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- # rpcvar.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <Pat.Thoyts@bigfoot.com>
- #
- # Provide a mechanism for passing hints as to the XML-RPC or SOAP value type
- # from the user code to the TclSOAP framework.
- #
- # This package is intended to be imported into the SOAP and XMLRPC namespaces
- # where the rpctype command can be overridden to restrict the types to the
- # correct names. The client user should then be using SOAP::rpcvalue or
- # XMLRPC::rpctype to assign type information.
- #
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE'
- # for more details.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package provide rpcvar 1.1
- namespace eval rpcvar {
- variable version 1.1
- variable magic "rpcvar$version"
- variable rcs_id {$Id: rpcvar.tcl,v 1.7 2001/10/10 02:56:24 patthoyts Exp $}
- variable typedefs
- variable typens
- variable enums
- # Initialise the core types
- proc _init {xmlns typename} {
- variable typedefs ; variable typens
- set typedefs($typename) {} ;# basic types have no typelist
- set typens($typename) $xmlns ;# set the namespace for this type
- }
- namespace export rpcvar is_rpcvar rpctype rpcsubtype rpcvalue \
- rpcnamespace rpcattributes rpcvalidate rpcheaders typedef \
- schema_set
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Create a typed variable with optionally an XML namespace for SOAP types.
- # Syntax:
- # rpcvar ?-namespace soap-uri? ?-attributes list? type value
- # Parameters:
- # namespace - the SOAP XML namespace for this type
- # attributes - a list of attribute name/value pairs for this element
- # type - the XML-RPC or SOAP type of this value
- # value - the value being typed or, for struct type, either a list
- # of name-value pairs, or the name of the Tcl array.
- # Result:
- # Returns a reference to the newly created typed variable
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpcvar {args} {
- variable magic
- set xmlns {}
- set head {}
- array set attr {}
- while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
- switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
- -n* {
- # namespace
- set xmlns [lindex $args 1]
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- }
- -a* {
- # attributes
- array set attr [lindex $args 1]
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- }
- -h* {
- # headers
- set head [concat $head [lindex $args 1]]
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- }
- -- {
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- break
- }
- default { return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
- }
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- }
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: \
- should be \"rpcvar ?-namespace uri? type value\""
- }
- set type [lindex $args 0]
- set value [lindex $args 1]
- if {[uplevel array exists [list $value]]} {
- set value [uplevel array get [list $value]]
- }
- if {! [rpcvalidate $type $value]} {
- error "type mismatch: \"$value\" is not appropriate to the \"$type\"\
- type."
- }
- return [list $magic $xmlns [array get attr] $head $type $value]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Examine a variable to see if is a reference to a typed variable
- # Parameters:
- # varref - reference to the object to be tested
- # Result:
- # Returns 1 if the object is a typed value or 0 if not
- #
- proc rpcvar::is_rpcvar { varref } {
- variable magic
- set failed [catch {lindex $varref 0} ref_magic]
- if { ! $failed && $ref_magic == $magic } {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Guess the SOAP or XML-RPC type of the input.
- # For some simple types we can guess the value type. For others we have
- # to use a typed variable.
- # Parameters:
- # arg - the value for which we are trying to assign a type.
- # Returns:
- # The XML-RPC type is one of int, boolean, double, string,
- # dateTime.iso8601, base64, struct or array. However, we only return one
- # of struct, int, double, boolean or string unless we were passed a
- # typed variable.
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpctype { arg } {
- set type {}
- if { [is_rpcvar $arg] } {
- set type [lindex $arg 4]
- } elseif {[uplevel array exists [list $arg]]} {
- set type "struct"
- } elseif {[string is integer -strict $arg]} {
- set type "int"
- } elseif {[string is double -strict $arg]} {
- set type "double"
- } elseif {[string is boolean -strict $arg]} {
- set type "boolean"
- } else {
- set type "string"
- }
- return $type
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # --- we declare arrays as int() and struct() or MyType()
- # --- Still used in SOAP.tcl
- # ---
- # If the value is not a typed variable, then there cannot be a subtype.
