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- # xpath.tcl --
- #
- # Provides an XPath parser for Tcl,
- # plus various support procedures
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2000 Zveno Pty Ltd
- #
- # $Id: xpath.tcl,v 1.5 2001/02/10 11:13:48 balls Exp $
- package provide xpath 1.0
- # We need the XML package for definition of Names
- package require xml
- namespace eval xpath {
- namespace export split join createnode
- variable axes {
- ancestor
- ancestor-or-self
- attribute
- child
- descendant
- descendant-or-self
- following
- following-sibling
- namespace
- parent
- preceding
- preceding-sibling
- self
- }
- variable nodeTypes {
- comment
- text
- processing-instruction
- node
- }
- # NB. QName has parens for prefix
- variable nodetestExpr ^(${::xml::QName})${::xml::allWsp}(\\(${::xml::allWsp}(("|')(.*?)\\5)?${::xml::allWsp}\\))?${::xml::allWsp}(.*)
- variable nodetestExpr2 ((($::xml::QName)${::xml::allWsp}(\\(${::xml::allWsp}(("|')(.*?)\\7)?${::xml::allWsp}\\))?)|${::xml::allWsp}(\\*))${::xml::allWsp}(.*)
- }
- # xpath::split --
- #
- # Parse an XPath location path
- #
- # Arguments:
- # locpath location path
- #
- # Results:
- # A Tcl list representing the location path.
- # The list has the form: {{axis node-test {predicate predicate ...}} ...}
- # Where each list item is a location step.
- proc xpath::split locpath {
- set leftover {}
- set result [InnerSplit $locpath leftover]
- if {[string length [string trim $leftover]]} {
- return -code error "unexpected text \"$leftover\""
- }
- return $result
- }
- proc xpath::InnerSplit {locpath leftoverVar} {
- upvar $leftoverVar leftover
- variable axes
- variable nodetestExpr
- variable nodetestExpr2
- # First determine whether we have an absolute location path
- if {[regexp {^/(.*)} $locpath discard locpath]} {
- set path {{}}
- } else {
- set path {}
- }
- while {[string length [string trimleft $locpath]]} {
- if {[regexp {^\.\.(.*)} $locpath discard locpath]} {
- # .. abbreviation
- #puts stderr [list .. abbrev]
- set axis parent
- set nodetest *
- } elseif {[regexp {^/(.*)} $locpath discard locpath]} {
- # // abbreviation
- #puts stderr [list // abbrev]
- set axis descendant-or-self
- if {[regexp ^$nodetestExpr2 [string trimleft $locpath] discard discard discard nodetest discard typetest discard discard literal wildcard locpath]} {
- set nodetest [ResolveWildcard $nodetest $typetest $wildcard $literal]
- } else {
- set leftover $locpath
- return $path
- }
- } elseif {[regexp ^\\.${::xml::allWsp}(.*) $locpath discard locpath]} {
- # . abbreviation
- #puts stderr [list . abbrev]
- set axis self
- set nodetest *
- } elseif {[regexp ^@($::xml::QName)${::xml::allWsp}=${::xml::allWsp}"(\[^"\])"(.*) $locpath discard attrName discard attrValue locpath]} {
- # @ abbreviation
- #puts stderr [list @ abbrev 1]
- set axis attribute
- set nodetest $attrName
- } elseif {[regexp ^@($::xml::QName)${::xml::allWsp}=${::xml::allWsp}'(\[^'\])'(.*) $locpath discard attrName discard attrValue locpath]} {
- # @ abbreviation
- #puts stderr [list @ abbrev 2]
- set axis attribute
- set nodetest $attrName
- } elseif {[regexp ^@($::xml::QName)(.*) $locpath discard attrName discard locpath]} {
- # @ abbreviation
- #puts stderr [list @ abbrev 3 ]
- set axis attribute
- set nodetest $attrName
- } elseif {[regexp ^((${::xml::QName})${::xml::allWsp}::${::xml::allWsp})?\\*(.*) $locpath discard discard axis discard locpath]} {
- # wildcard specified
- #puts stderr [list got axis and/or wildcard]
- set nodetest *
- if {![string length $axis]} {
- set axis child
- }
- } elseif {[regexp ^((${::xml::QName})${::xml::allWsp}::${::xml::allWsp})?$nodetestExpr2 $locpath discard discard axis discard discard discard nodetest discard typetest discard discard literal wildcard locpath]} {
- # nodetest, with or without axis
- #puts stderr [list no axis, got a nodetest]
- if {![string length $axis]} {
- set axis child
- }
- set nodetest [ResolveWildcard $nodetest $typetest $wildcard $literal]
- } else {
- #puts stderr [list else case]
- set leftover $locpath
- return $path
- }
- # ParsePredicates
- set predicates {}
- set locpath [string trimleft $locpath]
- while {[regexp {^\[(.*)} $locpath discard locpath]} {
- if {[regexp {^([0-9]+)(\].*)} [string trim $locpath] discard posn locpath]} {
- set predicate [list = {function position {}} [list number $posn]]
- } else {
- set leftover2 {}
- set predicate [ParseExpr $locpath leftover2]
- set locpath $leftover2
- unset leftover2
- }
- if {[regexp {^\](.*)} [string trimleft $locpath] discard locpath]} {
- lappend predicates $predicate
- } else {
- return -code error "unexpected text in predicate \"$locpath\""
- }
- }
- set axis [string trim $axis]
- set nodetest [string trim $nodetest]
- # This step completed
- if {[lsearch $axes $axis] < 0} {
- return -code error "invalid axis \"$axis\""
- }
