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- #
- # arrayprocs.tcl --
- #
- # Extended Tcl array procedures.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: arrayprocs.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-ArrayProcedures for_array_keys
- proc for_array_keys {varName arrayName codeFragment} {
- upvar $varName enumVar $arrayName enumArray
- if ![info exists enumArray] {
- error "\"$arrayName\" isn't an array"
- }
- set code 0
- set result {}
- set searchId [array startsearch enumArray]
- while {[array anymore enumArray $searchId]} {
- set enumVar [array nextelement enumArray $searchId]
- set code [catch {uplevel 1 $codeFragment} result]
- if {$code != 0 && $code != 4} break
- }
- array donesearch enumArray $searchId
- if {$code == 0 || $code == 3 || $code == 4} {
- return $result
- }
- if {$code == 1} {
- global errorCode errorInfo
- return -code $code -errorcode $errorCode -errorinfo $errorInfo $result
- }
- return -code $code $result
- }
- #
- # compat --
- #
- # This file provides commands compatible with older versions of Extended Tcl.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: compat.tcl,v 8.6 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-GenCompat assign_fields cexpand
- proc assign_fields {list args} {
- puts stderr {**** Your program is using an obsolete TclX proc, "assign_fields".}
- puts stderr {**** Please use the command "lassign". Compatibility support will}
- puts stderr {**** be removed in the next release.}
- proc assign_fields {list args} {
- if [lempty $args] {
- return
- }
- return [uplevel lassign [list $list] $args]
- }
- return [uplevel assign_fields [list $list] $args]
- }
- # Added TclX 7.4a
- proc cexpand str {subst -nocommands -novariables $str}
- #@package: TclX-ServerCompat server_open server_connect server_send \
- server_info server_cntl
- # Added TclX 7.4a
- proc server_open args {
- set cmd server_connect
- set buffered 1
- while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
- set opt [lvarpop args]
- if [cequal $opt -buf] {
- set buffered 1
- } elseif [cequal $opt -nobuf] {
- set buffered 0
- }
- lappend cmd $opt
- }
- set handle [uplevel [concat $cmd $args]]
- if $buffered {
- lappend handle [dup $handle]
- }
- return $handle
- }
- # Added TclX 7.5a
- proc server_connect args {
- set cmd socket
- set buffered 1
- set twoids 0
- while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
- switch -- [set opt [lvarpop args]] {
- -buf {
- set buffered 1
- }
- -nobuf {
- set buffered 0
- }
- -myip {
- lappend cmd -myaddr [lvarpop args]
- }
- -myport {
- lappend cmd -myport [lvarpop args]
- }
- -twoids {
- set twoids 1
- }
- default {
- error "unknown option \"$opt\""
- }
- }
- }
- set handle [uplevel [concat $cmd $args]]
- if !$buffered {
- fconfigure $handle -buffering none
- }
- if $twoids {
- lappend handle [dup $handle]
- }
- return $handle
- }
- proc server_send args {
- set cmd puts
- while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
- switch -- [set opt [lvarpop args]] {
- {-dontroute} {
- error "server_send if obsolete, -dontroute is not supported by the compatibility proc"
- }
- {-outofband} {
- error "server_send if obsolete, -outofband is not supported by the compatibility proc"
- }
- }
- lappend cmd $opt
- }
- uplevel [concat $cmd $args]
- flush [lindex $args 0]
- }
- proc server_info args {
- eval [concat host_info $args]
- }
- proc server_cntl args {
- eval [concat fcntl $args]
- }
- #@package: TclX-ClockCompat fmtclock convertclock getclock
- # Added TclX 7.5a
- proc fmtclock {clockval {format {}} {zone {}}} {
- lappend cmd clock format $clockval
- if ![lempty $format] {
- lappend cmd -format $format
- }
- if ![lempty $zone] {
- lappend cmd -gmt 1
- }
- return [eval $cmd]
- }
- # Added TclX 7.5a
- proc convertclock {dateString {zone {}} {baseClock {}}} {
- lappend cmd clock scan $dateString
- if ![lempty $zone] {
- lappend cmd -gmt 1
- }
- if ![lempty $baseClock] {
- lappend cmd -base $baseClock
- }
- return [eval $cmd]
- }
- # Added TclX 7.5a
- proc getclock {} {
- return [clock seconds]
- }
- #@package: TclX-FileCompat mkdir rmdir unlink frename
- # Added TclX 7.6.0
- proc mkdir args {
- set path 0
- if {[llength $args] > 1} {
- lvarpop args
- set path 1
- }
- foreach dir [lindex $args 0] {
- if {((!$path) && [file isdirectory $dir]) || \
- ([file exists $dir] && ![file isdirectory $dir])} {
- error "creating directory \"$dir\" failed: file already exists" \
- {} {POSIX EEXIST {file already exists}}
- }
- file mkdir $dir
- }
- return
- }
- # Added TclX 7.6.0
- proc rmdir args {
- set nocomplain 0
- if {[llength $args] > 1} {
- lvarpop args
- set nocomplain 1
- global errorInfo errorCode
- set saveErrorInfo $errorInfo
- set saveErrorCode $errorCode
- }
- foreach dir [lindex $args 0] {
- if $nocomplain {
- catch {file delete $dir}
- } else {
- if ![file exists $dir] {
- error "can't remove \"$dir\": no such file or directory" {} \
- {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}
- }
- if ![cequal [file type $dir] directory] {
- error "$dir: not a directory" {} \
- {POSIX ENOTDIR {not a directory}}
- }
- file delete $dir
- }
- }
- if $nocomplain {
- set errorInfo $saveErrorInfo
- set errorCode $saveErrorCode
- }
- return
- }
- # Added TclX 7.6.0
- proc unlink args {
- set nocomplain 0
- if {[llength $args] > 1} {
- lvarpop args
- set nocomplain 1
- global errorInfo errorCode
- set saveErrorInfo $errorInfo
- set saveErrorCode $errorCode
- }
- foreach file [lindex $args 0] {
- if {[file exists $file] && [cequal [file type $file] directory]} {
- if !$nocomplain {
- error "$file: not owner" {} {POSIX EPERM {not owner}}
- }
- } elseif $nocomplain {
- catch {file delete $file}
- } else {
- if {!([file exists $file] || \
- ([catch {file readlink $file}] == 0))} {
- error "can't remove \"$file\": no such file or directory" {} \
- {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}
- }
- file delete $file
- }
- }
- if $nocomplain {
- set errorInfo $saveErrorInfo
- set errorCode $saveErrorCode
- }
- return
- }
- # Added TclX 7.6.0
- proc frename {old new} {
- if {[file isdirectory $new] && ![lempty [readdir $new]]} {
- error "rename \"foo\" to \"baz\" failed: directory not empty" {} \
- POSIX ENOTEMPTY {directory not empty}
- }
- file rename -force $old $new
- }
- #@package: TclX-CopyFileCompat copyfile
- # Added TclX 8.0.0
- # copyfile ?-bytes num | \-maxbytes num? ?\-translate? fromFileId toFileId
- proc copyfile args {
- global errorInfo errorCode
- set copyMode NORMAL
- set translate 0
- while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
- set opt [lvarpop args]
- switch -exact -- $opt {
- -bytes {
- set copyMode BYTES
- if {[llength $args] == 0} {
- error "argument required for -bytes option"
- }
- set totalBytesToRead [lvarpop args]
- }
- -maxbytes {
- set copyMode MAX_BYTES
- if {[llength $args] == 0} {
- error "argument required for -maxbytes option"
- }
- set totalBytesToRead [lvarpop args]
- }
- -translate {
- set translate 1
- }
- default {
- error "invalid argument \"$opt\", expected \"-bytes\",\
- \"-maxbytes\", or \"-translate\""
- }
- }
- }
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- error "wrong # args: copyfile ?-bytes num|-maxbytes num? ?-translate?\
- fromFileId toFileId"
- }
- lassign $args fromFileId toFileId
- if !$translate {
- set fromOptions [list \
- [fconfigure $fromFileId -translation] \
- [fconfigure $fromFileId -eofchar]]
- set toOptions [list \
- [fconfigure $toFileId -translation] \
- [fconfigure $toFileId -eofchar]]
- fconfigure $fromFileId -translation binary
- fconfigure $fromFileId -eofchar {}
- fconfigure $toFileId -translation binary
- fconfigure $toFileId -eofchar {}
- }
- set cmd [list fcopy $fromFileId $toFileId]
- if ![cequal $copyMode NORMAL] {
- lappend cmd -size $totalBytesToRead
- }
- set stat [catch {eval $cmd} totalBytesRead]
- if $stat {
- set saveErrorResult $totalBytesRead
- set saveErrorInfo $errorInfo
- set saveErrorCode $errorCode
- }
- if !$translate {
- # Try to restore state, even if we have an error.
- if [catch {
- fconfigure $fromFileId -translation [lindex $fromOptions 0]
- fconfigure $fromFileId -eofchar [lindex $fromOptions 1]
- fconfigure $toFileId -translation [lindex $toOptions 0]
- fconfigure $toFileId -eofchar [lindex $toOptions 1]
- } errorResult] {
- # If fcopy did not get an error, we process this one
- if !$stat {
- set stat 1
- set saveErrorResult $errorResult
- set saveErrorInfo $errorInfo
- set saveErrorCode $errorCode
- }
- }
- }
- if $stat {
- error $saveErrorResult $saveErrorInfo $saveErrorCode
- }
- if {[cequal $copyMode BYTES] && ($totalBytesToRead > 0) && \
- ($totalBytesRead != $totalBytesToRead)} {
- error "premature EOF, $totalBytesToRead bytes expected,\
- $totalBytesRead bytes actually read"
- }
- return $totalBytesRead
- }
- #
- # convlib.tcl --
- #
- # Convert Ousterhout style tclIndex files and associated libraries to a
- # package library.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: convlib.tcl,v 8.7 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-convertlib convert_lib
- namespace eval TclX {
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ParseTclIndex
- # Parse a tclIndex file, returning an array of file names with the list of
- # procedures in each package. This is done by sourcing the file and then
- # going through the local auto_index array that was created. Issues
- # warnings for lines that can't be converted.
- #
- # Returns 1 if all lines are converted, 0 if some failed.
- #
- proc ParseTclIndex {tclIndex fileTblVar ignore} {
- upvar $fileTblVar fileTbl
- set allOK 1
- # Open and validate the file.
- set tclIndexFH [open $tclIndex r]
- try_eval {
- set hdr [gets $tclIndexFH]
- if {!([cequal $hdr {# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0}] ||
- [cequal $hdr == {# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0 for [incr Tcl]}])} {
- error "can only convert version 2.0 Tcl auto-load files"
- }
- set dir [file dirname $tclIndex] ;# Expected by the script.
- eval [read $tclIndexFH]
- } {} {
- close $tclIndexFH
- }
- foreach procName [array names auto_index] {
- if ![string match "source *" $auto_index($procName)] {
- puts stderr "WARNING: Can't convert load command for\
- \"$procName\": $auto_index($procName)"
- set allOK 0
- continue
- }
- set filePath [lindex $auto_index($procName) 1]
- set fileName [file tail $filePath]
- if {[lsearch $ignore $fileName] >= 0} continue
- lappend fileTbl($filePath) $procName
- }
- if ![info exists fileTbl] {
- error "no entries could be converted in $tclIndex"
- }
- return $allOK
- }
- } ;# namespace TclX
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # convert_lib:
- # Convert a tclIndex library to a .tlib. ignore any files in the ignore
- # list
- proc convert_lib {tclIndex packageLib {ignore {}}} {
- if {[file tail $tclIndex] != "tclIndex"} {
- error "Tail file name must be `tclIndex': $tclIndex"}
- if ![file readable $tclIndex] {
- error "File not readable: $tclIndex"
- }
- # Parse the file.
- set allOK [TclX::ParseTclIndex $tclIndex fileTbl $ignore]
- # Generate the .tlib package names with contain the directory and
- # file name, less any extensions.
- if {[file extension $packageLib] != ".tlib"} {
- append packageLib ".tlib"
- }
- set libFH [open $packageLib w]
- foreach srcFile [array names fileTbl] {
- set pkgName [file tail [file dirname $srcFile]]/[file tail [file root $srcFile]]
- set srcFH [open $srcFile r]
- puts $libFH "#@package: $pkgName $fileTbl($srcFile)\n"
- copyfile $srcFH $libFH
- close $srcFH
- }
- close $libFH
- buildpackageindex $packageLib
- if !$allOK {
- error "*** Not all entries converted, but library generated"
- }
- }
- #
- # edprocs.tcl --
- #
- # Tools for Tcl developers. Procedures to save procs to a file and to edit
- # a proc in memory.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: edprocs.tcl,v 8.4 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-developer_utils saveprocs edprocs
- proc saveprocs {fileName args} {
- set fp [open $fileName w]
- try_eval {
- puts $fp "# tcl procs saved on [fmtclock [getclock]]\n"
- puts $fp [eval "showproc $args"]
- } {} {
- close $fp
- }
- }
- proc edprocs {args} {
- global env
- set tmpFilename /tmp/tcldev.[id process]
- set fp [open $tmpFilename w]
- try_eval {
- puts $fp [eval "showproc $args"]
- } {} {
- close $fp
- }
- if [info exists env(EDITOR)] {
- set editor $env(EDITOR)
- } else {
- set editor vi
- }
- set startMtime [file mtime $tmpFilename]
- system "$editor $tmpFilename"
- if {[file mtime $tmpFilename] != $startMtime} {
- source $tmpFilename
- echo "Procedures were reloaded."
- } else {
- echo "No changes were made."
