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- Changes since .60
- UI changes:
- - Folding
- - Support for other programming languages, currently there is a test VB.NET
- module, support is solved by external modules which can be pluginned, I hope
- that some people would complete VB.NET and write other language modules.
- - Multiple language support
- - New textarea with more options
- - .NET menuitems (Item style switchable between standard, .NET and 2000 style)
- - TextLibrary for code insert
- - Plugin support improved, now you can plugin almost everything :)
- (I hope, that some ppl. write plugins, commercial plugins are allowed)
- - Object Browser (You can references, try open the SharpDevelop project and open one of the References.)
- - Errors are now underlined in the text
- - I'm sure there are more changes which I can't rememeber
- Changes since .70
- - You can now open project files from command line (or make a .prjx OpenWith... connection under windows)
- (fixed by Pierre S. de SACY)
- - Template Completion window bug fixed, the window is now positioned correctly :)
- - Add references to the project bugs fixed
- - No more yes/no/cancel jokes with sharpdevelop !!! (if you don't know what this means don't care)
- - basic code completion (aka. intellisense), only .NET classes supported (not self written ... this would
- need a parser :()
- - In the filescout you can now see the volume labels in the combobox
- (feature submitted by Patrick Steele)
- - Ctrl+U now reloads a buffer from disk
- - Directory Browser in the NewProject is now working properly.
- (fixed by Shankara Narayanan)
- - first step to CVS integration (look at Project->CVS)
- - nice comment tag inserter, try to use /* or /// comments and you'll see :)
- - Files in the FileScout are now sorted
- - Tabs behavior now works correct
- (fixed by David Murray)
- - Included Testing Framework, mostly NUnit compatible, look at SharpDevelopTestSuite for an example,
- you could now run unit tests INSIDE the IDE. If I'm not too lazy I'll write some SD unit tests.
- - Bugs fixed by Kenrick Rawlings :
- - Large Scroll in the textarea scrollbar scrolls now a whole page instead of 10 lines
- - Mouse Wheel Scrolling with whole pages does now work
- - Suggested a buffer property for which way to scroll and here is it : "MouseWheelScrollDown"
- property in the buffer options.
- - Added resource file add dialog
- - All files are closed, when you close a project
- - When you close a project the "state" of the workspace is saved and reloaded next time
- you open the combine.
- - You could now type unicode characters in the textarea. The bug is fixed which prevents
- to type other characters than defined in ASCII.
- - Bracket highlighting could now be turned off. (BufferOptions : ShowBracketHighlight)
- - introduced doublebuffering for the textarea (options could be turned off in the bufferoptions : DoubleBuffer, for
- performance reasons and for developers optimizing the drawing behaviour)
- - enhanced the loading speed of the texteditor.
- (I planned to change the internal text representation, maybe to Piece Tables or Gap Buffers,
- but I've no experience with one of the two options, if you can give me a hint, please do so.)
- - Bug : "Whenever you cancel the print dialog, the file gets printed anyway" fixed by Roger Rubin
- - refactored the smartindenting ... I would NOT recommend to format a whole sourcecode with this type indenting
- now, please be patient, we'll include a beautifier in SharpDevelop which will do better work than the smart indenting
- nicer ever has done.
- Changes since .75
- - New options (IDE and Project) dialogs
- - Deploy Project function
- - Project menu now works (look in the titlebar ... there is the actual project displayed)
- - Nice splash Screen :)
- - please forgive unneccessary "redraws" of the title bar and the menu ... every time I update
- the recent files/project winforms menuitem routines decide to redraw the stuff. (even if the change is
- not visible) If I found some time I make my own menu bar drawing routines ... it isn't 'much', because the
- menuitem draw routines are written :) the only thing that I've to do is the popup code ...
- maybe I make a OWN GUI Library ... don't know, let's see first which controls I've to write ...
- - Compiler Result view (view the compiler output stream)
- - Side bar with drag&drop support
- - FileFilters are now saved in the backend bindings (you now got more file->open filters)
- - Bugfixes : - Mouse Selection works with Tabindent other than 4
- - Color in the ProjectScout are now systemcolor, not only black
- - ... more I can't remember them all
- - Included DOC.NET, a documentation generator for C# programs, you can now generate
- and view ms-like documentation from your programs inside the ide.
- - Linked with the Alexandria Library for new GUI features (".NET" Tabs)
- - Enhanced Project menu :) (works now with combines (multiple projects))
- - New items in the Projectbrowser context menu (long awaited 'Add New Project to combine' :))
- - SharpDevelop configuration is now saved in users ApplicationData folder instead of the My Documents
- folder. (you now can remove .SharpDevelop in your My Documents folder or move it to your Application Data
- folder)
- Changes since .80
- - Now you can choose in the context menu of the project scout if a file should be included
- in the compile run or be deployed.
- - VS.NET Style-Flat statusbar added.
- - Plugin developers can now add a Form instead of a Control (just drop a form in the ISdEditable
- Property)
- - Class Browser
- - Added standard UI to the internal WebBrowser.
- - Doubleclick on a toolbar item to insert it at the current cursor position
- - Code Completion improvements, maybe we see complete code completion in the next version :)
- - Export Project To Html option added in the project scout context menu.
- - External Tools Menu enhancements :
- - @FILE@ option for the arguments gives back the current open file
- - @ASSEMBLY@ option for the arguments gives back the location of the current assembly which
- will be generated by the current open project.
- - Changed commandline compilation to nant/included nant build files
- (give nant a try, nant is a cool .NET building tool)
- - Bugfixes:
- - New Files in project not compiled bug fixed.
- - Crash when using TextArea->BufferOptions in the CodeTemplate options bug fixed.
- - "Project will be created at" label "bug" fixed (inserted space)
- - Entry counts in the project browser should show the correct numbers
- - Projects could now be removed from combines
- - \ will not regarded as escape sequence in @" style strings, a new span tag has been introduced
- in the highlighting definition : "NoEscapeSequences" (see CSharp-mode.xml for details)
- - ProjectBrowser->Add new file->Add TypedCollection bug fixed.
- - Bug when compiling "really" large projects fixed (now a temporary file is generated in which
- the commandline compiler options are stored)
- - and many more ... if you have a bug send it to me :) (btw. read the readme.doc section touble shooting
- these bugs you don't need to send, I know about them but unfortunately they couldn't be fixed.
- Changes since .85
- - new internal TextRepresentation data structure, many bugs fixed
- - all keys rewritten
- - faster text access than old sharpdevelop versions.
- - new search & replace data structure, much more flexible and should now work :)
- - search should now work
- - replace too :)
- - new internal sharpdevelop property structure.
- - affects old SharpDevelop-options.xml files, you need to reconfigure SharpDevelop.
- (I hope that is the last time ... )
- - Highlighting definitions updated with new syntax and a slightly different structure
- Changes since .87
- - New features :
- + The "state" of text files is saved & restored. (bookmarks, caret, Highlighting, buffer properties etc.)
- - Old features now working :
- + Project Configuration panels for VB, JScript, Java
- + Drag & Drop
- + The "state" of a combine is saved & restored. (open files, projectscout view)
- + "Tool Scout" context menu now working
- + Ctrl+U file reloading (now with menuitem in the file menu)
- + Load files & projects with command line arguments
- - Bugfixes : + File remove/add (references, resources too) now work correctly.
- + When a dirty file is removed from a project no save dirty file message box appears when
- the removed file was open and dirty.
- + Bug related to the error drawer fixed.
- + Dirty untitled files can be saved with a dialog when the window closes.
- + Made the java language module at least functionable, please if you contribute language bindings
- develop the language binding to work on your system with all features :
- + Compile & Run project
- + Compile & Run single file
- After this check that you don't require a "special" path for you compiler or virtual machine executer.
- Then write down the requirements (like compiler x in the path). This makes the things more easy for people
- who are using the language binding.
- + Tools menu now working under other operating systems than
- WindowsXP
- + Bug with the tools menu fixed (${Assembly} as argument didn't
- work correctly)
- + Included bugfixes from Tyson S. Maxwell :
- - the curly brace insertion should not insert uneccessary
- braces to the code.
- - The find dialog has per default the current selected text as
- the find pattern
- + Brace highlighting now works better (it recognices now braces
- in strings or comments
- + Bug with encoding fixed (should now run under Win98) ... I need
- feedback from people who use this with double wide characters, if
- it works.
- - Syntax Highlighting:
- + Added PHP contribution from Chad Smith
- + Added C++ highlighting
- - Internal Changes :
- + Formatting strategies (SmartIndenter etc.) added to the tree, now
- they're language dependend.
- + Workbench Layout is now added to the tree, now it is possible to
- define own layout managers for the workbench.
- openbutton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
- + Changed the language binding definition, now it is more easy to create or change language bindings.
- Changes since .87b
- - New Layout 'SDI' ... try it, it looks a bit like a well known
- other IDE ... it is not really ready for production use, but
- you get the idea what comes in one of the next versions.
- (see http://www.crownwood.net/ for more information for the magic
- library)
- - New Class Wizard from Donald Kackman
- - Old features now working :
- + Typed Collection Wizard
- - BugFixes :
- + TextArea : Print,PrintPreview, Clipoard Actions, Undo/Redo,
- Goto error fixed (all stuff was nearly the "same" bug ...)
- + Override mode in the texteditor now works
- + Add Files to project : Move file doesn't remove files, when it is moved to the same
- location.
- + Search & Replace now working
- + Treat warnings as errors now work
- - Internal Changes :
- + Added Wizard API for files and projects