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; Tento soubor obsahuje makra programu PSPad pro PHP ; ; autor: FrantiÜek Blßha F.Blaha@WorldOnline.cz ; podklady zφskßny z p∙vodnφho PHP manußlu vydanΘho Official PHP Documentation Group dne 2.9.2001 ; poslednφ revize: 23.9.2001 ; [abs | Absolute value] abs (|mixed number); [accept_connect | Accepts a connection on a socket] accept_connect (|resource socket); [acos | Arc cosine] acos (|float arg); [addcslashes | Opat°it °et∞zec lomφtky ve stylu jazyka C] addcslashes (|string str, string charlist); [addslashes | Opat°it °et∞zec lomφtky] addslashes (|string str); [apache_lookup_uri | Provßdφ ΦßsteΦn² po₧adavek na zadanou URI a vracφ vÜechno info o nφ] apache_lookup_uri (|string filename); [apache_note | Zφskßvß a nastavuje poznßmky po₧adavku u Apache.] apache_note (|string note_name [, stringnote_value]); [array_count_values | SpoΦφtat vÜechny hodnoty v poli] array_count_values (|array input); [array_diff | SpoΦφtat rozdφl polφ] array_diff (|array array1, array array2 [, array...]); [array_flip | Prohodit klφΦe a hodnoty pole] array_flip (|array trans); [array_intersect | SpoΦφtat pr∙nik polφ] array_intersect (|array array1, array array2 [, array...]); [array_keys | Vrßtit vÜechny klφΦe pole] array_keys (|array input [, mixedsearch_value]); [array_merge_recursive | Rekurzivn∞ slouΦit dv∞ nebo vφce polφ] array_merge_recursive (|array array1, array array2 [, array...]); [array_merge | SlouΦit dv∞ nebo vφce polφ] array_merge (|array array1, array array2 [, array...]); [array_multisort | T°φdit vφce polφ, nebo vφcerozm∞rnΘ pole] array_multisort (|array ar1 [, mixedarg [, mixed... [, array...]]]); [array_pad | Doplnit pole hodnotou na urΦenou dΘlku] array_pad (|array input, int pad_size, mixed pad_value); [array_pop | Odstranit prvek z konce pole] array_pop (|array array); [array_push | P°idat jeden nebo vφce prvk∙ na konec pole] array_push (|array array, mixed var [, mixed...]); [array_rand | Vybrat nßhodn∞ jeden nebo vφce prvk∙ pole] array_rand (|array input [, intnum_req]); [array_reverse | Vrßtit pole s prvky v opaΦnΘm po°adφ] array_reverse (|array array [, bool preserve_keys]); [array_shift | Odstranit prvek ze zaΦßtku pole] array_shift (|array array); [array_slice | Vytßhnout Φßst pole] array_slice (|array array, int offset [, intlength]); [array_splice | Odstranit Φßst pole a nahradit ji n∞Φφm jin²m] array_splice (|array input, int offset [, intlength [, arrayreplacement]]); [array_unique | Odstranit z pole duplicitnφ hodnoty] array_unique (|array array); [array_unshift | P°ipojit jeden nebo vφce prvk∙ na zaΦßtek pole] array_unshift (|array array, mixed var [, mixed...]); [array_values | Vrßtit vÜechny hodnoty v poli] array_values (|array input); [array_walk | Pou₧φt u₧ivatelskou funkci na vÜechny prvky pole] array_walk (|array arr, string func, mixed userdata); [array | Vytvo°it pole] array (|[mixed...]); [arsort | T°φdit pole sestupn∞ se zachovßnφm klφΦ∙] arsort (|array array [, intsort_flags]); [ascii2ebcdic | P°eklßdß °et∞zec z ASCII do EBCDIC] ascii2ebcdic (|string ascii_str); [asin | Arc sine] asin (|float arg); [asort | T°φdit pole se zachovßnφm index∙] asort (|array array [, int sort_flags]); [aspell_check_raw | Zkontrolovat slovo beze zm∞ny velikosti pφsmen nebo pokus∙ o o°ezßnφ] aspell_check_raw (|int dictionary_link, string word); [aspell_check | Zkontrolovat slovo] aspell_check (|int dictionary_link, string word); [aspell_new | NaΦφst nov² slovnφk] aspell_new (|string master, string personal); [aspell_suggest | Nabφdnout mo₧nΘ hlßskovßnφ slova] aspell_suggest (|int dictionary_link, string word); [assert_options | Nastavit/zφskat r∙znΘ p°φznaky v²rok∙] assert_options (|int what [, mixedvalue]); [assert | Ov∞°it, jestli je v²rok neplatn²] assert (|string|bool assertion); [atan | Arc tangent] atan (|float arg); [atan2 | arc tangent of two variables] atan2 (|float y, float x); [base_convert | Convert a number between arbitrary bases] base_convert (|string number, int frombase, int tobase); [base64_decode | Dek≤dovat data k≤dovanß pomocφ MIME base64] base64_decode (|string encoded_data); [base64_encode | Zak≤dovat data pomocφ MIME base64] base64_encode (|string data); [basename | Vrßtit Φßst cesty obsahujφcφ nßzev souboru] basename (|string path); [bcadd | SeΦφst dv∞ Φφsla s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcadd (|string left operand, string right operand [, intscale]); [bccomp | Porovnat dv∞ Φφsla s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bccomp (|string left operand, string right operand [, intscale]); [bcdiv | D∞lit dv∞ Φφsla s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcdiv (|string left operand, string right operand [, intscale]); [bcmod | Zφskat modulus Φφsla s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcmod (|string left operand, string modulus); [bcmul | Vynßsobit dv∞ Φφsla s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcmul (|string left operand, string right operand [, intscale]); [bcpow | Umocnit jedno Φφslo na jinΘ s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcpow (|string x, string y [, intscale]); [bcscale | Nastavit v²chozφ Ükßlu pro vÜechny bc math funkce] bcscale (|int scale); [bcsqrt | Zφskat druhou odmocninu Φφsla s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcsqrt (|string operand, int scale); [bcsub | OdeΦφst jedno Φφslo od druhΘho s libovolnou p°esnostφ] bcsub (|string left operand, string right operand [, intscale]); [bin2hex | P°evΘst binßrnφ data na hexadecimßlnφ reprezentaci] bin2hex (|string str); [bind | Binds a name to a socket] bind (|resource socket, string address [, intport]); [bindec | Binary to decimal] bindec (|string binary_string); [bindtextdomain | Nastavit cestu pro domΘnu] bindtextdomain (|string domain, string directory); [bzclose | Close a bzip2 file pointer] bzclose (|int bz); [bzcompress | Compress a string into bzip2 encoded data] bzcompress (|string source [, intblocksize [, intworkfactor]]); [bzdecompress | Decompresses bzip2 encoded data] bzdecompress (|string source [, intsmall]); [bzerrno | Returns a bzip2 error number] bzerrno (|int bz); [bzerror | Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in an array] bzerror (|int bz); [bzerrstr | Returns a bzip2 error string] bzerrstr (|int bz); [bzflush | Force a write of all buffered data] bzflush (|int bz); [bzopen | Open a bzip2 compressed file] bzopen (|string filename, string mode); [bzread | Binary safe bzip2 file read] bzread (|int bz [, intlength]); [bzwrite | Binary safe bzip2 file write] bzwrite (|int bz, string data [, intlength]); [call_user_func | Zavolat u₧ivatelskou funkci urΦenou prvnφm argumentem] call_user_func (|stringfunction_name [, mixedparameter [, mixed...]]); [call_user_method | Zavolat u₧ivatelsky definouvanou metodu urΦitΘho objektu] call_user_method (|stringmethod_name, objectobj [, mixedparameter [, mixed...]]); [ceil | Round fractions up] ceil (|float value); [chdir | change directory] chdir (|string directory); [checkdate | Validate a gregorian date/time] checkdate (|int month, int day, int year); [checkdnsrr | Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name orIP address] checkdnsrr (|string host [, stringtype]); [chgrp | Zm∞nit skupinou souboru] chgrp (|string filename, mixed group); [chmod | Zm∞nit m≤d souboru] chmod (|string filename, int mode); [chop | Odstranit netisknutelnΘ znaky z konce °et∞zce] chop (|string str); [chown | Zm∞nit majitele souboru] chown (|string filename, mixed user); [chr | Vrßtit urΦit² znak] chr (|int ascii); [chunk_split | Rozd∞lit °et∞zec na menÜφ Φßsti] chunk_split (|string string [, intchunklen [, stringend]]); [class_exists | Zjistit, jestli je t°φda definovßna] class_exists (|string class_name); [clearstatcache | Vyma₧e cache stavu soubor∙] clearstatcache (|void); [close | Closes a file descriptor] close (|resource socket); [closedir | Zavφrß otev°en² adresß°] closedir (|int dir_handle); [closelog | Close connection to system logger] closelog (|void); [com_get | Zφskßvß hodnotu vlastnosti COM komponenty] com_get (|resource com_object, string property); [com_invoke | Volß metodu COM komponenty.] com_invoke (|resource com_object, string function_name [, mixedfunction parameters, ...]); [com_load | Creates a new reference to a COM component] com_load (|string module name [, stringserver name]); [com_propget | Zφskßvß hodnotu vlastnosti COM komponenty] com_propget (|resource com_object, string property); [com_propput | P°i°azuje hodnotu vlastnosti COM komponenty.] com_propput (|resource com_object, string property, mixed value); [com_propset | P°i°azuje hodnotu vlastnosti COM komponenty.] com_propset (|resource com_object, string property, mixed value); [com_set | P°i°azuje hodnotu vlastnosti COM komponenty.] com_set (|resource com_object, string property, mixed value); [compact | Vytvo°it pole obsahujφcφ prom∞nnΘ a jejich hodnoty] compact (|mixed varname [, mixed...]); [connect | Initiates a connection on a socket] connect (|resource socket, string address [, intport]); [connection_aborted | Vracφ <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT, pokud se klient odpojil] connection_aborted (|void ); [connection_status | Vracφ bitovΘ pole stavu spojenφ] connection_status (|void ); [connection_timeout | Return <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT if script timed out] connection_timeout (|void ); [convert_cyr_string | P°evΘst z jednΘ znakovΘ sady Azbuky do jinΘ] convert_cyr_string (|string str, string from, string to); [copy | Zkopφrovat soubor] copy (|string source, string dest); [cos | Cosine] cos (|float arg); [count_chars | Vrßtit informace o znacφch pou₧it²ch v °et∞zci] count_chars (|string string [, mode]); [count | SpoΦφtat prvky v prom∞nnΘ] count (|mixed var); [cpdf_add_annotation | Adds annotation] cpdf_add_annotation (|int pdf document, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, string title, string content [, intmode]); [cpdf_add_outline | Adds bookmark for current page] cpdf_add_outline (|int pdf document, string text); [cpdf_arc | Draws an arc] cpdf_arc (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor, double radius, double start, double end [, int mode]); [cpdf_begin_text | Starts text section] cpdf_begin_text (|int pdf document); [cpdf_circle | Draw a circle] cpdf_circle (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor, double radius [, int mode]); [cpdf_clip | Clips to current path] cpdf_clip (|int pdf document); [cpdf_close | Closes the pdf document] cpdf_close (|int pdf document); [cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke | Close, fill and stroke current path] cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke (|int pdf document); [cpdf_closepath_stroke | Close path and draw line along path] cpdf_closepath_stroke (|int pdf document); [cpdf_closepath | Close path] cpdf_closepath (|int pdf document); [cpdf_continue_text | Output text in next line] cpdf_continue_text (|int pdf document, string text); [cpdf_curveto | Draws a curve] cpdf_curveto (|int pdf document, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 [, int mode]); [cpdf_end_text | Ends text section] cpdf_end_text (|int pdf document); [cpdf_fill_stroke | Fill and stroke current path] cpdf_fill_stroke (|int pdf document); [cpdf_fill | Fill current path] cpdf_fill (|int pdf document); [cpdf_finalize_page | Ends page] cpdf_finalize_page (|int pdf document, int page number); [cpdf_finalize | Ends document] cpdf_finalize (|int pdf document); [cpdf_global_set_document_limits | Sets document limits for any pdf document] cpdf_global_set_document_limits (|int maxpages, int maxfonts, int maximages, int maxannotations, int maxobjects); [cpdf_import_jpeg | Opens a JPEG image] cpdf_import_jpeg (|int pdf document, string file name, double x-coor, double y-coor, double angle, double width, double height, double x-scale, double y-scale [, intmode]); [cpdf_lineto | Draws a line] cpdf_lineto (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor [, int mode]); [cpdf_moveto | Sets current point] cpdf_moveto (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor [, intmode]); [cpdf_newpath | Starts a new path] cpdf_newpath (|intpdf document); [cpdf_open | Opens a new pdf document] cpdf_open (|int compression [, string filename]); [cpdf_output_buffer | Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer] cpdf_output_buffer (|int pdf document); [cpdf_page_init | Starts new page] cpdf_page_init (|int pdf document, int page number, int orientation, double height, double width [, double unit]); [cpdf_place_inline_image | Places an image on the page] cpdf_place_inline_image (|int pdf document, int image, double x-coor, double y-coor, double angle, double width, double height [, intmode]); [cpdf_rect | Draw a rectangle] cpdf_rect (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor, double width, double height [, int mode]); [cpdf_restore | Restores formerly saved enviroment] cpdf_restore (|int pdf document); [cpdf_rlineto | Draws a line] cpdf_rlineto (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor [, int mode]); [cpdf_rmoveto | Sets current point] cpdf_rmoveto (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor [, int mode]); [cpdf_rotate | Sets rotation] cpdf_rotate (|int pdf document, double angle); [cpdf_save_to_file | Writes the pdf document into a file] cpdf_save_to_file (|int pdf document, string filename); [cpdf_save | Saves current enviroment] cpdf_save (|int pdf document); [cpdf_scale | Sets scaling] cpdf_scale (|int pdf document, double x-scale, double y-scale); [cpdf_set_char_spacing | Sets character spacing] cpdf_set_char_spacing (|int pdf document, double space); [cpdf_set_creator | Sets the creator field in the pdf document] cpdf_set_creator (|string creator); [cpdf_set_current_page | Sets current page] cpdf_set_current_page (|int pdf document, int page number); [cpdf_set_font | Select the current font face and size] cpdf_set_font (|int pdf document, string font name, double size, string encoding); [cpdf_set_horiz_scaling | Sets horizontal scaling of text] cpdf_set_horiz_scaling (|int pdf document, double scale); [cpdf_set_keywords | Sets the keywords field of the pdf document] cpdf_set_keywords (|string keywords); [cpdf_set_leading | Sets distance between text lines] cpdf_set leading (|int pdf document, double distance); [cpdf_set_page_animation | Sets duration between pages] cpdf_set_page_animation (|int pdf document, int transition, double duration); 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[cpdf_setgray_stroke | Sets drawing color to gray value] cpdf_setgray_stroke (|int pdf document, double gray value); [cpdf_setgray | Sets drawing and filling color to gray value] cpdf_setgray (|int pdf document, double gray value); [cpdf_setlinecap | Sets linecap parameter] cpdf_setlinecap (|int pdf document, int value); [cpdf_setlinejoin | Sets linejoin parameter] cpdf_setlinejoin (|int pdf document, long value); [cpdf_setlinewidth | Sets line width] cpdf_setlinewidth (|int pdf document, double width); [cpdf_setmiterlimit | Sets miter limit] cpdf_setmiterlimit (|int pdf document, double value); [cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill | Sets filling color to rgb color value] cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill (|int pdf document, double red value, double green value, double blue value); [cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke | Sets drawing color to rgb color value] cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke (|int pdf document, double red value, double green value, double blue value); [cpdf_setrgbcolor | Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value] cpdf_setrgbcolor (|int pdf document, double red value, double green value, double blue value); [cpdf_show_xy | Output text at position] cpdf_show_xy (|int pdf document, string text, double x-coor, double y-coor [, int mode]); [cpdf_show | Output text at current position] cpdf_show (|int pdf document, string text); [cpdf_stringwidth | Returns width of text in current font] cpdf_stringwidth (|int pdf document, string text); [cpdf_stroke | Draw line along path] cpdf_stroke (|int pdf document); [cpdf_text | Output text with parameters] cpdf_text (|int pdf document, string text, double x-coor, double y-coor [, int mode [, double orientation [, int alignmode]]]); [cpdf_translate | Sets origin of coordinate system] cpdf_translate (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor [, int mode]); [crc32 | SpoΦφtat crc32 XXX polynomial °et∞zce] crc32 (|string str); [create_function | Vytvo°it anonymnφ (|lambda-style) funkci] create_function (|string args, string code); [crypt | ZaÜifrovat °et∞zec algoritmem DES] crypt (|string str [, stringsalt]); [ctype_alnum | Check for alphanumeric character(s)] ctype_alnum (|string c); [ctype_alpha | Check for alphabetic character(s)] ctype_alpha (|string c); [ctype_cntrl | Check for control character(s)] ctype_cntrl (|string c); [ctype_digit | Check for numeric character(s)] ctype_digit (|string c); [ctype_graph | Check for any printable character(s) except space] ctype_graph (|string c); [ctype_lower | Check for lowercase character(s)] ctype_lower (|string c); [ctype_print | Check for printable character(s)] ctype_print (|string c); [ctype_punct | Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or analphanumeric character] ctype_punct (|string c); [ctype_space | Check for whitespace character(s)] ctype_space (|string c); [ctype_upper | Check for uppercase character(s)] ctype_upper (|string c); [ctype_xdigit | Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit] ctype_xdigit (|string c); [curl_close | Zav°φt CURL session] curl_close (|intch); [curl_exec | ProvΘst CURL session] curl_exec (|int ch); [curl_init | Inicializovat CURL session] curl_init (|[string url]); [curl_setopt | Nastavit parametr CURL transferu] curl_setopt (|int ch, string option, mixed value); [curl_version | Vrßtit verzi CURL] curl_version (|void); [current | Vrßtit souΦasn² prvek pole] current (|array array); [cybercash_base64_decode |] cybercash_base64_decode (|string inbuff); [cybercash_base64_encode | ???] cybercash_base64_encode (|string inbuff); [cybercash_decr | ???] cybercash_decr (|string wmk, string sk, string inbuff); [cybercash_encr | ???] cybercash_encr (|string wmk, string sk, string inbuff); [cybermut_creerformulairecm | Generate HTML form of request for payment] cybermut_creerformulairecm (|string url_CM, string version, string TPE, string montant, string ref_commande, string texte_libre, string url_retour, string url_retour_ok, string url_retour_err, string langue, string code_societe, string texte_bouton); [cybermut_creerreponsecm | Generate the acknowledgement of delivery of the confirmationof payment] cybermut_creerreponsecm (|string phrase); [cybermut_testmac | Make sure that there no was data diddling containedin the received message of confirmation] cybermut_testmac (|string code_MAC, string version, string TPE, string cdate, string montant, string ref_commande, string texte_libre, string code-retour); [date | Format a local time/date] date (|string format [, inttimestamp]); [dba_close | Close database] dba_close (|int handle); [dba_delete | Delete entry specified by key] dba_delete (|string key, int handle); [dba_exists | Check whether key exists] dba_exists (|string key, int handle); [dba_fetch | Fetch data specified by key] dba_fetch (|string key, int handle); [dba_firstkey | Fetch first key] dba_firstkey (|int handle); [dba_insert | Insert entry] dba_insert (|string key, string value, int handle); [dba_nextkey | Fetch next key] dba_nextkey (|int handle); [dba_open | Open database] dba_open (|string path, string mode, string handler [, ...]); [dba_optimize | Optimize database] dba_optimize (|int handle); [dba_popen | Open database persistently] dba_popen (|string path, string mode, string handler [, ...]); [dba_replace | Replace or insert entry] dba_replace (|string key, string value, int handle); [dba_sync | Synchronize database] dba_sync (|int handle); [dbase_add_record | Add a record to a dBase database] dbase_add_record (|int dbase_identifier, array record); [dbase_close | Close a dBase database] dbase_close (|int dbase_identifier); [dbase_create | Creates a dBase database] dbase_create (|string filename, array fields); [dbase_delete_record | Deletes a record from a dBase database] dbase_delete_record (|int dbase_identifier, int record); [dbase_get_record_with_names | Gets a record from a dBase database as an associative array] dbase_get_record_with_names (|int dbase_identifier, int record); [dbase_get_record | Gets a record from a dBase database] dbase_get_record (|int dbase_identifier, int record); [dbase_numfields | Find out how many fields are in a dBase database] dbase_numfields (|int dbase_identifier); [dbase_numrecords | Find out how many records are in a dBase database] dbase_numrecords (|int dbase_identifier); [dbase_open | Opens a dBase database] dbase_open (|string filename, int flags); [dbase_pack | Packs a dBase database] dbase_pack (|int dbase_identifier); [dbase_replace_record | Replace a record in a dBase database] dbase_replace_record (|int dbase_identifier, array record, int dbase_record_number); [dblist | Zφskat nßzev pou₧φvanΘ DBM-kompatibilnφ knihovny] dblist (|void); [dbmclose | Zav°φt dbm databßzi] dbmclose (|int dbm_identifier); [dbmdelete | Smazat v DMB databßzi hodnotu spojenou s urΦit²m klφΦem] dbmdelete (|int dbm_identifier, string key); [dbmexists | Zjistφ, jestli pro zadan² klφΦ existuje v DBM databßzi hodnota] dbmexists (|int dbm_identifier, string key); [dbmfetch | Zφskat z DBM databßze hodnotu spojenou s urΦit²m klφΦem] dbmfetch (|int dbm_identifier, string key); [dbmfirstkey | Zφskat z DBM databßze prvnφ klφΦ] dbmfirstkey (|int dbm_identifier); [dbminsert | Vlo₧it do DBM databßze hodnotu a klφΦ] dbminsert (|int dbm_identifier, string key, string value); [dbmnextkey | Zφskat dalÜφ klφΦ z DBM databßze] dbmnextkey (|int dbm_identifier, string key); [dbmopen | Otev°φt DBM databßzi] dbmopen (|string filename, string flags); [dbmreplace | Nahredit v DBM databßzi hodnotu s urΦit²m klφΦem] dbmreplace (|int dbm_identifier, string key, string value); [dbplus_add | Add a tuple to a relation] dbplus_add (|int relation, array tuple); [dbplus_aql | Perform AQL query] dbplus_aql (|string query [, stringserver [, stringdbpath]]); [dbplus_chdir | Get/Set database virtual current directory] dbplus_chdir (|[stringnewdir]); [dbplus_close | Close a relation] dbplus_close (|int relation); [dbplus_curr | Get current tuple from relation] dbplus_curr (|int relation, array tuple); [dbplus_errcode | Get error string for given errorcode or last error] dbplus_errcode (|int errno); [dbplus_errno | Get error code for last operation] dbplus_errno (|void); [dbplus_find | Set a constraint on a relation] dbplus_find (|int handle, array constraints, mixed tuple); [dbplus_first | Get first tuple from relation] dbplus_first (|int relation, array tuple); [dbplus_flush | Flush all changes made on a relation] dbplus_flush (|int relation); [dbplus_freealllocks | Free all locks held by this client] dbplus_freealllocks (|void); [dbplus_freelock | Release write lock on tuple] dbplus_freelock (|int handle, string tname); [dbplus_freerlocks | Free all tuple locks on given relation] dbplus_freerlocks (|int relation); [dbplus_getlock | Get a write lock on a tuple] dbplus_getlock (|int handle, string tname); [dbplus_getunique | Get a id number unique to a relation] dbplus_getunique (|int handle, int uniqueid); [dbplus_info | ???] dbplus_info (|int relation, string key, array ); [dbplus_last | Get last tuple from relation] dbplus_last (|int relation, array tuple); [dbplus_lockrel | Request write lock on relation] dbplus_lockrel (|int relation); [dbplus_next | Get next tuple from relation] dbplus_next (|int relation, array ); [dbplus_open | Open relation file] dbplus_open (|string name); [dbplus_prev | Get previous tuple from relation] dbplus_prev (|int relation, array tuple); [dbplus_rchperm | Change relation permissions] dbplus_rchperm (|int relation, int mask, string user, string group); [dbplus_rcreate |] dbplus_rcreate (|string name, string domlist, int flag); [dbplus_rcrtexact |] dbplus_rcrtexact (|string name, int handle, int flag); [dbplus_rcrtlike |] dbplus_rcrtlike (|string name, int handle, int flag); [dbplus_resolve | Resolve host information for relation] dbplus_resolve (|string relation_name); [dbplus_restorepos | ???] dbplus_restorepos (|int relation, array tuple); [dbplus_rkeys | Specify new primary key for a relation] dbplus_rkeys (|int relation, mixed domlist); [dbplus_ropen | Open relation file ... ???] dbplus_ropen (|string name); [dbplus_rquery |] dbplus_rquery (|void); [dbplus_rrename | Rename a relation] dbplus_rrename (|int relation, string name); [dbplus_rsecindex | Create a new secondary index for a relation] dbplus_rsecindex (|int relation, mixed domlist, int type); [dbplus_runlink | Remove relation from filesystem] dbplus_runlink (|int relation); [dbplus_rzap | Remove all tuples from relation] dbplus_rzap (|int relation); [dbplus_savepos | ???] dbplus_savepos (|int relation); [dbplus_setindex | ???] dbplus_setindex (|int relation, string idx_name); [dbplus_setindexbynumber | ???] dbplus_setindexbynumber (|int relation, int idx_number); [dbplus_sql | Perform SQL query] dbplus_sql (|string query, string server, string dbpath); [dbplus_tcl | Execute TCL code on server side] dbplus_tcl (|int sid, string script); [dbplus_tremove | Remove tuple and return new current tuple] dbplus_tremove (|int relation, array tuple [, arraycurrent]); [dbplus_undo | ???] dbplus_undo (|int relation); [dbplus_undoprepare | ???] dbplus_undoprepare (|int relation); [dbplus_unlockrel | Give up write lock on relation] dbplus_unlockrel (|int relation); [dbplus_unselect | Remove a constraint from relation] dbplus_unselect (|int relation); [dbplus_update | Update specified tuple in relation] dbplus_update (|int relation, array old, array new); [dbplus_xlockrel | Request exclusive lock on relation] dbplus_xlockrel (|int relation); [dbplus_xunlockrel | Free exclusive lock on relation] dbplus_xunlockrel (|int relation); [dbx_close | Close an open connection/database] dbx_close (|dbx_link_objectlink_identifier); [dbx_cmp_asc | Compare two rows for sorting in ascending order] dbx_cmp_asc (|array row_a, array row_b, string columnname_or_index [, intcomparison_type]); [dbx_cmp_desc | Compare two rows for sorting in descending order] dbx_cmp_desc (|array row_a, array row_b, string columnname_or_index [, intcomparison_type]); [dbx_compare | Compare two rows for sorting purposes] dbx_compare (|array row_a, array row_b, string columnname_or_index [, intflags]); [dbx_connect | Open a connection/database] dbx_connect (|string module, string host, string database, string username, string password [, intpersistent]); [dbx_error | Report the error message of the latest function call in themodule (|not just in the connection)] dbx_error (|dbx_link_object link_identifier); [dbx_query | Send a query and fetch all results (|if any)] dbx_query (|dbx_link_objectlink_identifier, string sql_statement [, longflags]); [dbx_sort | Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function] dbx_sort (|dbx_result_object result, stringuser_compare_function); [dcgettext | Zm∞nit domΘnu pro jedinΘ vyhledßnφ] dcgettext (|string domain, string message, int category); [debugger_off | Disable internal PHP debugger] debugger_off (|void); [debugger_on | Enable internal PHP debugger] debugger_on (|string address); [decbin | Decimal to binary] decbin (|int number); [dechex | Decimal to hexadecimal] dechex (|int number); [decoct | Decimal to octal] decoct (|int number); [define_syslog_variables | Initializes all syslog related constants] define_syslog_variables (|void); [define | Definuje pojmenovanou konstantu.] define (|string name, mixed value [, intcase_insensitive]); [defined | Zkontroluje, jestli existuje danß pojmenovanß konstanta] defined (|string name); [deg2rad | Converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent] deg2rad (|float number); [delete | FaleÜnß polo₧ka manußlu] delete (|string file); [dgettext | Zm∞nit souΦasnou domΘnu] dgettext (|string domain, string message); [die | Vytiskne vzkaz a ukonΦφ souΦasn² skript] die (|string message); [dirname | Vracφ Φßst cesty obsahujφcφ nßzev adresß°e] dirname (|string path); [diskfreespace | Vrßtit diskov² prostor dostupn² v adresß°i] diskfreespace (|string directory); [dl | NaΦφst extenzi PHP za b∞hu] dl (|string library); [doubleval | Get double value of a variable] doubleval (|mixed var); [each | Vracφ dalÜφ klφΦ/hodnota pßr z pole] each (|array array); [easter_date | Zjistit UNIXov² timestamp VelikonoΦnφ p∙lnoci v danΘm roce] easter_date (|int year); [easter_days | Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for agiven year] easter_days (|int year); [ebcdic2ascii | P°eklßdß °et∞zec z EBCDIC do ASCII] ebcdic2ascii (|string ebcdic_str); [echo | Vytisknout jeden nebo vφce °et∞zc∙] echo (|string arg1, string[argn]...); [empty | Determine whether a variable is set] empty (|mixed var); [end | Nastavit vnit°nφ ukazatel pole na jeho poslednφ prvek] end (|array array); [ereg_replace | Replace regular expression] ereg_replace (|string pattern, string replacement, string string); [ereg | Regular expression match] ereg (|string pattern, string string [, arrayregs]); [eregi_replace | replace regular expression case insensitive] eregi_replace (|string pattern, string replacement, string string); [eregi | case insensitive regular expression match] eregi (|string pattern, string string [, arrayregs]); [error_log | send an error message somewhere] error_log (|string message, int message_type [, stringdestination [, stringextra_headers]]); [error_reporting | set which PHP errors are reported] error_reporting (|[intlevel]); [escapeshellarg | escape a string to be used as a shell argument] escapeshellarg (|string arg); [escapeshellcmd | escape shellovskΘ metaznaky] escapeshellcmd (|string command); [eval | Vyhodnotφ °et∞zec jako PHP k≤d] eval (|string code_str); [exec | ProvΘst externφ program] exec (|string command [, stringarray [, intreturn_var]]); [exit | UkonΦφ souΦasn² skript] exit (|void); [exp | e to the power of ...] exp (|float arg); [explode | Rozd∞lit °et∞zec na jinΘm °et∞zci] explode (|string separator, string string [, intlimit]); [extension_loaded | zjistit, jestli je extenze naΦtenß] extension_loaded (|string name); [extract | Importovat prom∞nnΘ z pole do symbolovΘ tabulky] extract (|array var_array [, intextract_type [, stringprefix]]); [ezmlm_hash | PoΦφtß hash hodnotu pot°ebnou pro EZMLM] ezmlm_hash (|string addr); [fbsql_affected_rows | Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBaseoperation] fbsql_affected_rows (|[intlink_identifier]); [fbsql_autocommit | Enable or disable autocommit.] fbsql_autocommit (|resourcelink_identifier [, boolOnOff]); [fbsql_change_user | Change logged in user of the active connection] fbsql_change_user (|string user, string password [, stringdatabase [, intlink_identifier]]); [fbsql_close | Close FrontBase connection] fbsql_close (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_connect | Open a connection to a FrontBase Server] fbsql_connect (|[stringhostname [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [fbsql_create_db | Create a FrontBase database] fbsql_create_db (|string database name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_data_seek | Move internal result pointer] fbsql_data_seek (|resource result_identifier, int row_number); [fbsql_database_password | Sets or retreives the password for a FrontBase database] fbsql_database_password (|resource link_identifier [, stringdatabase_password]); [fbsql_db_query | Send a FrontBase query] fbsql_db_query (|string database, string query [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_drop_db | Drop (|delete) a FrontBase database] fbsql_drop_db (|string database_name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_errno | Returns the numerical value of the error message from previousFrontBase operation] fbsql_errno (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_error | Returns the text of the error message from previousFrontBase operation] fbsql_error (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_fetch_array | Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both.] fbsql_fetch_array (|resource result [, intresult_type]); [fbsql_fetch_assoc | Fetch a result row as an associative array] fbsql_fetch_assoc (|resource result); [fbsql_fetch_field | Get column information from a result and return as an object] fbsql_fetch_field (|resource result [, intfield_offset]); [fbsql_fetch_lengths | Get the length of each output in a result] fbsql_fetch_lengths (|[resourceresult]); [fbsql_fetch_object | Fetch a result row as an object] fbsql_fetch_object (|resource result [, intresult_type]); [fbsql_fetch_row | Get a result row as an enumerated array] fbsql_fetch_row (|resource result); [fbsql_field_flags | Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result] fbsql_field_flags (|resource result, int field_offset); [fbsql_field_len | Returns the length of the specified field] fbsql_field_len (|resource result, int field_offset); [fbsql_field_name | Get the name of the specified field in a result] fbsql_field_name (|resource result, int field_index); [fbsql_field_seek | Set result pointer to a specified field offset] fbsql_field_seek (|resource result, int field_offset); [fbsql_field_table | Get name of the table the specified field is in] fbsql_field_table (|resource result, int field_offset); [fbsql_field_type | Get the type of the specified field in a result] fbsql_field_type (|resource result, int field_offset); [fbsql_free_result | Free result memory] fbsql_free_result (|int result); [fbsql_insert_id | Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation] fbsql_insert_id (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_list_dbs | List databases available on a FrontBase server] fbsql_list_dbs (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_list_fields | List FrontBase result fields] fbsql_list_fields (|string database_name, string table_name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_list_tables | List tables in a FrontBase database] fbsql_list_tables (|string database [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_next_result | Move the internal result pointer to the next result] fbsql_next_result (|int result_id); [fbsql_num_fields | Get number of fields in result] fbsql_num_fields (|resource result); [fbsql_num_rows | Get number of rows in result] fbsql_num_rows (|resource result); [fbsql_pconnect | Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server] fbsql_pconnect (|[stringhostname [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [fbsql_query | Send a FrontBase query] fbsql_query (|string query [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_result | Get result data] fbsql_result (|resource result, int row [, mixedfield]); [fbsql_select_db | Select a FrontBase database] fbsql_select_db (|string database_name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [fbsql_tablename | Get table name of field] fbsql_tablename (|resource result, int i); [fbsql_warnings | Enable or disable FrontBase warnings] fbsql_warnings (|[boolOnOff]); [fclose | Zav°φt otev°en² deskriptor souboru] fclose (|int fp); [fdf_close | Close an FDF document] fdf_close (|int fdf_document); [fdf_create | Create a new FDF document] fdf_create (|void); [fdf_get_file | Get the value of the /F key] fdf_get_file (|int fdf_document); [fdf_get_status | Get the value of the /STATUS key] fdf_get_status (|int fdf_document); [fdf_get_value | Get the value of a field] fdf_get_value (|int fdf_document, string fieldname); [fdf_next_field_name | Get the next field name] fdf_next_field_name (|int fdf_document, string fieldname); [fdf_open | Open a FDF document] fdf_open (|string filename); [fdf_save | Save a FDF document] fdf_save (|string filename); [fdf_set_ap | Set the appearance of a field] fdf_set_ap (|int fdf_document, string field_name, int face, string filename, int page_number); [fdf_set_encoding | Sets FDF character encoding] fdf_set_encoding (|int fdf_document, string encoding); [fdf_set_file | Set the value of the /F key] fdf_set_file (|int fdf_document, string filename); [fdf_set_flags | Sets a flag of a field] fdf_set_flags (|int fdf_document, string fieldname, int whichFlags, int newFlags); [fdf_set_javascript_action | Sets an javascript action of a field] fdf_set_javascript_action (|int fdf_document, string fieldname, int trigger, string script); [fdf_set_opt | Sets an option of a field] fdf_set_opt (|int fdf_document, string fieldname, int element, string str1, string str2); [fdf_set_status | Set the value of the /STATUS key] fdf_set_status (|int fdf_document, string status); [fdf_set_submit_form_action | Sets a submit form action of a field] fdf_set_submit_form_action (|int fdf_document, string fieldname, int trigger, string script, int flags); [fdf_set_value | Set the value of a field] fdf_set_value (|int fdf_document, string fieldname, string value, int isName); [feof | Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer] feof (|int fp); [fflush | Flushes the output to a file] fflush (|int fp); [fgetc | Gets character from file pointer] fgetc (|int fp); [fgetcsv | Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields] fgetcsv (|int fp, int length [, stringdelimiter]); [fgets | Gets line from file pointer] fgets (|int fp, int length); [fgetss | Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags] fgetss (|int fp, int length [, stringallowable_tags]); [file_exists | Checks whether a file exists] file_exists (|string filename); [file | Reads entire file into an array] file (|string filename [, intuse_include_path]); [fileatime | Gets last access time of file] fileatime (|string filename); [filectime | Gets inode change time of file] filectime (|string filename); [filegroup | Gets file group] filegroup (|string filename); [fileinode | Gets file inode] fileinode (|string filename); [filemtime | Gets file modification time] filemtime (|string filename); [fileowner | Gets file owner] fileowner (|string filename); [fileperms | Gets file permissions] fileperms (|string filename); [filepro_fieldcount | Zjistit, kolik sloupc∙ je ve filePro databßzi] filepro_fieldcount (|void); [filepro_fieldname | Zjistit nßzev sloupce] filepro_fieldname (|int field_number); [filepro_fieldtype | Zjistit typ sloupce] filepro_fieldtype (|int field_number); [filepro_fieldwidth | Zjistit Üφ°ku sloupce] filepro_fieldwidth (|int field_number); [filepro_retrieve | Zφskat data z filePro databßze] filepro_retrieve (|int row_number, int field_number); [filepro_rowcount | Zjistit, kolik °ßdk∙ je ve filePro databßzi] filepro_rowcount (|void); [filepro | P°eΦφst a ov∞°it mapov² soubor] filepro (|string directory); [filesize | Gets file size] filesize (|string filename); [filetype | Gets file type] filetype (|string filename); [flock | Portable advisory file locking] flock (|int fp, int operation [, intwouldblock]); [floor | Round fractions down] floor (|float value); [flush | Odeslat v²stupnφ buffer] flush (|void); [fopen | Opens file or URL] fopen (|string filename, string mode [, intuse_include_path]); [fpassthru | Output all remaining data on a file pointer] fpassthru (|int fp); [fputs | Writes to a file pointer] fputs (|int fp, string str [, intlength]); [fread | Binary-safe file read] fread (|int fp, int length); [FrenchToJD | P°evΘst datum z FrancouzskΘho republikßnskΘho kalendß°e na JulianDay Count] frenchtojd (|int month, int day, int year); [fscanf | Parses input from a file according to a format] fscanf (|int handle, string format [, stringvar1...]); [fseek | Seeks on a file pointer] fseek (|int fp, int offset [, intwhence]); [fsockopen | Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection] fsockopen (|string [udp://]hostname, int port [, interrno [, stringerrstr [, doubletimeout]]]); [fstat | Gets information about a file using an open file pointer] fstat (|int fp); [ftell | Tells file pointer read/write position] ftell (|int fp); [ftp_cdup | Changes to the parent directory] ftp_cdup (|int ftp_stream); [ftp_chdir | Changes directories on a FTP server] ftp_chdir (|int ftp_stream, string directory); [ftp_connect | Opens up an FTP connection] ftp_connect (|string host [, int port]); [ftp_delete | Deletes a file on the ftp server.] ftp_delete (|int ftp_stream, string path); [ftp_fget | Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to anopen file.] ftp_fget (|int ftp_stream, int fp, string remote_file, int mode); [ftp_fput | Uploads from an open file to the FTP server.] ftp_fput (|int ftp_stream, string remote_file, int fp, int mode); [ftp_get | Downloads a file from the FTP server.] ftp_get (|int ftp_stream, string local_file, string remote_file, int mode); [ftp_login | Logs in an FTP connection] ftp_login (|int ftp_stream, string username, string password); [ftp_mdtm | Returns the last modified time of the given file.] ftp_mdtm (|int ftp_stream, string remote_file); [ftp_mkdir | Creates a directory] ftp_mkdir (|int ftp_stream, string directory); [ftp_nlist | Returns a list of files in the given directory.] ftp_nlist (|int ftp_stream, string directory); [ftp_pasv | Turns passive mode on or off.] ftp_pasv (|int ftp_stream, int pasv); [ftp_put | Uploads a file to the FTP server.] ftp_put (|int ftp_stream, string remote_file, string local_file, int mode); [ftp_pwd | Returns the current directory name] ftp_pwd (|int ftp_stream); [ftp_quit | Closes an FTP connection] ftp_quit (|int ftp_stream); [ftp_rawlist | Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory.] ftp_rawlist (|int ftp_stream, string directory); [ftp_rename | Renames a file on the ftp server.] ftp_rename (|resource ftp_stream, string from, string to); [ftp_rmdir | Removes a directory] ftp_rmdir (|int ftp_stream, string directory); [ftp_site | Sends a SITE command to the server.] ftp_site (|int ftp_stream, string cmd); [ftp_size | Returns the size of the given file.] ftp_size (|int ftp_stream, string remote_file); [ftp_systype | Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server.] ftp_systype (|int ftp_stream); [ftruncate | Truncates a file to a given length.] ftruncate (|int fp, int size); [func_get_arg | Vrßtit polo₧ku ze seznamu argument∙] func_get_arg (|int arg_num); [func_get_args | Vrßtit pole obsahujφcφ seznam argument∙ funkce] func_get_args (|void ); [func_num_args | Vrßtit poΦet argument∙ p°edan²ch funkci] func_num_args (|void ); [function_exists | Vrßtit <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT, pokud je danß funkce definovßna] function_exists (|string function_name); [fwrite | Binary-safe file write] fwrite (|int fp, string string [, intlength]); [get_browser | UrΦuje schopnosti u₧ivatelova browseru] get_browser (|[stringuser_agent]); [get_cfg_var | Zφskat hodnotu volby z konfigurace PHP] get_cfg_var (|string varname); [get_class_methods | Vrßtit pole nßzv∙ metod t°φdy] get_class_methods (|string class_name); [get_class_vars | Vrßtit pole defaultnφch vlastnostφ t°φdy] get_class_vars (|string class_name); [get_class | Vrßtit jmΘno t°φdy objektu] get_class (|object obj); [get_current_user | Zφskat jmΘno vlastnφka souΦasnΘho PHP skriptu] get_current_user (|void); [get_declared_classes | Vrßtit pole nßzv∙ definovan²ch t°φd] get_declared_classes (|void); [get_defined_vars | Returns an array of all defined variables] get_defined_vars (|void); [get_extension_funcs | Vrßtit pole jmen funkcφ urΦitΘho modulu] get_extension_funcs (|string module_name); [get_html_translation_table | Vrßtit p°ekladovou tabulku pou₧φvanou vHREF="function.htmlspecialchars.html"<BCLASS="function"htmlspecialchars()</B</A aHREF="function.htmlentities.html"<BCLASS="function"htmlentities()</B</A] get_html_translation_table (|int table [, int quote_style]); [get_included_files | Vrßtit pole jmen vÜech soubor∙, kterΘ byly ve skriptu naΦteny pomocφinclude_once()] get_included_files (|void); [get_loaded_extensions | Vrßtit pole se jmΘny vÜech zkompilovan²ch a naΦten²ch modul∙ (|extenzφ)] get_loaded_extensions (|void); [get_magic_quotes_gpc | Zφskat souΦasnΘ aktivnφ nastavenφ magic_quotes_gpc] get_magic_quotes_gpc (|void); [get_magic_quotes_runtime | Vrßtit souΦasnΘ aktivnφ nastavenφ magic_quotes_runtime] get_magic_quotes_runtime (|void); [get_meta_tags | Zφskat hodnoty content atribut∙ vÜech meta tag∙ v souboru a vrßtit pole] get_meta_tags (|string filename [, intuse_include_path]); [get_object_vars | Vrßtit asociativnφ pole vlastnostφ objektu] get_object_vars (|object obj); [get_parent_class | Vrßtit nßzev rodiΦovskΘ t°φdy objektu] get_parent_class (|object obj); [get_required_files | Vrßtit pole jmen vÜech soubor∙, kterΘ byly v urΦitΘm skriptu naΦteny pomocφrequire_once()] get_required_files (|void); [get_resource_type | Returns the resource type] get_resource_type (|resource $handle); [getallheaders | Zφskßvß vÜechny hlaviΦky HTTP po₧adavku] getallheaders (|void); [getcwd | Zφskßvß aktußlnφ pracovnφ adresß°] getcwd (|void); [getdate | Get date/time information] getdate (|[inttimestamp]); [getenv | Zφskat hodnotu systΘmovΘ prom∞nnΘ] getenv (|string varname); [gethostbyaddr | Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address] gethostbyaddr (|string ip_address); [gethostbyname | Get the IP address corresponding to a given Internet host name] gethostbyname (|string hostname); [gethostbynamel | Get a list of IP addresses corresponding to a given Internet hostname] gethostbynamel (|string hostname); [GetImageSize | Get the size of a GIF, JPEG, PNG or SWF image] getimagesize (|string filename [, arrayimageinfo]); [getlastmod | Zφskat Φas poslenφ modifikace skriptu] getlastmod (|void); [getmxrr | Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name] getmxrr (|string hostname, array mxhosts [, arrayweight]); [getmyinode | Zφskat inode souΦasnΘho skriptu] getmyinode (|void); [getmypid | Zφskat process ID PHP] getmypid (|void); [getmyuid | Zφskat UID majitele PHP skriptu] getmyuid (|void); [getprotobyname | Get protocol number associated with protocol name] getprotobyname (|string name); [getprotobynumber | Get protocol name associated with protocol number] getprotobynumber (|int number); [getrandmax | Show largest possible random value] getrandmax (|void); [getrusage | Zφskat informace o souΦasnΘm vyu₧itφ zdroj∙] getrusage (|[intwho]); [getservbyname | Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol] getservbyname (|string service, string protocol); [getservbyport | Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol] getservbyport (|int port, string protocol); [gettext | Vyhledat zprßvu v souΦasnΘ domΘn∞] gettext (|string message); [gettimeofday | Get current time] gettimeofday (|void); [gettype | Get the type of a variable] gettype (|mixed var); [gmdate | Format a GMT/CUT date/time] gmdate (|string format [, inttimestamp]); [gmmktime | Get UNIX timestamp for a GMT date] gmmktime (|int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year [, intis_dst]); [gmp_abs | Absolute value] gmp_abs (|resource a); [gmp_add | Add numbers] gmp_add (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_and | Logical AND] gmp_and (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_clrbit | Clear bit] gmp_clrbit (|resource &a, int index); [gmp_cmp | Compare numbers] gmp_cmp (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_div_q | Divide numbers] gmp_div_q (|resource a, resource b [, intround]); [gmp_div_qr | Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder] gmp_div_qr (|resource n, resource d [, intround]); [gmp_div_r | Remainder of the division of numbers] gmp_div_r (|resource n, resource d [, intround]); [gmp_div | Divide numbers] gmp_div (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_divexact | Exact division of numbers] gmp_divexact (|resource n, resource d); [gmp_fact | Factorial] gmp_fact (|int a); [gmp_gcd | Calculate GCD] gmp_gcd (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_gcdext | Calculate GCD and multipliers] gmp_gcdext (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_hamdist | Hamming distance] gmp_hamdist (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_init | Create GMP number] gmp_init (|mixed number); [gmp_intval | Convert GMP number to integer] gmp_intval (|resource gmpnumber); [gmp_invert | Inverse by modulo] gmp_invert (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_jacobi | Jacobi symbol] gmp_jacobi (|resource a, resource p); [gmp_legendre | Legendre symbol] gmp_legendre (|resource a, resource p); [gmp_mod | Modulo operation] gmp_mod (|resource n, resource d); [gmp_mul | Multiply numbers] gmp_mul (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_neg | Negate number] gmp_neg (|resource a); [gmp_or | Logical OR] gmp_or (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_perfect_square | Perfect square check] gmp_perfect_square (|resource a); [gmp_popcount | Population count] gmp_popcount (|resource a); [gmp_pow | Raise number into power] gmp_pow (|resource base, int exp); [gmp_powm | Raise number into power with modulo] gmp_powm (|resource base, resource exp, resource mod); [gmp_prob_prime | Check if number is "probably prime"] gmp_prob_prime (|resource a [, int reps]); [gmp_random | Random number] gmp_random (|int limiter); [gmp_scan0 | Scan for 0] gmp_scan0 (|resource a, int start); [gmp_scan1 | Scan for 1] gmp_scan1 (|resource a, int start); [gmp_setbit | Set bit] gmp_setbit (|resource &a, int index [, boolset_clear]); [gmp_sign | Sign of number] gmp_sign (|resource a); [gmp_sqrt | Square root] gmp_sqrt (|resource a); [gmp_sqrtrm | Square root with remainder] gmp_sqrtrm (|resource a); [gmp_strval | Convert GMP number to string] gmp_strval (|resource gmpnumber [, intbase]); [gmp_sub | Subtract numbers] gmp_sub (|resource a, resource b); [gmp_xor | Logical XOR] gmp_xor (|resource a, resource b); [gmstrftime | Format a GMT/CUT time/date according to locale settings] gmstrftime (|string format [, inttimestamp]); [GregorianToJD | P°evΘst GregorißnskΘ datum na Julian Day Count] gregoriantojd (|int month, int day, int year); [gzclose | Close an open gz-file pointer] gzclose (|int zp); [gzcompress | Compress a string] gzcompress (|string data [, intlevel]); [gzdeflate | Deflate a string] gzdeflate (|string data [, intlevel]); [gzencode | Create a gzip compressed string] gzencode (|string data [, intlevel]); [gzeof | Test for end-of-file on a gz-file pointer] gzeof (|int zp); [gzfile | Read entire gz-file into an array] gzfile (|string filename [, intuse_include_path]); [gzgetc | Get character from gz-file pointer] gzgetc (|int zp); [gzgets | Get line from file pointer] gzgets (|int zp, int length); [gzgetss | Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags] gzgetss (|int zp, int length [, stringallowable_tags]); [gzinflate | Inflate a deflated string] gzinflate (|string data [, intlength]); [gzopen | Open gz-file] gzopen (|string filename, string mode [, intuse_include_path]); [gzpassthru | Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer] gzpassthru (|int zp); [gzputs | Write to a gz-file pointer] gzputs (|int zp, string str [, intlength]); [gzread | Binary-safe gz-file read] gzread (|int zp, int length); [gzrewind | Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer] gzrewind (|int zp); [gzseek | Seek on a gz-file pointer] gzseek (|int zp, int offset); [gztell | Tell gz-file pointer read/write position] gztell (|int zp); [gzuncompress | Uncompress a deflated string] gzuncompress (|string data [, intlength]); [gzwrite | Binary-safe gz-file write] gzwrite (|int zp, string string [, intlength]); [header | Poslat HTTP hlaviΦku] header (|string string); [headers_sent | Vrßtit <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT, pokud byly odeslßny hlaviΦky] headers_sent (|void); [hebrev | P°evΘst logick² Hebrejsk² text na vizußlnφ text] hebrev (|string hebrew_text [, intmax_chars_per_line]); [hebrevc | P°evΘst logick² Hebrejsk² text na vizußlnφ text s konverzφ konc∙ °ßdk∙] hebrevc (|string hebrew_text [, intmax_chars_per_line]); [hexdec | Hexadecimal to decimal] hexdec (|string hex_string); [highlight_file | Zv²raznφ syntaxi souboru] highlight_file (|string filename); [highlight_string | Zv²razn∞nφ syntaxe °et∞zce] highlight_string (|string str); [htmlentities | P°evΘst vÜechny pou₧itelnΘ znaky na HTML entity] htmlentities (|string string [, int quote_style]); [htmlspecialchars | P°evΘst zvlßÜtnφ znaky na HTML entity] htmlspecialchars (|string string [, int quote_style]); [hw_Array2Objrec | convert attributes from object array to object record] hw_array2objrec (|array object_array); [hw_Children | object ids of children] hw_children (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_ChildrenObj | object records of children] hw_childrenobj (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_Close | closes the Hyperwave connection] hw_close (|int connection); [hw_Connect | opens a connection] hw_connect (|string host, int port, string username, string password); [hw_Cp | copies objects] hw_cp (|int connection, array object_id_array, int destination id); [hw_Deleteobject | deletes object] hw_deleteobject (|int connection, int object_to_delete); [hw_DocByAnchor | object id object belonging to anchor] hw_docbyanchor (|int connection, int anchorID); [hw_DocByAnchorObj | object record object belonging to anchor] hw_docbyanchorobj (|int connection, int anchorID); [hw_Document_Attributes | object record of hw_document] hw_document_attributes (|int hw_document); [hw_Document_BodyTag | body tag of hw_document] hw_document_bodytag (|int hw_document); [hw_Document_Content | returns content of hw_document] hw_document_content (|int hw_document); [hw_Document_SetContent | sets/replaces content of hw_document] hw_document_setcontent (|int hw_document, string content); [hw_Document_Size | size of hw_document] hw_document_size (|int hw_document); [hw_EditText | retrieve text document] hw_edittext (|int connection, int hw_document); [hw_Error | error number] hw_error (|int connection); [hw_ErrorMsg | returns error message] hw_errormsg (|int connection); [hw_Free_Document | frees hw_document] hw_free_document (|int hw_document); [hw_GetAnchors | object ids of anchors of document] hw_getanchors (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetAnchorsObj | object records of anchors of document] hw_getanchorsobj (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetAndLock | return bject record and lock object] hw_getandlock (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetChildColl | object ids of child collections] hw_getchildcoll (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetChildCollObj | object records of child collections] hw_getchildcollobj (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetChildDocColl | object ids of child documents of collection] hw_getchilddoccoll (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetChildDocCollObj | object records of child documents of collection] hw_getchilddoccollobj (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetObject | object record] hw_getobject (|int connection, [int|array] objectID, string query); [hw_GetObjectByQuery | search object] hw_getobjectbyquery (|int connection, string query, int max_hits); [hw_GetObjectByQueryColl | search object in collection] hw_getobjectbyquerycoll (|int connection, int objectID, string query, int max_hits); [hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj | search object in collection] hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj (|int connection, int objectID, string query, int max_hits); [hw_GetObjectByQueryObj | search object] hw_getobjectbyqueryobj (|int connection, string query, int max_hits); [hw_GetParents | object ids of parents] hw_getparents (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetParentsObj | object records of parents] hw_getparentsobj (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetRemote | Gets a remote document] hw_getremote (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetRemoteChildren | Gets children of remote document] hw_getremotechildren (|int connection, string object record); [hw_GetSrcByDestObj | Returns anchors pointing at object] hw_getsrcbydestobj (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_GetText | retrieve text document] hw_gettext (|int connection, int objectID [, mixedrootID/prefix]); [hw_getusername | name of currently logged in user] hw_getusername (|int connection); [hw_Identify | identifies as user] hw_identify (|string username, string password); [hw_InCollections | check if object ids in collections] hw_incollections (|int connection, array object_id_array, array collection_id_array, int return_collections); [hw_Info | info about connection] hw_info (|int connection); [hw_InsColl | insert collection] hw_inscoll (|int connection, int objectID, array object_array); [hw_InsDoc | insert document] hw_insdoc (|int connection, int parentID, string object_record, string text); [hw_InsertDocument | upload any document] hw_insertdocument (|int connection, int parent_id, int hw_document); [hw_InsertObject | inserts an object record] hw_insertobject (|int connection, string object rec, string parameter); [hw_mapid | Maps global id on virtual local id] hw_mapid (|int connection, int server id, int object id); [hw_Modifyobject | modifies object record] hw_modifyobject (|int connection, int object_to_change, array remove, array add, int mode); [hw_Mv | moves objects] hw_mv (|int connection, array object id array, int source id, int destination id); [hw_New_Document | create new document] hw_new_document (|string object_record, string document_data, int document_size); [hw_Objrec2Array | convert attributes from object record to object array] hw_objrec2array (|string object_record [, arrayformat]); [hw_Output_Document | prints hw_document] hw_output_document (|int hw_document); [hw_pConnect | make a persistent database connection] hw_pconnect (|string host, int port, string username, string password); [hw_PipeDocument | retrieve any document] hw_pipedocument (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_Root | root object id] hw_root (|); [hw_Unlock | unlock object] hw_unlock (|int connection, int objectID); [hw_Who | List of currently logged in users] hw_who (|int connection); [ibase_close | Close a connection to an InterBase database] ibase_close (|[intconnection_id]); [ibase_commit | Commit a transaction] ibase_commit (|[intlink_identifier, int trans_number]); [ibase_connect | Open a connection to an InterBase database] ibase_connect (|string database [, stringusername [, stringpassword [, stringcharset [, intbuffers [, intdialect [, stringrole]]]]]]); [ibase_errmsg | Returns error messages] ibase_errmsg (|void); [ibase_execute | Execute a previously prepared query] ibase_execute (|intquery [, intbind_args]); [ibase_fetch_object | Get an object from a InterBase database] ibase_fetch_object (|intresult_id); [ibase_fetch_row | Fetch a row from an InterBase database] ibase_fetch_row (|intresult_identifier); [ibase_field_info | Get information about a field] ibase_field_info (|int result, int field number); [ibase_free_query | Free memory allocated by a prepared query] ibase_free_query (|intquery); [ibase_free_result | Free a result set] ibase_free_result (|intresult_identifier); [ibase_num_fields | Get the number of fields in a result set] ibase_num_fields (|int result_id); [ibase_pconnect | Creates an persistent connection to an InterBase database] ibase_pconnect (|string database [, stringusername [, stringpassword [, stringcharset [, intbuffers [, intdialect [, stringrole]]]]]]); [ibase_prepare | Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders andexecution] ibase_prepare (|[intlink_identifier, string query]); [ibase_query | Execute a query on an InterBase database] ibase_query (|[intlink_identifier, stringquery [, intbind_args]]); [ibase_rollback | Rolls back a transaction] ibase_rollback (|[intlink_identifier, int trans_number]); [ibase_timefmt | Sets the format of timestamp, date and time type columns returned from queries] ibase_timefmt (|stringformat [, intcolumntype]); [ibase_trans | Begin a transaction] ibase_trans (|[inttrans_args [, intlink_identifier]]); [icap_close | Zav°φt ICAP stream] icap_close (|int icap_stream [, intflags]); [icap_delete_event | Delete an event from an ICAP calendar] icap_delete_event (|int sream_id, int uid); [icap_fetch_event | Zφskat udßlost z kalendß°ovΘho stream] icap_fetch_event (|int stream_id, int event_id [, intoptions]); [icap_list_alarms | Vrßtit seznam udßlostφ, kterΘ majφ v danΘ datum/Φas puÜt∞n² alarm] icap_list_alarms (|int stream_id, array date, array time); [icap_list_events | Vrßtit seznam udßlostφ mezi dv∞ma daty] icap_list_events (|int stream_id, int begin_date [, intend_date]); [icap_open | Otev°φt ICAP spojenφ] icap_open (|string calendar, string username, string password, string options); [icap_snooze | Zapnout alarm] icap_snooze (|int stream_id, int uid); [icap_store_event | Ulo₧it udßlost do ICAP kalendß°e] icap_store_event (|int stream_id, object event); [iconv_get_encoding | Get current setting for character encoding conversion] iconv_get_encoding (|[stringtype]); [iconv_set_encoding | Set current setting for character encoding conversion] iconv_set_encoding (|string type, string charset); [iconv | Convert string to requested character encoding] iconv (|string in_charset, string out_charset, string str); [ifx_affected_rows | Get number of rows affected by a query] ifx_affected_rows (|int result_id); [ifx_blobinfile_mode | Set the default blob mode for all select queries] ifx_blobinfile_mode (|int mode); [ifx_byteasvarchar | Set the default byte mode] ifx_byteasvarchar (|int mode); [ifx_close | Close Informix connection] ifx_close (|[intlink_identifier]); [ifx_connect | Open Informix server connection] ifx_connect (|[string database [, string userid [, string password]]]); [ifx_copy_blob | Duplicates the given blob object] ifx_copy_blob (|int bid); [ifx_create_blob | Creates an blob object] ifx_create_blob (|int type, int mode, string param); [ifx_create_char | Creates an char object] ifx_create_char (|string param); [ifx_do | Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement] ifx_do (|int result_id); [ifx_error | Returns error code of last Informix call] ifx_error (|void); [ifx_errormsg | Returns error message of last Informix call] ifx_errormsg (|[interrorcode]); [ifx_fetch_row | Get row as enumerated array] ifx_fetch_row (|int result_id [, mixedposition]); [ifx_fieldproperties | List of SQL fieldproperties] ifx_fieldproperties (|int result_id); [ifx_fieldtypes | List of Informix SQL fields] ifx_fieldtypes (|int result_id); [ifx_free_blob | Deletes the blob object] ifx_free_blob (|int bid); [ifx_free_char | Deletes the char object] ifx_free_char (|int bid); [ifx_free_result | Releases resources for the query] ifx_free_result (|int result_id); [ifx_get_blob | Return the content of a blob object] ifx_get_blob (|int bid); [ifx_get_char | Return the content of the char object] ifx_get_char (|int bid); [ifx_getsqlca | Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query] ifx_getsqlca (|int result_id); [ifx_htmltbl_result | Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table] ifx_htmltbl_result (|int result_id [, stringhtml_table_options]); [ifx_nullformat | Sets the default return value on a fetch row] ifx_nullformat (|int mode); [ifx_num_fields | Returns the number of columns in the query] ifx_num_fields (|int result_id); [ifx_num_rows | Count the rows already fetched from a query] ifx_num_rows (|int result_id); [ifx_pconnect | Open persistent Informix connection] ifx_pconnect (|[stringdatabase [, stringuserid [, stringpassword]]]); [ifx_prepare | Prepare an SQL-statement for execution] ifx_prepare (|string query, int conn_id [, intcursor_def, mixed blobidarray]); [ifx_query | Send Informix query] ifx_query (|string query [, intlink_identifier [, intcursor_type [, mixedblobidarray]]]); [ifx_textasvarchar | Set the default text mode] ifx_textasvarchar (|int mode); [ifx_update_blob | Updates the content of the blob object] ifx_update_blob (|int bid, string content); [ifx_update_char | Updates the content of the char object] ifx_update_char (|int bid, string content); [ifxus_close_slob | Deletes the slob object] ifxus_close_slob (|int bid); [ifxus_create_slob | Creates an slob object and opens it] ifxus_create_slob (|int mode); [ifxus_free_slob | Deletes the slob object] ifxus_free_slob (|int bid); [ifxus_open_slob | Opens an slob object] ifxus_open_slob (|long bid, int mode); [ifxus_read_slob | Reads nbytes of the slob object] ifxus_read_slob (|long bid, long nbytes); [ifxus_seek_slob | Sets the current file or seek position] ifxus_seek_slob (|long bid, int mode, long offset); [ifxus_tell_slob | Returns the current file or seek position] ifxus_tell_slob (|long bid); [ifxus_write_slob | Writes a string into the slob object] ifxus_write_slob (|long bid, string content); [ignore_user_abort | Nastavuje, jestli mß ukonΦenφ spojenφ klientem p°eruÜit vykonßvßnφ skriptu] ignore_user_abort (|[intsetting]); [ImageAlphaBlending | Set the blending mode for an image] imagealphablending (|resource im, bool blendmode); [ImageArc | Draw a partial ellipse] imagearc (|int im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int col); [ImageChar | Draw a character horizontally] imagechar (|int im, int font, int x, int y, string c, int col); [ImageCharUp | Draw a character vertically] imagecharup (|int im, int font, int x, int y, string c, int col); [ImageColorAllocate | Allocate a color for an image] imagecolorallocate (|int im, int red, int green, int blue); [ImageColorAt | Get the index of the color of a pixel] imagecolorat (|int im, int x, int y); [ImageColorClosest | Get the index of the closest color to the specified color] imagecolorclosest (|int im, int red, int green, int blue); [ImageColorClosestAlpha | Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha] imagecolorclosestalpha (|resource im, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha); [ImageColorDeAllocate | De-allocate a color for an image] imagecolordeallocate (|intim, intindex); [ImageColorExact | Get the index of the specified color] imagecolorexact (|int im, int red, int green, int blue); [ImageColorExactAlpha | Get the index of the specified color + alpha] imagecolorexactalpha (|resource im, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha); [ImageColorResolve | Get the index of the specified color or its closest possiblealternative] imagecolorresolve (|int im, int red, int green, int blue); [ImageColorResolveAlpha | Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possiblealternative] imagecolorresolvealpha (|resource im, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha); [ImageColorSet | Set the color for the specified palette index] imagecolorset (|int im, int index, int red, int green, int blue); [ImageColorsForIndex | Get the colors for an index] imagecolorsforindex (|int im, int index); [ImageColorsTotal | Find out the number of colors in an image's palette] imagecolorstotal (|int im); [ImageColorTransparent | Define a color as transparent] imagecolortransparent (|int im [, intcol]); [ImageCopy | Copy part of an image] ImageCopy (|resourcedst_im, resourcesrc_im, intdst_x, intdst_y, intsrc_x, intsrc_y, intsrc_w, intsrc_h); [ImageCopyMerge | Copy and merge part of an image] ImageCopyMerge (|resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct); [ImageCopyMergeGray | Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale] ImageCopyMergeGray (|resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct); [ImageCopyResampled | Copy and resize part of an image with resampling] imagecopyresampled (|resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH); [ImageCopyResized | Copy and resize part of an image] imagecopyresized (|resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH); [ImageCreate | Create a new palette based image] imagecreate (|int x_size, int y_size); [ImageCreateFromGIF | Create a new image from file or URL] imagecreatefromgif (|string filename); [ImageCreateFromJPEG | Create a new image from file or URL] imagecreatefromjpeg (|string filename); [ImageCreateFromPNG | Create a new image from file or URL] imagecreatefrompng (|string filename); [ImageCreateFromString | Create a new image from the image stream in the string] imagecreatefromstring (|string image); [ImageCreateFromWBMP | Create a new image from file or URL] imagecreatefromwbmp (|string filename); [ImageCreateTrueColor | Create a new <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT color image] imagecreatetruecolor (|int x_size, int y_size); [ImageDashedLine | Draw a dashed line] imagedashedline (|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col); [ImageDestroy | Destroy an image] imagedestroy (|int im); [ImageEllipse | Draw an ellipse] imageellipse (|resource im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int col); [ImageFill | Flood fill] imagefill (|int im, int x, int y, int col); [ImageFilledArc | Draw a partial ellipse and fill it] imagefilledarc (|int im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int col, int style); [ImageFilledEllipse | Draw a filled ellipse] imagefilledellipse (|resource im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int col); [ImageFilledPolygon | Draw a filled polygon] imagefilledpolygon (|int im, array points, int num_points, int col); [ImageFilledRectangle | Draw a filled rectangle] imagefilledrectangle (|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col); [ImageFillToBorder | Flood fill to specific color] imagefilltoborder (|int im, int x, int y, int border, int col); [ImageFontHeight | Get font height] imagefontheight (|int font); [ImageFontWidth | Get font width] imagefontwidth (|int font); [ImageGammaCorrect | Apply a gamma correction to a GD image] imagegammacorrect (|intim, doubleinputgamma, doubleoutputgamma); [ImageGIF | Output image to browser or file] imagegif (|int im [, stringfilename]); [ImageInterlace | Enable or disable interlace] imageinterlace (|int im [, intinterlace]); [ImageJPEG | Output image to browser or file] imagejpeg (|int im [, stringfilename [, intquality]]); [ImageLine | Draw a line] imageline (|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col); [ImageLoadFont | Load a new font] imageloadfont (|string file); [ImagePNG | Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file] imagepng (|int im [, string filename]); [ImagePolygon | Draw a polygon] imagepolygon (|int im, array points, int num_points, int col); [ImagePSBBox | Give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1fonts] imagepsbbox (|string text, int font, int size [, int space [, int tightness [, float angle]]]); [ImagePSEncodeFont | Change the character encoding vector of a font] imagepsencodefont (|int font_index, string encodingfile); [ImagePsExtendFont | Extend or condense a font] imagepsextendfont (|intfont_index, doubleextend); [ImagePSFreeFont | Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font] imagepsfreefont (|int fontindex); [ImagePSLoadFont | Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file] imagepsloadfont (|string filename); [ImagePsSlantFont | Slant a font] imagepsslantfont (|intfont_index, doubleslant); [ImagePSText | To draw a text string over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts] imagepstext (|int image, string text, int font, int size, int foreground, int background, int x, int y [, intspace [, inttightness [, floatangle [, intantialias_steps]]]]); [ImageRectangle | Draw a rectangle] imagerectangle (|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col); [ImageSetBrush | Set the brush image for line drawing] imagesetbrush (|resource im, resource brush); [ImageSetPixel | Set a single pixel] imagesetpixel (|int im, int x, int y, int col); [ImageSetStyle | Set the style for line drawing] imagesetstyle (|resource im, array style); [ImageSetThickness | Set the thickness for line drawing] imagesetthickness (|resource im, int thickness); [ImageSetTile | Set the tile image for filling] imagesettile (|resource im, resource tile); [ImageString | Draw a string horizontally] imagestring (|int im, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col); [ImageStringUp | Draw a string vertically] imagestringup (|int im, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col); [ImageSX | Get image width] imagesx (|int im); [ImageSY | Get image height] imagesy (|int im); [ImageTrueColorToPalette | Convert a <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT color image to a palette image] imagetruecolortopalette (|resource im, bool dither, int ncolors); [ImageTTFBBox | Give the bounding box of a text using TypeType fonts] imagettfbbox (|int size, int angle, string fontfile, string text); [ImageTTFText | Write text to the image using TrueType fonts] imagettftext (|int im, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int col, string fontfile, string text); [ImageTypes | Return the image types supported by this PHP build] imagetypes (|void); [ImageWBMP | Output image to browser or file] imageWBMP (|int im [, stringfilename]); [imap_8bit | Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string] imap_8bit (|string string); [imap_alerts | This function returns all IMAP alert messages (|if any) that haveoccurred during this page request or since the alert stack wasreset] imap_alerts (|void); [imap_append | Append a string message to a specified mailbox] imap_append (|int imap_stream, string mbox, string message [, stringflags]); [imap_base64 | Decode BASE64 encoded text] imap_base64 (|string text); [imap_binary | Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string] imap_binary (|string string); [imap_body | Read the message body] imap_body (|int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int flags]); [imap_check | Check current mailbox] imap_check (|int imap_stream); [imap_clearflag_full | Clears flags on messages] imap_clearflag_full (|int stream, string sequence, string flag, string options); [imap_close | Close an IMAP stream] imap_close (|int imap_stream [, intflags]); [imap_createmailbox | Create a new mailbox] imap_createmailbox (|int imap_stream, string mbox); [imap_delete | Mark a messge for deletion from current mailbox] imap_delete (|int imap_stream, int msg_number [, intflags]); [imap_deletemailbox | Delete a mailbox] imap_deletemailbox (|int imap_stream, string mbox); [imap_errors | This function returns all of the IMAP errors (|if any) that haveoccurred during this page request or since the error stack wasreset.] imap_errors (|void); [imap_expunge | Delete all messages marked for deletion] imap_expunge (|int imap_stream); [imap_fetch_overview | Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message] imap_fetch_overview (|int imap_stream, string sequence [, int flags]); [imap_fetchbody | Fetch a particular section of the body of the message] imap_fetchbody (|int imap_stream, int msg_number, string part_number [, flagsflags]); [imap_fetchheader | Returns header for a message] imap_fetchheader (|int imap_stream, int msgno, int flags); [imap_fetchstructure | Read the structure of a particular message] imap_fetchstructure (|int imap_stream, int msg_number [, intflags]); [imap_get_quota | Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox] imap_get_quota (|int imap_stream, string quota_root); [imap_getmailboxes | Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information oneach one] imap_getmailboxes (|int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern); [imap_getsubscribed | List all the subscribed mailboxes] imap_getsubscribed (|int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern); [imap_header | Read the header of the message] imap_header (|int imap_stream, int msg_number [, intfromlength [, intsubjectlength [, stringdefaulthost]]]); [imap_headerinfo | Read the header of the message] imap_headerinfo (|int imap_stream, int msg_number [, intfromlength [, intsubjectlength [, stringdefaulthost]]]); [imap_headers | Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox] imap_headers (|int imap_stream); [imap_last_error | This function returns the last IMAP error (|if any) that occurredduring this page request] imap_last_error (|void); [imap_listmailbox | Read the list of mailboxes] imap_listmailbox (|int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern); [imap_listsubscribed | List all the subscribed mailboxes] imap_listsubscribed (|int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern); [imap_mail_compose | Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections] imap_mail_compose (|array envelope, array body); [imap_mail_copy | Copy specified messages to a mailbox] imap_mail_copy (|int imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, intflags]); [imap_mail_move | Move specified messages to a mailbox] imap_mail_move (|int imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, intflags]); [imap_mail | Send an email message] imap_mail (|string to, string subject, string message [, stringadditional_headers [, stringcc [, stringbcc [, stringrpath]]]]); [imap_mailboxmsginfo | Get information about the current mailbox] imap_mailboxmsginfo (|int imap_stream); [imap_mime_header_decode | Decode MIME header elements] imap_mime_header_decode (|string text); [imap_msgno | This function returns the message sequence number for the givenUID] imap_msgno (|int imap_stream, int uid); [imap_num_msg | Gives the number of messages in the current mailbox] imap_num_msg (|int imap_stream); [imap_num_recent | Gives the number of recent messages in currentmailbox] imap_num_recent (|int imap_stream); [imap_open | Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox] imap_open (|string mailbox, string username, string password [, intflags]); [imap_ping | Check if the IMAP stream is still active] imap_ping (|int imap_stream); [imap_qprint | Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bitstring] imap_qprint (|string string); [imap_renamemailbox | Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox] imap_renamemailbox (|int imap_stream, string old_mbox, string new_mbox); [imap_reopen | Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox] imap_reopen (|int imap_stream, string mailbox [, stringflags]); [imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist | Parses an address string] imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist (|string address, string default_host); [imap_rfc822_parse_headers | Parse mail headers from a string] imap_rfc822_parse_headers (|string headers [, stringdefaulthost]); [imap_rfc822_write_address | Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox,host, and personal info.] imap_rfc822_write_address (|string mailbox, string host, string personal); [imap_scanmailbox | Read the list of mailboxes, takes a string to search for in thetext of the mailbox] imap_scanmailbox (|int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern, string content); [imap_search | This function returns an array of messages matching the givensearch criteria] imap_search (|int imap_stream, string criteria, int flags); [imap_set_quota | Sets a quota for a given mailbox] imap_set_quota (|int imap_stream, string quota_root, int quota_limit); [imap_setflag_full | Sets flags on messages] imap_setflag_full (|int stream, string sequence, string flag, string options); [imap_sort | Sort an array of message headers] imap_sort (|int stream, int criteria, int reverse, int options); [imap_status | This function returns status information on a mailbox other thanthe current one] imap_status (|int imap_stream, string mailbox, int options); [imap_subscribe | Subscribe to a mailbox] imap_subscribe (|int imap_stream, string mbox); [imap_uid | This function returns the UID for the given message sequencenumber] imap_uid (|int imap_stream, int msgno); [imap_undelete | Unmark the message which is marked deleted] imap_undelete (|int imap_stream, int msg_number); [imap_unsubscribe | Unsubscribe from a mailbox] imap_unsubscribe (|int imap_stream, string mbox); [imap_utf7_decode | Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string.] imap_utf7_decode (|string text); [imap_utf7_encode | Converts 8bit data to modified UTF-7 text.] imap_utf7_encode (|string data); [imap_utf8 | Converts text to UTF8] imap_utf8 (|string text); [implode | Spojit prvky pole pomocφ °et∞zce] implode (|string glue, array pieces); [in_array | Vrßtit <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT, pokud v poli existuje danß hodnota] in_array (|mixed needle, array haystack, bool strict); [ingres_autocommit | Switch autocommit on or off.] ingres_autocommit (|[resourcelink]); [ingres_close | Close an Ingres II database connection] ingres_close (|[resourcelink]); [ingres_commit | Commit a transaction.] ingres_commit (|[resourcelink]); [ingres_connect | Open a connection to an Ingres II database.] ingres_connect (|[stringdatabase [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [ingres_fetch_array | Fetch a row of result into an array.] ingres_fetch_array (|[intresult_type [, resourcelink]]); [ingres_fetch_object | Fetch a row of result into an object.] ingres_fetch_object (|[intresult_type [, resourcelink]]); [ingres_fetch_row | Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array.] ingres_fetch_row (|[resourcelink]); [ingres_field_length | Get the length of a field.] ingres_field_length (|intindex [, resourcelink]); [ingres_field_name | Get the name of a field in a query result.] ingres_field_name (|intindex [, resourcelink]); [ingres_field_nullable | Test if a field is nullable.] ingres_field_nullable (|intindex [, resourcelink]); [ingres_field_precision | Get the precision of a field.] ingres_field_precision (|intindex [, resourcelink]); [ingres_field_scale | Get the scale of a field.] ingres_field_scale (|intindex [, resourcelink]); [ingres_field_type | Get the type of a field in a query result.] ingres_field_type (|intindex [, resourcelink]); [ingres_num_fields | Get the number of fields returned by the last query] ingres_num_fields (|[resourcelink]); [ingres_num_rows | Get the number of rows affected or returned by the last query] ingres_num_rows (|[resourcelink]); [ingres_pconnect | Open a persistent connection to an Ingres II database.] ingres_pconnect (|[stringdatabase [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [ingres_query | Send a SQL query to Ingres II] ingres_query (|stringquery [, resourcelink]); [ingres_rollback | Roll back a transaction.] ingres_rollback (|[resourcelink]); [ini_alter | Zm∞nit hodnotu konfiguraΦnφ volby] ini_alter (|string varname, string newvalue); [ini_get | Zφskat hodnotu konfiguraΦnφ volby] ini_get (|string varname); [ini_restore | Obnovit p∙vodnφ hodnotu konfiguraΦnφ volby] ini_restore (|string varname); [ini_set | Zm∞nit hodnotu konfiguraΦnφ volby] ini_set (|string varname, string newvalue); [intval | Get integer value of a variable] intval (|mixed var [, intbase]); [ip2long | Converts a string containing an (|IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted addressinto a proper address.] ip2long (|string ip_address); [iptcparse | Parsuje binßrnφ IPTC HREF="http://www.iptc.org/"TARGET="_top"http://www.iptc.org/</Ablok do jednotliv²ch tag∙.] iptcparse (|string iptcblock); [ircg_channel_mode | Set channel mode flags for user] ircg_channel_mode (|resource connection, string channel, string mode_spec, string nick); [ircg_disconnect | Close connection to server] ircg_disconnect (|resource connection, string reason); [ircg_fetch_error_msg | Returns the error from previous ircg operation] ircg_fetch_error_msg (|resource connection); [ircg_html_encode | Encodes HTML preserving output] ircg_html_encode (|string html_string); [ircg_ignore_add | Add a user to your ignore list on a server] ircg_ignore_add (|resource connection, string nick); [ircg_ignore_del | Remove a user from your ignore list on a server] ircg_ignore_del (|resource connection, string nick); [ircg_is_conn_alive | Check connection status] ircg_is_conn_alive (|resource connection); [ircg_join | Join a channel on a connected server] ircg_join (|resource connection, string channel); [ircg_kick | Kick a user out of a channel on server] ircg_kick (|resource connection, string channel, string nick, string reason); [ircg_lookup_format_messages | Select a set of format strings for display of IRC messages] ircg_lookup_format_messages (|string name); [ircg_msg | Send message to channel or user on server] ircg_msg (|resource connection, string recipient, string message [, booleansuppress]); [ircg_nick | Change nickname on server] ircg_nick (|resource connection, string nick); [ircg_notice | Send a notice to a user on server] ircg_notice (|resource connection, string , string message); [ircg_part | Leave a channel on server] ircg_part (|resource connection, string channel); [ircg_pconnect | Connect to an IRC server] ircg_pconnect (|string username [, stringserver_ip [, intserver_port [, stringmsg_format [, arrayctcp_messages [, arrayuser_settings]]]]]); [ircg_register_format_messages | Register a set of format strings for display of IRC messages] ircg_register_format_messages (|string name, array messages); [ircg_set_current | Set current connection for output] ircg_set_current (|resourceconnection); [ircg_topic | Set topic for channel on server] ircg_topic (|resource connection, string channel, string new_topic); [ircg_whois | Query user information for nick on server] ircg_whois (|resource connection, string nick); [is_array | Finds whether a variable is an array] is_array (|mixed var); [is_bool | Finds out whether a variable is a boolean] is_bool (|mixedvar); [is_dir | Tells whether the filename is a directory] is_dir (|string filename); [is_double | Finds whether a variable is a double] is_double (|mixed var); [is_executable | Tells whether the filename is executable] is_executable (|string filename); [is_file | Tells whether the filename is a regular file] is_file (|string filename); [is_float | Finds whether a variable is a float] is_float (|mixed var); [is_int | Find whether a variable is an integer] is_int (|mixed var); [is_integer | Find whether a variable is an integer] is_integer (|mixed var); [is_link | Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link] is_link (|string filename); [is_long | Finds whether a variable is an integer] is_long (|mixed var); [is_null | Finds whether a variable is <TTCLASS="constant"<BNULL</B</TT] is_null (|mixed var); [is_numeric | Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string] is_numeric (|mixed var); [is_object | Finds whether a variable is an object] is_object (|mixed var); [is_readable | Tells whether the filename is readable] is_readable (|string filename); [is_real | Finds whether a variable is a real] is_real (|mixed var); [is_resource | Finds whether a variable is a resource] is_resource (|mixedvar); [is_scalar | Finds whether a variable is a scalar] is_scalar (|mixedvar); [is_string | Finds whether a variable is a string] is_string (|mixed var); [is_subclass_of | Zjistit, jestli objekt pat°φ do podt°φdy urΦitΘ t°φdy] is_subclass_of (|object obj, string superclass); [is_uploaded_file | Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST.] is_uploaded_file (|string filename); [is_writable | Tells whether the filename is writable] is_writable (|string filename); [isset | Determine whether a variable is set] isset (|mixed var); [java_last_exception_clear | Clear last Java exception] java_last_exception_clear (|void); [java_last_exception_get | Get last Java exception] java_last_exception_get (|void); [JDDayOfWeek | Vrßtit den v t²dnu] jddayofweek (|int julianday, int mode); [JDMonthName | Vrßtit nßzev m∞sφce] jdmonthname (|int julianday, int mode); [JDToFrench | P°evΘst Julian Day Count na Francouzsk² republikßnsk² kalendß°] jdtofrench (|int juliandaycount); [JDToGregorian | P°evΘst Julian Day Count na GregorißnskΘ datum] jdtogregorian (|int julianday); [JDToJewish | P°evΘst Julian Day Count na idovsk² kalendß°] jdtojewish (|int julianday); [JDToJulian | P°evΘst Julian Day Count na JulißnskΘ datum] jdtojulian (|int julianday); [jdtounix | P°evΘst Julian Day Count na UNIXov² timestamp] jdtounix (|int jday); [JewishToJD | P°evΘst datum podle idovskΘho kalendß°e na Julian Day Count] jewishtojd (|int month, int day, int year); [join | Spojit prvky pole pomocφ °et∞zce] join (|string glue, array pieces); [JulianToJD | P°evΘst JulißnskΘ datum na Julian Day Count] juliantojd (|int month, int day, int year); [key | Fetch a key from an associative array] key (|array array); [krsort | T°φdit pole sestupn∞ podle klφΦ∙] krsort (|array array [, intsort_flags]); [ksort | T°φdit pole podle klφΦ∙] ksort (|array array [, intsort_flags]); [lcg_value | Combined linear congruential generator] lcg_value (|void); [ldap_add | Add entries to LDAP directory] ldap_add (|int link_identifier, string dn, array entry); [ldap_bind | Bind to LDAP directory] ldap_bind (|int link_identifier [, string bind_rdn [, string bind_password]]); [ldap_close | Close link to LDAP server] ldap_close (|int link_identifier); [ldap_compare | Compare value of attribute found in entry specified with DN] ldap_compare (|int link_identifier, string dn, string attribute, string value); [ldap_connect | Connect to an LDAP server] ldap_connect (|[string hostname [, int port]]); [ldap_count_entries | Count the number of entries in a search] ldap_count_entries (|int link_identifier, int result_identifier); [ldap_delete | Delete an entry from a directory] ldap_delete (|int link_identifier, string dn); [ldap_dn2ufn | Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format] ldap_dn2ufn (|string dn); [ldap_err2str | Convert LDAP error number into string error message] ldap_err2str (|int errno); [ldap_errno | Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command] ldap_errno (|int link_id); [ldap_error | Return the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command] ldap_error (|int link_id); [ldap_explode_dn | Splits DN into its component parts] ldap_explode_dn (|string dn, int with_attrib); [ldap_first_attribute | Return first attribute] ldap_first_attribute (|int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier, int ber_identifier); [ldap_first_entry | Return first result id] ldap_first_entry (|int link_identifier, int result_identifier); [ldap_free_result | Free result memory] ldap_free_result (|int result_identifier); [ldap_get_attributes | Get attributes from a search result entry] ldap_get_attributes (|int link_identifier, intresult_entry_identifier); [ldap_get_dn | Get the DN of a result entry] ldap_get_dn (|int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier); [ldap_get_entries | Get all result entries] ldap_get_entries (|int link_identifier, int result_identifier); [ldap_get_option | Get the current value for given option] ldap_get_option (|int link_identifier, int option, mixed retval); [ldap_get_values_len | Get all binary values from a result entry] ldap_get_values_len (|int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier, string attribute); [ldap_get_values | Get all values from a result entry] ldap_get_values (|int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier, string attribute); [ldap_list | Single-level search] ldap_list (|int link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, arrayattributes [, intattrsonly [, intsizelimit [, inttimelimit [, intderef]]]]]); [ldap_mod_add | Add attribute values to current attributes] ldap_mod_add (|int link_identifier, string dn, array entry); [ldap_mod_del | Delete attribute values from current attributes] ldap_mod_del (|int link_identifier, string dn, array entry); [ldap_mod_replace | Replace attribute values with new ones] ldap_mod_replace (|int link_identifier, string dn, array entry); [ldap_modify | Modify an LDAP entry] ldap_modify (|int link_identifier, string dn, array entry); [ldap_next_attribute | Get the next attribute in result] ldap_next_attribute (|int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier, int ber_identifier); [ldap_next_entry | Get next result entry] ldap_next_entry (|int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier); [ldap_read | Read an entry] ldap_read (|int link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, arrayattributes [, intattrsonly [, intsizelimit [, inttimelimit [, intderef]]]]]); [ldap_rename | Modify the name of an entry] ldap_rename (|int link_identifier, string dn, string newrdn, string newparent, bool deleteoldrdn); [ldap_search | Search LDAP tree] ldap_search (|int link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, arrayattributes [, intattrsonly [, intsizelimit [, inttimelimit [, intderef]]]]]); [ldap_set_option | Set the value of the given option] ldap_set_option (|int link_identifier, int option, mixed newval); [ldap_unbind | Unbind from LDAP directory] ldap_unbind (|int link_identifier); [leak | Nenßvratn∞ alokuje pam∞t] leak (|int bytes); [levenshtein | SpoΦφtat XXX Levenshteinovu vzdßlenost mezi dv∞ma °et∞zci] levenshtein (|string str1, string str2)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"levenshtein (|string str1, string str2, int cost_ins, int cost_rep, int cost_del)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"levenshtein (|string str1, string str2, function cost); [link | Create a hard link] link (|string target, string link); [linkinfo | Gets information about a link] linkinfo (|string path); [list | P°i°adit hodnoty p°om∞nn²m jako kdyby byly polem] list (|...); [listen | Listens for a connection on a socket] listen (|resource socket, int backlog); [localtime | Get the local time] localtime (|[inttimestamp [, boolis_associative]]); [log | Natural logarithm] log (|float arg); [log10 | Base-10 logarithm] log10 (|float arg); [long2ip | Converts an (|IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internetstandard dotted format] long2ip (|int proper_address); [lstat | Gives information about a file or symbolic link] lstat (|string filename); [ltrim | Odstranit netisknutelnΘ znaky ze zaΦßtku °et∞zce] ltrim (|string str); [mail | send mail] mail (|string to, string subject, string message [, stringadditional_headers]); [max | Find highest value] max (|mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed argn); [mb_convert_encoding | Convert character encoding] mb_convert_encoding (|string str, string to-encoding [, mixedfrom-encoding]); [mb_convert_kana | Convert "kana" one from another (|"zen-kaku" ,"han-kaku" and more)] mb_convert_kana (|string str, string option [, mixedencoding]); [mb_convert_variables | Convert character code in variable(s)] mb_convert_variables (|string to-encoding, mixed from-encoding, mixed vars); [mb_decode_mimeheader | Decode string in MIME header field] mb_decode_mimeheader (|string str); [mb_detect_encoding | Detect character encoding] mb_detect_encoding (|string str [, mixedencoding-list]); [mb_detect_order | Set/Get character encoding detection order] mb_detect_order (|[mixedencoding-list]); [mb_encode_mimeheader | Encode string for MIME header] mb_encode_mimeheader (|string str [, stringcharset [, stringtransfer-encoding [, stringlinefeed]]]); [mb_encode_numericentity | Encode character to HTML numeric string reference] mb_encode_numericentity (|string str, array convmap [, stringencoding]); [mb_http_input | Detect HTTP input character encoding] mb_http_input (|[stringtype]); [mb_http_output | Set/Get HTTP output character encoding] mb_http_output (|[stringencoding]); [mb_internal_encoding | Set/Get internal character encoding] mb_internal_encoding (|[stringencoding]); [mb_language | Set/Get current language] mb_language (|[stringlanguage]); [mb_output_handler | Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer] mb_output_handler (|string contents, int status); [mb_parse_str | Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable] mb_parse_str (|stringencoded_string [, arrayresult]); [mb_preferred_mime_name | Get MIME charset string] mb_preferred_mime_name (|string encoding); [mb_send_mail | Send encoded mail.] mb_send_mail (|string to, string subject, string message [, stringadditional_headers [, stringadditional_parameter]]); [mb_strcut | Get part of string] mb_strcut (|string str, int start [, intlength [, stringencoding]]); [mb_strimwidth | Get truncated string with specified width] mb_strimwidth (|string str, int start, int width, string trimmarker [, stringencoding]); [mb_strlen | Get string length] mb_strlen (|string str [, stringencoding]); [mb_strpos | Find position of first occurrence of string in a string] mb_strpos (|string haystack, string needle [, intoffset [, stringencoding]]); [mb_strrpos | Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string] mb_strrpos (|string haystack, string needle [, stringencoding]); [mb_strwidth | Return width of string] mb_strwidth (|string str [, stringencoding]); [mb_substitute_character | Set/Get substitution character] mb_substitute_character (|[mixedsubstrchar]); [mb_substr | Get part of string] mb_substr (|string str, int start [, intlength [, stringencoding]]); [mb_decode_numericentity | Decode HTML numeric string reference to character] mb_decode_numericentity (|string str, array convmap [, stringencoding]); [mcal_append_event | Store a new event into an MCAL calendar] mcal_append_event (|int mcal_stream); [mcal_close | Close an MCAL stream] mcal_close (|int mcal_stream, int flags); [mcal_create_calendar | Create a new MCAL calendar] mcal_create_calendar (|int stream, string calendar); [mcal_date_compare | Compares two dates] mcal_date_compare (|int a_year, int a_month, int a_day, int b_year, int b_month, int b_day); [mcal_date_valid | Returns <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT if the given year, month, day is a valid date] mcal_date_valid (|int year, int month, int day); [mcal_day_of_week | Returns the day of the week of the given date] mcal_day_of_week (|int year, int month, int day); [mcal_day_of_year | Returns the day of the year of the given date] mcal_ (|int year, int month, int day); [mcal_days_in_month | Returns the number of days in the given month] mcal_days_in_month (|int month, int leap year); [mcal_delete_calendar | Delete an MCAL calendar] mcal_delete_calendar (|int stream, string calendar); [mcal_delete_event | Delete an event from an MCAL calendar] mcal_delete_event (|int mcal_stream [, int event_id]); [mcal_event_add_attribute | Adds an attribute and a value to the streams global event structure] mcal_event_add_attribute (|int stream, string attribute, string value); [mcal_event_init | Initializes a streams global event structure] mcal_event_init (|int stream); [mcal_event_set_alarm | Sets the alarm of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_alarm (|int stream, int alarm); [mcal_event_set_category | Sets the category of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_category (|int stream, string category); [mcal_event_set_class | Sets the class of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_class (|int stream, int class); [mcal_event_set_description | Sets the description of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_description (|int stream, string description); [mcal_event_set_end | Sets the end date and time of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_end (|int stream, int year, int month [, intday [, inthour [, intmin [, intsec]]]]); [mcal_event_set_recur_daily | Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_recur_daily (|int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval); [mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday | Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday (|int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval); [mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday | Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday (|int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval); [mcal_event_set_recur_none | Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_recur_none (|int stream); [mcal_event_set_recur_weekly | Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_recur_weekly (|int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval, int weekdays); [mcal_event_set_recur_yearly | Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_recur_yearly (|int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval); [mcal_event_set_start | Sets the start date and time of the streams global eventstructure] mcal_event_set_start (|int stream, int year, int month [, intday [, inthour [, intmin [, intsec]]]]); [mcal_event_set_title | Sets the title of the streams global event structure] mcal_event_set_title (|int stream, string title); [mcal_expunge | Deletes all events marked for being expunged.] mcal_expunge (|int stream); [mcal_fetch_current_stream_event | Returns an object containing the current streams event structure] mcal_fetch_current_stream_event (|int stream); [mcal_fetch_event | Fetches an event from the calendar stream] mcal_fetch_event (|int mcal_stream, int event_id [, int options]); [mcal_is_leap_year | Returns if the given year is a leap year or not] mcal_is_leap_year (|int year); [mcal_list_alarms | Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the givendatetime] mcal_list_alarms (|int mcal_stream [, intbegin_year [, intbegin_month [, intbegin_day [, intend_year [, intend_month [, intend_day]]]]]]); [mcal_list_events | Return a list of IDs for a date or a range of dates.] mcal_list_events (|int mcal_stream, objectbegin_date [, objectend_date]); [mcal_next_recurrence | Returns the next recurrence of the event] mcal_next_recurrence (|int stream, int weekstart, array next); [mcal_open | Opens up an MCAL connection] mcal_open (|string calendar, string username, string password [, int options]); [mcal_popen | Opens up a persistent MCAL connection] mcal_popen (|string calendar, string username, string password [, int options]); [mcal_rename_calendar | Rename an MCAL calendar] mcal_rename_calendar (|int stream, string old_name, string new_name); [mcal_reopen | Reopens an MCAL connection] mcal_reopen (|string calendar [, int options]); [mcal_snooze | Turn off an alarm for an event] mcal_snooze (|int id); [mcal_store_event | Modify an existing event in an MCAL calendar] mcal_store_event (|int mcal_stream); [mcal_time_valid | Returns <TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT if the given year, month, day is a valid time] mcal_time_valid (|int hour, int minutes, int seconds); [mcrypt_cbc | Encrypt/decrypt data in CBC mode] mcrypt_cbc (|int cipher, string key, string data, int mode [, stringiv]); [mcrypt_cfb | Encrypt/decrypt data in CFB mode] mcrypt_cfb (|int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv); [mcrypt_create_iv | Create an initialization vector (|IV) from a random source] mcrypt_create_iv (|int size, int source); [mcrypt_decrypt | Decrypts crypttext with given parameters] mcrypt_decrypt (|string cipher, string key, string data, string mode [, stringiv]); [mcrypt_ecb | Encrypt/decrypt data in ECB mode] mcrypt_ecb (|int cipher, string key, string data, int mode); [mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name | Returns the name of the opened algorithm] mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_get_block_size | Returns the blocksize of the opened algorithm] mcrypt_enc_get_block_size (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size | Returns the size of the IV of the opened algorithm] mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_get_key_size | Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode] mcrypt_enc_get_key_size (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name | Returns the name of the opened mode] mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes | Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm] mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode | Checks whether the encryption of the opened mode works on blocks] mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm | Checks whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm] mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode | Checks whether the opened mode outputs blocks] mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode (|resource td); [mcrypt_enc_self_test | This function runs a self test on the opened module] mcrypt_enc_self_test (|resource td); [mcrypt_encrypt | Encrypts plaintext with given parameters] mcrypt_encrypt (|string cipher, string key, string data, string mode [, stringiv]); [mcrypt_generic_end | This function terminates encryption] mcrypt_generic_end (|resource td); [mcrypt_generic_init | This function initializes all buffers needed for encryption] mcrypt_generic_init (|resource td, string key, string iv); [mcrypt_generic | This function encrypts data] mcrypt_generic (|resource td, string data); [mcrypt_get_block_size | Get the block size of the specified cipher] mcrypt_get_block_size (|int cipher)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"mcrypt_get_block_size (|string cipher, string module); [mcrypt_get_cipher_name | Get the name of the specified cipher] mcrypt_get_cipher_name (|int cipher); [mcrypt_get_iv_size | Returns the size of the IV belonging to a specific cipher/mode combination] mcrypt_get_iv_size (|string cipher, string mode)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"mcrypt_get_iv_size (|resource td); [mcrypt_get_key_size | Get the key size of the specified cipher] mcrypt_get_key_size (|int cipher)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"mcrypt_get_key_size (|string cipher, string module); [mcrypt_list_algorithms | Get an array of all supported ciphers] mcrypt_list_algorithms (|[stringlib_dir]); [mcrypt_list_modes | Get an array of all supported modes] mcrypt_list_modes (|[stringlib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size | Returns the blocksize of the specified algorithm] mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size (|string algorithm [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size | Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode] mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size (|string algorithm [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes | Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm] mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes (|string algorithm [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode | This function returns if the the specified module is a block algorithm or not] mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode (|string mode [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm | This function checks whether the specified algorithm is a block algorithm] mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm (|string algorithm [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_is_block_mode | This function returns if the the specified mode outputs blocks or not] mcrypt_module_is_block_mode (|string mode [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_module_open | This function opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used] mcrypt_module_open (|string algorithm, string algorithm_directory, string mode, string mode_directory); [mcrypt_module_self_test | This function runs a self test on the specified module] mcrypt_module_self_test (|string algorithm [, string lib_dir]); [mcrypt_ofb | Encrypt/decrypt data in OFB mode] mcrypt_ofb (|int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv); [md5 | SpoΦφtat MD5 XXX hash °et∞zce] md5 (|string str); [mdecrypt_generic | This function decrypts data] mdecrypt_generic (|resource td, string data); [metaphone | SpoΦφtat metaphone klφΦ °et∞zce] metaphone (|string str); [method_exists | Zjistit, jestli mß t°φda urΦitou metodu] method_exists (|object object, string method_name); [mhash_count | Zφskat nejvyÜÜφ dostupnΘ hash id] mhash_count (|void); [mhash_get_block_size | Zφskat velikost bloku urΦenΘho hashe] mhash_get_block_size (|int hash); [mhash_get_hash_name | Zφskat nßzev zadanΘho hashe] mhash_get_hash_name (|int hash); [mhash_keygen_s2k | Vygenerovat klφΦ] mhash_keygen_s2k (|int hash, string password, string salt, int bytes); [mhash | SpoΦφtat hash] mhash (|int hash, string data, string [ key ]); [microtime | Return current UNIX timestamp with microseconds] microtime (|void); [min | Find lowest value] min (|number arg1, number arg2 [, ...])<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"number <BCLASS="function"min (|array numbers); [mkdir | Makes directory] mkdir (|string pathname, int mode); [mktime | Get UNIX timestamp for a date] mktime (|int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year [, intis_dst]); [move_uploaded_file | Moves an uploaded file to a new location.] move_uploaded_file (|string filename, string destination); [msql_affected_rows | Returns number of affected rows] msql_affected_rows (|int query_identifier); [msql_close | Close mSQL connection] msql_close (|int link_identifier); [msql_connect | Open mSQL connection] msql_connect (|[stringhostname [, stringhostname[:port] [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]]); [msql_create_db | Create mSQL database] msql_create_db (|string database name [, intlink_identifier]); [msql_createdb | Create mSQL database] msql_createdb (|string database name [, intlink_identifier]); [msql_data_seek | Move internal row pointer] msql_data_seek (|int query_identifier, int row_number); [msql_dbname | Get current mSQL database name] msql_dbname (|int query_identifier, int i); [msql_drop_db | Drop (|delete) mSQL database] msql_drop_db (|string database_name, int link_identifier); [msql_dropdb | Drop (|delete) mSQL database] msql_drop_db().; [msql_error | Returns error message of last msql call] msql_error (|); [msql_fetch_array | Fetch row as array] msql_fetch_array (|int query_identifier [, intresult_type]); [msql_fetch_field | Get field information] msql_fetch_field (|int query_identifier, int field_offset); [msql_fetch_object | Fetch row as object] msql_fetch_object (|int query_identifier [, intresult_type]); [msql_fetch_row | Get row as enumerated array] msql_fetch_row (|int query_identifier); [msql_field_seek | Set field offset] msql_field_seek (|int query_identifier, int field_offset); [msql_fieldflags | Get field flags] msql_fieldflags (|int query_identifier, int i); [msql_fieldlen | Get field length] msql_fieldlen (|int query_identifier, int i); [msql_fieldname | Get field name] msql_fieldname (|int query_identifier, int field); [msql_fieldtable | Get table name for field] msql_fieldtable (|int query_identifier, int field); [msql_fieldtype | Get field type] msql_fieldtype (|int query_identifier, int i); [msql_free_result | Free result memory] msql_free_result (|int query_identifier); [msql_freeresult | Free result memory] msql_free_result(); [msql_list_dbs | List mSQL databases on server] msql_list_dbs (|void); [msql_list_fields | List result fields] msql_list_fields (|string database, string tablename); [msql_list_tables | List tables in an mSQL database] msql_list_tables (|string database); [msql_listdbs | List mSQL databases on server] msql_list_dbs().; [msql_listfields | List result fields] msql_list_fields().; [msql_listtables | List tables in an mSQL database] msql_list_tables().; [msql_num_fields | Get number of fields in result] msql_num_fields (|int query_identifier); [msql_num_rows | Get number of rows in result] msql_num_rows (|int query_identifier); [msql_numfields | Get number of fields in result] msql_numfields (|int query_identifier); [msql_numrows | Get number of rows in result] msql_numrows (|void); [msql_pconnect | Open persistent mSQL connection] msql_pconnect (|[stringhostname [, stringhostname[:port] [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]]); [msql_query | Send mSQL query] msql_query (|string query, int link_identifier); [msql_regcase | Make regular expression for case insensitive match] sql_regcase().; [msql_result | Get result data] msql_result (|int query_identifier, int i, mixed field); [msql_select_db | Select mSQL database] msql_select_db (|string database_name, int link_identifier); [msql_selectdb | Select mSQL database] msql_select_db().; [msql_tablename | Get table name of field] msql_tablename (|int query_identifier, int field); [msql | Send mSQL query] msql (|string database, string query, int link_identifier); [mssql_close | Close MS SQL Server connection] mssql_close (|[intlink_identifier]); [mssql_connect | Open MS SQL server connection] mssql_connect (|[stringservername [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [mssql_data_seek | Move internal row pointer] mssql_data_seek (|int result_identifier, int row_number); [mssql_fetch_array | Fetch row as array] mssql_fetch_array (|int result); [mssql_fetch_field | Get field information] mssql_fetch_field (|int result [, intfield_offset]); [mssql_fetch_object | Fetch row as object] mssql_fetch_object (|int result); [mssql_fetch_row | Get row as enumerated array] mssql_fetch_row (|int result); [mssql_field_length | Get the length of a field] mssql_field_length (|int result [, intoffset]); [mssql_field_name | Get the name of a field] mssql_field_name (|int result [, intoffset]); [mssql_field_seek | Set field offset] mssql_field_seek (|int result, int field_offset); [mssql_field_type | Get the type of a field] mssql_field_type (|int result [, intoffset]); [mssql_free_result | Free result memory] mssql_free_result (|int result); [mssql_get_last_message | Returns the last message from server (|overmin_message_severity?)] mssql_get_last_message (|void); [mssql_min_error_severity | Sets the lower error severity] mssql_min_error_severity (|int severity); [mssql_min_message_severity | Sets the lower message severity] mssql_min_message_severity (|int severity); [mssql_next_result | Move the internal result pointer to the next result] mssql_next_result (|int result_id); [mssql_num_fields | Get number of fields in result] mssql_num_fields (|int result); [mssql_num_rows | Get number of rows in result] mssql_num_rows (|string result); [mssql_pconnect | Open persistent MS SQL connection] mssql_pconnect (|[stringservername [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [mssql_query | Send MS SQL query] mssql_query (|string query [, intlink_identifier]); [mssql_result | Get result data] mssql_result (|int result, int i, mixed field); [mssql_select_db | Select MS SQL database] mssql_select_db (|string database_name [, intlink_identifier]); [mt_getrandmax | Show largest possible random value] mt_getrandmax (|void); [mt_rand | Generate a better random value] mt_rand (|void)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"mt_rand (|intmin, intmax); [mt_srand | Seed the better random number generator] mt_srand (|int seed); [mysql_affected_rows | Get number of affected rows in previous MySQLoperation] mysql_affected_rows (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_change_user | Change logged in user of the active connection] mysql_change_user (|string user, string password [, stringdatabase [, resourcelink_identifier]]); [mysql_close | Close MySQL connection] mysql_close (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_connect | Open a connection to a MySQL Server] mysql_connect (|[stringhostname[:port][:/path/to/socket] [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [mysql_create_db | Create a MySQL database] mysql_create_db (|string database name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_data_seek | Move internal result pointer] mysql_data_seek (|resource result_identifier, int row_number); [mysql_db_name | Get result data] mysql_db_name (|resource result, int row [, mixedfield]); [mysql_db_query | Send a MySQL query] mysql_db_query (|string database, string query [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_drop_db | Drop (|delete) a MySQL database] mysql_drop_db (|string database_name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_errno | Returns the numerical value of the error message from previousMySQL operation] mysql_errno (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_error | Returns the text of the error message from previousMySQL operation] mysql_error (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_escape_string | Escapes a string for use in a mysql_query.] mysql_escape_string (|string unescaped_string); [mysql_fetch_array | Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both.] mysql_fetch_array (|resource result [, intresult_type]); [mysql_fetch_assoc | Fetch a result row as an associative array] mysql_fetch_assoc (|resource result); [mysql_fetch_field | Get column information from a result and return as an object] mysql_fetch_field (|resource result [, intfield_offset]); [mysql_fetch_lengths | Get the length of each output in a result] mysql_fetch_lengths (|resource result); [mysql_fetch_object | Fetch a result row as an object] mysql_fetch_object (|resource result [, intresult_type]); [mysql_fetch_row | Get a result row as an enumerated array] mysql_fetch_row (|resource result); [mysql_field_flags | Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result] mysql_field_flags (|resource result, int field_offset); [mysql_field_len | Returns the length of the specified field] mysql_field_len (|resource result, int field_offset); [mysql_field_name | Get the name of the specified field in a result] mysql_field_name (|resource result, int field_index); [mysql_field_seek | Set result pointer to a specified field offset] mysql_field_seek (|resource result, int field_offset); [mysql_field_table | Get name of the table the specified field is in] mysql_field_table (|resource result, int field_offset); [mysql_field_type | Get the type of the specified field in a result] mysql_field_type (|iresource result, int field_offset); [mysql_free_result | Free result memory] mysql_free_result (|resource result); [mysql_get_client_info | Get MySQL client info] mysql_get_client_info (|void); [mysql_get_host_info | Get MySQL host info] mysql_get_host_info (|[resource link_identifier]); [mysql_get_proto_info | Get MySQL protocol info] mysql_get_proto_info (|[resource link_identifier]); [mysql_get_server_info | Get MySQL server info] mysql_get_server_info (|[resource link_identifier]); [mysql_insert_id | Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation] mysql_insert_id (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_list_dbs | List databases available on a MySQL server] mysql_list_dbs (|[resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_list_fields | List MySQL result fields] mysql_list_fields (|string database_name, string table_name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_list_tables | List tables in a MySQL database] mysql_list_tables (|string database [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_num_fields | Get number of fields in result] mysql_num_fields (|resource result); [mysql_num_rows | Get number of rows in result] mysql_num_rows (|resource result); [mysql_pconnect | Open a persistent connection to a MySQL Server] mysql_pconnect (|[stringhostname[:port][:/path/to/socket] [, stringusername [, stringpassword]]]); [mysql_query | Send a MySQL query] mysql_query (|string query [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_result | Get result data] mysql_result (|resource result, int row [, mixedfield]); [mysql_select_db | Select a MySQL database] mysql_select_db (|string database_name [, resourcelink_identifier]); [mysql_tablename | Get table name of field] mysql_tablename (|resource result, int i); [mysql_unbuffered_query | Send an SQL query to MySQL, without fetching and buffering the result rows] mysql_unbuffered_query (|string query [, resourcelink_identifier]); [natcasesort | T°φdit pole s vyu₧itφm algoritmu "p°irozenΘho t°φd∞nφ" (|case-insensitive)] natcasesort (|array array); [natsort | T°φdit pole s vyu₧itφm algoritmu "p°irozenΘho t°φd∞nφ"] natsort (|array array); [next | Posunout internφ ukazatel pole] next (|array array); [nl2br | P°evede konce °ßdk∙ na HTML konce °ßdk∙] nl2br (|string string); [number_format | Format a number with grouped thousands] number_format (|float number [, int decimals [, string dec_point [, string thousands_sep]]]); [ob_end_clean | VyΦistit (|vymazat) v²stupnφ buffer a vypnout bufferovßnφ v²stupu] ob_end_clean (|void); [ob_end_flush | Vyprßzdnit (|odeslat) v²stupnφ buffer a vypnout bufferovßnφ v²stupu] ob_end_flush (|void); [ob_get_contents | Vrßtit obsah v²stupnφho bufferu] ob_get_contents (|void); [ob_get_length | Vrßtit dΘlku v²stupnφho buffer] ob_get_length (|void); [ob_iconv_handler | Convert character encoding as output buffer handler] ob_iconv_handler (|stringcontents, intstatus); [ob_implicit_flush | Vypnout/zapnout implicitnφ flush] ob_implicit_flush (|[intflag]); [ob_start | Zapnout bufferovßnφ v²stupu] ob_start (|[stringoutput_callback]); [OCIBindByName | Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle Placeholder] OCIBindByName (|int stmt, string ph_name, mixed &variable, int length [, int type]); [OCICancel | Cancel reading from cursor] OCICancel (|int stmt); [OCICollAssign | Coming soon.] OCICollAssign (|object collection, object object); [OCICollAssignElem | Coming soon.] OCICollAssignElem (|object collection, string ndx, string val); [OCICollGetElem | Coming soon.] OCICollGetElem (|object collection, string ndx); [OCICollMax | Coming soon.] OCICollMax (|object collection); [OCICollSize | Coming soon.] OCICollSize (|object collection); [OCICollTrim | Coming soon.] OCICollTrim (|object collection, int num); [OCIColumnIsNULL | test whether a result column is <TTCLASS="constant"<BNULL</B</TT] OCIColumnIsNULL (|int stmt, mixed column); [OCIColumnName | Returns the name of a column.] OCIColumnName (|int stmt, int col); [OCIColumnPrecision | Coming soon.] OCIColumnPrecision (|int stmt, int col); [OCIColumnScale | Coming soon.] OCIColumnScale (|int stmt, int col); [OCIColumnSize | return result column size] OCIColumnSize (|int stmt, mixed column); [OCIColumnType | Returns the data type of a column.] OCIColumnType (|int stmt, int col); [OCIColumnTypeRaw | Coming soon.] OCIColumnTypeRaw (|int stmt, int col); [OCICommit | Commits outstanding transactions] OCICommit (|int connection); [OCIDefineByName | Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT] OCIDefineByName (|int stmt, string Column-Name, mixed variable [, int type]); [OCIError | Return the last error of stmt|conn|global.If no error happened returns <TTCLASS="constant"<BFALSE</B</TT.] OCIError (|[intstmt|conn|global]); [OCIExecute | Execute a statement] OCIExecute (|int statement [, intmode]); [OCIFetch | Fetches the next row into result-buffer] OCIFetch (|int statement); [OCIFetchInto | Fetches the next row into result-array] OCIFetchInto (|int stmt, array &result [, intmode]); [OCIFetchStatement | Fetch all rows of result data into an array.] OCIFetchStatement (|int stmt, array &variable); [OCIFreeCollection | Coming soon.] OCIFreeCollection (|object lob); [OCIFreeCursor | Free all resources associated with a cursor.] OCIFreeCursor (|int stmt); [OCIFreeDesc | Deletes a large object descriptor.] OCIFreeDesc (|object lob); [OCIFreeStatement | Free all resources associated with a statement.] OCIFreeStatement (|int stmt); [OCIInternalDebug | Enables or disables internal debug output. By default it isdisabled] OCIInternalDebug (|int onoff); [OCILoadLob | Coming soon.] OCILoadLob (|object lob); [OCILogOff | Disconnects from Oracle] OCILogOff (|int connection); [OCILogon | Establishes a connection to Oracle] OCILogon (|string username, string password [, stringdb]); [OCINewCollection | Coming soon.] OCINewCollection (|int conn, string tdo [, string shema]); [OCINewCursor | Return a new cursor (|Statement-Handle) - use to bind ref-cursors.] OCINewCursor (|int conn); [OCINewDescriptor | Initialize a new empty descriptor LOB/FILE (|LOB is default)] OCINewDescriptor (|int connection [, inttype]); [OCINLogon | Connect to an Oracle database and log on using a newconnection. Returns a new session.] OCINLogon (|string username, string password [, stringdb]); [OCINumCols | Return the number of result columns in a statement] OCINumCols (|int stmt); [OCIParse | Parse a query and return a statement] OCIParse (|int conn, string query); [OCIPLogon | Connect to an Oracle database and log on using apersistent connection. Returns a new session.] OCIPLogon (|string username, string password [, stringdb]); [OCIResult | Returns column value for fetched row] OCIResult (|int statement, mixed column); [OCIRollback | Rolls back outstanding transactions] OCIRollback (|int connection); [OCIRowCount | Gets the number of affected rows] OCIRowCount (|int statement); [OCISaveLob | Coming soon.] OCISaveLob (|object lob); [OCISaveLobFile | Coming soon.] OCISaveLobFile (|object lob); [OCIServerVersion | Return a string containing server versioninformation.] OCIServerVersion (|int conn); [OCISetPrefetch | sets number of rows to be prefetched] OCISetPrefetch (|int stmt, int rows); [OCIStatementType | Return the type of an OCI statement.] OCIStatementType (|int stmt); [OCIWriteLobToFile | Coming soon.] OCIWriteLobToFile (|object lob [, string filename [, int start [, int lenght]]]); [octdec | Octal to decimal] octdec (|string octal_string); [odbc_autocommit | Toggle autocommit behaviour] odbc_autocommit (|int connection_id [, int OnOff]); [odbc_binmode | Handling of binary column data] odbc_binmode (|int result_id, int mode); [odbc_close_all | Close all ODBC connections] odbc_close_all (|void); [odbc_close | Close an ODBC connection] odbc_close (|int connection_id); [odbc_columnprivileges | Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch a list ofcolumns and associated privileges] odbc_columnprivileges (|int connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]]); [odbc_columns | Lists the column names in specified tables. Returns a resultidentifier containing the information.] odbc_columns (|int connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]]); [odbc_commit | Commit an ODBC transaction] odbc_commit (|int connection_id); [odbc_connect | Connect to a datasource] odbc_connect (|string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type]); [odbc_cursor | Get cursorname] odbc_cursor (|int result_id); [odbc_do | Synonym for HREF="function.odbc-exec.html"<BCLASS="function"odbc_exec()</B</A] odbc_do (|int conn_id, string query); [odbc_error | Get the last error code] odbc_error (|[int connection_id]); [odbc_errormsg | Get the last error message] odbc_errormsg (|[int connection_id]); [odbc_exec | Prepare and execute a SQL statement] odbc_exec (|int connection_id, string query_string); [odbc_execute | Execute a prepared statement] odbc_execute (|int result_id [, arrayparameters_array]); [odbc_fetch_into | Fetch one result row into array] odbc_fetch_into (|int result_id [, int rownumber, array result_array]); [odbc_fetch_row | Fetch a row] odbc_fetch_row (|int result_id [, int row_number]); [odbc_field_len | Get the length (|precision) of a field] odbc_field_len (|int result_id, int field_number); [odbc_field_name | Get the columnname] odbc_field_name (|int result_id, int field_number); [odbc_field_num | Return column number] odbc_field_num (|int result_id, string field_name); [odbc_field_precision | Synonym for HREF="function.odbc-field-len.html"<BCLASS="function"odbc_field_len()</B</A] odbc_field_precision (|int result_id, int field_number); [odbc_field_scale | Get the scale of a field] odbc_field_scale (|int result_id, int field_number); [odbc_field_type | Datatype of a field] odbc_field_type (|int result_id, int field_number); [odbc_foreignkeys | Returns a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a listof foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key inthe specified table] odbc_foreignkeys (|int connection_id, string pk_qualifier, string pk_owner, string pk_table, string fk_qualifier, string fk_owner, string fk_table); [odbc_free_result | Free resources associated with a result] odbc_free_result (|int result_id); [odbc_gettypeinfo | Returns a result identifier containing information about datatypes supported by the data source.] odbc_gettypeinfo (|int connection_id [, int data_type]); [odbc_longreadlen | Handling of LONG columns] odbc_longreadlen (|int result_id, int length); [odbc_num_fields | Number of columns in a result] odbc_num_fields (|int result_id); [odbc_num_rows | Number of rows in a result] odbc_num_rows (|int result_id); [odbc_pconnect | Open a persistent database connection] odbc_pconnect (|string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type]); [odbc_prepare | Prepares a statement for execution] odbc_prepare (|int connection_id, string query_string); [odbc_primarykeys | Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch the columnnames that comprise the primary key for a table] odbc_primarykeys (|int connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table); [odbc_procedurecolumns | Retrieve information about parameters to procedures] odbc_procedurecolumns (|int connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string proc [, string column]]]]); [odbc_procedures | Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source.Returns a result identifier containing the information.] odbc_procedures (|int connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name]]]); [odbc_result_all | Print result as HTML table] odbc_result_all (|int result_id [, string format]); [odbc_result | Get result data] odbc_result (|int result_id, mixed field); [odbc_rollback | Rollback a transaction] odbc_rollback (|int connection_id); [odbc_setoption | Adjust ODBC settings. Returns <TTCLASS="constant"<BFALSE</B</TT if an error occurs, otherwise<TTCLASS="constant"<BTRUE</B</TT.] odbc_setoption (|int id, int function, int option, int param); [odbc_specialcolumns | Returns either the optimal set of columns that uniquelyidentifies a row in the table or columns that are automaticallyupdated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction] odbc_specialcolumns (|int connection_id, int type, string qualifier, string owner, string table, int scope, int nullable); [odbc_statistics | Retrieve statistics about a table] odbc_statistics (|int connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table_name, int unique, int accuracy); [odbc_tableprivileges | Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table] odbc_tableprivileges (|int connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name]]]); [odbc_tables | Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source.Returns a result identifier containing theinformation.] odbc_tables (|int connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name [, string types]]]]); [opendir | Otev°e adresß°] opendir (|string path); [openlog | Open connection to system logger] openlog (|string ident, int option, int facility); [openssl_free_key | Uvolnit prost°edky klφΦe] openssl_free_key (|int key_identifier); [openssl_get_privatekey | P°ipravit soukrom² PEM klφΦ k pou₧itφ] openssl_get_privatekey (|string key [, string passphrase]); [openssl_get_publickey | Zφskat z certifikßtu ve°ejn² klφΦ a p°ipravit ho k pou₧itφ] openssl_get_publickey (|string certificate); [openssl_open | Otev°φt zapeΦet∞nß data] openssl_open (|string sealed_data, string open_data, string env_key, int priv_key_id); [openssl_seal | ZapeΦetit (|zak≤dovat) data] openssl_seal (|string data, string sealed_data, array env_keys, array pub_key_ids); [openssl_sign | Generate signature] openssl_sign (|string data, string signature, int priv_key_id); [openssl_verify | Ov∞°it podpis] openssl_verify (|string data, string signature, int pub_key_id); [Ora_Bind | bind a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter] ora_bind (|int cursor, string PHP variable name, string SQL parameter name, int length [, int type]); [Ora_Close | close an Oracle cursor] ora_close (|int cursor); [Ora_ColumnName | get name of Oracle result column] Ora_ColumnName (|int cursor, int column); [Ora_ColumnSize | get size of Oracle result column] Ora_ColumnSize (|int cursor, int column); [Ora_ColumnType | get type of Oracle result column] Ora_ColumnType (|int cursor, int column); [Ora_Commit | commit an Oracle transaction] ora_commit (|int conn); [Ora_CommitOff | disable automatic commit] ora_commitoff (|int conn); [Ora_CommitOn | enable automatic commit] ora_commiton (|int conn); [Ora_Do | Parse, Exec, Fetch] ora_do (|int conn, string query); [Ora_Error | get Oracle error message] Ora_Error (|int cursor_or_connection); [Ora_ErrorCode | get Oracle error code] Ora_ErrorCode (|int cursor_or_connection); [Ora_Exec | execute parsed statement on an Oracle cursor] ora_exec (|int cursor); [Ora_Fetch_Into | Fetch a row into the specified result array] ora_fetch_into (|int cursor, array result [, intflags]); [Ora_Fetch | fetch a row of data from a cursor] ora_fetch (|int cursor); [Ora_GetColumn | get data from a fetched column] ora_getcolumn (|int cursor, mixed column); [Ora_Logoff | close an Oracle connection] ora_logoff (|int connection); [Ora_Logon | open an Oracle connection] ora_logon (|string user, string password); [Ora_Numcols | Returns the number of columns] ora_numcols (|int cursor_ind); [Ora_Numrows | Returns the number of rows] ora_numrows (|int cursor_ind); [Ora_Open | open an Oracle cursor] ora_open (|int connection); [Ora_Parse | parse an SQL statement] ora_parse (|int cursor_ind, string sql_statement, int defer); [Ora_pLogon | Open a persistent Oracle connection] ora_plogon (|string user, string password); [Ora_Rollback | roll back transaction] ora_rollback (|int connection); [ord | Vrßtit ASCII hodnotu znaku] ord (|string string); [ovrimos_close_all | Closes all the connections to ovrimos] ovrimos_close_all (|); [ovrimos_close | Closes the connection to ovrimos] ovrimos_close (|int connection); [ovrimos_commit | Commits the transaction] ovrimos_commit (|int connection_id); [ovrimos_connect | Connect to the specified database] ovrimos_connect (|string host, string db, string user, string password); [ovrimos_cursor | Returns the name of the cursor] ovrimos_cursor (|int result_id); [ovrimos_exec | Executes an SQL statement] ovrimos_exec (|int connection_id, string query); [ovrimos_execute | Executes a prepared SQL statement] ovrimos_execute (|int result_id [, arrayparameters_array]); [ovrimos_fetch_into | Fetches a row from the result set] ovrimos_fetch_into (|int result_id, array result_array [, stringhow [, intrownumber]]); [ovrimos_fetch_row | Fetches a row from the result set] ovrimos_fetch_row (|int result_id [, inthow [, introw_number]]); [ovrimos_field_len | Returns the length of the output column] ovrimos_field_len (|int result_id, int field_number); [ovrimos_field_name | Returns the output column name] ovrimos_field_name (|int result_id, int field_number); [ovrimos_field_num | Returns the (|1-based) index of the output column] ovrimos_field_num (|int result_id, string field_name); [ovrimos_field_type | Returns the (|numeric) type of the output column] ovrimos_field_type (|int result_id, int field_number); [ovrimos_free_result | Frees the specified result_id] ovrimos_free_result (|int result_id); [ovrimos_longreadlen | Specifies how many bytes are to be retrieved from long datatypes] ovrimos_longreadlen (|int result_id, int length); [ovrimos_num_fields | Returns the number of columns] ovrimos_num_fields (|int result_id); [ovrimos_num_rows | Returns the number of rows affected by update operations] ovrimos_num_rows (|int result_id); [ovrimos_prepare | Prepares an SQL statement] ovrimos_prepare (|int connection_id, string query); [ovrimos_result_all | Prints the whole result set as an HTML table] ovrimos_result_all (|int result_id [, stringformat]); [ovrimos_result | Retrieves the output column] ovrimos_result (|int result_id, mixed field); [ovrimos_rollback | Rolls back the transaction] ovrimos_rollback (|int connection_id); [pack | Sbalφ data do binßrnφho °et∞zce.] pack (|string format [, mixedargs ...]); [parse_str | Roparsovat °et∞zec do prom∞nn²ch] parse_str (|string str [, array arr]); [parse_url | Rozebrat URL a vrßtit jejφ komponenty] parse_url (|string url); [passthru | Vykonat externφ program a zobrazit nezpracovan² v²stup] passthru (|string command [, intreturn_var]); [pclose | Closes process file pointer] pclose (|int fp); [pdf_add_annotation | Adds annotation] pdf_add_annotation (|int pdf document, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, string title, string content); [pdf_add_outline | Adds bookmark for current page] pdf_add_outline (|int pdf document, string text [, int parent [, int open]]); [pdf_arc | Draws an arc] pdf_arc (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor, double radius, double start, double end); [pdf_begin_page | ZaΦφt novou stranu] pdf_begin_page (|int pdf document, double width, double height); [pdf_circle | Draws a circle] pdf_circle (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor, double radius); [pdf_clip | Clips to current path] pdf_clip (|int pdf document); [pdf_close_image | Closes an image] pdf_close_image (|int image); [pdf_close | Zav°φt PDF dokument] pdf_close (|int pdf document); [pdf_closepath_fill_stroke | Closes, fills and strokes current path] pdf_closepath_fill_stroke (|int pdf document); [pdf_closepath_stroke | Closes path and draws line along path] pdf_closepath_stroke (|int pdf document); [pdf_closepath | Closes path] pdf_closepath (|int pdf document); [pdf_continue_text | Outputs text in next line] pdf_continue_text (|int pdf document, string text); [pdf_curveto | Draws a curve] pdf_curveto (|int pdf document, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3); [pdf_end_page | UkonΦit stranu] pdf_end_page (|int pdf document); [pdf_endpath | Ends current path] pdf_endpath (|int pdf document); [pdf_execute_image | Places a stored image on the page] pdf_execute_image (|int pdf document, int image, double x-coor, double y-coor, double scale); [pdf_fill_stroke | Fills and strokes current path] pdf_fill_stroke (|int pdf document); [pdf_fill | Fills current path] pdf_fill (|int pdf document); [pdf_get_image_height | Returns height of an image] pdf_get_image_height (|int pdf document, int image); [pdf_get_image_width | Returns width of an image] pdf_get_image_width (|int pdf document, int image); [pdf_get_parameter | Zjistit hodnotu parametru] pdf_get_parameter (|int pdf document, string name [, double modifier]); [pdf_get_value | Gets certain numerical value] pdf_get_value (|int pdf document, string name [, double modifier]); [pdf_lineto | Draws a line] pdf_lineto (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor); [pdf_moveto | Sets current point] pdf_moveto (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor); [pdf_open_gif | Opens a GIF image] pdf_open_gif (|int pdf document, string filename); [pdf_open_image_file | Reads an image from a file] pdf_open_image_file (|int PDF-document, string format, string filename); [pdf_open_jpeg | Opens a JPEG image] pdf_open_jpeg (|int pdf document, string filename); [pdf_open_memory_image | Opens an image created with PHP's image functions] pdf_open_memory_image (|int pdf document, int image); [pdf_open_png | Opens a PNG image] pdf_open_png (|intpdf, stringpng_file); [pdf_open_tiff | Opens a TIFF image] pdf_open_tiff (|int PDF-document, string filename); [pdf_open | Otev°φt nov² PDF dokument] pdf_open (|int file); [pdf_place_image | Places an image on the page] pdf_place_image (|int pdf document, int image, double x-coor, double y-coor, double scale); [pdf_put_image | Stores an image in the PDF for later use] pdf_put_image (|int pdf document, int image); [pdf_rect | Draws a rectangle] pdf_rect (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor, double width, double height); [pdf_restore | Restores formerly saved environment] pdf_restore (|int pdf document); [pdf_rotate | Sets rotation] pdf_rotate (|int pdf document, double angle); [pdf_save | Saves the current environment] pdf_save (|int pdf document); [pdf_scale | Sets scaling] pdf_scale (|int pdf document, double x-scale, double y-scale); [pdf_set_border_color | Sets color of border around links and annotations] pdf_set_border_color (|int pdf document, double red, double green, double blue); [pdf_set_border_dash | Sets dash style of border around links and annotations] pdf_set_border_dash (|int pdf document, double black, double white); [pdf_set_border_style | Sets style of border around links and annotations] pdf_set_border_style (|int pdf document, string style, double width); [pdf_set_char_spacing | Sets character spacing] pdf_set_char_spacing (|int pdf document, double space); [pdf_set_duration | Sets duration between pages] pdf_set_duration (|int pdf document, double duration); [pdf_set_font | UrΦit font a velikost] pdf_set_font (|int pdf document, string font name, double size, string encoding [, int embed]); [pdf_set_horiz_scaling | Sets horizontal scaling of text] pdf_set_horiz_scaling (|int pdf document, double scale); [pdf_set_info | Vyplnit polo₧ku informacφ o dokumentu] pdf_set_info (|int pdf document, string fieldname, string value); [pdf_set_leading | Nastavit vzdßlenost mezi °ßdky] pdf_set_leading (|int pdf document, double distance); [pdf_set_parameter | Nastavit urΦitΘ parametry] pdf_set_parameter (|int pdf document, string name, string value); [pdf_set_text_matrix | Sets the text matrix] pdf_set_text_matrix (|int pdf document, array matrix); [pdf_set_text_pos | Sets text position] pdf_set_text_pos (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor); [pdf_set_text_rendering | Determines how text is rendered] pdf_set_text_rendering (|int pdf document, int mode); [pdf_set_text_rise | Sets the text rise] pdf_set_text_rise (|int pdf document, double rise); [pdf_set_transition | Sets transition between pages] pdf_set_transition (|int pdf document, int transition); [pdf_set_value | Sets certain numerical value] pdf_set_value (|int pdf document, string name, double value); [pdf_set_word_spacing | Sets spacing between words] pdf_set_word_spacing (|int pdf document, double space); [pdf_setdash | Sets dash pattern] pdf_setdash (|int pdf document, double white, double black); [pdf_setflat | Sets flatness] pdf_setflat (|int pdf document, double value); [pdf_setgray_fill | Sets filling color to gray value] pdf_setgray_fill (|int pdf document, double gray value); [pdf_setgray_stroke | Sets drawing color to gray value] pdf_setgray_stroke (|int pdf document, double gray value); [pdf_setgray | Sets drawing and filling color to gray value] pdf_setgray (|int pdf document, double gray value); [pdf_setlinecap | Sets linecap parameter] pdf_setlinecap (|int pdf document, int value); [pdf_setlinejoin | Sets linejoin parameter] pdf_setlinejoin (|int pdf document, long value); [pdf_setlinewidth | Sets line width] pdf_setlinewidth (|int pdf document, double width); [pdf_setmiterlimit | Sets miter limit] pdf_setmiterlimit (|int pdf document, double value); [pdf_setrgbcolor_fill | Sets filling color to rgb color value] pdf_setrgbcolor_fill (|int pdf document, double red value, double green value, double blue value); [pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke | Sets drawing color to rgb color value] pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke (|int pdf document, double red value, double green value, double blue value); [pdf_setrgbcolor | Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value] pdf_setrgbcolor (|int pdf document, double red value, double green value, double blue value); [pdf_show_boxed | Vytisknout text v rßmeΦku] pdf_show_boxed (|int pdf document, string text, double x-coor, double y-coor, double width, double height, string mode [, string feature]); [pdf_show_xy | Vytisknout text na urΦenΘ pozici] pdf_show_xy (|int pdf document, string text, double x-coor, double y-coor); [pdf_show | Umφstit text na aktußlnφ pozici] pdf_show (|int pdf document, string text); [pdf_skew | Skews the coordinate system] pdf_skew (|int pdf document, double alpha, double beta); [pdf_stringwidth | Returns width of text using current font] pdf_stringwidth (|int pdf document, string text); [pdf_stroke | Draws line along path] pdf_stroke (|int pdf document); [pdf_translate | Sets origin of coordinate system] pdf_translate (|int pdf document, double x-coor, double y-coor); [pfpro_cleanup | Zav°φt Payflow Pro knihovnu] pfpro_cleanup (|void); [pfpro_init | Inicializovat Payflow Pro knihovnu] pfpro_init (|void); [pfpro_process_raw | Zpracovat raw transakci s Payflow Pro] pfpro_process_raw (|string parameters [, stringaddress [, intport [, inttimeout [, stringproxy address [, intproxy port [, stringproxy logon [, stringproxy password]]]]]]]); [pfpro_process | Zpracovat transakci s Payflow Pro] pfpro_process (|array parameters [, stringaddress [, intport [, inttimeout [, stringproxy address [, intproxy port [, stringproxy logon [, stringproxy password]]]]]]]); [pfpro_version | Vrßtit verzi Payflow Pro knihovny] pfpro_version (|void); [pfsockopen | Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection] pfsockopen (|string hostname, int port [, interrno [, stringerrstr [, inttimeout]]]); [pg_client_encoding | Get the client encoding] pg_client_encoding (|[intconnection]); [pg_close | Close a PostgreSQL connection] pg_close (|int connection); [pg_cmdtuples | Returns number of affected tuples] pg_cmdtuples (|int result_id); [pg_connect | Open a PostgreSQL connection] pg_connect (|string host, string port, string dbname)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"pg_connect (|string host, string port, string options, string dbname)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"pg_connect (|string host, string port, string options, string tty, string dbname)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"pg_connect (|string conn_string); [pg_dbname | Get the database name] pg_dbname (|int connection); [pg_end_copy | Sync with PostgreSQL backend] pg_end_copy (|[resourceconnection]); [pg_errormessage | Get the error message string] pg_errormessage (|int connection); [pg_exec | Execute a query] pg_exec (|int connection, string query); [pg_fetch_array | Fetch a row as an array] pg_fetch_array (|int result, int row [, intresult_type]); [pg_fetch_object | Fetch a row as an object] pg_fetch_object (|int result, int row [, intresult_type]); [pg_fetch_row | Get a row as an enumerated array] pg_fetch_row (|int result, int row); [pg_fieldisnull | Test if a field is <TTCLASS="constant"<BNULL</B</TT] pg_fieldisnull (|int result_id, int row, mixed field); [pg_fieldname | Returns the name of a field] pg_fieldname (|int result_id, int field_number); [pg_fieldnum | Returns the field number of the named field] pg_fieldnum (|int result_id, string field_name); [pg_fieldprtlen | Returns the printed length] pg_fieldprtlen (|int result_id, int row_number, string field_name); [pg_fieldsize | Returns the internal storage size of the named field] pg_fieldsize (|int result_id, int field_number); [pg_fieldtype | Returns the type name for the corresponding field number] pg_fieldtype (|int result_id, int field_number); [pg_freeresult | Free result memory] pg_freeresult (|int result_id); [pg_getlastoid | Returns the last object identifier] pg_getlastoid (|int result_id); [pg_host | Returns the host name associated with the connection] pg_host (|int connection_id); [pg_loclose | Close a large object] pg_loclose (|int fd); [pg_locreate | Create a large object] pg_locreate (|int conn); [pg_loexport | Export a large object to file] pg_loexport (|intoid, intfile [, intconnection_id]); [pg_loimport | Import a large object from file] pg_loimport (|intfile [, intconnection_id]); [pg_loopen | Open a large object] pg_loopen (|int conn, int objoid, string mode); [pg_loread | Read a large object] pg_loread (|int fd, int len); [pg_loreadall | Read a entire large object and send straight to browser] pg_loreadall (|int fd); [pg_lounlink | Delete a large object] pg_lounlink (|int conn, int lobjid); [pg_lowrite | Write a large object] pg_lowrite (|int fd, string buf); [pg_numfields | Returns the number of fields] pg_numfields (|int result_id); [pg_numrows | Returns the number of rows] pg_numrows (|int result_id); [pg_options | Get the options associated with the connection] pg_options (|int connection_id); [pg_pconnect | Open a persistent PostgreSQL connection] pg_pconnect (|string conn_string); [pg_port | Return the port number associated with the connection] pg_port (|int connection_id); [pg_put_line | Send a NULL-terminated string to PostgreSQL backend] pg_put_line (|[resourceconnection_id, string data]); [pg_result | Returns values from a result identifier] pg_result (|int result_id, int row_number, mixed fieldname); [pg_set_client_encoding | Set the client encoding] pg_set_client_encoding (|[intconnection, string encoding]); [pg_trace | Enable tracing a PostgreSQL connection] pg_trace (|stringfilename [, stringmode [, intconnection]]); [pg_tty | Return the tty name associated with the connection] pg_tty (|int connection_id); [pg_untrace | Disable tracing of a PostgreSQL connection] pg_untrace (|[intconnection]); [php_logo_guid | Get the logo guid] php_logo_guid (|void); [php_sapi_name | Vrßtit typ rozhranφ mezi web serverem a PHPReturns the type of interface between web server and PHP] php_sapi_name (|void); [php_uname | Vrßtit informaci o operaΦnφm systΘmu, na kterΘm bylo PHP zkompilovßno] php_uname (|void); [phpcredits | Vytisknout credits pro PHP] phpcredits (|int flag); [phpinfo | Vytisknout spoustu informacφ o PHP] phpinfo (|[int what]); [phpversion | Zφskat souΦasnou verzi PHP] phpversion (|void); [pi | Get value of pi] pi (|void); [popen | Opens process file pointer] popen (|string command, string mode); [pos | Zφskat souΦasn² prvek pole] pos (|array array); [posix_ctermid | Get path name of controlling terminal] posix_ctermid (|void); [posix_getcwd | Pathname of current directory] posix_getcwd (|void); [posix_getegid | Return the effective group ID of the current process] posix_getegid (|void); [posix_geteuid | Return the effective user ID of the current process] posix_geteuid (|void); [posix_getgid | Return the real group ID of the current process] posix_getgid (|void); [posix_getgrgid | Return info about a group by group id] posix_getgrgid (|int gid); [posix_getgrnam | Return info about a group by name] posix_getgrnam (|string name); [posix_getgroups | Return the group set of the current process] posix_getgroups (|void); [posix_getlogin | Return login name] posix_getlogin (|void); [posix_getpgid | Get process group id for job control] posix_getpgid (|int pid); [posix_getpgrp | Return the current process group identifier] posix_getpgrp (|void); [posix_getpid | Return the current process identifier] posix_getpid (|void); [posix_getppid | Return the parent process identifier] posix_getppid (|void); [posix_getpwnam | Return info about a user by username] posix_getpwnam (|string username); [posix_getpwuid | Return info about a user by user id] posix_getpwuid (|int uid); [posix_getrlimit | Return info about system ressource limits] posix_getrlimit (|void); [posix_getsid | Get the current sid of the process] posix_getsid (|int pid); [posix_getuid | Return the real user ID of the current process] posix_getuid (|void); [posix_isatty | Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal] posix_isatty (|int fd); [posix_kill | Send a signal to a process] posix_kill (|int pid, int sig); [posix_mkfifo | Create a fifo special file (|a named pipe)] posix_mkfifo (|string pathname, int mode); [posix_setgid | Set the effective GID of the current process] posix_setgid (|int gid); [posix_setpgid | set process group id for job control] posix_setpgid (|int pid, int pgid); [posix_setsid | Make the current process a session leader] posix_setsid (|void); [posix_setuid | Set the effective UID of the current process] posix_setuid (|int uid); [posix_times | Get process times] posix_times (|void); [posix_ttyname | Determine terminal device name] posix_ttyname (|int fd); [posix_uname | Get system name] posix_uname (|void); [pow | Exponential expression] pow (|number base, number exp); [preg_grep | Return array entries that match the pattern] preg_grep (|string pattern, array input); [preg_match_all | Perform a global regular expression match] preg_match_all (|string pattern, string subject, array matches [, intorder]); [preg_match | Perform a regular expression match] preg_match (|string pattern, string subject [, arraymatches]); [preg_quote | Quote regular expression characters] preg_quote (|string str [, stringdelimiter]); [preg_replace_callback | Perform a regular expression search and replace using a callback] preg_replace_callback (|mixed pattern, mixed callback, mixed subject [, intlimit]); [preg_replace | Perform a regular expression search and replace] preg_replace (|mixed pattern, mixed replacement, mixed subject [, intlimit]); [preg_split | Split string by a regular expression] preg_split (|string