- }
- unlink $tmpFilename
- return
- }
- #
- # eventloop.tcl --
- #
- # Eventloop procedure.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: events.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-events mainloop
- proc mainloop {} {
- global tcl_interactive
- if {[info exists tcl_interactive] && $tcl_interactive} {
- commandloop -async -interactive on -endcommand exit
- }
- set loopVar 0
- catch {vwait loopVar}
- exit
- }
- #
- # forfile.tcl --
- #
- # Proc to execute code on every line of a file.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: forfile.tcl,v 8.5 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-forfile for_file
- proc for_file {var filename cmd} {
- upvar 1 $var line
- set fp [open $filename r]
- try_eval {
- set code 0
- set result {}
- while {[gets $fp line] >= 0} {
- set code [catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} result]
- if {$code != 0 && $code != 4} break
- }
- } {} {
- close $fp
- }
- if {$code == 0 || $code == 3 || $code == 4} {
- return $result
- }
- if {$code == 1} {
- global errorCode errorInfo
- return -code $code -errorcode $errorCode -errorinfo $errorInfo $result
- }
- return -code $code $result
- }
- #
- # globrecur.tcl --
- #
- # Build or process a directory list recursively.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: globrecur.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-globrecur recursive_glob
- proc recursive_glob {dirlist globlist} {
- set result {}
- set recurse {}
- foreach dir $dirlist {
- if ![file isdirectory $dir] {
- error "\"$dir\" is not a directory"
- }
- foreach pattern $globlist {
- set result [concat $result \
- [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dir $pattern]]]
- }
- foreach file [readdir $dir] {
- set file [file join $dir $file]
- if [file isdirectory $file] {
- set fileTail [file tail $file]
- if {!([cequal $fileTail .] || [cequal $fileTail ..])} {
- lappend recurse $file
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ![lempty $recurse] {
- set result [concat $result [recursive_glob $recurse $globlist]]
- }
- return $result
- }
- #@package: TclX-forrecur for_recursive_glob
- proc for_recursive_glob {var dirlist globlist cmd {depth 1}} {
- upvar $depth $var myVar
- set recurse {}
- foreach dir $dirlist {
- if ![file isdirectory $dir] {
- error "\"$dir\" is not a directory"
- }
- set code 0
- set result {}
- foreach pattern $globlist {
- foreach file [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dir $pattern]] {
- set myVar $file
- set code [catch {uplevel $depth $cmd} result]
- if {$code != 0 && $code != 4} break
- }
- if {$code != 0 && $code != 4} break
- }
- if {$code != 0 && $code != 4} {
- if {$code == 3} {
- return $result
- }
- if {$code == 1} {
- global errorCode errorInfo
- return -code $code -errorcode $errorCode \
- -errorinfo $errorInfo $result
- }
- return -code $code $result
- }
- foreach file [readdir $dir] {
- set file [file join $dir $file]
- if [file isdirectory $file] {
- set fileTail [file tail $file]
- if {!([cequal $fileTail .] || [cequal $fileTail ..])} {
- lappend recurse $file
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ![lempty $recurse] {
- return [for_recursive_glob $var $recurse $globlist $cmd \
- [expr $depth + 1]]
- }
- return {}
- }
- #
- # help.tcl --
- #
- # Tcl help command. (see TclX manual)
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The help facility is based on a hierarchical tree of subjects (directories)
- # and help pages (files). There is a virtual root to this tree. The root
- # being the merger of all "help" directories found along the $auto_path
- # variable.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: help.tcl,v 8.9 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # FIX: Convert this to use namespaces.
- #@package: TclX-help help helpcd helppwd apropos
- namespace eval TclXHelp {
- variable curSubject "/"
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Return a list of help root directories.
- proc RootDirs {} {
- global auto_path
- set roots {}
- foreach dir $auto_path {
- if [file isdirectory $dir/help] {
- lappend roots $dir/help
- }
- }
- return $roots
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Take a path name which might have "." and ".." elements and flatten them
- # out. Also removes trailing and adjacent "/", unless its the only
- # character.
- proc FlattenPath pathName {
- set newPath {}
- foreach element [split $pathName /] {
- if {"$element" == "." || [lempty $element]} continue
- if {"$element" == ".."} {
- if {[llength [join $newPath /]] == 0} {
- error "Help: name goes above subject directory root" {} \
- }
- lvarpop newPath [expr [llength $newPath]-1]
- continue
- }
- lappend newPath $element
- }
- set newPath [join $newPath /]
- # Take care of the case where we started with something line "/" or "/."
- if {("$newPath" == "") && [string match "/*" $pathName]} {
- set newPath "/"
- }
- return $newPath
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Given a pathName relative to the virtual help root, convert it to a list
- # of real file paths. A list is returned because the path could be "/",
- # returning a list of all roots. The list is returned in the same order of
- # the auto_path variable. If path does not start with a "/", it is take as
- # relative to the current help subject. Note: The root directory part of
- # the name is not flattened. This lets other commands pick out the part
- # relative to the one of the root directories.
- proc ConvertPath pathName {
- variable curSubject
- if {![string match "/*" $pathName]} {
- if [cequal $curSubject "/"] {
- set pathName "/$pathName"
- } else {
- set pathName "$curSubject/$pathName"
- }
- }
- set pathName [FlattenPath $pathName]
- # If the virtual root is specified, return a list of directories.
- if {$pathName == "/"} {
- return [RootDirs]
- }
- # Not the virtual root find the first match.
- foreach dir [RootDirs] {
- if [file readable $dir/$pathName] {
- return [list $dir/$pathName]
- }
- }
- # Not found, try to find a file matching only the file tail,
- # for example if --> <helpDir>/tcl/control/if.
- set fileTail [file tail $pathName]
- foreach dir [RootDirs] {
- set fileName [exec find $dir -name $fileTail | head -1]
- if {$fileName != {}} {
- return [list $fileName]
- }
- }
- error "\"$pathName\" does not exist" {} \
- [list TCLXHELP NOEXIST $pathName]
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Return the virtual root relative name of the file given its absolute
- # path. The root part of the path should not have been flattened, as we
- # would not be able to match it.
- proc RelativePath pathName {
- foreach dir [RootDirs] {
- if {[csubstr $pathName 0 [clength $dir]] == $dir} {
- set name [csubstr $pathName [clength $dir] end]
- if {$name == ""} {set name /}
- return $name
- }
- }
- if ![info exists found] {
- error "problem translating \"$pathName\"" {} [list TCLXHELP INTERROR]
- }
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Given a list of path names to subjects generated by ConvertPath, return
- # the contents of the subjects. Two lists are returned, subjects under
- # that subject and a list of pages under the subject. Both lists are
- # returned sorted. This merges all the roots into a virtual root.
- # pathName is the string that was passed to ConvertPath and is used for
- # error reporting. *.brk files are not returned.
- proc ListSubject {pathName pathList subjectsVar pagesVar} {
- upvar $subjectsVar subjects $pagesVar pages
- set subjects {}
- set pages {}
- set foundDir 0
- foreach dir $pathList {
- if ![file isdirectory $dir] continue
- if [cequal [file tail $dir] CVS] continue
- set foundDir 1
- foreach file [glob -nocomplain $dir/*] {
- if {[lsearch {.brf .orig .diff .rej} [file extension $file]] \
- >= 0} continue
- if [file isdirectory $file] {
- lappend subjects [file tail $file]/
- } else {
- lappend pages [file tail $file]
- }
- }
- }
- if !$foundDir {
- if [cequal $pathName /] {
- global auto_path
- error "no \"help\" directories found on auto_path ($auto_path)" {} \
- } else {
- error "\"$pathName\" is not a subject" {} \
- [list TCLXHELP NOTSUBJECT $pathName]
- }
- }
- set subjects [lsort $subjects]
- set pages [lsort $pages]
- return {}
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Display a line of output, pausing waiting for input before displaying if
- # the screen size has been reached. Return 1 if output is to continue,
- # return 0 if no more should be outputed, indicated by input other than
- # return.
- #
- proc Display line {
- variable lineCnt
- if {$lineCnt >= 23} {
- set lineCnt 0
- puts -nonewline stdout ":"
- flush stdout
- gets stdin response
- if {![lempty $response]} {
- return 0}
- }
- puts stdout $line
- incr lineCnt
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Display a help page (file).
- proc DisplayPage filePath {
- set inFH [open $filePath r]
- try_eval {
- while {[gets $inFH fileBuf] >= 0} {
- if {![Display $fileBuf]} {
- break
- }
- }
- } {} {
- close $inFH
- }
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Display a list of file names in a column format. This use columns of 14
- # characters 3 blanks.
- proc DisplayColumns {nameList} {
- set count 0
- set outLine ""
- foreach name $nameList {
- if {$count == 0} {
- append outLine " "}
- append outLine $name
- if {[incr count] < 4} {
- set padLen [expr 17-[clength $name]]
- if {$padLen < 3} {
- set padLen 3}
- append outLine [replicate " " $padLen]
- } else {
- if {![Display $outLine]} {
- return}
- set outLine ""
- set count 0
- }
- }
- if {$count != 0} {
- Display [string trimright $outLine]}
- return
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Display help on help, the first occurance of a help page called "help" in
- # the help root.
- proc HelpOnHelp {} {
- set helpPage [lindex [ConvertPath /help] 0]
- if [lempty $helpPage] {
- error "No help page on help found" {} \
- }
- DisplayPage $helpPage
- }
- };# namespace TclXHelp
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Help command.
- proc help {{what {}}} {
- variable ::TclXHelp::lineCnt 0
- # Special case "help help", so we can get it at any level.
- if {($what == "help") || ($what == "?")} {
- TclXHelp::HelpOnHelp
- return
- }
- set pathList [TclXHelp::ConvertPath $what]
- if [file isfile [lindex $pathList 0]] {
- TclXHelp::DisplayPage [lindex $pathList 0]
- return
- }
- TclXHelp::ListSubject $what $pathList subjects pages
- set relativeDir [TclXHelp::RelativePath [lindex $pathList 0]]
- if {[llength $subjects] != 0} {
- TclXHelp::Display "\nSubjects available in $relativeDir:"
- TclXHelp::DisplayColumns $subjects
- }
- if {[llength $pages] != 0} {
- TclXHelp::Display "\nHelp pages available in $relativeDir:"
- TclXHelp::DisplayColumns $pages
- }
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # helpcd command. The name of the new current directory is assembled from the
- # current directory and the argument.
- proc helpcd {{dir /}} {
- variable ::TclXHelp::curSubject
- set pathName [lindex [TclXHelp::ConvertPath $dir] 0]
- if {![file isdirectory $pathName]} {
- error "\"$dir\" is not a subject" \
- }
- set ::TclXHelp::curSubject [TclXHelp::RelativePath $pathName]
- return
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Helpcd main.
- proc helppwd {} {
- variable ::TclXHelp::curSubject
- echo "Current help subject: $::TclXHelp::curSubject"
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # apropos command. This search the
- proc apropos {regexp} {
- variable ::TclXHelp::lineCnt 0
- variable ::TclXHelp::curSubject
- set ch [scancontext create]
- scanmatch -nocase $ch $regexp {
- set path [lindex $matchInfo(line) 0]
- set desc [lrange $matchInfo(line) 1 end]
- if {![TclXHelp::Display [format "%s - %s" $path $desc]]} {
- set stop 1
- return}
- }
- set stop 0
- foreach dir [TclXHelp::RootDirs] {
- foreach brief [glob -nocomplain $dir/*.brf] {
- set briefFH [open $brief]
- try_eval {
- scanfile $ch $briefFH
- } {} {
- close $briefFH
- }
- if $stop break
- }
- if $stop break
- }
- scancontext delete $ch
- }
- #
- # profrep --
- #
- # Generate Tcl profiling reports.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: profrep.tcl,v 8.5 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-profrep profrep
- namespace eval TclXProfRep {
- #
- # Convert the profile array from entries that have only the time spent in
- # the proc to the time spend in the proc and all it calls.
- #
- proc sum {inDataVar outDataVar} {
- upvar 1 $inDataVar inData $outDataVar outData
- foreach inStack [array names inData] {
- for {set idx 0} {![lempty [set part [lrange $inStack $idx end]]]} \
- {incr idx} {
- if ![info exists outData($part)] {
- set outData($part) {0 0 0}
- }
- lassign $outData($part) count real cpu
- if {$idx == 0} {
- incr count [lindex $inData($inStack) 0]
- }
- incr real [lindex $inData($inStack) 1]
- incr cpu [lindex $inData($inStack) 2]
- set outData($part) [list $count $real $cpu]
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Do sort comparison. May only be called by sort, as it address its
- # local variables.
- #
- proc sortcmp {key1 key2} {
- upvar profData profData keyIndex keyIndex
- set val1 [lindex $profData($key1) $keyIndex]
- set val2 [lindex $profData($key2) $keyIndex]
- if {$val1 < $val2} {
- return -1
- }
- if {$val1 > $val2} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- #
- # Generate a list, sorted in descending order by the specified key, contain
- # the indices into the summarized data.
- #
- proc sort {profDataVar sortKey} {
- upvar $profDataVar profData
- case $sortKey {
- {calls} {set keyIndex 0}
- {real} {set keyIndex 1}
- {cpu} {set keyIndex 2}
- default {
- error "Expected a sort type of: `calls', `cpu' or ` real'"
- }
- }
- return [lsort -integer -decreasing -command sortcmp \
- [array names profData]]
- }
- #
- # Print the sorted report
- #
- proc print {profDataVar sortedProcList outFile userTitle} {
- upvar $profDataVar profData
- set maxNameLen 0
- foreach procStack [array names profData] {
- foreach procName $procStack {
- set maxNameLen [max $maxNameLen [clength $procName]]
- }
- }
- if {$outFile == ""} {
- set outFH stdout
- } else {
- set outFH [open $outFile w]
- }
- # Output a header.
- set stackTitle "Procedure Call Stack"
- set maxNameLen [max [expr $maxNameLen+6] [expr [clength $stackTitle]+4]]
- set hdr [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10s %10s %10s" $stackTitle \
- "Calls" "Real Time" "CPU Time"]
- if {$userTitle != ""} {
- puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
- puts $outFH $userTitle
- }
- puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
- puts $outFH $hdr
- puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
- # Output the data in sorted order. Trim leading ::.
- foreach procStack $sortedProcList {
- set data $profData($procStack)
- set cmd [lvarpop procStack]
- regsub {^::} $cmd {} cmd
- puts $outFH [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10d %10d %10d" \
- $cmd [lindex $data 0] [lindex $data 1] \
- [lindex $data 2]]
- foreach procName $procStack {
- if {$procName == "<global>"} break
- regsub {^::} $procName {} procName
- puts $outFH " $procName"
- }
- }
- if {$outFile != ""} {
- close $outFH
- }
- }
- } ;# TclXProfRep
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Generate a report from data collect from the profile command.
- # o profDataVar (I) - The name of the array containing the data from profile.
- # o sortKey (I) - Value to sort by. One of "calls", "cpu" or "real".
- # o outFile (I) - Name of file to write the report to. If omitted, stdout
- # is assumed.
- # o userTitle (I) - Title line to add to output.
- proc profrep {profDataVar sortKey {outFile {}} {userTitle {}}} {
- upvar $profDataVar profData
- TclXProfRep::sum profData sumProfData
- set sortedProcList [TclXProfRep::sort sumProfData $sortKey]
- TclXProfRep::print sumProfData $sortedProcList $outFile $userTitle
- }
- #
- # pushd.tcl --
- #
- # C-shell style directory stack procs.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: pushd.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-directory_stack pushd popd dirs
- global TCLXENV(dirPushList)
- set TCLXENV(dirPushList) ""
- proc pushd {{new ""}} {
- global TCLXENV
- set current [pwd]
- if {[clength $new] > 0} {
- set dirs [glob -nocomplain $new]
- set count [llength $dirs]
- if {$count == 0} {
- error "no such directory: $new"
- } elseif {$count != 1} {
- error "ambiguous directory: $new: [join $directories ", "]"
- }
- cd [lindex $dirs 0]
- lvarpush TCLXENV(dirPushList) $current
- } else {
- if [lempty $TCLXENV(dirPushList)] {
- error "directory stack empty"
- }
- cd [lindex $TCLXENV(dirPushList) 0]
- lvarpop TCLXENV(dirPushList)
- lvarpush TCLXENV(dirPushList) $current
- }
- return [pwd]
- }
- proc popd {} {
- global TCLXENV
- if [lempty $TCLXENV(dirPushList)] {
- error "directory stack empty"
- }
- cd [lvarpop TCLXENV(dirPushList)]
- return [pwd]
- }
- proc dirs {} {
- global TCLXENV
- return [concat [list [pwd]] $TCLXENV(dirPushList)]
- }
- #
- # setfuncs --
- #
- # Perform set functions on lists. Also has a procedure for removing duplicate
- # list entries.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: setfuncs.tcl,v 8.4 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-set_functions union intersect intersect3 lrmdups
- #
- # return the logical union of two lists, removing any duplicates
- #
- proc union {lista listb} {
- return [lrmdups [concat $lista $listb]]
- }
- #
- # sort a list, returning the sorted version minus any duplicates
- #
- proc lrmdups list {
- if [lempty $list] {
- return {}
- }
- set list [lsort $list]
- set last [lvarpop list]
- lappend result $last
- foreach element $list {
- if ![cequal $last $element] {
- lappend result $element
- set last $element
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- #
- # intersect3 - perform the intersecting of two lists, returning a list
- # containing three lists. The first list is everything in the first
- # list that wasn't in the second, the second list contains the intersection
- # of the two lists, the third list contains everything in the second list
- # that wasn't in the first.
- #
- proc intersect3 {list1 list2} {
- set la1(0) {} ; unset la1(0)
- set lai(0) {} ; unset lai(0)
- set la2(0) {} ; unset la2(0)
- foreach v $list1 {
- set la1($v) {}
- }
- foreach v $list2 {
- set la2($v) {}
- }
- foreach elem [concat $list1 $list2] {
- if {[info exists la1($elem)] && [info exists la2($elem)]} {
- unset la1($elem)
- unset la2($elem)
- set lai($elem) {}
- }
- }
- list [lsort [array names la1]] [lsort [array names lai]] \
- [lsort [array names la2]]
- }
- #
- # intersect - perform an intersection of two lists, returning a list
- # containing every element that was present in both lists
- #
- proc intersect {list1 list2} {
- set intersectList ""
- set list1 [lsort $list1]
- set list2 [lsort $list2]
- while {1} {
- if {[lempty $list1] || [lempty $list2]} break
- set compareResult [string compare [lindex $list1 0] [lindex $list2 0]]
- if {$compareResult < 0} {
- lvarpop list1
- continue
- }
- if {$compareResult > 0} {
- lvarpop list2
- continue
- }
- lappend intersectList [lvarpop list1]
- lvarpop list2
- }
- return $intersectList
- }
- #
- # showproc.tcl --
- #
- # Display procedure headers and bodies.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: showproc.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-showproc showproc
- proc showproc args {
- if [lempty $args] {
- set args [info procs]
- }
- set out {}
- foreach procname $args {
- if [lempty [info procs $procname]] {
- auto_load $procname
- }
- set arglist [info args $procname]
- set nargs {}
- while {[llength $arglist] > 0} {
- set varg [lvarpop arglist 0]
- if [info default $procname $varg defarg] {
- lappend nargs [list $varg $defarg]
- } else {
- lappend nargs $varg
- }
- }
- append out "proc $procname [list $nargs] \{[info body $procname]\}\n"
- }
- return $out
- }
- #
- # string_file --
- #
- # Functions to read and write strings from a file that has not been opened.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: stringfile.tcl,v 8.4 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-stringfile_functions read_file write_file
- proc read_file {fileName args} {
- if {$fileName == "-nonewline"} {
- set flag $fileName
- set fileName [lvarpop args]
- } else {
- set flag {}
- }
- set fp [open $fileName]
- try_eval {
- set result [eval read $flag $fp $args]
- } {} {
- close $fp
- }
- return $result
- }
- proc write_file {fileName args} {
- set fp [open $fileName w]
- try_eval {
- foreach string $args {
- puts $fp $string
- }
- } {} {
- close $fp
- }
- }
- #
- # tcllib.tcl --
- #
- # Various command dealing with tlib package libraries.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
- # license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
- # software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
- # above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
- # all copies of this software.
- #
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: tcllib.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:48 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #@package: TclX-libraries searchpath auto_load_file
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # searchpath:
- # Search a path list for a file. (catch is for bad ~user)
- #
- proc searchpath {pathlist file} {
- foreach dir $pathlist {
- if {$dir == ""} {set dir .}
- if {[catch {file exists $dir/$file} result] == 0 && $result} {
- return $dir/$file
- }
- }
- return {}
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # auto_load_file:
- # Search auto_path for a file and source it.