- lappend path [list $axis $nodetest $predicates]
- # Move to next step
- if {[string length $locpath] && ![regexp /(.*) $locpath discard locpath]} {
- set leftover $locpath
- return $path
- }
- }
- return $path
- }
- proc xpath::ParseExpr {locpath leftoverVar} {
- upvar $leftoverVar leftover
- variable nodeTypes
- set expr {}
- set mode expr
- set stack {}
- while {[string index [string trimleft $locpath] 0] != "\]"} {
- set locpath [string trimleft $locpath]
- switch $mode {
- expr {
- # We're looking for a term
- #puts stderr [list looking for term in $locpath]
- if {[regexp ^-(.*) $locpath discard locpath]} {
- # UnaryExpr
- lappend stack "-"
- } elseif {[regexp ^\\\$({$::xml::QName})(.*) $locpath discard varname discard locpath]} {
- # VariableReference
- lappend stack [list varRef $varname]
- set mode term
- } elseif {[regexp {^\((.*)} $locpath discard locpath]} {
- # Start grouping
- set leftover2 {}
- lappend stack [list group [ParseExpr $locpath leftover2]]
- set locpath $leftover2
- unset leftover2
- if {[regexp {^\)(.*)} [string trimleft $locpath] discard locpath]} {
- set mode term
- } else {
- return -code error "unexpected text \"$locpath\", expected \")\""
- }
- } elseif {[regexp {^"([^"]*)"(.*)} $locpath discard literal locpath]} {
- # Literal (" delimited)
- lappend stack [list literal $literal]
- set mode term
- } elseif {[regexp {^'([^']*)'(.*)} $locpath discard literal locpath]} {
- # Literal (' delimited)
- lappend stack [list literal $literal]
- set mode term
- } elseif {[regexp {^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)(.*)} $locpath discard number discard locpath]} {
- # Number
- lappend stack [list number $number]
- set mode term
- } elseif {[regexp {^(\.[0-9]+)(.*)} $locpath discard number locpath]} {
- # Number
- lappend stack [list number $number]
- set mode term
- } elseif {[regexp ^(${::xml::QName})\\(${::xml::allWsp}(.*) $locpath discard functionName discard locpath]} {
- # Function call start
- if {[lsearch $nodeTypes $functionName] >= 0} {
- return -code error "invalid function name \"$functionName\""
- }
- if {[regexp ^\\)${::xml::allWsp}(.*) $locpath discard locpath]} {
- set parameters {}
- } else {
- set leftover2 {}
- set parameters [ParseExpr $locpath leftover2]
- set locpath $leftover2
- unset leftover2
- while {[regexp {^,(.*)} $locpath discard locpath]} {
- set leftover2 {}
- lappend parameters [ParseExpr $locpath leftover2]
- set locpath $leftover2
- unset leftover2
- }
- if {![regexp ^\\)${::xml::allWsp}(.*) [string trimleft $locpath] discard locpath]} {
- return -code error "unexpected text \"locpath\" - expected \")\""
- }
- }
- lappend stack [list function $functionName $parameters]
- set mode term
- } else {
- # LocationPath
- #puts stderr [list ParseExpr found location path]
- set leftover2 {}
- lappend stack [list path [InnerSplit $locpath leftover2]]
- set locpath $leftover2
- unset leftover2
- set mode term
- }
- }
- term {
- # We're looking for an expression operator
- #puts stderr [list looking for operator in $locpath]
- if {[regexp ^-(.*) $locpath discard locpath]} {
- # UnaryExpr
- set stack [linsert $stack 0 expr "-"]
- set mode expr
- } elseif {[regexp ^(and|or|\\=|!\\=|<|>|<\\=|>\\=|\\||\\+|\\-|\\*|div|mod)(.*) $locpath discard exprtype locpath]} {
- # AndExpr, OrExpr, EqualityExpr, RelationalExpr or UnionExpr
- set stack [linsert $stack 0 $exprtype]
- set mode expr
- } else {
- return -code error "unexpected text \"$locpath\", expecting operator"
- }
- }
- default {
- # Should never be here!
- return -code error "internal error"
- }
- }
- }
- set leftover $locpath
- return $stack
- }
- # xpath::ResolveWildcard --
- proc xpath::ResolveWildcard {nodetest typetest wildcard literal} {
- variable nodeTypes
- switch -glob -- [string length $nodetest],[string length $typetest],[string length $wildcard],[string length $literal] {
- 0,0,0,* {
- return -code error "bad location step (nothing parsed)"
- }
- 0,0,* {
- # Name wildcard specified
- return *
- }
- *,0,0,* {
- # Element type test - nothing to do
- return $nodetest
- }
- *,0,*,* {
- # Internal error?
- return -code error "bad location step (found both nodetest and wildcard)"
- }
- *,*,0,0 {
- # Node type test
- if {[lsearch $nodeTypes $nodetest] < 0} {
- return -code error "unknown node type \"$typetest\""
- }
- return [list $nodetest $typetest]
- }
- *,*,0,* {
- # Node type test
- if {[lsearch $nodeTypes $nodetest] < 0} {
- return -code error "unknown node type \"$typetest\""
- }
- return [list $nodetest $literal]
- }
- default {
- # Internal error?
- return -code error "bad location step"
- }
- }
- }
- # xpath::join --
- #
- # Reconstitute an XPath location path from a
- # Tcl list representation.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # spath split path
- #
- # Results:
- # Returns an Xpath location path
- proc xpath::join spath {
- return -code error "not yet implemented"
- }