pattern, string subject [, intlimit [, intflags]]); [prev | Rewind internφ ukazatel pole] prev (|array array); [print_r | Prints human-readable information about a variable] print_r (|mixed expression); [print | Vytisknout °et∞zec] print (|string arg); [printer_abort | Deletes the printer's spool file] printer_abort (|resource handle); [printer_close | Close an open printer connection] printer_close (|resource handle); [printer_create_brush | Create a new brush] printer_create_brush (|int style, string color); [printer_create_dc | Create a new device context] printer_create_dc (|resource handle); [printer_create_font | Create a new font] printer_create_font (|string face, int height, int width, int font_weight, bool italic, bool underline, bool strikeout, int orientaton); [printer_create_pen | Create a new pen] printer_create_pen (|int style, int width, string color); [printer_delete_brush | Delete a brush] printer_delete_brush (|resource handle); [printer_delete_dc | Delete a device context] printer_delete_dc (|resource handle); [printer_delete_font | Delete a font] printer_delete_font (|resource handle); [printer_delete_pen | Delete a pen] printer_delete_pen (|resource handle); [printer_draw_bmp | Draw a bmp] printer_draw_bmp (|resource handle, string filename, int x, int y); [printer_draw_chord | Draw a chord] printer_draw_chord (|resource handle, int rec_x, int rec_y, int rec_x1, int rec_y1, int rad_x, int rad_y, int rad_x1, int rad_y1); [printer_draw_elipse | Draw an ellipse] printer_draw_elipse (|resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y); [printer_draw_line | Draw a line] printer_draw_line (|resource printer_handle, int from_x, int from_y, int to_x, int to_y); [printer_draw_pie | Draw a pie] printer_draw_pie (|resource handle, int rec_x, int rec_y, int rec_x1, int rec_y1, int rad1_x, int rad1_y, int rad2_x, int rad2_y); [printer_draw_rectangle | Draw a rectangle] printer_draw_rectangle (|resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y); [printer_draw_roundrect | Draw a rectangle with rounded corners] printer_draw_roundrect (|resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y, int width, int height); [printer_draw_text | Draw text] printer_draw_text (|resource printer_handle, string text, int x, int y); [printer_end_doc | Close document] printer_end_doc (|resource handle); [printer_end_page | Close active page] printer_end_page (|resource handle); [printer_get_option | Retrieve printer configuration data] printer_get_option (|resource handle, string option); [printer_list | Return an array of printers attached to the server] printer_list (|int enumtype [, string name [, int level]]); [printer_logical_fontheight | Get logical font height] printer_logical_fontheight (|resource handle, int height); [printer_open | Open connection to a printer] printer_open (|[string devicename]); [printer_select_brush | Select a brush] printer_select_brush (|resource printer_handle, resource brush_handle); [printer_select_font | Select a font] printer_select_font (|resource printer_handle, resource font_handle); [printer_select_pen | Select a pen] printer_select_pen (|resource printer_handle, resource pen_handle); [printer_set_option | Configure the printer connection] printer_set_option (|resource handle, int option, mixed value); [printer_start_doc | Start a new document] printer_start_doc (|resource handle [, string document]); [printer_start_page | Start a new page] printer_start_page (|resource handle); [printer_write | Write data to the printer] printer_write (|resource handle, string content); [printf | Vytisknout formßtovan² °et∞zec] printf (|string format [, mixedargs...]); [pspell_add_to_personal | Add the word to a personal wordlist] pspell_add_to_personal (|int dictionary_link, string word); [pspell_add_to_session | Add the word to the wordlist in the current session] pspell_add_to_session (|int dictionary_link, string word); [pspell_check | Check a word] pspell_check (|int dictionary_link, string word); [pspell_clear_session | Clear the current session] pspell_clear_session (|int dictionary_link); [pspell_config_create | Create a config used to open a dictionary] pspell_config_create (|string language [, stringspelling [, stringjargon [, stringencoding]]]); [pspell_config_ignore | Ignore words less than N characters long] pspell_config_ignore (|int dictionary_link, int n); [pspell_config_mode | Change the mode number of suggestions returned] pspell_config_mode (|int dictionary_link, int mode); [pspell_config_personal | Set a file that contains personal wordlist] pspell_config_personal (|int dictionary_link, string file); [pspell_config_repl | Set a file that contains replacement pairs] pspell_config_repl (|int dictionary_link, string file); [pspell_config_runtogether | Consider run-together words as valid compounds] pspell_config_runtogether (|int dictionary_link, bool flag); [pspell_config_save_repl | Determine whether to save a replacement pairs listalong with the wordlist] pspell_config_save_repl (|int dictionary_link, bool flag); [pspell_new_config | Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config] pspell_new_config (|int config); [pspell_new_personal | Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist] pspell_new_personal (|string personal, string language [, stringspelling [, stringjargon [, stringencoding [, intmode]]]]); [pspell_new | Load a new dictionary] pspell_new (|string language [, stringspelling [, stringjargon [, stringencoding [, intmode]]]]); [pspell_save_wordlist | Save the personal wordlist to a file] pspell_save_wordlist (|int dictionary_link); [pspell_store_replacement | Store a replacement pair for a word] pspell_store_replacement (|int dictionary_link, string misspelled, string correct); [pspell_suggest | Suggest spellings of a word] pspell_suggest (|int dictionary_link, string word); [putenv | Nastavit hodnotu systΘmovΘ prom∞nnΘ] putenv (|string setting); [quoted_printable_decode | P°evΘst quoted-printable °et∞zec na osmibitov² °et∞zec] quoted_printable_decode (|string str); [quotemeta | Opat°it lomφtky metaznaky] quotemeta (|string str); [rad2deg | Converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees] rad2deg (|float number); [rand | Generate a random value] rand (|void)<CODE<CODECLASS="FUNCDEF"int <BCLASS="function"rand (|intmin, intmax); [range | Vytvo°it pole obsahujφcφ rozsah integer∙] range (|int low, int high); [rawurldecode | Dek≤dovat URL-k≤dovan² °et∞zec] rawurldecode (|string str); [rawurlencode | URL-k≤dovat podle RFC1738] rawurlencode (|string str); [read_exif_data | Read the EXIF headers from a JPEG] read_exif_data (|string filename); [read | Read from a socket] read (|resource socket_des, string buffer, int length [, int type]); [readdir | P°eΦte polo₧ku z deskriptoru adresß°e] readdir (|int dir_handle); [readfile | Outputs a file] readfile (|string filename [, intuse_include_path]); [readgzfile | Output a gz-file] readgzfile (|string filename [, intuse_include_path]); [readline_add_history | P°idat °ßdek do historie] readline_add_history (|string line); [readline_clear_history | Smazat historii] readline_clear_history (|void ); [readline_completion_function | Zaregistrovat dokonΦujφcφ funkci] readline_completion_function (|string line); [readline_info | Zjistit/nastavit r∙znΘ internφ prom∞nnΘ readline] readline_info (|[stringvarname [, stringnewvalue]]); [readline_list_history | Vypsat historii] readline_list_history (|void ); [readline_read_history | Vrßtit historii] readline_read_history (|string filename); [readline_write_history | Zapsat historii] readline_write_history (|string filename); [readline | P°eΦφst °ßdek] readline (|[stringprompt]); [readlink | Returns the target of a symbolic link] readlink (|string path); [realpath | Returns canonicalized absolute pathname] realpath (|string path); [recode_file | P°ek≤duje soubor na soubor podle po₧adavku] recode_file (|string request, resource input, resource output); [recode_string | P°ek≤duje °et∞zec podle po₧adavku] recode_string (|string request, string string); [recode | P°ek≤duje °et∞zec podle po₧adavku] recode_string (|string request, string string); [register_shutdown_function | Zaregistrovat funkci pro provedenφ p°i ukonΦenφ b∞hu] register_shutdown_function (|string func); [rename | Renames a file] rename (|string oldname, string newname); [reset | Nastavit internφ ukazatel pole na jeho prvnφ prvek] reset (|array array); [restore_error_handler | Restores the previous error handler function] restore_error_handler (|void); [rewind | Rewind the position of a file pointer] rewind (|int fp); [rewinddir | rewind directory handle] rewinddir (|int dir_handle); [rmdir | Removes directory] rmdir (|string dirname); [round | Rounds a float] round (|float val [, intprecision]); [rsort | T°φdit pole sestupn∞] rsort (|array array [, intsort_flags]); [rtrim | Odstranit netisknutelnΘ znaky z konce °et∞zce] rtrim (|string str); [satellite_caught_exception | Zjistit, jestli byla v p°edchozφ funkci zachycena v²jimka] satellite_caught_exception (|); [satellite_exception_id | Zjistit repository id poslednφ v²jimky] satellite_exception_id (|); [satellite_exception_value | Zφskat strukturu poslednφ v²jimky] satellite_exception_value (|); [sem_acquire | Zφskat semafor] sem_acquire (|int sem_identifier); [sem_get | Zφskat id semaforu] sem_get (|int key [, intmax_acquire [, intperm]]); [sem_release | Uvolnit semafor] sem_release (|int sem_identifier); [serialize | Generates a storable representation of a value] serialize (|mixed value); [sesam_affected_rows | Get number of rows affected by an immediate query] sesam_affected_rows (|stringresult_id); [sesam_commit | Commit pending updates to the SESAM database] sesam_commit (|void); [sesam_connect | Open SESAM database connection] sesam_connect (|string catalog, string schema, string user); [sesam_diagnostic | Return status information for last SESAM call] sesam_diagnostic (|void); [sesam_disconnect | Detach from SESAM connection] sesam_disconnect (|void); [sesam_errormsg | Returns error message of last SESAM call] sesam_errormsg (|void); [sesam_execimm | Execute an "immediate" SQL-statement] sesam_execimm (|string query); [sesam_fetch_array | Fetch one row as an associative array] sesam_fetch_array (|string result_id [, intwhence [, intoffset]]); [sesam_fetch_result | Return all or part of a query result] sesam_fetch_result (|stringresult_id [, intmax_rows]); [sesam_fetch_row | Fetch one row as an array] sesam_fetch_row (|string result_id [, intwhence [, intoffset]]); [sesam_field_array | Return meta information about individual columns in a result] sesam_field_array (|string result_id); [sesam_field_name | Return one column name of the result set] sesam_field_name (|string result_id, int index); [sesam_free_result | Releases resources for the query] sesam_free_result (|string result_id); [sesam_num_fields | Return the number of fields/columns in a result set] sesam_num_fields (|string result_id); [sesam_query | Perform a SESAM SQL query and prepare the result] sesam_query (|string query [, boolscrollable]); [sesam_rollback | Discard any pending updates to the SESAM database] sesam_rollback (|void); [sesam_seek_row | Set scrollable cursor mode for subsequent fetches] sesam_seek_row (|string result_id, int whence [, intoffset]); [sesam_settransaction | Set SESAM transaction parameters] sesam_settransaction (|int isolation_level, int read_only); [session_cache_limiter | Get and/or set the current cache limiter] session_cache_limiter (|[stringcache_limiter]); [session_decode | Decodes session data from a string] session_decode (|string data); [session_destroy | Destroys all data registered to a session] session_destroy (|void); [session_encode | Encodes the current session data as a string] session_encode (|void); [session_get_cookie_params | Get the session cookie parameters] session_get_cookie_params (|void); [session_id | Get and/or set the current session id] session_id (|[string id]); [session_is_registered | Find out if a variable is registered in a session] session_is_registered (|string name); [session_module_name | Get and/or set the current session module] session_module_name (|[stringmodule]); [session_name | Get and/or set the current session name] session_name (|[stringname]); [session_register | Register one or more variables with the current session] session_register (|mixed name [, mixed...]); [session_save_path | Get and/or set the current session save path] session_save_path (|[stringpath]); [session_set_cookie_params | Set the session cookie parameters] session_set_cookie_params (|int lifetime [, string path [, string domain]]); [session_set_save_handler | Sets user-level session storage functions] session_set_save_handler (|stringopen, stringclose, stringread, stringwrite, stringdestroy, stringgc); [session_start | Initialize session data] session_start (|void); [session_unregister | Unregister a variable from the current session] session_unregister (|string name); [session_unset | Free all session variables] session_unset (|void); [session_write_close | Write session data and end session] session_write_close (|void); [set_error_handler | Sets a user-defined error handler function.] set_error_handler (|string error_handler); [set_file_buffer | Sets file buffering on the given file pointer] set_file_buffer (|int fp, int buffer); [set_magic_quotes_runtime | Nastavit souΦasnou aktivnφ hodnotu magic_quotes_runtime] set_magic_quotes_runtime (|int new_setting); [set_time_limit | Omezit maximßlnφ dobu pr∙b∞hu skriptu] set_time_limit (|int seconds); [setcookie | Poslat cookie] setcookie (|string name [, stringvalue [, intexpire [, stringpath [, stringdomain [, intsecure]]]]]); [setlocale | Set locale information] setlocale (|string category, string locale); [settype | Set the type of a variable] settype (|mixed var, string type); [shm_attach | Vytvo°it nebo otev°φt segment sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shm_attach (|int key [, intmemsize [, intperm]]); [shm_detach | Odpojit se od segmentu sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shm_detach (|int shm_identifier); [shm_get_var | Vrßtit prom∞nnou ze sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shm_get_var (|int id, int variable_key); [shm_put_var | Vlo₧it nebo modifikovat prom∞nnou do sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shm_put_var (|int shm_identifier, int variable_key, mixed variable); [shm_remove_var | Odstranit prom∞nnou ze sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shm_remove_var (|int id, int variable_key); [shm_remove | Odstranit sdφlenou pam∞╗ ze systΘmu] shm_remove (|int shm_identifier); [shmop_close | Zav°φt blok sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shmop_close (|int shmid); [shmop_delete | Smazat blok sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shmop_delete (|int shmid); [shmop_open | Vytvo°it nebo otev°φt blok sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shmop_open (|int key, string flags, int mode, int size); [shmop_read | P°eΦφst data z bloku sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shmop_read (|int shmid, int start, int count); [shmop_write | Zapsat data do bloku sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shmop_write (|int shmid, string data, int offset); [show_source | Zv²raznφ syntaxi souboru] show_source (|string filename); [shuffle | Zamφchat pole] shuffle (|array array); [similar_text | SpoΦφtat podobnost dvou °et∞zc∙] similar_text (|string first, string second [, doublepercent]); [sin | Sine] sin (|float arg); [shmop_size | Zjistit velikost bloku sdφlenΘ pam∞ti] shmop_size (|int shmid); [sizeof | Zjistit poΦet prvk∙ v poli] sizeof (|array array); [sleep | Odlo₧φ provedenφ] sleep (|int seconds); [snmp_get_quick_print | Fetch the current value of the UCD library's quick_print setting] snmp_get_quick_print (|void); [snmp_set_quick_print | Set the value of quick_print within the UCD SNMP library.] snmp_set_quick_print (|bool quick_print); [snmpget | Fetch an SNMP object] snmpget (|string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]); [snmpset | Set an SNMP object] snmpset (|string hostname, string community, string object_id, string type, mixed value [, int timeout [, int retries]]); [snmpwalk | Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent] snmpwalk (|string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]); [snmpwalkoid | Query for a tree of information about a network entity] snmpwalkoid (|string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]); [socket_get_status | Returns information about existing socket resource] socket_get_status (|resourcesocket_get_status); [socket_set_blocking | Set blocking/non-blocking mode on a socket] socket_set_blocking (|int socket descriptor, int mode); [socket_set_timeout | Set timeout period on a socket] socket_set_timeout (|int socket descriptor, int seconds, int microseconds); [socket | Create a socket (|endpoint for communication)] socket (|int domain, int type, int protocol); [sort | T°φdit pole] sort (|array array [, int sort_flags]); [soundex | SpoΦφtat soundex klφΦ °et∞zce] soundex (|string str); [split | split string into array by regular expression] split (|string pattern, string string [, intlimit]); [spliti | Split string into array by regular expression case insensitive] spliti (|string pattern, string string [, intlimit]); [sprintf | Vrßtit formßtovan² °et∞zec] sprintf (|string format [, mixedargs...]); [sql_regcase | Make regular expression for case insensitive match] sql_regcase (|string string); [sqrt | Square root] sqrt (|float arg); [srand | Seed the random number generator] srand (|int seed); [sscanf | Rozparsovat vstupnφ °et∞zec podle formßtu] sscanf (|string str, string format [, stringvar1...]); [stat | Gives information about a file] stat (|string filename); [str_pad | Doplnit °et∞zec jin²m °et∞zcem na urΦitou dΘlku] str_pad (|string input, int pad_length [, stringpad_string [, intpad_type]]); [str_repeat | Opakovat °et∞zec] str_repeat (|string input, int multiplier); [str_replace | Nahradit vÜechny v²skyty jednoho °et∞zce v jinΘm dalÜφm °et∞zcem] str_replace (|string needle, string str, string haystack); [strcasecmp | Binßrn∞ bezpeΦnΘ case-insensitive porovnßnφ °et∞zc∙] strcasecmp (|string str1, string str2); [strchr | Najφt prvnφ v²skyt znaku] strchr (|string haystack, string needle); [strcmp | Binßrn∞ bezpeΦn∞ porovnat °et∞zce] strcmp (|string str1, string str2); [strcspn | Najφt dΘlku ·vodnφho segmentu neodpovφdajφcφho masce] strcspn (|string str1, string str2); [strerror | Return a string describing a socket error] strerror (|int errno); [strftime | Format a local time/date according to locale settings] strftime (|string format [, inttimestamp]); [strip_tags | Odstranit z °et∞zce HTML a PHP tagy] strip_tags (|string str [, stringallowable_tags]); [stripcslashes | Un-quote string quoted with HREF="function.addcslashes.html"<BCLASS="function"addcslashes()</B</A] stripcslashes (|string str); [stripslashes | Un-quote string quoted with HREF="function.addslashes.html"<BCLASS="function"addslashes()</B</A] stripslashes (|string str); [stristr | Case-insensitive HREF="function.strstr.html"<BCLASS="function"strstr()</B</A] stristr (|string haystack, string needle); [strlen | Zjistit dΘlku °et∞zce] strlen (|string str); [strnatcasecmp | Case-insensitive textovΘ porovnßnφ s vyu₧itφm "natural order" algoritmu] strnatcasecmp (|string str1, string str2); [strnatcmp | Porovnßnφ °et∞zc∙ algoritmem "p°irozenΘho t°φd∞nφ"] strnatcmp (|string str1, string str2); [strncasecmp | Binßrn∞ bezpeΦnΘ case-insensitive porovnßnφ prvnφch n znak∙ °et∞zc∙] strncasecmp (|string str1, string str2, int len); [strncmp | Binßrn∞ bezpeΦnΘ porovnßnφ prvnφch n znak∙ v °et∞zcφch] strncmp (|string str1, string str2, int len); [strpos | Najφt pozici prvnφho v²skytu °et∞zce] strpos (|string haystack, string needle [, intoffset]); [strrchr | Najφt poslednφ v²skyt znaku v °et∞zci] strrchr (|string haystack, string needle); [strrev | Obrßtit °et∞zec] strrev (|string string); [strrpos | Najφt pozici poslednφho v²skytu znaku v °et∞zci] strrpos (|string haystack, char needle); [strspn | Zjistit dΘlku ·vodnφho segmentu odpovφdajφcφho masce] strspn (|string str1, string str2); [strstr | Najφt prvnφ v²skyt °et∞zce] strstr (|string haystack, string needle); [strtok | Tokenize string] strtok (|string arg1, string arg2); [strtolower | Zm∞nit °et∞zec na malß pφsmena] strtolower (|string str); [strtotime | Parse about any english textual datetime description into a UNIXtimestamp] strtotime (|string time [, intnow]); [strtoupper | Zm∞nit °et∞zec na velkß pφsmena] strtoupper (|string string); [strtr | P°elo₧it urΦitΘ znaky] strtr (|string str, string from, string to); [strval | Get string value of a variable] strval (|mixed var); [substr_count | SpoΦφtat poΦet v²skyt∙ °et∞zce] substr_count (|string haystrack, string needle); [substr_replace | Nahradit Φßst °et∞zce jin²m °et∞zcem] substr_replace (|string string, string replacement, int start [, intlength]); [substr | Vrßtit Φßst °et∞zce] substr (|string string, int start [, intlength]); [swf_actiongeturl | Get a URL from a Shockwave Flash movie] swf_actiongeturl (|stringurl, stringtarget); [swf_actiongotoframe | Play a frame and then stop] swf_actiongotoframe (|intframenumber); [swf_actiongotolabel | Display a frame with the specified label] swf_actiongotolabel (|stringlabel); [swf_actionnextframe | Go foward one frame] swf_actionnextframe (|void); [swf_actionplay | Start playing the flash movie from the current frame] swf_actionplay (|void); [swf_actionprevframe | Go backwards one frame] swf_actionprevframe (|void); [swf_actionsettarget | Set the context for actions] swf_actionsettarget (|stringtarget); [swf_actionstop | Stop playing the flash movie at the current frame] swf_actionstop (|void); [swf_actiontogglequality | Toggle between low and high quality] swf_actiontogglequality (|void); [swf_actionwaitforframe | Skip actions if a frame has not been loaded] swf_actionwaitforframe (|intframenumber, intskipcount); [swf_addbuttonrecord | Controls location, appearance and active area of the current button] swf_addbuttonrecord (|intstates, intshapeid, intdepth); [swf_addcolor | Set the global add color to the rgba value specified] swf_addcolor (|floatr, floatg, floatb, floata); [swf_closefile | Close the current Shockwave Flash file] swf_closefile (|[intreturn_file]); [swf_definebitmap | Define a bitmap] swf_definebitmap (|intobjid, stringimage_name); [swf_definefont | Defines a font] swf_definefont (|intfontid, stringfontname); [swf_defineline | Define a line] swf_defineline (|intobjid, floatx1, floaty1, floatx2, floaty2, floatwidth); [swf_definepoly | Define a polygon] swf_definepoly (|intobjid, arraycoords, intnpoints, floatwidth); [swf_definerect | Define a rectangle] swf_definerect (|intobjid, floatx1, floaty1, floatx2, floaty2, floatwidth); [swf_definetext | Define a text string] swf_definetext (|intobjid, stringstr, intdocenter); [swf_endbutton | End the definition of the current button] swf_endbutton (|void); [swf_enddoaction | End the current action] swf_enddoaction (|void); [swf_endshape | Completes the definition of the current shape] swf_endshape (|void); [swf_endsymbol | End the definition of a symbol] swf_endsymbol (|void); [swf_fontsize | Change the font size] swf_fontsize (|floatsize); [swf_fontslant | Set the font slant] swf_fontslant (|floatslant); [swf_fonttracking | Set the current font tracking] swf_fonttracking (|floattracking); [swf_getbitmapinfo | Get information about a bitmap] swf_getbitmapinfo (|intbitmapid); [swf_getfontinfo | The height in pixels of a capital A and a lowercase x] swf_getfontinfo (|void); [swf_getframe | Get the frame number of the current frame] swf_getframe (|void); [swf_labelframe | Label the current frame] swf_labelframe (|stringname); [swf_lookat | Define a viewing transformation] swf_lookat (|doubleview_x, doubleview_y, doubleview_z, doublereference_x, doublereference_y, doublereference_z, doubletwist); [swf_modifyobject | Modify an object] swf_modifyobject (|intdepth, inthow); [swf_mulcolor | Sets the global multiply color to the rgba value specified] swf_mulcolor (|floatr, floatg, floatb, floata); [swf_nextid | Returns the next free object id] swf_nextid (|void); [swf_oncondition | Describe a transition used to trigger an action list] swf_oncondition (|inttransition); [swf_openfile | Open a new Shockwave Flash file] swf_openfile (|stringfilename, floatwidth, floatheight, floatframerate, floatr, floatg, floatb); [swf_ortho | Defines an orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto thecurrent viewport] swf_ortho (|doublexmin, doublexmax, doubleymin, doubleymax, doublezmin, doublezmax); [swf_ortho2 | Defines 2D orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto thecurrent viewport] swf_ortho2 (|doublexmin, doublexmax, doubleymin, doubleymax); [swf_perspective | Define a perspective projection transformation] swf_perspective (|doublefovy, doubleaspect, doublenear, doublefar); [swf_placeobject | Place an object onto the screen] swf_placeobject (|intobjid, intdepth); [swf_polarview | Define the viewer's position with polar coordinates] swf_polarview (|doubledist, doubleazimuth, doubleincidence, doubletwist); [swf_popmatrix | Restore a previous transformation matrix] swf_popmatrix (|void); [swf_posround | Enables or Disables the rounding of the translation when objectsare placed or moved] swf_posround (|intround); [swf_pushmatrix | Push the current transformation matrix back unto the stack] swf_pushmatrix (|void); [swf_removeobject | Remove an object] swf_removeobject (|intdepth); [swf_rotate | Rotate the current transformation] swf_rotate (|doubleangle, stringaxis); [swf_scale | Scale the current transformation] swf_scale (|doublex, doubley, doublez); [swf_setfont | Change the current font] swf_setfont (|intfontid); [swf_setframe | Switch to a specified frame] swf_setframe (|intframenumber); [swf_shapearc | Draw a circular arc] swf_shapearc (|floatx, floaty, floatr, floatang1, floatang2); [swf_shapecurveto | Draw a quadratic bezier curve between two points] swf_shapecurveto (|floatx1, floaty1, floatx2, floaty2); [swf_shapecurveto3 | Draw a cubic bezier curve] swf_shapecurveto3 (|floatx1, floaty1, floatx2, floaty2, floatx3, floaty3); [swf_shapefillbitmapclip | Set current fill mode to clipped bitmap] swf_shapefillbitmapclip (|intbitmapid); [swf_shapefillbitmaptile | Set current fill mode to tiled bitmap] swf_shapefillbitmaptile (|intbitmapid); [swf_shapefilloff | Turns off filling] swf_shapefilloff (|void); [swf_shapefillsolid | Set the current fill style to the specified color] swf_shapefillsolid (|floatr, floatg, floatb, floata); [swf_shapelinesolid | Set the current line style] swf_shapelinesolid (|floatr, floatg, floatb, floata, floatwidth); [swf_shapelinesolid | Set the current line style] swf_shapelinesolid (|floatr, floatg, floatb, floata, floatwidth); [swf_shapelineto | Draw a line] swf_shapelineto (|floatx, floaty); [swf_shapemoveto | Move the current position] swf_shapemoveto (|floatx, floaty); [swf_showframe | Display the current frame] swf_showframe (|void); [swf_startbutton | Start the definition of a button] swf_startbutton (|intobjid, inttype); [swf_startdoaction | Start a description of an action list for the current frame] swf_startdoaction (|void); [swf_startshape | Start a complex shape] swf_startshape (|intobjid); [swf_startsymbol | Define a symbol] swf_startsymbol (|intobjid); [swf_textwidth | Get the width of a string] swf_textwidth (|stringstr); [swf_translate | Translate the current transformations] swf_translate (|doublex, doubley, doublez); [swf_viewport | Select an area for future drawing] swf_viewport (|doublexmin, doublexmax, doubleymin, doubleymax); [SWFAction | Creates a new Action.] swfaction (|string script); [SWFBitmap->getHeight | Returns the bitmap's height.] swfbitmap->getheight (|void); [SWFBitmap->getWidth | Returns the bitmap's width.] swfbitmap->getwidth (|void); [SWFBitmap | Loads Bitmap object] swfbitmap (|string filename [, int alphafilename]); [SWFbutton->addAction | Adds an action] swfbutton->addaction (|ressource action, int flags); [SWFbutton->addShape | Adds a shape to a button] swfbutton->addshape (|ressource shape, int flags); [SWFbutton->setAction | Sets the action] swfbutton->setaction (|ressource action); [SWFbutton->setdown | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_DOWN))] swfbutton->setdown (|ressource shape); [SWFbutton->setHit | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_HIT)] swfbutton->sethit (|ressource shape); [SWFbutton->setOver | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_OVER)] swfbutton->setover (|ressource shape); [SWFbutton->setUp | Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_UP)] swfbutton->setup (|ressource shape); [SWFbutton | Creates a new Button.] swfbutton (|void); [SWFDisplayItem->addColor | Adds the given color to this item's color transform.] swfdisplayitem->addcolor (|[int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]); [SWFDisplayItem->move | Moves object in relative coordinates.] swfdisplayitem->move (|int dx, int dy); [SWFDisplayItem->moveTo | Moves object in global coordinates.] swfdisplayitem->moveto (|int x, int y); [SWFDisplayItem->multColor | Multiplies the item's color transform.] swfdisplayitem->multcolor (|[int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]); [SWFDisplayItem->remove | Removes the object from the movie] swfdisplayitem->remove (|void); [SWFDisplayItem->Rotate | Rotates in relative coordinates.] swfdisplayitem->rotate (|double ddegrees); [SWFDisplayItem->rotateTo | Rotates the object in global coordinates.] swfdisplayitem->rotateto (|double degrees); [SWFDisplayItem->scale | Scales the object in relative coordinates.] swfdisplayitem->scale (|int dx, int dy); [SWFDisplayItem->scaleTo | Scales the object in global coordinates.] swfdisplayitem->scaleto (|int x, int y); [SWFDisplayItem->setDepth | Sets z-order] swfdisplayitem->setdepth (|double depth); [SWFDisplayItem->setName | Sets the object's name] swfdisplayitem->setname (|string name); [SWFDisplayItem->setRatio | Sets the object's ratio.] swfdisplayitem->setratio (|double ratio); [SWFDisplayItem->skewX | Sets the X-skew.] swfdisplayitem->skewx (|double ddegrees); [SWFDisplayItem->skewXTo | Sets the X-skew.] swfdisplayitem->skewxto (|double degrees); [SWFDisplayItem->skewY | Sets the Y-skew.] swfdisplayitem->skewy (|double ddegrees); [SWFDisplayItem->skewYTo | Sets the Y-skew.] swfdisplayitem->skewyto (|double degrees); [SWFDisplayItem | Creates a new displayitem object.] swfdisplayitem (|void); [SWFFill->moveTo | Moves fill origin] swffill->moveto (|int x, int y); [SWFFill->rotateTo | Sets fill's rotation] swffill->rotateto (|double degrees); [SWFFill->scaleTo | Sets fill's scale] swffill->scaleto (|int x, int y); [SWFFill->skewXTo | Sets fill x-skew] swffill->skewxto (|double x); [SWFFill->skewYTo | Sets fill y-skew] swffill->skewyto (|double y); [SWFFill | Loads SWFFill object] swffill() object allows you to transform(scale, skew, rotate) bitmap and gradient fills. <BCLASS="function"swffill()objects are created by the <BCLASS="function"swfshape->addfill() methods.
SWFFill has the following methods : <BCLASS="function"swffill->moveto()and <BCLASS="function"swffill->scaleto(), <BCLASS="function"swffill->rotateto(),<BCLASS="function"swffill->skewxto() and <BCLASS="function"swffill->skewyto().; [swffont->getwidth | Returns the string's width] swffont->getwidth (|string string); [SWFFont | Loads a font definition] swffont (|string filename); [SWFGradient->addEntry | Adds an entry to the gradient list.] swfgradient->addentry (|double ratio, int red, int green, int blue [, int a]); [SWFGradient | Creates a gradient object] swfgradient (|void); [SWFMorph->getshape1 | Gets a handle to the starting shape] swfmorph->getshape1 (|void); [SWFMorph->getshape2 | Gets a handle to the ending shape] swfmorph->getshape2 (|void); [SWFMorph | Creates a new SWFMorph object.] swfmorph (|void); [SWFMovie->add | Adds any type of data to a movie.] swfmovie->add (|ressource instance); [SWFMovie->nextframe | Moves to the next frame of the animation.] swfmovie->nextframe (|void); [SWFMovie->output | Dumps your lovingly prepared movie out.] swfmovie->output (|void); [SWFMovie->remove | Removes the object instance from the display list.] swfmovie->remove (|resource instance); [SWFMovie->save | Saves your movie in a file.] swfmovie->save (|string filename); [SWFMovie->setbackground | Sets the background color.] swfmovie->setbackground (|int red, int green, int blue); [SWFMovie->setdimension | Sets the movie's width and height.] swfmovie->setdimension (|int width, int height); [SWFMovie->setframes | Sets the total number of frames in the animation.] swfmovie->setframes (|string numberofframes); [SWFMovie->setrate | Sets the animation's frame rate.] swfmovie->setrate (|int rate); [SWFMovie->streammp3 | Streams a MP3 file.] swfmovie->streammp3 (|string mp3FileName); [SWFMovie | Creates a new movie object, representing an SWF version 4 movie.] swfmovie (|void); [SWFShape->addFill | Adds a solid fill to the shape.] swfshape->addfill (|int red, int green, int blue [, int a]); [SWFShape->drawCurve | Draws a curve (|relative).] swfshape->drawcurve (|int controldx, int controldy, int anchordx, int anchordy); [SWFShape->drawCurveTo | Draws a curve.] swfshape->drawcurveto (|int controlx, int controly, int anchorx, int anchory); [SWFShape->drawLine | Draws a line (|relative).] swfshape->drawline (|int dx, int dy); [SWFShape->drawLineTo | Draws a line.] swfshape->drawlineto (|int x, int y); [SWFShape->movePen | Moves the shape's pen (|relative).] swfshape->movepen (|int dx, int dy); [SWFShape->movePenTo | Moves the shape's pen.] swfshape->movepento (|int x, int y); [SWFShape->setLeftFill | Sets left rasterizing color.] swfshape->setleftfill (|swfgradient fill); [SWFShape->setLine | Sets the shape's line style.] swfshape->setline (|int width [, int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]); [SWFShape->setRightFill | Sets right rasterizing color.] swfshape->setrightfill (|swfgradient fill); [SWFShape | Creates a new shape object.] swfshape (|void); [SWFSprite->add | Adds an object to a sprite] swfsprite->add (|ressource object); [SWFSprite->nextframe | Moves to the next frame of the animation.] swfsprite->nextframe (|void); [SWFSprite->remove | Removes an object to a sprite] swfsprite->remove (|ressource object); [SWFSprite->setframes | Sets the total number of frames in the animation.] swfsprite->setframes (|int numberofframes); [SWFSprite | Creates a movie clip (|a sprite)] swfsprite (|void); [SWFText->addString | Draws a string] swftext->addstring (|string string); [SWFText->getWidth | Computes string's width] swftext->addstring (|string string); [SWFText->moveTo | Moves the pen] swftext->moveto (|int x, int y); [SWFText->setColor | Sets the current font color] swftext->setcolor (|int red, int green, int blue [, int a]); [SWFText->setFont | Sets the current font] swftext->setfont (|string font); [SWFText->setHeight | Sets the current font height] swftext->setheight (|int height); [SWFText->setSpacing | Sets the current font spacing] swftext->setspacing (|double spacing); [SWFText | Creates a new SWFText object.] swftext (|void); [SWFTextField->addstring | Concatenates the given string to the text field] swftextfield->addstring (|string string); [SWFTextField->align | Sets the text field alignment] swftextfield->align (|int alignement); [SWFTextField->setbounds | Sets the text field width and height] swftextfield->setbounds (|int width, int height); [SWFTextField->setcolor | Sets the color of the text field.] swftextfield->setcolor (|int red, int green, int blue [, int a]); [SWFTextField->setFont | Sets the text field font] swftextfield->setfont (|string font); [SWFTextField->setHeight | Sets the font height of this text field font.] swftextfield->setheight (|int height); [SWFTextField->setindentation | Sets the indentation of the first line.] swftextfield->setindentation (|int width); [SWFTextField->setLeftMargin | Sets the left margin width of the text field.] swftextfield->setleftmargin (|int width); [SWFTextField->setLineSpacing | Sets the line spacing of the text field.] swftextfield->setlinespacing (|int height); [SWFTextField->setMargins | Sets the margins width of the text field.] swftextfield->setmargins (|int left, int right); [SWFTextField->setname | Sets the variable name] swftextfield->setname (|string name); [SWFTextField->setrightMargin | Sets the right margin width of the text field.] swftextfield->setrightmargin (|int width); [SWFTextField | Creates a text field object] swftextfield (|[int flags]); [sybase_affected_rows | get number of affected rows in last query] sybase_affected_rows (|[int link_identifier]); [sybase_close | close Sybase connection] sybase_close (|int link_identifier); [sybase_connect | open Sybase server connection] sybase_connect (|string servername, string username, string password [, string charset]); [sybase_data_seek | move internal row pointer] sybase_data_seek (|int result_identifier, int row_number); [sybase_fetch_array | fetch row as array] sybase_fetch_array (|int result); [sybase_fetch_field | get field information] sybase_fetch_field (|int result [, intfield_offset]); [sybase_fetch_object | fetch row as object] sybase_fetch_object (|int result); [sybase_fetch_row | get row as enumerated array] sybase_fetch_row (|int result); [sybase_field_seek | set field offset] sybase_field_seek (|int result, int field_offset); [sybase_free_result | free result memory] sybase_free_result (|int result); [sybase_get_last_message | Returns the last message from the server] sybase_get_last_message (|void); [sybase_min_client_severity | Sets minimum client severity] sybase_min_client_severity (|int severity); [sybase_min_error_severity | Sets minimum error severity] sybase_min_error_severity (|int severity); [sybase_min_message_severity | Sets minimum message severity] sybase_min_message_severity (|int severity); [sybase_min_server_severity | Sets minimum server severity] sybase_min_server_severity (|int severity); [sybase_num_fields | get number of fields in result] sybase_num_fields (|int result); [sybase_num_rows | get number of rows in result] sybase_num_rows (|int result); [sybase_pconnect | open persistent Sybase connection] sybase_pconnect (|string servername, string username, string password [, string charset]); [sybase_query | send Sybase query] sybase_query (|string query, int link_identifier); [sybase_result | get result data] sybase_result (|int result, int row, mixed field); [sybase_select_db | select Sybase database] sybase_select_db (|string database_name, int link_identifier); [symlink | Creates a symbolic link] symlink (|string target, string link); [syslog | Generate a system log message] syslog (|int priority, string message); [system | ProvΘst externφ program a zobrazit v²stup] system (|string command [, intreturn_var]); [tan | Tangent] tan (|float arg); [tempnam | Creates unique file name] tempnam (|string dir, string prefix); [textdomain | Nastavit v²chozφ domΘnu] textdomain (|string text_domain); [time | Return current UNIX timestamp] time (|void); [tmpfile | Vytvo°it tmp soubor] tmpfile (|void); [touch | Nastavit Φas zm∞ny souboru] touch (|string filename [, inttime]); [trigger_error | Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message] trigger_error (|string error_msg [, interror_type]); [trim | Odstranit netisknutelnΘ znaky ze zaΦßtku a konce °et∞zce] trim (|string str); [uasort | T°φdit pole pomocφ u₧ivatelsky definovanΘ porovnßvacφ funkce se zachovßnφmklφΦ∙] uasort (|array array, function cmp_function); [ucfirst | Zm∞nφ prvnφ pφsmeno °et∞zce na velkΘ] ucfirst (|string str); [ucwords | Zm∞nit prvnφ znak ka₧dΘho slova v °et∞zci na velkΘ pφsmeno] ucwords (|string str); [udm_add_search_limit | Add various search limits] udm_add_search_limit (|int agent, int var, string val); [udm_alloc_agent | Allocate mnoGoSearch session] udm_alloc_agent (|string dbaddr [, stringdbmode]); [udm_api_version | Get mnoGoSearch API version.] udm_api_version (|); [udm_cat_list | Get all the categories on the same level with the current one.] udm_cat_list (|int agent, string category); [udm_cat_path | Get the path to the current category.] udm_cat_path (|int agent, string category); [udm_clear_search_limits | Clear all mnoGoSearch search restrictions] udm_clear_search_limits (|int agent); [udm_errno | Get mnoGoSearch error number] udm_errno (|int agent); [udm_error | Get mnoGoSearch error message] udm_error (|int agent); [udm_find | Perform search] udm_find (|int agent, string query); [udm_free_agent | Free mnoGoSearch session] udm_free_agent (|int agent); [udm_free_ispell_data | Free memory allocated for ispell data] udm_free_ispell_data (|int agent); [udm_free_res | Free mnoGoSearch result] udm_free_res (|int res); [udm_get_doc_count | Get total number of documents in database.] udm_get_doc_count (|int agent); [udm_get_res_field | Fetch mnoGoSearch result field] udm_get_res_field (|int res, int row, int field); [udm_get_res_param | Get mnoGoSearch result parameters] udm_get_res_param (|int res, int param); [udm_load_ispell_data | Load ispell data] udm_load_ispell_data (|int agent, int var, string val1, string val2, int flag); [udm_set_agent_param | Set mnoGoSearch agent session parameters] udm_set_agent_param (|int agent, int var, string val); [uksort | T°φdit pole podle klφΦ∙ pomocφ u₧ivatelsky definovane porovnßvacφ funkce] uksort (|array array, function cmp_function); [umask | Zm∞nit souΦasnou umask] umask (|int mask); [uniqid | Generatuje unikßtnφ id] uniqid (|string prefix [, booleanlcg]); [unixtojd | P°evΘst UNIXov² timestamp na Julian Day Count] unixtojd (|[inttimestamp]); [unlink | Smazat soubor] unlink (|string filename); [unpack | Rozbalφ data z binßrnφho °et∞zce] unpack (|string format, string data); [unserialize | Creates a PHP value from a stored representation] unserialize (|string str); [unset | Unset a given variable] unset (|mixed var [, mixed var [, ...]]); [urldecode | Dek≤dovat URL-k≤dovan² °et∞zec] urldecode (|string str); [urlencode | URL-k≤dovat °et∞zec] urlencode (|string str); [user_error | Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message] user_error (|string error_msg [, interror_type]); [usleep | Odlo₧φ provedenφ v mikrosekundßch] usleep (|int micro_seconds); [usort | T°φdit pole podle hodnot pomocφ u₧ivatelsky definovanΘ porovnßvacφ funkce] usort (|array array, string cmp_function); [utf8_decode | Converts a string with ISO-8859-1 characters encoded with UTF-8to single-byte ISO-8859-1.] utf8_decode (|string data); [utf8_encode | encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8] utf8_encode (|string data); [var_dump | Dumps information about a variable] var_dump (|mixed expression [, mixed expression [, ...]]); [virtual | Provßdφ sub-po₧adavek Apache] virtual (|string filename); [wddx_add_vars | P°idat prom∞nnΘ do WDDX paketu s urΦen²m ID] wddx_add_vars (|int packet_id, mixed name_var [, mixed...]); [wddx_deserialize | Deserializovat WDDX paket] wddx_deserialize (|string packet); [wddx_packet_end | UkonΦit WDDX paket se zadan²m ID] wddx_packet_end (|int packet_id); [wddx_packet_start | ZaΦφt nov² WDDX paket obsahujφcφ strukturu] wddx_packet_start (|[stringcomment]); [wddx_serialize_value | Serializovat jedinou hodnotu do WDDX paketu] wddx_serialize_value (|mixed var [, stringcomment]); [wddx_serialize_vars | Serializovat prom∞nnΘ do WDDX paketu] wddx_serialize_vars (|mixed var_name [, mixed...]); [wordwrap | Zalßmat °et∞zec na dan² poΦet znak∙ pomocφ break znaku] wordwrap (|string str [, intwidth [, stringbreak [, intcut]]]); [write | Write to a socket] write (|resource socket_des, string &buffer, int length); [xml_error_string | get XML parser error string] xml_error_string (|int code); [xml_get_current_byte_index | get current byte index for an XML parser] xml_get_current_byte_index (|int parser); [xml_get_current_column_number | Get current column number for an XML parser] xml_get_current_column_number (|int parser); [xml_get_current_line_number | get current line number for an XML parser] xml_get_current_line_number (|int parser); [xml_get_error_code | get XML parser error code] xml_get_error_code (|int parser); [xml_parse_into_struct | Parse XML data into an array structure] xml_parse_into_struct (|int parser, string data, array &values, array &index); [xml_parse | start parsing an XML document] xml_parse (|int parser, string data [, intisFinal]); [xml_parser_create | create an XML parser] xml_parser_create (|[stringencoding]); [xml_parser_free | Free an XML parser] xml_parser_free (|int parser); [xml_parser_get_option | get options from an XML parser] xml_parser_get_option (|int parser, int option); [xml_parser_set_option | set options in an XML parser] xml_parser_set_option (|int parser, int option, mixed value); [xml_set_character_data_handler | set up character data handler] xml_set_character_data_handler (|int parser, string handler); [xml_set_default_handler | set up default handler] xml_set_default_handler (|int parser, string handler); [xml_set_element_handler | set up start and end element handlers] xml_set_element_handler (|int parser, stringstartElementHandler, stringendElementHandler); [xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler | set up external entity reference handler] xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler (|int parser, string handler); [xml_set_notation_decl_handler | set up notation declaration handler] xml_set_notation_decl_handler (|int parser, string handler); [xml_set_object | Use XML Parser within an object] xml_set_object (|int parser, object &object); [xml_set_processing_instruction_handler | Set up processing instruction (|PI) handler] xml_set_processing_instruction_handler (|int parser, string handler); [xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler | Set up unparsed entity declaration handler] xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler (|int parser, string handler); [xmldoc | Vytvo°it DOM objekt z XML dokumentu] xmldoc (|string str); [xmldocfile | Vytvo°it DOM objekt z XML souboru] xmldocfile (|string filename); [xmltree | Vytvo°it strom PHP objekt∙ z XML dokumentu] xmltree (|string str); [xslt_closelog | Smazat log danΘ instance Sablotronu] xslt_closelog (|resource xh); [xslt_create | Vytvo°it nov² XSL procesor] xslt_create (|void); [xslt_errno | Vrßtit Φφslo souΦasnΘ chyby] xslt_errno (|[int xh]); [xslt_error | Vrßtit text poslednφ chyby] xslt_error (|[intxh]); [xslt_fetch_result | Zφskat (|pojmenovan²) v²stupnφ buffer] xslt_fetch_result (|[int xhstring result_name]); [xslt_free | Uvolnit XSLT procesor] xslt_free (|resource xh); [xslt_openlog | UrΦit log pro zprßvy XSLT procesoru] xslt_openlog (|[resource xhstring logfileint loglevel]); [xslt_output_begintransform | ZaΦφt XSLT transformaci v²stupu] xslt_output_begintransform (|string xslt_filename); [xslt_output_endtransform | UkonΦit v²stupnφ transformaci zaΦatou pomocφ xslt_output_begintransform] xslt_output_endtransform (|void); [xslt_process | Transformovat XML data °et∞zcem obsahujφcφm XSL data] xslt_process (|string xsl_datastring xml_datastring result); [xslt_run | Aplikovat na soubor XSLT stylesheet] xslt_run (|[resource xhstring xslt_filestring xml_data_filestring resultarray xslt_paramsarray xslt_args]]]); [xslt_set_sax_handler | UrΦit SAX handlery XSLT procesoru] xslt_set_sax_handler (|resource xharray handlers); [xslt_transform | ProvΘst XSLT transformaci] xslt_transform (|string xslstring xmlstring resultstring paramsstring argsstring resultBuffer); [yaz_addinfo | Returns additional error information] yaz_addinfo (|int id); [yaz_ccl_conf | Configure CCL parser] yaz_ccl_conf (|int id, array config); [yaz_ccl_parse | Invoke CCL Parser] yaz_ccl_parse (|int id, string query, array &result); [yaz_close | Closes a YAZ connection] yaz_close (|int id); [yaz_connect | Prepares for a connection and Z-association to a Z39.50 target.] yaz_connect (|stringzurl [, mixedoptions]); [yaz_database | Specifies the databases within a session] yaz_database (|int id, string databases); [yaz_element | Specifies Element-Set Name for retrieval] yaz_element (|int id, string elementset); [yaz_errno | Returns error number] yaz_errno (|int id); [yaz_error | Returns error description] yaz_error (|int id); [yaz_hits | Returns number of hits for last search] yaz_hits (|int id); [yaz_itemorder | Prepares for Z39.50 Item Order with an ILL-Request package] yaz_itemorder (|array args); [yaz_present | Prepares for retrieval (|Z39.50 present).] yaz_present (|void); [yaz_range | Specifies the maximum number of records to retrieve] yaz_range (|int id, int start, int number); [yaz_record | Returns a record] yaz_record (|int id, int pos, string type); [yaz_scan_result | Returns Scan Response result] yaz_scan_result (|int id [, array &result]); [yaz_scan | Prepares for a scan] yaz_scan (|int id, string type, string startterm [, arrayflags]); [yaz_search | Prepares for a search] yaz_search (|int id, string type, string query); [yaz_sort | Sets sorting criteria] yaz_sort (|int id, string criteria); [yaz_syntax | Specifies the preferred record syntax for retrieval.] yaz_syntax (|int id, string syntax); [yaz_wait | Wait for Z39.50 requests to complete] yaz_wait (|[array options]); [yp_first | Vrßtit pvnφ klφΦ/hodnota pßr mapy] yp_first (|string domain, string map); [yp_get_default_domain | Zjistit defaultnφ NIS domΘnu stroje] yp_get_default_domain (|void ); [yp_master | Zjistit nßzev master NIS serveru mapy] yp_master (|string domain, string map); [yp_match | Vrßtit odpovφdajφcφ zßznam] yp_match (|string domain, string map, string key); [yp_next | Vrßtit dalÜφ klφΦ/hodnota pßr mapy] yp_next (|string domain, string map, string key); [yp_order | Returns the order number for a map] yp_order (|string domain, string map); [zend_logo_guid | Zφskat zend guid] zend_logo_guid (|void); [zip_close | Close a Zip File Archive] zip_close (|resource zip); [zip_entry_close | Close a Directory Entry] zip_entry_close (|resource zip_entry); [zip_entry_compressedsize | Retrive the Compressed Size of a Directory Entry] zip_entry_compressedsize (|resource zip_entry); [zip_entry_compressionmethod | Retrive the Compression Method of a Directory Entry] zip_entry_compressionmethod (|resource zip_entry); [zip_entry_filesize | Retrive the Actual File Size of a Directory Entry] zip_entry_filesize (|resource zip_entry); [zip_entry_name | Retrive the Name of a Directory Entry] zip_entry_name (|resource zip_entry); [zip_entry_open | Open a Directory Entry for Reading] zip_entry_open (|resource zip, resource zip_entry [, string mode]); [zip_entry_read | Read From an Open Directory Entry] zip_entry_read (|resource zip_entry [, int length]); [zip_open | Open a Zip File Archive] zip_open (|string filename); [zip_read | Read Next Entry in a Zip File Archive] zip_read (|resource zip);