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- Version 0.84.481
- Add address and port option for WinLIRC
- Fixed crash with some subttiles
- Fixed problem with MPEG files (file was not closed properly)
- Fixed bug with .ini 'Audio=A' option
- Version 0.84.479
- Added support for multiple audio streams in OGG files
- Version 0.84.476
- Outline font was sometimes turned off when changing subtitles and 'Draw to overlay surface' option was enabled
- Some more chapter bugs fixed
- Version 0.84.475
- Fixed another chapter bug
- Added Borderless option
- Added option to always start movie in full screen mode
- Version 0.84.474
- Fixed bug with VideoCD(.dat) files
- Fixed problems with Elecard MPEG decoder
- Intervideo AC3 settings were not saved under Win 2k/XP, fixed
- DivX 4 decoder shouldn't have flipped picture in RGB mode anymore
- Player will now search for .ini(*.bsi) files with any name on hard drives
- Fixed some problems with chapter viewer
- Version 0.84.473
- Sometimes next/prev CD wasn't properly recognized, fixed
- All problems with chapters should be fixed
- Version 0.84.472
- Frame stepping improved, it's now also possible to step backward, but only to the point where movie was paused
- Fixed some bugs in frame capture
- Fixed 'jumpy frames' bug when seeking with DivX 4.x codec
- In .ini files both [Chapters] and [ChaptersX] sections will be recognized
- Added shortcuts to change VobSub delay and speed from player
- Version 0.84.470
- INI: Now it will only look for .ini (.bsi) file with the same name as the one on first CD.
- 'Audio' and 'DefaultSub' line will be ignored after switch to 2nd (3rd...) CD, so
- it will keep settings from previous CD.
- Fixed subtitle loading bug with absolute path.
- When no chapters were defined, right click would crash player, fixed.
- MDVD codes are now also supported if 'Draw subtitles to overlay surface' option is checked
- Drag & drop now works for .ini and .bsi files too.
- Added 'frame step' function, when movie is paused and seek forward key is pressed(key 'Right' by default) player will step one frame,
- currenty only forward
- Video info, will now also show Title, Author, Copyright for AVI files
- It's now possible to select which filter will be used for playback look at bspfilters.sam file
- Version 0.84.468
- INI: Added option Audio=A (Play all audio streams together) to .ini files
- Chapters handling fixed and improved, player will now ask for correct CD if youu choose chapter
- that is not on current CD (see .\doc\ini_files.html)
- Skins: Fixed problem with vertical buttons and transparency
- Added option for full screen skin
- It's now possible to translate Key definitions text (see English.lng)
- All DirectShow filters should be now in .\filters\ directory
- Improved WinLIRC config, now you can just press key on remote and player will remember it
- Fixed aspect ratios with MPEG1 files
- Fixed bug with subtitles background color
- Some other stuff, but don't remember what....
- Version 0.84.462
- Fixed propblem with some .ASX files
- When enabled 'Draw subtitles to Overlay surface' option and subtitles was manually loaded,
- font was reset to default, fixed
- When enabled 'Draw subtitles to Overlay surface' option and audio stream was changed
- player crashed, fixed
- Version 0.84.461
- INI system changes, .ini file must be now on every CD (see ini_files.html)
- Now it stays in Desktop mode when new file is opened.
- Main window is now minized when in desktop mode
- 'Auto select' option now always puts subtitles under movie in full screen mode
- Fixed bug with uncompressed movies
- Version 0.84.460
- Keys can now be redefined
- All actions can be assigned to WinLIRC buttons
- Added shortcuts for cycling between audio streams and subtitles
- Added option to set volume for every audio stream separately
- Audio stream names are now taken form .AVI file or .ini file<br>
- Added option for outline font
- Added support for .asx playlists
- New .ini options AudioName, StartTime,DefaultSub (look in .\doc\ini_files.html)
- Fixed bug when sometimes movie framerate was reported incorrect
- Sometimes in full screen mode some programs (ICQ..) was still on top, fixed
- ...
- Version 0.84
- New rendering engine
- More subtitle format supported and added support for MDVD control codes
- Added support for Winamp DSP plugins
- Added support for chapters and movies on 2 or more CDs,
- new shortcuts Ctrl+Z/B - Prev/Next chapter, Shift+Z/B - Prev/Next CD,
- you can also use Ctrl/Shift with muse and next/prev buttons
- Added color controls (Brightnes, Contrast...) for MPEG4 files
- Added option to remember all settings for every movie played
- Added option to auto show main window on mouse move
- Added Desktop mode option
- Added over-scan option (4,6,8,2,5 keys on numeric keyboard in full screen mode)
- 'Progressive rendering' option is back
- Added support for DivX 4
- Added support for Dedynamic filter
- Added option to draw subtitles to Overlay surface (usefull for Matrox users)
- Added support for RGB overlays
- Added support for subtitles in AVI files (created with SubMux)
- Added comamnd line option for setting Aspect ratio (ex. -ar=16:9)
- Improved multi audio stream support, now you can choose which streams should play,
- all stremas can also be played together.
