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Text File | 2002-01-29 | 55.7 KB | 1,074 lines |
- ; Tento soubor obsahuje makra programu PSPad pro MS-Dos BAT
- ;
- ; ╪ßdky zaΦφnajφcφ st°ednφkem a prßzdnΘ °ßdky jsou ignorovßny
- ;
- ; Formßt p°φkaz∙ :
- ; [jmΘno_p°φkazu | popis p°φkazu (libovoln² text)]*klßvesovß_zkratka
- ; °ßdek p°φkazu, kter² bude vlo₧en
- ; °ßdek p°φkazu, kter² bude vlo₧en ...
- ;
- ; hlaviΦka p°φkazu je uzav°ena do [], znak | slou₧φ jako odd∞lovaΦ
- ; jmΘna p°φkazu a komentß°e.
- ; * urΦuje nepovinnou klßvesovou zkratku
- ; pokud °ßdek p°φkazu obsahuje znak |, kurzor se po vlo╛enφ do
- ; textu zastavφ na tomto mφst∞
- ; pokud °ßdek p°φkazu obsahuje znak º, bude zde vlo₧en oznaΦen² text
- ;
- ; autor: ing. Jan Fiala pspad@wo.cz
- ; Φesk² p°eklad David Tardon <d.tardon@worldonline.cz>
- ; poslednφ revize: 19.1.2002
- ;
- [APPEND | P°idat cestu pro vyhledßvßnφ datov²ch soubor∙]
- APPEND |[d:]path[;][d:]path[...]
- [APPEND1 | P°idat cestu pro vyhledßvßnφ datov²ch soubor∙]
- APPEND [d:]path[;][d:]path[...]
- APPEND |[/X:on|off][/path:on|off] [/E]
- Rem Displays or sets the search path for data files. DOS will search
- Rem the specified path(s) if the file is not found in the current path.
- Rem /X[:ON|:OFF]
- Rem Specifies whether MS-DOS is to search (/X:ON) or not search (/X:OFF)
- Rem appended directories. The default value is /X:OFF.
- Rem Specifies whether a program is to search appended directories for a data
- Rem file when a path is already included with the name of the file the
- Rem program is looking for. The default setting is /PATH:ON.
- Rem /E
- Rem Assigns the list of appended directories to an environment variable
- Rem named APPEND. This switch can be used only the first time.
- [ASSIGN | P°esm∞rovat po₧adavky na jednotku]
- ASSIGN |x=y [...] /sta
- Rem Redirects disk drive requests to a different drive.
- [ATTRIB | Nastavit atributy souboru]
- ATTRIB |[+R|-R] [+A|-A] [+S|-S] [+H|-H] [d:][path]filename [/S]
- [ATTRIB1 | Nastavit atributy souboru]
- ATTRIB |[d:][path]filename [/S]
- ATTRIB [+R|-R] [+A|-A] [+S|-S] [+H|-H] [d:][path]filename [/S]
- Rem Sets or displays the read-only, archive, system,
- Rem and hidden attributes of a file or directory.
- Rem + sets attribute
- Rem - clear attribute
- Rem R Read-Only file
- Rem A Archive file
- Rem S System file
- Rem H Hidden file
- Rem /S processes files in the current directory and all of its subdirectories
- [BACKUP | Vytvo°it zßlo₧nφ kopii souboru(∙)]
- BACKUP |d:[path][filename] d:[/S][/M][/A][/F:(size)] [/P][/D:date] [/T:time] [/L:[path]filename]
- Rem Makes a backup copy of one or more files.
- [BREAK | Kontrola Ctrl + Break]
- BREAK=|on|off
- Rem Used from the DOS prompt or in a batch file or in the CONFIG.SYS file
- Rem to set (or display) check for a Ctrl + Break key combination.
- [BUFFERS | PoΦet diskov²ch buffer∙]
- BUFFERS=|number[,read_ahead_number]
- [BUFFERS1 | PoΦet diskov²ch buffer∙]
- BUFFERS=|number[,read_ahead_number]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the number of disk buffers (number)
- Rem that willbe available for use during data input. Also used to set a value
- Rem for the numberof sectors to be read in advance (read-ahead) during
- Rem data input operations.
- Rem numbers = 0..99, read-ahead number = 1..8
- [CALL | Volßnφ dalÜφho dßvkovΘho souboru]
- CALL |[d:][path]batchfilename [options]
- Rem Calls another batch file and then returns to current batch file to continue.
- [CHCP | Zobrazit aktußlnφ znakovou strßnku]
- CHCP (codepage)
- Rem Displays the current code page or changes the code page that DOS will use.
- [CHDIR | Zm∞nit pracovnφ adresß°]
- CHDIR |(CD) [d:]path
- Rem Displays working (current) directory and/or changes to a different directory.
- [CHKDSK | Kontrolovat disk]
- CHKDSK |[d:][path][filename] [/F][/V]
- [CHKDSK1 | Kontrolovat disk]
- CHKDSK |[d:][path][filename] [/F][/V]
- Rem Checks a disk and provides a file and memory status report.
- Rem /F fixes errors on the disk. Do not use this option when running CHKDSK
- Rem from other programs In general, when fixing disk errors, use
- Rem ScanDisk instead of CHKDSK.
- Rem /V Displays the name of each file in every directory as the disk is
- Rem checked.
- [CHOICE | Vypsat mo₧nosti, ze kter²ch si u₧ivatel vybφrß]
- CHOICE |[/C[:]keys] [/N][/S][/T[:]c,nn] [text]
- [CHOICE1 | Vypsat mo₧nosti, ze kter²ch si u₧ivatel vybφrß]
- Rem CHOICE |[/C[:]keys] [/N][/S][/T[:]c,nn] [text]
- Rem Used to provide a prompt so that a user can make a choice
- Rem while a batch program is running.
- Rem /C[:]keys
- Rem Specifies allowable keys in the prompt. When displayed, the keys will be
- Rem separated by commas, will appear in brackets ([]), and will be followed
- Rem by a question mark. If you don't specify the /C switch, CHOICE uses YN
- Rem as the default. The colon (:) is optional.
- Rem /N Causes CHOICE not to display the prompt. The text before the prompt is
- Rem still displayed, however
- Rem /S Causes CHOICE to be case sensitive
- Rem /T[:]c,nn
- Rem Causes CHOICE to pause for a specified number of seconds before
- Rem defaulting to a specified key.
- Rem c specifies the character to be default
- Rem nn number of seconds
- [CLS | Smazat obrazovku]
- CLS|
- Rem Clears (erases) the screen.
- [COMMAND | Spustit nov² p°φkazov² °ßdek]
- COMMAND |[d:][path] [device] [/P][/E:(size)] [/MSG][/Y [/C (command)|/K (command)]
- [COMMAND1 | Spustit nov² p°φkazov² °ßdek]
- COMMAND |[d:][path] [device] [/P][/E:(size)] [/MSG][/Y [/C (command)|/K (command)]
- Rem Starts a new version of the DOS command processor
- Rem (the program that loads the DOS Internal programs).
- Rem /C command
- Rem Specifies that the command interpreter is to perform the specified
- Rem command and then exit. This switch must be the last switch on the
- Rem command line.
- Rem /E:nnnnn
- Rem Specifies the environment size, where nnnnn is the size in bytes. The
- Rem value of nnnnn must be in the range 160 through 32768. MS-DOS rounds
- Rem this number up to a multiple of 16 bytes. The default value is 256.
- Rem /K command
- Rem Runs the specified command, program, or batch program and then displays
- Rem the MS-DOS command prompt. This switch must be the last switch on the
- Rem COMMAND command line.
- Rem /P switch makes the new copy of the command interpreter permanent.
- Rem In this case, the EXIT command cannot be used to stop the command interpreter.
- Rem /MSG
- Rem Specifies that all error messages should be stored in memory. Usually,
- Rem some messages are stored only on disk. This switch is useful only if you
- Rem are running MS-DOS from floppy disks. You must specify the /P switch
- Rem when you use the /MSG switch.
- Rem /Y Directs COMMAND.COM to step through the batch file specified by the /C
- Rem or /K switches. This switch is useful for debugging batch files. For
- Rem example, to step through the TEST.BAT batch file line by line, you would
- Rem type COMMAND /Y /C TEST. The /Y switch requires either the /C or the /K
- Rem switch.
- [COMP | Porovnat dv∞ skupiny soubor∙]
- COMP |[d:][path][filename] [d:][path][filename] [/A][/C][/D][/L][/N:(number)]
- Rem Compares two groups of files to find information that does not match.
- Rem (See FC command).
- [COPY | Kopφrovat nebo spojit soubory]
- COPY |[/Y|-Y] [/A][/B] [d:][path]filename [/A][/B] [d:][path][filename] [/V]
- [COPY1 | Kopφrovat nebo spojit soubory]
- COPY |[/Y|-Y] [/A][/B] [d:][path]filename [/A][/B] [d:][path][filename] [/V]
- Rem Copies and appends files.
- Rem /Y Indicates that you want COPY to replace existing file(s) without
- Rem prompting you for confirmation.
- Rem /-Y Indicates that you want COPY to prompt you for confirmation when
- Rem replacing an existing file.
- Rem /A Indicates an ASCII text file.
- Rem /B Indicates a binary file.
- Rem /V Verifies that new files are written correctly.
- [COUNTRY | Pou₧φt textovΘ konvence danΘ zem∞]
- COUNTRY=|country code,[code page][,][d:][filename]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to tell DOS to use country-specific text conventions during processing.
- [CTTY | Zm∞nit standardnφ I/O za°φzenφ]
- CTTY |device
- Rem Changes the standard console output to an auxiliary device
- [DATE | Zobrazit a zm∞nit systΘmovΘ datum]
- DATE |mm-dd-yy
- Rem Displays and/or sets the system date.
- [DBLSPACE | Program pro kompresi disk∙]
- DBLSPACE |/automount=drives
- DBLSPACE /chkdsk [/F] [d:]
- DBLSPACE /compress d: [/newdrive=host:] [/reserve=size] [/F]
- DBLSPACE /create d: [/newdrive=host:] [/reserve=size] [/size=size]
- DBLSPACE /defragment [d:] ]/F]
- DBLSPACE /delete d:
- DBLSPACE /doubleguard=0|1
- DBLSPACE /format d:
- DBLSPACE [/info] [d:]
- DBLSPACE /list
- DBLSPACE /mount[=nnn] host: [/newdrive=d:]
- DBLSPACE /ratio[=ratio] [d:] [/all]
- DBLSPACE /size[=size] [/reserve=size] d:
- DBLSPACE /uncompress d:
- DBLSPACE /unmount [d:]
- Rem A program that allows you to compress information on a disk.
- [DEBUG | Ladφcφ a programovacφ prost°edek]
- DEBUG [pathname] [parameters]
- Rem An MS-DOS utility used to test and edit programs.
- [DEFRAG | Reorganizace soubor∙ na disku]
- DEFRAG |[d:] [/F][/S[:]order] [/B][/skiphigh [/LCD|/BW|/GO] [/H]
- [DEFRAG1 | Reorganizace soubor∙ na disku]
- DEFRAG |[d:] [/F][/S[:]order] [/B][/skiphigh [/LCD|/BW|/GO] [/H]
- DEFRAG [d:] [/V][/B][/skiphigh] [/LCD]|/BW|/GO] [/H]
- Rem Optimizes disk performance by reorganizing the files on the disk.
- Rem /F Defragments files and ensures that the disk contains no empty spaces
- Rem between files.
- Rem /U Defragments files and leaves empty spaces, if any, between files.
- Rem /S Controls how the files are sorted in their directories.
- Rem Use any combination of the values, and do not separate with spaces:
- Rem N In alphabetic order by name
- Rem N- In reverse alphabetic order by name (Z through A)
- Rem E In alphabetic order by extension
- Rem E- In reverse alphabetic order by extension (Z through A)
- Rem D By date and time, earliest first
- Rem D- By date and time, latest first
- Rem S By size, smallest first
- Rem S- By size, largest first
- Rem /B Restarts your computer after files have been reorganized.
- Rem Loads DEFRAG into conventional memory. By default, DEFRAG is loaded into
- Rem upper memory, if upper memory is available.
- Rem /LCD
- Rem Starts DEFRAG using an LCD color scheme.
- Rem /BW Starts DEFRAG using a black and white color scheme.
- Rem /G0 Disables the graphic mouse and graphic character set.
- Rem /H Moves hidden files.
- [DEL | Smazat soubor(y)]
- DEL |[d:][path]filename [/P]
- [DELOLDOS | Smazat soubory z p°edeÜlΘ instalace DOSu]
- Rem Deletes files from previous versions of DOS after a 5.0 or 6.0 installation.
- [DELTREE | Smazat adresß° vΦetn∞ vÜech podadresß°∙ a soubor∙]
- DELTREE |[/Y] [d:]path [d:]path[...]
- Rem Deletes a directory including all files and subdirectories that are in it.
- [DEVICE | NaΦφst ovladaΦ za°φzenφ]
- DEVICE=|(driver name)
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to tell DOS which device driver to load.
- [DEVICEHIGH | ZavΘst ovladaΦ do hornφ pam∞ti]
- DEVICEHIGH=|(driver name)
- Rem Used in CONFIG.SYS to install the device driver into the upper memory area.
- [DIR | Zobrazit obsah adresß°e]
- DIR |[d:][path][filename] [/A:(attributes)] [/O:(order)] [/B][/C][/CH][/L][/S][/P][/W]
- [DIR1 | Zobrazit obsah adresß°e]
- DIR |[d:][path][filename] [/A:(attributes)] [/O:(order)] [/B][/C][/CH][/L][/S][/P][/W]
- Rem Displays directory of files and directories stored on disk.
- Rem /P Displays one screen of the listing at a time.
- Rem /W Displays the listing in wide format, with as many as five filenames or
- Rem directory names on each line.
- Rem /A[[:] attributes]
- Rem Displays only the names of those directories and files with the
- Rem attributes you specify. If you omit this switch, DIR displays the names
- Rem of all files except hidden and system files. If you use this switch
- Rem without specifying attributes, DIR displays the names of all files,
- Rem including hidden and system files. The following list describes each of
- Rem the values you can use for attributes. The colon (:) is optional. Use
- Rem any combination of these values, and do not separate the values with
- Rem spaces.
- Rem H Hidden files
- Rem -H Files that are not hidden
- Rem S System files
- Rem -S Files other than system files
- Rem D Directories
- Rem -D Files only (not directories)
- Rem A Files ready for archiving (backup)
- Rem -A Files that have not changed since the last backup
- Rem R Read-only files
- Rem -R Files that are not read-only
- Rem /O[[:] sortorder]
- Rem Controls the order in which DIR sorts and displays directory names and
- Rem filenames. The following list
- Rem describes each of the values you can use for sortorder. Use any
- Rem combination of the values, and do not separate these values with
- Rem spaces.
- Rem N In alphabetic order by name
- Rem -N In reverse alphabetic order by name (Z through A)
- Rem E In alphabetic order by extension
- Rem -E In reverse alphabetic order by extension (Z through A)
- Rem D By date and time, earliest first
- Rem -D By date and time, latest first
- Rem S By size, smallest first
- Rem -S By size, largest first
- Rem G With directories grouped before files
- Rem -G With directories grouped after files
- Rem C By compression ratio, lowest first.
- Rem -C By compression ratio, highest first.
- Rem /S Lists every occurrence, in the specified directory and all
- Rem subdirectories, of the specified filename.
- Rem /B Lists each directory name or filename, one per line (including the
- Rem filename extension). This switch displays no heading information and no
- Rem summary. The /B switch overrides the /W switch.
- Rem /L Displays unsorted directory names and filenames in lowercase. This
- Rem switch does not convert extended characters to lowercase.
- Rem /C[H]
- Rem Displays the compression ratio of files compressed using DoubleSpace or
- Rem DriveSpace, based on an 8K cluster size. The optional H switch displays
- Rem the compression ratio of files compressed using DoubleSpace or
- Rem DriveSpace, based on the cluster size of the host drive. The /C[H]
- Rem switch is ignored when used with the /W or /B switch.
- [DISKCOMP | Porovnat obsahy dvou disket]
- DISKCOMP |[d:] [d:][/1][/8]
- [DISKCOMP1 | Porovnat obsahy dvou disket]
- DISKCOMP |[d:] [d:][/1][/8]
- Rem Compares the contents of two diskettes.
- Rem /1 Compares only the first sides of the disks, even if the disks are
- Rem double-sided and the drives can read double-sided disks.
- Rem /8 Compares only the first 8 sectors per track, even if the disks contain 9
- Rem or 15 sectors per track.
- [DISKCOPY | Vytvo°it p°esnou kopii diskety]
- DISKCOPY |[d:] [d:][/1][/V][/M]
- [DISKCOPY1 | Vytvo°it p°esnou kopii diskety]
- DISKCOPY |[d:] [d:][/1][/V][/M]
- Rem Makes an exact copy of a diskette.
- Rem /1 Copies only the first side of a disk.
- Rem /V Verifies that the information is copied correctly. Use of this switch
- Rem slows the copying process.
- Rem /M Forces DISKCOPY to use only conventional memory for interim storage. By
- Rem default, DISKCOPY uses your hard disk as an interim storage area so you
- Rem don't have to swap floppy disks.
- [DOS | UrΦit umφst∞nφ DOSu v pam∞ti]
- DOS=[high|low],[umb|noumb]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the memory location for DOS.
- [DOSKEY | Program pro odvolßnφ p°φkaz∙ DOSu]
- DOSKEY |[reinstall] [/bufsize=size][/macros][/history][/insert|/overstrike] [macroname=[text]]
- [DOSKEY1 | Program pro odvolßnφ p°φkaz∙ DOSu]
- DOSKEY |[reinstall] [/bufsize=size][/macros][/history][/insert|/overstrike] [macroname=[text]]
- Rem Loads the Doskey program into memory which can be used
- Rem to recall DOS commands so that you can edit them.
- Rem Installs a new copy of the Doskey program, even if one is already
- Rem installed. In the latter case, the /REINSTALL switch also clears the
- Rem buffer.
- Rem /BUFSIZE=size
- Rem Specifies the size of the buffer in which Doskey stores commands and
- Rem Doskey macros. The default size is 512 bytes.
- Rem The minimum buffer size is 256 bytes.
- Rem Displays a list of all Doskey macros. You can use a redirection symbol
- Rem (Rem) with the /MACROS switch to redirect the list to a file. You can
- Rem abbreviate the /MACROS switch as /M.
- Rem Displays a list of all commands stored in memory. You can use
- Rem a redirection symbol (Rem) with the /HISTORY switch to redirect
- Rem the list to a file. You can abbreviate the /HISTORY switch as /H.
- Rem Specifies whether new text you type is to replace old text. If you use
- Rem the /INSERT switch, new text that you type on a line is inserted into
- Rem old text (as if you had pressed the INSERT key).
- Rem If you use the /OVERSTRIKE switch, new text replaces old text.
- Rem The default setting is /OVERSTRIKE.
- Rem Submitted by Franc Zabkar:
- Rem The undocumented APPEDIT switch (in Win9x) enables command line history
- Rem in applications such as DEBUG.EXE.
- [DOSSHELL | Grafick² p°φkazov² °ßdek]
- DOSSHELL |[/B] [/G:[resolution][n]]|[/T:[resolution][n]]
- [DOSSHELL1 | Grafick² p°φkazov² °ßdek]
- DOSSHELL |[/B] [/G:[resolution][n]]|[/T:[resolution][n]]
- Rem Initiates the graphic shell program using the specified screen resolution.
- Rem Parameters
- Rem resolution
- Rem Specifies a screen-resolution category. Valid values are L, M, and H to
- Rem specify low, medium, and high resolution, respectively. The default
- Rem value of res depends on your hardware.
- Rem n Specifies a screen resolution when there is more than one choice within
- Rem a category. For information about the valid values for this parameter,
- Rem see the "Notes" screen. The default value of n depends on your
- Rem hardware.
- Rem /T Starts MS-DOS Shell in text mode.
- Rem /B Starts MS-DOS Shell using a black-and-white color scheme.
- Rem /G Starts MS-DOS Shell in graphics mode.
- [DRIVPARM | Nastavit parametry diskovΘ jednotky]
- DRIVPARM= |/D:(number) [/C] [/F:(form factor)] [/H:(number)] [/I][/N][/S:(number)] [/T:(tracks)]
- [DRIVPARM1 | Nastavit parametry diskovΘ jednotky]
- DRIVPARM= |/D:(number) [/C] [/F:(form factor)] [/H:(number)] [/I][/N][/S:(number)] [/T:(tracks)]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set parameters for a disk drive.
- Rem /D:number
- Rem Specifies the physical drive number. Values for number must be in the
- Rem range 0 through 255 (for example, drive number 0 = drive A, 1 = drive B,
- Rem 2 = drive C, and so on).
- Rem /C
- Rem Specifies that the drive can detect whether the drive door is closed.
- Rem /F:factor
- Rem Specifies the drive type. The following list shows the valid values for
- Rem factor and a brief description of each. The default value is 2.
- Rem 0 160K/180K or 320K/360K
- Rem 1 1.2 megabyte (MB)
- Rem 2 720K (3.5-inch disk)
- Rem 5 Hard disk
- Rem 6 Tape
- Rem 7 1.44 MB (3.5-inch disk)
- Rem 8 Read/write optical disk
- Rem 9 2.88 MB (3.5-inch disk)
- Rem /H:heads
- Rem Specifies the maximum number of heads. Values for heads must be in the
- Rem range 1 through 99. The default value depends upon the value you specify
- Rem for /F:factor.
- Rem /I Specifies an electronically compatible 3.5-inch floppy disk drive.
- Rem (Electronically compatible drives are installed on your computer and use
- Rem your existing floppy-disk-drive controller.) Use the /I switch if your
- Rem computer's ROM BIOS does not support 3.5-inch floppy disk drives.
- Rem /N Specifies a non-Removable block device.
- Rem /S:sectors
- Rem Specifies the number of sectors per track that the block device
- Rem supports. Values for sectors must be in the range 1 through 99. The
- Rem default value depends upon the value you specify for /F:factor.
- Rem /T:tracks
- Rem Specifies the number of tracks per side that the block device supports.
- Rem The default value depends upon the value you specify for /F:factor.
- [ECHO | Zobrazit hlßÜky v dßvkovΘm souboru]
- ECHO |on|off
- ECHO (message)
- Rem Displays messages or turns on or off the display of commands in a batch file.
- [EDIT | Spustit textov² editor MS-DOSu]
- EDIT |[d:][path]filename [/B][/G][/H][/NOHI]
- [EDIT1 | Spustit textov² editor MS-DOSu]
- EDIT |[d:][path]filename [/B][/G][/H][/NOHI]
- Rem Starts the MS-DOS editor, a text editor used to create and edit ASCII text files.
- Rem /B Displays MS-DOS Editor in black and white. Use this option if MS-DOS
- Rem Editor isn't displayed correctly on a monochrome monitor.
- Rem /G Uses the fastest screen updating for a CGA monitor.
