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- # xpath.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <Pat.Thoyts@bigfoot.com>
- #
- # Provide a _SIGNIFICANTLY_ simplified version of XPath querying for DOM
- # document objects. This might get expanded to eventually conform to the
- # W3Cs XPath specification but at present this is purely for use in querying
- # DOM documents for specific elements by the SOAP package.
- #
- # Subject to interface changes
- #
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE'
- # for more details.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package provide SOAP::xpath 0.2
- if { [catch {package require dom 2.0}] } {
- if { [catch {package require dom 1.6}] } {
- error "require dom package greater than 1.6"
- }
- }
- namespace eval SOAP::xpath {
- variable version 0.2
- variable rcsid { $Id: xpath.tcl,v 1.8 2001/10/07 22:28:08 patthoyts Exp $ }
- namespace export xpath xmlnsSplit
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Given Envelope/Body/Fault and a DOM node, see if we can find a matching
- # element else return {}
- # TODO: Paths including attribute selection etc.
- proc SOAP::xpath::xpath { args } {
- if { [llength $args] < 2 || [llength $args] > 3 } {
- error "wrong # args: should be \"xpath ?option? rootNode path\""
- }
- array set opts {
- -node 0
- -name 0
- -attributes 0
- }
- if { [llength $args] == 3 } {
- set opt [lindex $args 0]
- switch -glob -- $opt {
- -nod* { set opts(-node) 1 }
- -nam* { set opts(-name) 1 }
- -att* { set opts(-attributes) 1 }
- default {
- error "bad option \"$opt\": must be [array names opts]"
- }
- }
- set args [lrange $args 1 end]
- }
- set root [lindex $args 0]
- set path [lindex $args 1]
- # split the path up and call find_node to get the new node or nodes.
- set root [find_node $root [split [string trimleft $path {/}] {/}]]
- # return the elements value (if any)
- if { $opts(-node) } {
- return $root
- }
- set value {}
- if { $opts(-attributes) } {
- foreach node $root {
- append value [array get [dom::node cget $node -attributes]]
- }
- return $value
- }
- if { $opts(-name) } {
- foreach node $root {
- lappend value [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]
- }
- return $value
- }
- foreach node $root {
- set children [dom::node children $node]
- set v ""
- foreach child $children {
- append v [string trim [dom::node cget $child -nodeValue] "\n"]
- }
- lappend value $v
- }
- return $value
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # check for an element (called $target) that is a child of root. Returns
- # the node(s) or {}
- proc SOAP::xpath::find_node { root pathlist } {
- set r {}
- set kids ""
- if { $pathlist == {} } {
- return {}
- }
- #set target [split $path {/}]
- set remainder [lrange $pathlist 1 end]
- set target [lindex $pathlist 0]
- # split the target into XML namespace and element names.
- set targetName [xmlnsSplit $target]
- set targetNamespace [lindex $targetName 0]
- set targetName [lindex $targetName 1]
- # get information about the child elements.
- foreach element $root {
- append kids [child_elements $element]
- }
- # match name and (optionally) namespace
- foreach {node ns elt} $kids {
- if { [string match $targetName $elt] } {
- #puts "$node nodens=$ns elt=$elt targetNS=$targetNamespace\
- #targetName=$targetName"
- if { $targetNamespace == {} || [string match $targetNamespace $ns] } {
- if {$remainder != ""} {
- set rr [find_node $node $remainder]
- } else {
- set rr $node
- }
- set r [concat $r $rr]
- #puts "$kids : $targetName : $remainder -> $r"
- }
- }
- }
- # Flatten the list out.
- return [eval "list $r"]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Return list of {node namespace elementname} for each child element of root
- proc SOAP::xpath::child_elements { root } {
- set kids {}
- set children [dom::node children $root]
- foreach node $children {
- set type [string trim [dom::node cget $node -nodeType ]]
- if { $type == "element" } {
- catch {unset xmlns}
- array set xmlns [xmlnsConstruct $node]
- #set name [xmlnsQualify xmlns [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]]
- set name [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]
- set name [xmlnsSplit $name]
- lappend kids $node [lindex $name 0] [lindex $name 1]
- }
- }
- return $kids
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Split a DOM element tag into the namespace and tag components. This
- # will even work for fully qualified namespace names eg:
- # Body -> {} Body
- # SOAP-ENV:Body -> SOAP-ENV Body
- # urn:test:Body -> urn:test Body
- # http://localhost:80/:Body -> http://localhost:80/ Body
- #
- proc SOAP::xpath::xmlnsSplit {elementName} {
- set name [split $elementName :]
- set len [llength $name]
- if { $len == 1 } {
- set ns {}
- } else {
- incr len -2
- set ns [join [lrange $name 0 $len] :]
- set name [lindex $name end]
- }
- return [list $ns $name]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build a list of any XML namespace definitions for node
- # Returns a list of {namesnameName qualifiedName}
- #
- proc SOAP::xpath::xmlnsGet {node} {
- set result {}
- foreach {ns fqns} [array get [dom::node cget $node -attributes]] {
- set ns [split $ns :]
- if { [lindex $ns 0] == "xmlns" } {
- lappend result [lindex $ns 1] $fqns
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build a list of {{xml namespace name} {qualified namespace}} working up the
- # DOM tree from node. You should look for the last occurrence of your name
- # in the list.
- proc SOAP::xpath::xmlnsConstruct {node} {
- set result [xmlnsGet $node]
- set parent [dom::node parent $node]
- while { [dom::node cget $parent -nodeType] == "element" } {
- set result [concat [xmlnsGet $parent] $result]
- set parent [dom::node parent $parent]
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Split an XML element name into its namespace and name parts and return
- # a fully qualified XML element name.
- # xmlnsNamespaces should be an array of namespaceNames to qualified names
- # constructed using array set var [xmlnsConstruct $node]
- #
- proc SOAP::xpath::xmlnsQualify {xmlnsNamespaces elementName} {
- upvar $xmlnsNamespaces xmlns
- set name [split $elementName :]
- if { [llength $name] == 1} {
- return $elementName
- }
- if { [llength $name] != 2 } {
- error "wrong # elements: name should be namespaceName:elementName"
- }
- if { [catch {set fqns $xmlns([lindex $name 0])}] } {
- error "invalid namespace name: \"[lindex $name 0]\" not found"
- }
- return "${fqns}:[lindex $name 1]"
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Local variables:
- # indent-tabs-mode: nil
- # End: