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- # sgml-8.0.tcl --
- #
- # This file provides generic parsing services for SGML-based
- # languages, namely HTML and XML.
- # This file supports Tcl 8.0 characters and regular expressions.
- #
- # NB. It is a misnomer. There is no support for parsing
- # arbitrary SGML as such.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Zveno Pty Ltd
- # http://www.zveno.com/
- #
- # Zveno makes this software available free of charge for any purpose.
- # Copies may be made of this software but all of this notice must be included
- # on any copy.
- #
- # The software was developed for research purposes only and Zveno does not
- # warrant that it is error free or fit for any purpose. Zveno disclaims any
- # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may
- # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying this software.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997 ANU and CSIRO on behalf of the
- # participants in the CRC for Advanced Computational Systems ('ACSys').
- #
- # ACSys makes this software and all associated data and documentation
- # ('Software') available free of charge for any purpose. You may make copies
- # of the Software but you must include all of this notice on any copy.
- #
- # The Software was developed for research purposes and ACSys does not warrant
- # that it is error free or fit for any purpose. ACSys disclaims any
- # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may
- # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying the Software.
- #
- # $Id: sgml-8.0.tcl,v 1.2 2000/03/09 06:52:16 steve Exp $
- package require -exact Tcl 8.0
- package provide sgml 1.8
- namespace eval sgml {
- # Convenience routine
- proc cl x {
- return "\[$x\]"
- }
- # Define various regular expressions
- # Character classes
- variable Char \t\n\r\ -\xFF
- variable BaseChar A-Za-z
- variable Letter $BaseChar
- variable Digit 0-9
- variable CombiningChar {}
- variable Extender {}
- variable Ideographic {}
- # white space
- variable Wsp " \t\r\n"
- variable noWsp [cl ^$Wsp]
- # Various XML names
- variable NameChar \[-$Letter$Digit._:$CombiningChar$Extender\]
- variable Name \[_:$BaseChar$Ideographic\]$NameChar*
- variable Names ${Name}(?:$Wsp$Name)*
- variable Nmtoken $NameChar+
- variable Nmtokens ${Nmtoken}(?:$Wsp$Nmtoken)*
- # table of predefined entities for XML
- variable EntityPredef
- array set EntityPredef {
- lt < gt > amp & quot \" apos '
- }
- }
- # These regular expressions are defined here once for better performance
- namespace eval sgml {
- variable Wsp
- # Watch out for case-sensitivity
- set attlist_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*(#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED)
- set attlist_enum_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*\\(([cl ^)]*)\\)[cl $Wsp]*("([cl ^")])")? ;# "
- set attlist_fixed_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*(#FIXED)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)
- set param_entity_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^"$Wsp]*)[cl $Wsp]*"([cl ^"]*)"
- set notation_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*(.*)
- }
- ### Utility procedures
- # sgml::noop --
- #
- # A do-nothing proc
- #
- # Arguments:
- # args arguments
- #
- # Results:
- # Nothing.
- proc sgml::noop args {
- return 0
- }
- # sgml::identity --
- #
- # Identity function.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # a arbitrary argument
- #
- # Results:
- # $a
- proc sgml::identity a {
- return $a
- }
- # sgml::Error --
- #
- # Throw an error
- #
- # Arguments:
- # args arguments
- #
- # Results:
- # Error return condition.
- proc sgml::Error args {
- uplevel return -code error [list $args]
- }
- ### Following procedures are based on html_library
- # sgml::zapWhite --
- #
- # Convert multiple white space into a single space.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # data plain text
- #
- # Results:
- # As above
- proc sgml::zapWhite data {
- regsub -all "\[ \t\r\n\]+" $data { } data
- return $data
- }
- proc sgml::Boolean value {
- regsub {1|true|yes|on} $value 1 value
- regsub {0|false|no|off} $value 0 value
- return $value
- }