- Rem /H Displays the maximum number of lines possible for the monitor you are
- Rem using.
- Rem /NOHI
- Rem Enables you to use 8-color monitors with MS-DOS Editor. Usually, MS-DOS
- Rem uses 16 colors.
- [EMM386 | Zapnout/vypnout podporu rozÜφ°enΘ (expanded) pam∞ti]
- EMM386 |[on|off|auto] [w=on|off]
- [EMM3861 | Zapnout/vypnout podporu rozÜφ°enΘ (expanded) pam∞ti]
- EMM386 |[on|off|auto] [w=on|off]
- Rem Enables or disables EMM386 expanded-memory support on a computer with
- Rem an 80386 or higher processor.
- Rem Parameters
- Rem Activates the EMM386 device driver (if set to ON), or suspends the
- Rem EMM386 device driver (if set to OFF), or places the EMM386 device driver
- Rem in auto mode (if set to AUTO). Auto mode enables expanded-memory support
- Rem only when a program calls for it. The default value is ON.
- Rem W=ON|W=OFF
- Rem Enables (if set to W=ON) or disables (if set to W=OFF) Weitek
- Rem coprocessor support. The default value is W=OFF.
- [EXE2BIN | P°evΘst .exe soubory do binßrnφho tvaru]
- EXE2BIN |[d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename
- Rem Converts .EXE (executable) files to binary format.
- [EXIT | Opustit p°φkazov² °ßdek]
- Rem Exits a secondary command processor.
- [EXPAND | Rozbalit komprimovan² soubor]
- EXPAND |[d:][path]filename [[d:][path]filename[ . . .]]
- Rem Expands a compressed file.
- [FASTHELP | Zobrazit seznam p°φkaz∙ DOSu]
- FASTHELP [command][command] /?
- Rem Displays a list of DOS commands with a brief explanation of each.
- [FASTOPEN | Zachovat informace o otev°en²ch souborech pro rychlejÜφ p°φstup]
- FASTOPEN d:|[=n][/X]
- [FASTOPEN1 | Zachovat informace o otev°en²ch souborech pro rychlejÜφ p°φstup]
- FASTOPEN d:|[=n][/X]
- Rem Keeps track of the locations of files for fast access.
- Rem Parameters
- Rem n Specifies the number of files Fastopen can work with at the same time.
- Rem Valid values for n are in the range 10 through 999. The default is 48.
- Rem Switch
- Rem /X Creates the name cache in expanded memory instead of in conventional
- Rem memory. The name cache is an area of memory in which MS-DOS stores
- Rem (caches) the locations and names of the files that you open. This cache
- Rem conforms to version 4.0 of the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory
- Rem Specification (LIM EMS).
- [FC | Zobrazit rozdφly mezi dv∞ma soubory]
- FC |[/A][/C][/L][/Lb n][/N][/T][/W][number] [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename
- [FC1 | Zobrazit rozdφly mezi dv∞ma soubory]
- FC |[/A][/C][/L][/Lb n][/N][/T][/W][number] [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename
- FC [/B][/number] [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename
- Rem Displays the differences between two files or sets of files.
- Rem /A Abbreviates the output of an ASCII comparison. Instead of displaying all
- Rem the lines that are different, FC displays only the first and last line
- Rem for each set of differences.
- Rem /C Ignores the case of letters.
- Rem /L Compares the files in ASCII mode. FC compares the two files line by line
- Rem and attempts to resynchronize the files after finding a mismatch. This
- Rem is the default mode for comparing files that do not have extensions of
- Rem .EXE, .COM, .SYS, .OBJ, .LIB, or .BIN.
- Rem /LBn
- Rem Sets the number of lines for the internal line buffer. The default
- Rem length of the line buffer is 100 lines. If the files being compared have
- Rem more than this number of consecutive differing lines, FC cancels the
- Rem comparison.
- Rem /N Displays the line numbers during an ASCII comparison.
- Rem /T Does not expand tabs to spaces. The default behavior is to treat tabs as
- Rem spaces, with stops at each eighth character position.
- Rem /W Compresses white space (tabs and spaces) during the comparison. If a
- Rem line contains many consecutive spaces or tabs, the /W switch treats
- Rem these characters as a single space. When used with the /W switch, FC
- Rem ignores (and does not compare) white space at the beginning and end of a
- Rem line.
- Rem /nnnn
- Rem Specifies the number of consecutive lines that must match before FC
- Rem considers the files to be resynchronized. If the number of matching
- Rem lines in the files is less than this number, FC displays the matching
- Rem lines as differences. The default value is 2.
- Rem /B Compares the files in binary mode. FC compares the two files byte by
- Rem byte and does not attempt to resynchronize the files after finding a
- Rem mismatch. This is the default mode for comparing files that have
- Rem extensions of .EXE, .COM, .SYS, .OBJ, .LIB, or .BIN.
- [FCBS | PoΦet blok∙ souborovΘ kontroly pro sdφlenφ soubor∙]
- FCBS=|(number)
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the number of file-control blocks
- Rem for file sharing.
- [FDISK | P°ipravit pevn² disk k p°ijmutφ DOSu]
- FDISK |[/status] [/mbr]
- Rem Prepares a fixed disk to accept DOS files for storage.
- Rem /mbr switch repair master boot record
- [FILES | Maximßlnφ poΦet souΦasn∞ otev°en²ch soubor∙]
- FILES=(number)
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.Sys file to specify the maximum number of files
- Rem that can be open at the same time.
- [FIND | Najφt °et∞zec v souboru]
- FIND |[/V][/C][/I][/N] string [d:][path]filename[...]
- [FIND1 | Najφt °et∞zec v souboru]
- FIND |[/V][/C][/I][/N] string [d:][path]filename[...]
- Rem Finds and reports the location of a specific string of text characters
- Rem in one or more files.
- Rem /V Displays all lines not containing the specified string.
- Rem /C Displays only a count of the lines that contain the specified string.
- Rem /N Precedes each line with the file's line number.
- Rem /I Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
- [FOR | Opakovat provßd∞nφ p°φkaz∙]
- FOR |%%(variable) IN (set) DO (command)
- FOR %(variable) IN (set) DO (command)
- Rem Performs repeated execution of commands
- Rem (for both batch processing and interactive processing).
- [FORMAT | Formßtovat disk]
- FORMAT |d:[/1][/4][/8][/F:(size)] [/N:(sectors)] [/T:(tracks)][/B|/S][/C][/V:(label)] [/Q][/U][/V]
- [FORMAT1 | Formßtovat disk]
- FORMAT |d:[/1][/4][/8][/F:(size)] [/N:(sectors)] [/T:(tracks)][/B|/S][/C][/V:(label)] [/Q][/U][/V]
- Rem Formats a disk to accept DOS files.
- Rem /V:label
- Rem Specifies the volume label. The /V switch is not compatible with the /8 switch.
- Rem /Q Specifies a quick format of a disk. With this switch, FORMAT deletes the
- Rem file allocation table (FAT) and the root directory of a previously
- Rem formatted disk, but does not scan the disk for bad areas.
- Rem /U Specifies an unconditional format of a disk. Unconditional formatting
- Rem destroys all existing data on a disk and prevents you from later
- Rem "unformatting" the disk. You should use /U if you have received read and
- Rem write errors during use of a disk. For information about unformatting a
- Rem disk, see the UNFORMAT command.
- Rem /F:size
- Rem Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format. When possible, use this
- Rem switch instead of the /T and /N switches. Use one of the following
- Rem values for size:
- Rem 160 160K, single-sided, double-density, 5.25-inch disk
- Rem 180 180K, single-sided, double-density, 5.25-inch disk
- Rem 320 320K, double-sided, double-density, 5.25-inch disk
- Rem 360 360K, double-sided, double-density, 5.25-inch disk
- Rem 720 720K, double-sided, double-density, 3.5-inch disk
- Rem 1200 1.2-MB, double-sided, quadruple-density, 5.25-inch disk
- Rem 1440 1.44-MB, double-sided, quadruple-density, 3.5-inch disk
- Rem 2880 2.88-MB, double-sided, extra-high-density, 3.5-inch disk
- Rem /B Reserves space for the system files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS (as hidden
- Rem files) on a newly formatted disk. In previous versions of MS-DOS, it was
- Rem necessary to reserve this space before using the SYS command to copy the
- Rem system files to the disk. This switch is maintained in MS-DOS version
- Rem 6.0 for compatibility reasons only.
- Rem /S Copies the operating system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and COMMAND.COM
- Rem from your system's startup drive to a newly formatted disk that you can
- Rem use as a system disk. If FORMAT cannot find the operating system files,
- Rem it prompts you to insert a system disk.
- Rem /T:tracks
- Rem Specifies the number of tracks on the disk. When possible, use the /F
- Rem switch instead of this switch. If you use the /T switch, you must also
- Rem use the /N switch. These two switches provide an alternative method of
- Rem specifying the size of the disk being formatted. You cannot use the /F
- Rem switch with the /T switch.
- Rem /N:sectors
- Rem Specifies the number of sectors per track. When possible, use the /F
- Rem switch instead of this switch. If you use the /N switch, you must * also
- Rem use the /T switch. These two switches provide an alternative method of
- Rem specifying the size of the disk being formatted. You cannot use the /F
- Rem switch with the /N switch.
- Rem /1 Formats a single side of a floppy disk. /4
- Rem Formats a 5.25-inch, 360K, double-sided, double-density floppy disk on a
- Rem 1.2-MB disk drive. Some 360K drives cannot reliably read disks formatted
- Rem with this switch. When used with the /1 switch, this switch formats a
- Rem 5.25-inch, 180K, single-sided floppy disk.
- Rem /8 Formats a 5.25-inch disk with 8 sectors per track. This switch formats a
- Rem floppy disk to be compatible with MS-DOS versions earlier than 2.0.
- Rem /C Retests bad clusters. By default, if a drive contains clusters that have
- Rem been marked as "bad", FORMAT does not retest the clusters; it simply
- Rem leaves them marked "bad". Use the /C switch if you want FORMAT to retest
- Rem all bad clusters on the drive. (In previous versions of MS-DOS, FORMAT
- Rem always retested any bad clusters.)
- [GOTO | Skok na zadanΘ nßv∞Ütφ]
- GOTO |(label)
- Rem Causes unconditional branch to the specified label.
- [GRAFTABL | NaΦφst tabulku znak∙ do pam∞ti]
- GRAFTABL |[(code page)]
- GRAFTABL [status]
- Rem Loads a table of character data into memory
- Rem (for use with a color/graphics adapter).
- [GRAPHICS | Tisknout grafickou obrazovku na tiskßrn∞]
- GRAPHICS |[printer type][profile] [/B][/R][/LCD][/PB:(id)] [/C][/F][/P(port)]
- [GRAPHICS1 | Tisknout grafickou obrazovku na tiskßrn∞]
- GRAPHICS |[printer type][profile] [/B][/R][/LCD][/PB:(id)] [/C][/F][/P(port)]
- Rem Provides a way to print contents of a graphics screen display.
- Rem Parameters
- Rem type
- Rem Specifies the type of printer:
- Rem COLOR1 An IBM Personal Computer Color Printer with black ribbon
- Rem COLOR4 An IBM Personal Computer Color Printer with RGB ribbon
- Rem COLOR8 An IBM Personal Computer Color Printer with CMY ribbon
- Rem HPDEFAULT Any Hewlett-Packard PCL printer
- Rem DESKJET A Hewlett-Packard DeskJet printer
- Rem GRAPHICS An IBM Personal Graphics Printer, IBM Proprinter, or IBM Quietwriter
- Rem GRAPHICSWIDE An IBM Personal Graphics Printer with an 11-inch-wide carriage
- Rem LASERJET A Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printer
- Rem LASERJETII A Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II printer
- Rem PAINTJET A Hewlett-Packard PaintJet printer
- Rem QUIETJET A Hewlett-Packard QuietJet printer
- Rem QUIETJETPLUS A Hewlett-Packard QuietJet Plus printer
- Rem RUGGEDWRITER A Hewlett-Packard RuggedWriter printer
- Rem RUGGEDWRITERWIDE A Hewlett-Packard RuggedWriterwide printer
- Rem THERMAL An IBM PC-convertible Thermal Printer
- Rem THINKJET A Hewlett-Packard ThinkJet printer [
- Rem /R Prints the image as it appears on the screen (white characters on a
- Rem black background) rather than reversed (black characters on a white
- Rem background). The latter occurs by default.
- Rem /B Prints the background in color. This switch is valid for COLOR4 and
- Rem COLOR8 printers.
- Rem /LCD
- Rem Prints an image by using the liquid crystal display (LCD) aspect ratio
- Rem instead of the CGA aspect ratio
- [HELP | Zobrazit informace o p°φkazu
- HELP |[command] [/B][/G][/H][/NOHI]
- [HELP1 | Zobrazit informace o p°φkazu
- HELP |[command] [/B][/G][/H][/NOHI]
- Rem Displays information about a DOS command.
- Rem /B Allows use of a monochrome monitor with a color graphics card.
- Rem /G Provides the fastest update of a CGA screen.
- Rem /H Displays the maximum number of lines possible for your hardware.
- Rem /NOHI
- Rem Allows the use of a monitor without high-intensity support.
- [IF | Podmφn∞n² p°φkaz]
- IF |[NOT] EXIST filename (command) [parameters]
- IF [NOT] (string1)==(string2) (command) [parameters]
- IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL (number) (command) [parameters]
- Rem Allows for conditional operations in batch processing.
- [INCLUDE | Dovolit pou₧φt p°φkazy z bloku config.sys]
- INCLUDE=|blockname
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to allow you to use the commands
- Rem from one CONFIG.SYS block within another.
- [INSTALL | ZavΘst rezidentnφ program do pam∞ti]
- INSTALL=|[d:][\path]filename [parameters]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to load memory-resident programs
- Rem into conventional memory.
- [INTERLINK | Spojenφ dvou poΦφtaΦ∙ p°es port]
- INTERLINK |[client[:]=[server][:]]
- Rem Connects two computers via parallel or serial ports so that
- Rem the computers can share disks and printer ports.
- [INTERSVR | Spustit server Interlink]
- INTERSVR |[d:][...][/X=d:][...] [/LPT:[n|address]] [/COM:[n|address]][/baud:rate] [/B][/V]
- [INTERSVR1 | Spustit server Interlink]
- INTERSVR |[d:][...][/X=d:][...] [/LPT:[n|address]] [/COM:[n|address]][/baud:rate] [/B][/V]
- Rem Starts the Interlink server.
- Rem /X=drive:
- Rem Specifies the letter(s) of drive(s) that will not be redirected. By
- Rem default, all drives are redirected.
- Rem /LPT:[n|address]
- Rem Specifies a parallel port to use. The n parameter specifies the number
- Rem of the parallel port. The address parameter specifies the address of the
- Rem parallel port. If you omit n or address, the Interlnk server uses the
- Rem first parallel port that it finds connected to the client. If you
- Rem specify the /LPT switch and omit the /COM switch, the server searches
- Rem only for parallel ports. By default, all parallel and serial ports are
- Rem scanned.
- Rem /COM:[n|address]
- Rem Specifies a serial port to use. The n parameter specifies the number of
- Rem the serial port. The address parameter specifies the address of the
- Rem serial port. If you omit n or address, the Interlnk server searches all
- Rem serial ports and uses the first port that it finds connected to the
- Rem client. If you specify the /COM switch and omit the /LPT switch, the
- Rem server searches only for serial ports. By default, all parallel and
- Rem serial ports are scanned.
- Rem /BAUD:rate
- Rem Sets a maximum serial baud rate. Valid values for rate are 9600, 19200,
- Rem 38400, 57600, and 115200. The default value is 115200.
- Rem /B Displays the Interlnk server screen in black and white. Use this switch
- Rem if you have problems reading your monochrome monitor.
- Rem /V Prevents conflicts with a computer's timer. Use this switch if you have
- Rem a serial connection between computers and one of them stops running when
- Rem you use Interlnk to access a drive or printer port.
- Rem /RCOPY
- Rem Copies Interlnk files from one computer to another, provided that the
- Rem computers are connected with a 7-wire, null-modem serial cable and that
- Rem the <MODERem command is available on the computer where you are installing
- Rem Interlnk.
- [JOIN | P°φstup k adresß°i z adresß°e na odliÜnΘ jednotce]
- JOIN |d: [d:path]
- JOIN d: [/D]
- Rem Allows access to the directory structure and files of a drive through
- Rem a directory on a different drive.
- [KEYB | Program pro podporu ne-US klßvesnic]
- KEYB |[xx][,][yyy][,][d:][path]filename [/E][/ID:(number)]
- Rem Loads a program that replaces the support program for U. S. keyboards.
- [LABEL | Zm∞nit popisek disku]
- LABEL |[d:][volume label]
- Rem Creates or changes or deletes a volume label for a disk.
- [LASTDRIVE | Nastavit maximßlnφ poΦet jednotek]
- LASTDRIVE=|(drive letter)
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the maximum number of drives
- Rem that can be accessed.
- [LOADFIX | NaΦφst program do prvnφch 64KB pam∞ti]
- LOADFIX |[d:][path]filename [parameters]
- Rem Ensures that a program is loaded above the first 64K
- Rem of conventional memory, andruns the program.
- [LOADHIGH | NaΦφst rezidentnφ program do oblasti vysokΘ pam∞ti]
- LOADHIGH |(LH) [d:][path]filename [parameters]
- Rem Loads memory resident application into reserved area of memory (between 640K-1M).
- [MEM | Zobrazit velikost dostupnΘ pam∞ti]
- MEM |[/program|/debug|/classify|/free|/module(name)] [/page]
- Rem Displays amount of installed and available memory,
- Rem including extended, expanded,and upper memory.
- [MEMMAKER | Program pro optimalizaci vyu₧itφ pam∞ti]
- MEMMAKER |[/B][/batch][/session][/swap:d] [/T][/undo][/W:size1,size2]
- Rem Starts the MemMaker program, a program
- Rem that lets you optimize your computer's memory.
- [MENUCOLOR | Nastavit barvy menu]
- MENUCOLOR=|textcolor,[background]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the colors that will be used by DOS
- Rem to display text on the screen.
- [MENUDEFAULT | Defaultnφ polo₧ka menu]
- MENUDEFAULT=|blockname, [timeout]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the startup configuration that
- Rem will be used by DOS if no key is pressed within the specified timeout period.
- [MENUITEM | Polo₧ka menu]
- MENUITEM=|blockname, [menutext]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to create a start-up menu from which
- Rem you can select a group of CONFIG.SYS commands to be processed upon reboot.
- [MIRROR | Ulo₧it informace, kterΘ mohou b²t pou₧ity k obnovenφ smazan²ch soubor∙]
- MIRROR |[d:]path [d:] path [...]
- MIRROR [d1:][d2:][...] [/T(drive)(files)] [/partn][/U][/1]
- Rem Saves disk storage information that can be used to recover
- Rem accidentally erased files.
- [MD | Vytvo°it nov² podadresß°]
- MD |[d:]path
- Rem Creates a new subdirectory. Also MkDir
- [MODE | Nastavit parametry za°φzenφ nebo komunikace]
- MODE |n
- MODE LPT#[:][n][,][m][,][P][retry]
- MODE [n],m[,T]
- MODE (displaytype,linetotal)
- MODE COMn[:]baud[,][parity][,][databits][,][stopbits][,][retry]
- MODE LPT#[:]=COMn [retry]
- MODE CON[RATE=(number)][DELAY=(number)]
- MODE (device) CODEPAGE PREPARE=(codepage) [d:][path]filename
- MODE (device) CODEPAGE PREPARE=(codepage list) [d:][path]filename
- MODE (device) CODEPAGE SELECT=(codepage)
- Rem Sets mode of operation for devices or communications.
- [MORE | ╚ekat po ka₧dΘ obrazovce]
- MORE |(filename or command)
- Rem Sends output to console, one screen at a time.
- [MOVE | P°esunout soubor(y) do zadanΘho adresß°e]
- MOVE |[/Y|/-Y] [d:][path]filename[,[d:][path]filename[...]] destination
- Rem Moves one or more files to the location you specify.
- Rem Can also be used to renamedirectories.
- [MSBACKUP | Zßlohovat nebo obnovit soubory]
- MSBACKUP |[setupfile] [/BW|/LCD|/MDA]
- Rem Used to backup or restore one or more files from one disk to another.
- [MSCDEX | P°φstup k jednotkßm CD-ROM]
- MSCDEX |/D:driver [/D:driver2. . .] [/E][/K][/S][/V][/L:letter] [/M:number]
- [MSCDEX1 | P°φstup k jednotkßm CD-ROM]
- MSCDEX |/D:driver [/D:driver2. . .] [/E][/K][/S][/V][/L:letter] [/M:number]
- Rem Used to gain access to CD-ROM drives (new with DOS Version 6).
- Rem /E Specifies that the CD-ROM driver be allowed to use expanded memory, if
- Rem available, to store sector buffers.
- Rem /K Specifies that MS-DOS should recognize CD-ROM volumes encoded in Kanji.
- Rem By default, MS-DOS does not recognize Kanji CD-ROM volumes.
- Rem /S Enables sharing of CD-ROM drives on MS-NET or Windows for Workgroups
- Rem servers.
- Rem /V Directs MSCDEX to display memory statistics when it starts.
- Rem /L:letter
- Rem Specifies the drive letter to assign to the first CD-ROM drive. If you
- Rem have more than one CD-ROM drive, MS-DOS assigns additional CD-ROM drives
- Rem subsequent available drive letters.
- Rem /M:number
- Rem Specifies the number of sector buffers.
- [MSD | Detailnφ informace o poΦφtaΦi]
- MSD |[/B][/I]
- MSD [/I] [/F[d:][path]filename [/P[d:][path]filename [/S[d:][path]filename
- Rem Provides detailed technical information about your computer.
- [NLSFUNC | NaΦφst specifickΘ ·daje danΘ zem∞]
- NLSFUNC |[d:][path]filename
- Rem Used to load a file with country-specific information.
- [NUMLOCK | UrΦit stav NumLock]
- NUMLOCK=|on|off
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the state of the NumLock key.
- [PATH | Nastavit adresß°e, ve kter²ch budou hledßny programy]
- PATH |[d:]path[;][d:]path[...]
- Rem Sets or displays directories that will be searched for programs
- Rem not in the current directory.
- [PAUSE | Pozastavit provßd∞nφ dßvkovΘho souboru]
- PAUSE |[comment]
- Rem Suspends execution of a batch file until a key is pressed.
- [POWER | Nastavit °φzenφ napßjenφ]
- POWER |[adv:max|reg|min]|std|off]
- Rem Used to turn power management on and off, report the status
- Rem of power management,and set levels of power conservation.
- [PRINT | Tisknout soubory]
- PRINT |[/B:(buffersize)] [/D:(device)] [/M:(maxtick)] [/Q:(value] [/S:(timeslice)][/U:(busytick)] [/C][/P][/T] [d:][path][filename]
- [PRINT1 | Tisknout soubory]
- PRINT |[/B:(buffersize)] [/D:(device)] [/M:(maxtick)] [/Q:(value] [/S:(timeslice)][/U:(busytick)] [/C][/P][/T] [d:][path][filename]
- Rem Queues and prints data files.
- Rem /D:device
- Rem Specifies the name of the print device. Valid values for parallel ports
- Rem are LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3. Valid values for serial ports are COM1, COM2,
- Rem COM3, and COM4. The default value is LPT1, which is also called PRN. The
- Rem /D switch must precede any filename used on the command line.
- Rem /B:size
- Rem Sets the size (in bytes) of the internal buffer, which is used to store
- Rem data before it is sent to the printer. The minimum and default value for
- Rem size is 512; the maximum value is 16384. Increasing this value decreases
- Rem the amount of memory available for other purposes but may speed up the
- Rem PRINT command.
- Rem /U:ticks1
- Rem Specifies the maximum number of clock ticks PRINT is to wait for a
- Rem printer to be available (clock ticks occur about 18 times per second).
- Rem If the printer is not available within the time specified, the job does
- Rem not print. Values for ticks1 must be in the range 1 through 255. The
- Rem default value is 1.
- Rem /M:ticks2
- Rem Specifies the maximum number of clock ticks PRINT can take to print a
- Rem character on the printer. Values for ticks2 must be in the range 1
- Rem through 255. The default value is 2. If a character is printed too
- Rem slowly, MS-DOS displays an error message.
- Rem /S:ticks3
- Rem Specifies the number of clock ticks the MS-DOS scheduler allocates for
- Rem background printing. Values for ticks3 must be in the range 1 through
- Rem 255. The default value is 8. Increasing this value can speed up printing
- Rem while slowing down other programs.
- Rem /Q:qsize
- Rem Specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the print queue. Values
- Rem for qsize must be in the range 4 through 32. The default value is 10.
- Rem /T Removes all files from the print queue.
- Rem /C Removes files from the print queue. You can use the /C and /P switches
- Rem on the same command line.
- Rem /P Adds files to the print queue.
- [PROMPT | Zm∞nit v²zvu p°φkazovΘho °ßdku DOSu]
- PROMPT |[prompt text] [options]
- [PROMPT1 | Zm∞nit v²zvu p°φkazovΘho °ßdku DOSu]
- PROMPT |[prompt text] [options]
- Rem Changes the DOS command prompt.
- Rem Options:
- Rem "$Q" = (equal sign)
- Rem "$$" $ (dollar sign)
- Rem "$T" Current time
- Rem "$D" Current date
- Rem "$P" Current drive and path
- Rem "$V" MS-DOS version number
- Rem "$N" Current drive
- Rem "$G" Rem (greater-than sign)
- Rem "$L" < (less-than sign)
- Rem "$B" | (pipe)
- Rem "$E" ASCII escape code (code 27)
- Rem "$H" Backspace (to delete a character that has been written to the
- Rem prompt command line)
- [RECOVER | Vy°eÜit problΘmy se sektory]
- RECOVER |[d:][path]filename
- RECOVER is no longer available ).
- Rem Resolves sector problems on a file or a disk.
- [REM | Komentß° v dßvkovΘm souboru]
- Rem |Used in batch files and in the CONFIG.SYS file to insert Remarks
- Rem (that will not be acted on).
- [RENAME | P°ejmenovat soubor(y)]
- RENAME |(REN) [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename
- Rem Changes the filename under which a file is stored.
- [REPLACE | Nahradit ulo₧enΘ soubory]
- REPLACE |[d:][path]filename [d:][path] [/A][/P][/R][/S][/U][/W]
- [REPLACE1 | Nahradit ulo₧enΘ soubory]
- REPLACE |[d:][path]filename [d:][path] [/A][/P][/R][/S][/U][/W]
- Rem Replaces stored files with files of the same name from a different
- Rem storage location.
- Rem /A Adds new files to the destination directory instead of replacing
- Rem existing files. You cannot use this switch with the /S or /U switch.
- Rem /P Prompts you for confirmation before replacing a destination file or
- Rem adding a source file.
- Rem /R Replaces read-only files as well as unprotected files. If you do not
- Rem specify this switch but attempt to replace a read-only file, an error
- Rem results and stops the replacement operation.
- Rem /S Searches all subdirectories of the destination directory and replaces
- Rem matching files. You cannot use the /S switch with the /A switch. The
- Rem REPLACE command does not search subdirectories specified in path1.
- Rem /W Waits for you to insert a disk before REPLACE begins to search for
- Rem source files. If you do not specify /W, REPLACE begins replacing or
- Rem adding files immediately after you press ENTER.
- Rem /U Replaces (updates) only those files on the destination directory that
- Rem are older than those in the source directory. You cannot use the /U
- Rem switch with the /A switch.
- [RESTORE | P°evΘst do standardnφho zßlohovacφho formßtu]
- RESTORE |d: [d:][path]filename [/P][/S][/B:mm-dd-yy] [/A:mm-dd-yy][/E:hh:mm:ss] [/L:hh:mm:ss] [/M][/N][/D]
- Rem Restores to standard disk storage format files previously stored
- Rem using the BACKUP command.
- [RD (RMDIR)| Smazat prßzdn² podadresß°]
- RD |[d:]path
- Rem Removes a subdirectory.
- [SCANDISK | Nßstroj pro anal²zu a opravu disku]
- SCANDISK |[d: [d: . . .]|/all][/checkonly|/autofix[/nosave]|/custom][/surface][/mono][/nosummay]
- [SCANDISK1 | Nßstroj pro anal²zu a opravu disku]
- SCANDISK |[d: [d: . . .]|/all][/checkonly|/autofix[/nosave]|/custom][/surface][/mono][/nosummay]
- SCANDISK volume-name[/checkonly|/autofix[/nosave]|/custom][/mono][/nosummary]
- SCANDISK /fragment [d:][path]filename
- SCANDISK /undo [undo-d:][/mono]
- Rem Starts the Microsoft ScanDisk program which is a disk analysis and
- Rem repair tool used to check a drive for errors and correct
- Rem any problems that it finds.
- [SELECT | Formßtovat disk a instalovat k≤dy zemφ]
- SELECT |[d:] [d:][path] [country code][keyboard code]
- Rem Formats a disk and installs country-specific information and keyboard codes
- Rem (starting with DOS Version 6, this command is no longer available).
- [SET | Nastavit systΘmovou prom∞nnou]
- SET |(string1)=[string2]
- Rem Inserts strings into the command environment. The set values
- Rem can be used later by programs.
- [SETVER | Zobrazit nebo nastavit verzi DOSu]
- SETVER |[d:]:path][filename (number)][/delete][/quiet]
- Rem Displays the version table and sets the version of DOS
- Rem that is reported to programs.
- [SHARE | ZavΘst podporu pro sdφlenφ a zamykßnφ soubor∙]
- SHARE |[/F:space] [/L:locks]
- Rem Installs support for file sharing and file locking.
- [SHELL | Up°esnit p°φkazov² interpret]
- SHELL=|[d:][path]filename [parameters]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to specify the command interpreter for DOS.
- [SHIFT | Zv²Üit poΦet nahraditeln²ch parametr∙]
- Rem Increases number of replaceable parameters to more than the standard
- Rem ten for use in batch files.
- [SORT | Set°φdit vstup a odeslat na obrazovku nebo do souboru]
- SORT |[/R][/+n][drive1:][path1]filename1 [Rem [drive2:][path2]filename2]
- [SORT1 | Set°φdit vstup a odeslat na obrazovku nebo do souboru]
- SORT |[/R][/+n][drive1:][path1]filename1 [Rem [drive2:][path2]filename2]
- Rem Sorts input and sends it to the screen or to a file.