- # otherwise we are looking for array(int) or struct(Typename) etc.
- # Result:
- # Either the subtype of an array, or an empty string.
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpcsubtype { arg } {
- set subtype {}
- if {[is_rpcvar $arg]} {
- regexp {([^(]+)(\((.+)\))?} [lindex $arg 4] -> type -> subtype
- }
- return $subtype
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Retrieve the value from a typed variable or return the input.
- # Parameters:
- # arg - either a value or a reference to a typed variable for which to
- # return the value
- # Result:
- # Returns the value of a typed variable.
- # If arg is not a typed variable it return the contents of arg
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpcvalue { arg } {
- if { [is_rpcvar $arg] } {
- return [lindex $arg 5]
- } else {
- return $arg
- }
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Retrieve the xml namespace assigned to this variable. This is only used
- # by SOAP.
- # Parameters:
- # varref - reference to an RPC typed variable.
- # Result:
- # Returns the set namespace or an empty value is no namespace is assigned.
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpcnamespace { varref } {
- set xmlns {}
- if { [is_rpcvar $varref] } {
- set xmlns [lindex $varref 1]
- }
- return $xmlns
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Retrieve the XML attributes assigned to this variable. This is only
- # relevant to SOAP.
- # Parameters:
- # varref - reference to an RPC typed variable.
- # Result:
- # Returns the list of name/value pairs for the assigned attributes. The
- # list is suitable for use in array set.
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpcattributes { varref } {
- set attrs {}
- if {[is_rpcvar $varref]} {
- set attrs [lindex $varref 2]
- }
- return $attrs
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Retrieve the optional list of SOAP Header elements defined for this
- # variable. The intent of this mechanism is to allow a returning procedure
- # to specify SOAP Header elements if required.
- # Results:
- #
- proc rpcvar::rpcheaders { varref } {
- set head {}
- if {[is_rpcvar $varref]} {
- set head [lindex $varref 3]
- }
- return $head
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Define a SOAP type for use with the TclSOAP package. This allows you
- # to specify the SOAP XML namespace and typename for a chunk of data and
- # enables the TclSOAP client code to determine the SOAP type imformation
- # to put on request data.
- # Options:
- # -enum - flag the type as an enumerated type
- # -exists typename - boolean true if typename is defined
- # -info typename - return the definition of typename
- # Parameters
- # typelist - list of the type information needed to define the
- # new type.
- # typename - the name of the new type
- # Notes:
- # If the typename has already been defined then it will be overwritten.
- # For enumerated types, the typelist is the list of valid enumerator names.
- # Each enumerator may be a two element list, in which case the first element
- # is the name and the second is the integer value.
- #
- proc rpcvar::typedef {args} {
- variable typedefs
- variable typens
- variable enums
- set namespace {}
- set enum 0
- while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
- switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
- -n* {
- set namespace [lindex $args 1]
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- if {[catch {set typens($namespace)} r]} {
- set r {}
- }
- return $r
- }
- }
- -ex* {
- set typename [lindex $args 1]
- return [info exists typedefs($typename)]
- }
- -en* {
- set enum 1
- }
- -i* {
- set typename [lindex $args 1]
- if {[catch {set typedefs($typename)} typeinfo]} {
- set typeinfo {}
- }
- return $typeinfo
- }
- -- {
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- break
- }
- default { return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
- }
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- }
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \
- \"typedef ?-namespace uri? ?-enum? typelist typename\n\
- \ or \"typedef ?-exists? ?-info? typename\""
- }
- set typelist [lindex $args 0]
- set typename [lindex $args 1]
- if {$enum} {
- set typedefs($typename) enum
- set enums($typename) $typelist
- } else {
- set typedefs($typename) $typelist
- }
- set typens($typename) $namespace
- return $typename
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Description:
- # Check that the value is suitable for type. Basically for enum's
- # Result:
- # Returns a boolean true/false value.
- proc rpcvar::rpcvalidate {type value} {
- variable enums
- if {[typedef -info $type] == "enum"} {
- if {[lsearch -exact $enums($type) $value] == -1} {
- return 0
- }
- }
- return 1
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # typdef usage:
- #
- # typedef -namespace urn:tclsoap-Test float TclFloat
- #
- # typedef -enum -namespace urn:tclsoap-Test {red {green 3} {blue 9}} Colour
- #
- # typedef {
- # larry integer
- # moe integer
- # curly integer
- # } Stooges
- # => SOAP::create m -params {myStruct Stooges}
- # => m {larry 23 curly -98 moe 9}
- #
- # typedef -namespace urn:soapinterop.org {
- # varInt integer
- # varFloat float
- # varString string
- # } SOAPStruct;
- #
- # => SOAP::create zm ... -params {myStruct SOAPStruct}
- # => zm {varInt 2 varFloat 2.2 varString "hello"}
- #
- # typedef {
- # arrInt int[]
- # stooges Stooges[]
- # arrString string[]
- # arrColours Colour[]
- # } arrStruct
- # => SOAP::create m -params {myStruct arrStruct}
- # => m {arrInt {1 2 3 4 5} \
- # stooges { \
- # {moe 1 larry 2 curly 3} \
- # {moe 1 larry 2 curly 3} \
- # } \
- # arrString {One Two Three} \
- # arrColours {red blue green}\
- # }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc rpcvar::default_schemas {soapenv} {
- if {[string match $soapenv "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"]} {
- # SOAP 1.1
- return [list \
- "xmlns:xsd" "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema" \
- "xmlns:xsi" "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance" ]
- }
- if {[string match $soapenv "http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-encoding"]} {
- # SOAP 1.2
- return [list \
- "xmlns:xsd" "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" \
- "xmlns:xsi" "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ]
- }
- return -code error "invalid soap version: \"$soapenv\" is not a valid SOAP URL"
- }
- # initialize with the SOAP 1.1 encodings for xsd and SOAP-ENC
- #
- proc rpcvar::init_builtins {} {
- # The xsi types from http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/ section 3.2 & 3.3
- # the uri's for these are http://www.w33.org/2001/XMLSchema#int etc
- set xsd2001 [list \
- string normalizedString boolean decimal integer float double \
- duration dateTime time date gYearMonth gYear gMonthDay gDay \
- gMonth hexBinary base64Binary anyURI QName NOTATION \
- ENTITY ENTITIES nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger long int \
- short byte nonNegativeInteger unsignedLong unsignedInt \
- unsignedShort unsignedByte positiveInteger anyType anySimpleType]
- # The SOAP 1.1 encoding: uri = http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema
- set xsd1999 [list \
- string boolean float double decimal timeDuration \
- recurringDuration binary uriReference ID IDREF ENITY NOTATION \
- integer nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger long int short byte \
- nonNegativeInteger unsignedLong unsignedInt unsignedShort \
- unsignedByte positiveInteger timeInstant time timePeriod date \
- month year century recurringDate recurringDay]
- # SOAP 1.1 encoding: uri = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/
- set soapenc [list \
- arrayCoordinate Array Struct base64 string boolean float double \
- decimal timeDuration recurringDuration binary uriReference ID \
- NMTOKENS Name NCName integer nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger \
- long int short byte nonNegativeInteger unsignedLong unsignedShort \
- unsignedByte positiveInteger timeInstant time timePeriod date \
- month year century recurringDate recurringDay ur-type]
- foreach type $soapenc {
- _init SOAP-ENC $type
- }
- foreach type $xsd1999 {
- _init xsd $type
- }
- }
- # Initialize the core SOAP types. xsd and SOAP-ENC namespace names are
- # pre-defined within the TclSOAP framework. All other namespaces will
- # have to be fully specified
- if {! [info exists rpcvar::typedefs]} {
- rpcvar::init_builtins
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Local variables:
- # indent-tabs-mode: nil
- # End: