameter,Value
61303 Detailed Info
61304 URL,Comment,Referer,Resume,Local File,File Date,File Size,Completed,Total Time,Average Speed,Create Time,Complete Time
61305 Add previously downloaded file
61306 Rename
61307 Direct Connection
61308 Http Default,Ftp Default,Title
61309 Links
61310 Title,URL
61311 Some jobs are running, Exit anyway?
61312 Use the same setting for other files?
61313 Error encountered. Download again later.
61314 Thank you for registering FlashGet. Please restart the program. If you have typed your registration data correctly, the banners will be removed.
61315 Connected.
61316 Disconnected
61317 Opening the port...
61318 Port has been opened successfully
61319 Connecting to the device...
61320 The device has connected successfully.
61321 All devices in the device chain have been successfully connected.
61322 Verifying the user name and password...
61323 An authentication event has occurred.
61324 Requested another validation attempt with a new user.
61325 Server has requested a callback number.
61326 The client has requested to change the password
61327 Registering your computer on the network...
61328 The link-speed calculation phase is starting...
61329 An authentication request is being acknowledged.
61330 Reauthentication (after callback) is starting.
61331 The client has successfully completed authentication.
61332 The line is about to disconnect for callback.
61333 Delaying to give the modem time to reset for callback.
61334 Waiting for an incoming call from server.
61335 Projection result information is available.
61336 User authentication is being initiated or retried.
61337 Client has been called back and is about to resume authentication.
61338 Logging on to the network...
61339 Subentry has been connected
61340 Subentry has been disconnected
61341 Terminal state supported by RASPHONE.EXE.
61342 Retry authentication state supported by RASPHONE.EXE.
61343 Callback state supported by RASPHONE.EXE.
61344 Change password state supported by RASPHONE.EXE.
61345 Connect/Disconnect
61346 File size already changed!
61347 Find
61348 Find Next
61349 File is missing, browse for it?
61350 Browse missing file
61351 Are you sure you really want to hangup?
61352 Get previously downloaded files directory
61353 Total add %d files.
61354 Comment
61355 Doesn't include valid URL(s)!
61356 Select export folder:
61357 A newer version(%1) of FlashGet was found.View More Information?
61358 You already have the latest version of FlashGet.
61359 Add Alternate URL
61360 File size is different,can't download from this site.
61361 No Response
61362 Start Ping.
61363 Ping Done!
61364 Start Ftp Search.
61365 Ftp search finished. Total found %d mirror sites.
61366 Download using FlashGet
61367 Download All by FlashGet
61368 URL list files(*.lst)|*.lst|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
61369 File(s)
61370 Byte
61371 URL Mask,Username,Password
61372 Some file(s) can't move!
61373 Please put "http://" or "ftp://" before the address to tell FlashGet what type of connection to use.
61374 Name,Type,Title,URL,Size,Modified,From
61375 You are using a HTTP Proxy for FTP address. This may not work well (if at all) for browsing an FTP site. It is recommended to use a FTP Proxy server.
61376 This action will close FlashGet and all other opened FlashGet windows. Do you want to continue?
61377 No errors detected.
61378 It does not appear to be a valid archive.
61379 CRC Error! Need to redownload %1(%2) bytes. Do you want to continue?
61380 Downloading again will delete current downloaded files. Do you want to continue?
61381 The file '%1',already exists in your list.\n('%2')\n Add this one as alternate(mirrored) URL?
61382 Selecting OK will reset and enable all FlashGet integration with your browser for automatic downloading. Sometimes other programs and utilities will interfere with the integration process, even going to the lengths of changing your user settings in order to keep their hold on your system. Some of these programs are installed without your knowledge or consent and are carried as unacknowledged installations delivered with other well-known packages. Often relying on being loaded at system startup and constantly running, they use up unnecessary processor time on your computer all in an attempt to control your machine.\nIf you experience browser integration problems, run this utility to attempt to restore FlashGet's original functionality. If this fails, locate the conflicting installation and remove it completely. If this still doesn't alleviate the problem, Please re-install FlashGet.\nYou need shut down and restart your computer after reinstallation.
61383 Enable FlashGet browser integration
61384 Main Window
61385 Hide window when minimized
61386 Minimize Main window on clicking X
61387 Close FlashGet when finished download
61388 FlashGet will close in %d seconds.
61389 Confirmations
61390 On program exit when have files downloading
61391 On program exit when tools windows open
61392 Add URL through menu "Download using FlashGet"
61393 Settings confirm when add batch URLs
61394 Speed
61395 HangUp
61396 ShutDown
61397 Exit
61398 Site Explorer
61399 Default Marked Types
61400 Where the file from {specific site}
61401 Where the filename extension is {specific string}
61402 Move it to the {specified} category
61403 New download rule
61404 Favorites
61405 New Folder
61406 (none)
61407 URL already in favorites
61408 Network is unreachable.
61409 Connection reset by peer.
61410 Connection refused.
61411 Please read user manual for more information.
61412 Advanced
61413 Move Job bottom after retry 10 times
61414 Allocates disk space after get filesize
61415 Must include parenthesis in URL.
61416 When a URL is dropped on the DropZone
61417 Display file size in bytes
61418 Your browser is needed to be restarted inorder to finish browser integration
61419 Run FlashGet
61420 Drag and drop links here
61421 Site Manager
61422 Host,Connections,Username
61423 Unlimited
61424 Anonymous
61425 Reach max connections of this site.
61426 Only can use one connection for each file in this site.