- Rem /R Reverses the order of the sorting operation; that is, sorts from Z to A,
- Rem and then from 9 to 0.
- Rem /+n Sorts the file according to the character in column n. If you do not use
- Rem this switch, the SORT command sorts data according to the characters in
- Rem column 1.
- [STACKS | Nastavit Φφslo a velikost zßsobnφku]
- STACKS=|(number),(size)
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to set the number of stack frames
- Rem and the size of each stack frame.
- [SUBMENU | Vytvo°it vφce·rov≥ovΘ menu]
- SUBMENU=|blockname, [menutext]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to create a multilevel menu from which
- Rem you can select start-up options.
- [SUBST | Vytvo°it virtußlnφ disk pro zadanou cestu]
- SUBST |d: d:path
- SUBST d: /D
- Rem Substitutes a virtual drive letter for a path designation.
- [SWITCHES | Konfigurace DOSu ve specißlnφm p°φpad∞]
- SWITCHES=|[/K][/F][/N][/W]
- [SWITCHES1 | Konfigurace DOSu ve specißlnφm p°φpad∞]
- SWITCHES=|[/K][/F][/N][/W]
- Rem Used in the CONFIG.SYS file to configure DOS in a special way;
- Rem for example, to tell DOS to emulate different hardware configurations.
- Rem /F Skips the 2-second delay after displaying the "Starting MS-DOS ..."
- Rem message during startup.
- Rem /K Forces an enhanced keyboard to behave like a conventional keyboard.
- Rem /N Prevents you from using the F5 or F8 key to bypass startup commands.
- Rem /W Specifies that the WINA20.386 file has been moved to a directory other
- Rem than the root directory.
- [SYS | P°enΘst systΘmovΘ soubory na dalÜφ disk]
- SYS |[source] d:
- Rem Transfers the operating system files to another disk.
- [TIME | Zobrazit a zm∞nit systΘmov² Φas]
- TIME |hh:mm[:ss][.cc][A|P]
- Rem Displays current time setting of system clock and provides
- Rem a way for you to reset the time.
- [TREE | Zobrazit adresß°ovou strukturu]
- TREE |[d:][path] [/A][/F]
- Rem Displays directory paths and (optionally) files in each subdirectory.
- Rem /F Displays the names of the files in each directory.
- Rem /A Specifies that TREE is to use text characters instead of graphic
- Rem characters to show the lines linking subdirectories.
- [TYPE | Zobrazit obsah souboru]
- TYPE |[d:][path]filename
- Rem Displays the contents of a file.
- [UNDELETE | Obnovit smazanΘ soubory]
- UNDELETE |[d:][path][filename] [/DT|/DS|/DOS]
- [UNDELETE1 | Obnovit smazanΘ soubory]
- UNDELETE |[d:][path][filename] [/DT|/DS|/DOS]
- UNDELETE [/list|/all|/purge[d:]|/status|/load|/U|/S[d:]|/Td:[-entries]]
- Rem Restores files deleted with the DELETE command.
- Rem /LIST
- Rem Only lists the deleted files that are available to be recovered
- Rem /ALL
- Rem Recovers deleted files without prompting for confirmation on each file.
- Rem /DOS
- Rem Recovers only those files that are internally listed as deleted by
- Rem MS-DOS, prompting for confirmation on each file.
- Rem /DT Recovers only those files listed in the deletion-tracking file,
- Rem prompting for confirmation on each file.
- Rem /DS Recovers only those files listed in the SENTRY directory, prompting for
- Rem confirmation on each file.
- Rem /LOAD
- Rem Loads the Undelete memory-resident program into memory using information
- Rem defined in the UNDELETE.INI file. If the UNDELETE.INI file does not
- Rem exist, UNDELETE uses default values.
- Rem Unloads the memory-resident portion of the Undelete program from memory,
- Rem turning off the capability to restore deleted files.
- Rem /PURGE[drive]
- Rem Deletes the contents of the SENTRY directory. If no drive is specified,
- Rem UNDELETE searches the current drive for the directory.
- Rem Displays the type of delete protection in effect for each drive.
- Rem /S[drive]
- Rem Enables the Delete Sentry level of protection and loads the
- Rem memory-resident portion of the UNDELETE program. The program records
- Rem information used to recover deleted files on the specified drive. If you
- Rem do not specify a drive, using this switch enables the Delete Sentry
- Rem level of protection on the current drive. Specifying the /S switch loads
- Rem the memory-resident program into memory using the information defined in
- Rem the UNDELETE.INI file.
- Rem /Tdrive[-entries]
- Rem Enables the Delete Tracker level of protection and loads the
- Rem memory-resident portion of the UNDELETE program. The program records
- Rem information used to recover deleted files. The optional entries parameter,
- Rem which must be a value in the range 1 through 999, specifies the maximum
- Rem number of entries in the deletion-tracking file (PCTRACKR.DEL).
- [UNFORMAT | Odvolat zformßtovßnφ disku]
- UNFORMAT |d: [/J][/L][/test][/partn][/P][/U]
- [UNFORMAT1 | Odvolat zformßtovßnφ disku]
- UNFORMAT |d: [/J][/L][/test][/partn][/P][/U]
- Rem Used to undo the effects of formatting a disk.
- Rem /L Lists every file and subdirectory found by UNFORMAT. If you do not
- Rem specify this switch, UNFORMAT lists only subdirectories and files that
- Rem are fragmented. To suspend scrolling of the displayed list, press
- Rem CTRL+S; to resume scrolling, press any key.
- Rem /TEST
- Rem Shows how UNFORMAT would recreate the information on the disk, but does
- Rem not actually unformat the disk.
- Rem /P Sends output messages to the printer connected to LPT1.
- [VER | Zobrazit verzi DOSu]
- Rem Displays the DOS version number.
- [VERIFY | Nastavit ov∞°ovßnφ pro vÜechny operace kopφrovßnφ]
- VERIFY |on|off
- Rem Turns on the verify mode; the program checks all copying operations
- Rem to assure that files are copied correctly.
- [VOL | Zobrazit popisek disku]
- VOL |[d:]
- Rem Displays a disk's volume label.
- [VSAFE | Rezidentnφ antivirus]
- VSAFE |[/option[+|-]...] [/NE][/NX][Ax|/Cx] [/N][/D][/U]
- Rem VSAFE is a memory-resident program that continuously monitors your
- Rem computer for viruses and displays a warning when it finds one.
- [XCOPY | Kopφrovat podadresß°e a soubory]
- XCOPY |[d:][path]filename [d:][path][filename] [/A][/D:(date)] [/E][/M][/P][/S][/V][/W][Y\-Y]
- [XCOPY1 | Kopφrovat podadresß°e a soubory]
- XCOPY |[d:][path]filename [d:][path][filename] [/A][/D:(date)] [/E][/M][/P][/S][/V][/W][Y\-Y]
- Rem Copies directories, subdirectories, and files.
- Rem /Y Indicates that you want XCOPY to replace existing file(s) without
- Rem prompting you for confirmation.
- Rem /-Y Indicates that you want XCOPY to prompt you for confirmation when
- Rem replacing an existing file.
- Rem /A Copies only source files that have their archive file attributes set.
- Rem This switch does not modify the archive file attribute of the source
- Rem file.
- Rem /M Copies source files that have their archive file attributes set. Unlike
- Rem the /A switch, the /M switch turns off archive file attributes in the
- Rem files specified in source.
- Rem /D:date
- Rem Copies only source files modified on or after the specified date.
- Rem /P Prompts you to confirm whether you want to create destination file.
- Rem /S Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they are empty. If you
- Rem omit this switch, XCOPY works within a single directory.
- Rem /E Copies any subdirectories, even if they are empty.
- Rem /V Verifies each file as it is written to the destination file to make sure
- Rem that the destination files are identical to the source files.
- Rem /W Displays the following message and waits for your response before
- Rem starting to copy files.