- Improved support for external audio files, now you can add more than one file
- and also choose which one should play
- Subtitle font can now be anti-aliased
- OSD font can now be changed
- Limited multi-monitor support
- Some INI files fixes and additions
- Some skins additions, now almost every player command can have it's own button
- Finnaly fixed annoying bug, where DivX 3 settings was set to 0
- Player is now compatible with NT 4
- Decoder filters can now be dynamically loaded
- Some other changes and bug fixes
- Version 0.833
- Added option to remember last movie played
- Fixed bug with Win 2k, there were problems if player was not run under Administrator account
- Fixed bug with seeking, when external audio file was loaded
- Some .ini file fixes, now all paths are relative to location of .ini file
- .ini files have now also .bsi extension, so you can simply click on this file and run everything
- Some other bug fixes
- Version 0.832
- Fixed not playing OpenDivX files bug
- Version 0.831
- Improved bookmarks and added bookmarks editor
- Added recent file list
- Added EQ (DirectX 8 required)
- Fixed resize bug in fullscreen
- Sometimes not all audio streams were find - fixed
- Fixed bug with seeking if Overlay was selected
- Some other bug fixes
- Version 0.83
- Added Option for external audio file
- Added 'Save as' option
- Added better WinLIRC configuration
- Added option to switch between time and frames
- Added option to change resolution when switching to full screen mode
- Added option to 'scroll' video in Pan scan mode (middle mouse button)
- Added bookmarks
- Video can now be resized in full screen mode (+/- keys)
- Added shortcuts for aspect ratios Shift+1/2/3 for Org/16:9/4:3 and A for cycling through all aspect ratios
- Fixed some bugs with subtitles, more than 2 lines are supported now
- Some ini file fixes
- Some other bug fixes and additions
- Version 0.823
- Added option to save AC3 and DivX ;-) settings
- Added "shadow" effect option for subtitles
- Fixed "freezing" problems, when switching full screen, closing player...
- Some other changes and bug fixes
- Version 0.821
- Fixed bug with .ini files
- More than 2 audio streams supported
- Version 0.82
- Added support for zipped skins (.bsz), just click on .bsz file to install skin
- Added support for WinLIRC Infrared Remote Control - http://home.jtan.com/~jim/winlirc/
- Added support for AVI files with AC3 stream and InterVideo Audio decoder
- Added support for multichannel AVI files and Semi's DirectSound 3D filter
- Added support for ini files, look at bsplay.ini for example, also MicroDVD ini files are supported (minimal)
- Added checking for vertical-blank interval should fix "tearing" effect visible during high motion scenes
- Added option to switch to specified display mode on startup
- Added option to specify subtitles directory
- Added support for overlay (bugs!)
- Command line additions and changes, see About
- Some improvements to playlist
- Movie can now be paused and resumed with mouse click on the window
- Fixed bug with resolution changing, now original mode is restored at exit
- Fixed some bugs with language files
- Fixed Enqueue in BSPlayer, player crashed if wasn't already started
- Fixed bug with multichannel AVI files, only worked if both streams was the same bitrate, stereo/mono...
- Some other fixes and changes
- Version 0.81
- Added custom aspect ratios
- Volume can be set with left/middle mouse button+wheel or just wheel in full screen
- Added 'repeat all' option
- Updated language file
- Fixed problems with 'Pause' mode
- Skin fixes and additions
- Some other changes and bug fixes
- Version 0.8
- Supported AVI files with 2 audio streams (experimental)
- Multilanguage support
- Now you can resize movie with mouse wheel
- Added shortcuts fot 50,100,200% zoom (1,2,3) and resizing movie (+/-)
- Added 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio option
- Subtitle font, custom pan-scan... is now remebered - optional
- Skin fixes and additions
- Fixed bug, if movie width was more then current screen resolution
- Fixed problem with some subtitles, sometimes lost sync
- Some other changes and bug fixes
- A lot of internal changes and added code so probably some new bugs
- Version 0.71
- Mouse cursor now hidden in full screen mode
- Added 'Enqueue in BSPlayer' shell extension
- Playlist improved
- Some other fixes and added features
- Version 0.7
- Improved skin support, now skins can be any shape, size and transparent
- Frame capture added, shortcuts P - original size and Shift+P - current window size, including full screen
- Added option to choose between transparent subtitles and subtitles with background
- Added Mute option
- Added Jump to time option
- Fixed few bugs
- Version 0.63
- Fixed bug with resolution changing, mainly visible if you turn on TV out on some cards
- Version 0.62
- Added command line support for subtitles
- Added repeat option
- Version 0.61
- Fixed bug with playlist
- Version 0.6
- Added support for SubRip and Subviewer subtitle format
- Playlist support
- Added filter properties option
- More colors to choose for subtitles
- Some other requested features
- Fixed few bugs
- Some internal changes
- Version 0.52
- Added 'subtitle time correction', use ctrl + left/right for large steps and shift + left/right for small
- Added Alway on top option
- Added progressive rendering option - can improve playback on some computers
- Fixed bug with large fonts and some other bugs
- New shortcuts for Play(X), Stop(C), Pause(V)
- Version 0.51
- Fixed stupid bug with new option.
- Added option for registering file types.
- Only warning message, if hardware isn't capable of bliting and stretching.
- Version 0.5
- Added 'Custom Pan&Scan' option, useful for movies with black bars on
- the top and bottom.
- Added option to use alternate disectshow filter for DivX -> improved DivX playback
- on slower computers (Thanks to Erzig for help on this).
- Keyboard shortcuts for backward, forward, volume, subtitles and full
- screen.
- A few bug fixes.
- Version 0.41
- Fixed bug with skins.
- Added option to load subtitles from any directory.
- Version 0.4
- A few bugs fixed. Some new features.
- Simple command line support (many req):
- bplay "Movie Name.avi" -fs , -fs is for full screen and is optional.
- Drag & drop support.
- Basic skin support. Look in .\skins\base\ for example.
- Version 0.3
- Does not use windows media player control anymore.
- Support Micro-DVD subtitle format, support for SubRip format (.srt)
- will be back in next version.
- Too many changes too list
- Version 0.2
- A lot of bugs fixed and a few features added.
- Resolution changing still doesn't work as it should, will be corrected
- in 0.3
- All problems with subtiles color, font, position..., will be corrected
- in 0.4(?)
- For now I use SAMI captioning of windows media player control. This
- will change in next versions.
- Version 0.1
- BSplayer v 0.1 released (first public release)