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- # utils.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <Pat.Thoyts@bigfoot.com>
- #
- # DOM data access utilities for use in the TclSOAP package.
- #
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE'
- # for more details.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package provide SOAP::Utils 1.0
- namespace eval SOAP {
- namespace eval Utils {
- variable rcsid {$Id: utils.tcl,v 1.6 2001/10/07 22:28:08 patthoyts Exp $}
- namespace export getElements \
- getElementValue getElementName \
- getElementValues getElementNames \
- getElementNamedValues \
- getElementAttributes getElementAttribute \
- decomposeSoap decomposeXMLRPC selectNode \
- namespaceURI nodeName
- }
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Provide a version independent selectNode implementation. We either use
- # the version from the dom package or use the SOAP::xpath version if there
- # is no dom one.
- # Parameters:
- # node - reference to a dom tree
- # path - XPath selection
- # Result:
- # Returns the selected node or a list of matching nodes or an empty list
- # if no match.
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::selectNode {node path} {
- if {[dom::DOMImplementation hasFeature query 1.0]} {
- return [dom::DOMImplementation selectNode $node $path]
- } else {
- package require SOAP::xpath
- if {[catch {SOAP::xpath::xpath -node $node $path} r]} {
- set r {}
- }
- return $r
- }
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # for extracting the parameters from a SOAP packet.
- # Arrays -> list
- # Structs -> list of name/value pairs.
- # a methods parameter list comes out looking like a struct where the member
- # names == parameter names. This allows us to check the param name if we need
- # to.
- proc SOAP::Utils::is_array {domElement} {
- # Look for "xsi:type"="SOAP-ENC:Array"
- # FIX ME
- # This code should check the namespace using namespaceURI code (CGI)
- #
- set attr [dom::node cget $domElement -attributes]
- if {[info exists [subst $attr](SOAP-ENC:arrayType)]} {
- return 1
- }
- if {[info exists [subst $attr](xsi:type)]} {
- set type [set [subst $attr](xsi:type)]
- if {[string match -nocase {*:Array} $type]} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- # If all the child element names are the same, it's an array
- # but of there is only one element???
- set names [getElementNames $domElement]
- if {[llength $names] > 1 && [llength [lsort -unique $names]] == 1} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Break down a SOAP packet into a Tcl list of the data.
- proc SOAP::Utils::decomposeSoap {domElement} {
- set result {}
- # get a list of the child elements of this base element.
- set child_elements [getElements $domElement]
- # if no child element - return the value.
- if {$child_elements == {}} {
- set result [getElementValue $domElement]
- } else {
- # decide if this is an array or struct
- if {[is_array $domElement] == 1} {
- foreach child $child_elements {
- lappend result [decomposeSoap $child]
- }
- } else {
- foreach child $child_elements {
- lappend result [nodeName $child] [decomposeSoap $child]
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # I expect domElement to be the params element.
- proc SOAP::Utils::decomposeXMLRPC {domElement} {
- set result {}
- foreach param_elt [getElements $domElement] {
- lappend result [getXMLRPCValue [getElements $param_elt]]
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::getXMLRPCValue {value_elt} {
- set value {}
- if {$value_elt == {}} { return $value }
- # if there is not type element then the specs say it's a string type.
- set type_elt [getElements $value_elt]
- if {$type_elt == {}} {
- return [getElementValue $value_elt]
- }
- set type [getElementName $type_elt]
- if {[string match "struct" $type]} {
- foreach member_elt [getElements $type_elt] {
- foreach elt [getElements $member_elt] {
- set eltname [getElementName $elt]
- if {[string match "name" $eltname]} {
- set m_name [getElementValue $elt]
- } elseif {[string match "value" $eltname]} {
- set m_value [getXMLRPCValue $elt]
- }
- }
- lappend value $m_name $m_value
- }
- } elseif {[string match "array" $type]} {
- foreach elt [getElements [lindex [getElements $type_elt] 0]] {
- lappend value [getXMLRPCValue $elt]
- }
- } else {
- set value [getElementValue $type_elt]
- }
- return $value
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Return a list of all the immediate children of domNode that are element
- # nodes.
- # Parameters:
- # domNode - a reference to a node in a dom tree
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElements {domNode} {
- set elements {}
- if {$domNode != {}} {
- foreach node [dom::node children $domNode] {
- if {[dom::node cget $node -nodeType] == "element"} {
- lappend elements $node
- }
- }
- }
- return $elements
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # If there are child elements then recursively call this procedure on each
- # child element. If this is a leaf element, then get the element value data.
- # Parameters:
- # domElement - a reference to a dom element node
- # Result:
- # Returns a value or a list of values.
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementValues {domElement} {
- set result {}
- if {$domElement != {}} {
- set nodes [getElements $domElement]
- if {$nodes =={}} {
- set result [getElementValue $domElement]
- } else {
- foreach node $nodes {
- lappend result [getElementValues $node]
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementValuesList {domElement} {
- set result {}
- if {$domElement != {}} {
- set nodes [getElements $domElement]
- if {$nodes =={}} {
- set result [getElementValue $domElement]
- } else {
- foreach node $nodes {
- lappend result [getElementValues $node]
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementNames {domElement} {
- set result {}
- if {$domElement != {}} {
- set nodes [getElements $domElement]
- if {$nodes == {}} {
- set result [getElementName $domElement]
- } else {
- foreach node $nodes {
- lappend result [getElementName $node]
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementNamedValues {domElement} {
- set name [getElementName $domElement]
- set value {}
- set nodes [getElements $domElement]
- if {$nodes == {}} {
- set value [getElementValue $domElement]
- } else {
- foreach node $nodes {
- lappend value [getElementNamedValues $node]
- }
- }
- return [list $name $value]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Merge together all the child node values under a given dom element
- # This procedure will also cope with elements whose data is elsewhere
- # using the href attribute. We currently expect the data to be a local
- # reference.
- # Params:
- # domElement - a reference to an element node in a dom tree
- # Result:
- # A string containing the elements value
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementValue {domElement} {
- set r {}
- set dataNodes [dom::node children $domElement]
- if {[set href [href $domElement]] != {}} {
- if {[string match "\#*" $href]} {
- set href [string trimleft $href "\#"]
- } else {
- error "cannot follow non-local href"
- }
- set r [[uplevel proc:name] [getNodeById \
- [getDocumentElement $domElement] $href]]
- }
- foreach dataNode $dataNodes {
- append r [dom::node cget $dataNode -nodeValue]
- }
- return $r
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Get the name of the current proc
- # - from http://purl.org/thecliff/tcl/wiki/526.html
- proc SOAP::Utils::proc:name {} {
- lindex [info level -1] 0
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::href {node} {
- set a [dom::node cget $node -attributes]
- if {[info exists [subst $a](href)]} {
- return [set [subst $a](href)]
- }
- return {}
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::id {node} {
- set a [dom::node cget $node -attributes]
- if {[info exists [subst $a](id)]} {
- return [set [subst $a](id)]
- }
- return {}
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementName {domElement} {
- return [dom::node cget $domElement -nodeName]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementAttributes {domElement} {
- set attr [dom::node cget $domElement -attributes]
- set attrlist [array get $attr]
- return $attrlist
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Find a node by id (sort of the xpath id() function)
- proc SOAP::Utils::getNodeById {base id} {
- if {[string match $id [id $base]]} {
- return $base
- }
- set r {}
- set children [dom::node children $base]
- foreach child $children {
- set r [getNodeById $child $id]
- if {$r != {}} { return $r }
- }
- return {}
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Walk up the DOM until you get to the top.
- proc SOAP::Utils::getDocumentElement {node} {
- set parent [dom::node parent $node]
- if {$parent == {}} {
- return $node
- } else {
- return [getDocumentElement $parent]
- }
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Return the value of the specified atribute. First check for an exact match,
- # if that fails look for an attribute name without any namespace specification.
- # Result:
- # Returns the value of the attribute.
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::getElementAttribute {node attrname} {
- set r {}
- set attrs [array get [dom::node cget $node -attributes]]
- if {[set ndx [lsearch -exact $attrs $attrname]] == -1} {
- set ndx [lsearch -regexp $attrs ":${attrname}\$"]
- }
- if {$ndx != -1} {
- incr ndx
- set r [lindex $attrs $ndx]
- }
- return $r
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Get the namespace of the given node. This code will examine the nodes
- # attributes and if necessary the parent nodes attributes until it finds
- # a relevant namespace declaration.
- # Parameters:
- # node - the node for which to return a namespace
- # Result:
- # returns either the namespace uri or an empty string.
- # Notes:
- # The TclDOM 2.0 package provides a -namespaceURI option. The C code module
- # does not, so we have the second chunk of code.
- # The hasFeature method doesn't seem to provide information about this
- # but the versions that support 'query' seem to have the namespaceURI
- # method so we'll use this test for now.
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::namespaceURI {node} {
- if {[dom::DOMImplementation hasFeature query 1.0]} {
- return [dom::node cget $node -namespaceURI]
- } else {
- set nodeName [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]
- set ndx [string last : $nodeName]
- set nodeNS [string range $nodeName 0 $ndx]
- set nodeNS [string trimright $nodeNS :]
- return [find_namespaceURI $node $nodeNS]
- }
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Obtain the unqualified part of a node name.
- # Parameters:
- # node - a DOM node
- # Result:
- # the node name without any namespace prefix.
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::nodeName {node} {
- set nodeName [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]
- set nodeName [string range $nodeName [string last : $nodeName] end]
- return [string trimleft $nodeName :]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Obtain the uri for the nsname namespace name working up the DOM tree
- # from the given node.
- # Parameters:
- # node - the starting point in the tree.
- # nsname - the namespace name. May be an null string.
- # Result:
- # Returns the namespace uri or an empty string.
- #
- proc SOAP::Utils::find_namespaceURI {node nsname} {
- if {$node == {}} { return {} }
- set atts [dom::node cget $node -attributes]
- # check for the default namespace
- if {$nsname == {} && [info exists [subst $atts](xmlns)]} {
- return [set [subst $atts](xmlns)]
- }
- # check the defined namespace names.
- foreach {attname attvalue} [array get $atts] {
- if {[string match "xmlns:$nsname" $attname]} {
- return $attvalue
- }
- }
- # recurse through the parents.
- return [find_namespaceURI [dom::node parent $node] $nsname]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Local variables:
- # indent-tabs-mode: nil
- # End: