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INI File | 2001-09-28 | 3.3 KB | 163 lines |
- ; Updated for version 0.84
- ; 0.81 Changes
- ; Custom close button supported -> bexit*.bmp
- ; Fixed button transparency
- ; 0.835
- [Settings]
- ;0-Normal
- ;1-Skin can be any shape, pixel at top left corner (position 0,0) is transparent color
- MainAnySape=1
- ; 0-Normal buttons
- ; 1-Shaped buttons
- ; 2-Transparent
- ButtonAnyShape=0
- ; Transparent colors
- ; Currently not used, always pixel at 0,0
- MainTransClr=000000
- ButtonTransClr=000000
- [Colors]
- ;format RRGGBB hex
- ;
- ;position back color
- PosBackClr=006DAA
- ;position fore color
- PosForeClr=16A5E9
- ;font color
- FontClr=000000
- ;volume color
- VolumeClr=000000
- ; volume background or transparent if not defined
- ; VolumeBG=00FF00
- ; Playlist background
- PlayLBG=16A5E9
- ; Playlist text color
- PlayLTX=000000
- [Position]
- ; Buttons position - x,y
- ; Button size is the same as bitmap
- BtnPrev=161,65
- BtnPlay=101,65
- BtnPause=41,65
- BtnStop=71,65
- BtnOpen=191,65
- BtnNext=131,65
- ; Movie name
- Txt1=63,30
- ; Maximum allowed width, if this line is not present -> auto
- Txt1MaxSize=230
- ;
- Txt2=305,30
- ; Movie size & fps
- Txt3=63,46
- ; Status (play,stop...)
- Txt4=420,30
- ; Time
- Txt5=285,46
- ; Repeat
- Txt6=420,46
- ; x,y,w,h
- TrackBar=41,97,510,7
- ; Track bar kind, H-Horizontal, V-Vertical
- TrackKind=H
- ;
- BtnExit=544,2
- ; Volume postion and size, rectangle Left,Top,Right,Bottom
- ;Volume=51,120,100,140
- ; In case of
- ; VolumeKind=CH -> x,y,xmax
- ; VolumeKind=CV -> x,y,ymax
- ; x,y are postion of volume button, xmax(ymax) is x(y) postion to where button is allowed to move
- Volume=306,67,360
- ; If defined -> Volume style: CH-Skinnable button horizontal, CV- -||- vertical
- VolumeKind=CH
- ; Name of bitmap files for volume button -> BtnName[n|d|u].bmp
- ; n-Normal picture
- ; d-Picture when button is pressed
- ; u-Picture when mouse moves over
- ; In this case full names will be VolBtnn.bmp,VolBtnd.bmp,VolBtnu.bmp -> This 3 pics should be present
- VolumeBtn=VolBtn
- ; About
- About=522,5,539,15
- ;
- ; Additional buttons
- ; Number of additional buttons
- ExtrNum=7
- ; Button definitions
- ; BtnX=Xpos,Ypos:A
- ; X=Button number
- ; Xpos=X positon
- ; YPos=Y position
- ; A=Action:
- ; 1=Preferences
- Btn1=242,65:2;Playlist
- ; 2=Playlist
- Btn2=273,65:7;Repeat
- ; 3=Load subtitles
- Btn3=374,65:3;Subtitles
- ; 4=Skins
- Btn4=409,65:8;Time - Frames
- ; 5=Open audio file
- Btn5=442,65:23;Full Screen
- ; 6=Hide
- Btn6=477,65:28;Always on Top
- ; 7=Repeat
- Btn7=510,65:4;Skins
- ; 8=Time/Frames
- ; 20=Equalizer
- ; 21=Add bookmark
- ; 22=Edit bookamrk
- ; 23=Full screen switch
- ; 24=Desktop mode
- ; 25=
- ; 26=Pan scan
- ; 27=Custom Pan scan
- ; 28=Always on top switch
- ; 29=Aspect ratio cycle
- ; 30=Volume up
- ; 31=Volume down
- ;
- ; Image file must be named BtnX[n|d|u].bmp
- ; X=Button number, n=normal, d=button down, u=mouse over
- ; ex: Btn1u.bmp -> this is picture to show when mouse is over button
- ; Line below, create button at position 24,40 with images Btn1n.bmp, Btn1d.bmp, Btn1u.bmp
- ; and action 23 -> Full screen switch
- ;Btn1=24,40:23
- ; N-Normal, B-Bold
- [Fonts]
- Txt1=Arial,8-N
- Txt2=Arial,8-N
- Txt3=Arial,8-N
- Txt4=Arial,8-N
- Txt5=Arial,8-N
- Txt6=Arial,8-N
- [GUI]
- MenuBackClr=8DDEFF
- MenuBackClrIco=00C4FF
- MenuSelBackClr=009DE0
- MenuFontClr=000000
- MenuSelFontClr=000080
- MenuDisFontClr=808080
- [Text]
- Author=Alexk7110 http://bsskinner.cjb.net
- Description= BLU_phuture 084