- #
- proc auto_load_file {name} {
- global auto_path errorCode
- if {[string first / $name] >= 0} {
- return [uplevel 1 source $name]
- }
- set where [searchpath $auto_path $name]
- if [lempty $where] {
- error "couldn't find $name in any directory in auto_path"
- }
- uplevel 1 source $where
- }
- #@package: TclX-lib-list auto_packages auto_commands
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # auto_packages:
- # List all of the loadable packages. If -files is specified, the file paths
- # of the packages is also returned.
- proc auto_packages {{option {}}} {
- global auto_pkg_index
- auto_load ;# Make sure all indexes are loaded.
- if ![info exists auto_pkg_index] {
- return {}
- }
- set packList [array names auto_pkg_index]
- if [lempty $option] {
- return $packList
- }
- if {$option != "-files"} {
- error "Unknow option \"$option\", expected \"-files\""
- }
- set locList {}
- foreach pack $packList {
- lappend locList [list $pack [lindex $auto_pkg_index($pack) 0]]
- }
- return $locList
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # auto_commands:
- # List all of the loadable commands. If -loaders is specified, the commands
- # that will be involked to load the commands is also returned.
- proc auto_commands {{option {}}} {
- global auto_index
- auto_load ;# Make sure all indexes are loaded.
- if ![info exists auto_index] {
- return {}
- }
- set cmdList [array names auto_index]
- if [lempty $option] {
- return $cmdList
- }
- if {$option != "-loaders"} {
- error "Unknow option \"$option\", expected \"-loaders\""
- }
- set loadList {}
- foreach cmd $cmdList {
- lappend loadList [list $cmd $auto_index($cmd)]
- }
- return $loadList
- }
- #
- # fmath.tcl --
- #
- # Contains a package of procs that interface to the Tcl expr command built-in
- # functions. These procs provide compatibility with older versions of TclX and
- # are also generally useful.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1993-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: fmath.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #@package: TclX-fmath acos asin atan ceil cos cosh exp fabs floor log log10 \
- sin sinh sqrt tan tanh fmod pow atan2 abs double int round
- proc acos x {uplevel [list expr acos($x)]}
- proc asin x {uplevel [list expr asin($x)]}
- proc atan x {uplevel [list expr atan($x)]}
- proc ceil x {uplevel [list expr ceil($x)]}
- proc cos x {uplevel [list expr cos($x)]}
- proc cosh x {uplevel [list expr cosh($x)]}
- proc exp x {uplevel [list expr exp($x)]}
- proc fabs x {uplevel [list expr abs($x)]}
- proc floor x {uplevel [list expr floor($x)]}
- proc log x {uplevel [list expr log($x)]}
- proc log10 x {uplevel [list expr log10($x)]}
- proc sin x {uplevel [list expr sin($x)]}
- proc sinh x {uplevel [list expr sinh($x)]}
- proc sqrt x {uplevel [list expr sqrt($x)]}
- proc tan x {uplevel [list expr tan($x)]}
- proc tanh x {uplevel [list expr tanh($x)]}
- proc fmod {x n} {uplevel [list expr fmod($x,$n)]}
- proc pow {x n} {uplevel [list expr pow($x,$n)]}
- # New functions that TclX did not provide in eariler versions.
- proc atan2 x {uplevel [list expr atan2($x)]}
- proc abs x {uplevel [list expr abs($x)]}
- proc double x {uplevel [list expr double($x)]}
- proc int x {uplevel [list expr int($x)]}
- proc round x {uplevel [list expr round($x)]}
- #
- # buildhelp.tcl --
- #
- # Program to extract help files from TCL manual pages or TCL script files.
- # The help directories are built as a hierarchical tree of subjects and help
- # files.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: buildhelp.tcl,v 8.3 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # For nroff man pages, the areas of text to extract are delimited with:
- #
- # '\"@help: subjectdir/helpfile
- # '\"@endhelp
- #
- # start in column one. The text between these markers is extracted and stored
- # in help/subjectdir/help. The file must not exists, this is done to enforced
- # cleaning out the directories before help file generation is started, thus
- # removing any stale files. The extracted text is run through:
- #
- # nroff -man|col -xb {col -b on BSD derived systems}
- #
- # If there is other text to include in the helpfile, but not in the manual
- # page, the text, along with nroff formatting commands, may be included using:
- #
- # '\"@:Other text to include in the help page.
- #
- # A entry in the brief file, used by apropos my be included by:
- #
- # '\"@brief: Short, one line description
- #
- # These brief request must occur with in the bounds of a help section.
- #
- # If some header text, such as nroff macros, need to be preappended to the
- # text streem before it is run through nroff, then that text can be bracketed
- # with:
- #
- # '\"@header
- # '\"@endheader
- #
- # If multiple header blocks are encountered, they will all be preappended.
- #
- # For TCL script files, which are indentified because they end in ".tcl",
- # the text to be extracted is delimited by:
- #
- # #@help: subjectdir/helpfile
- # #@endhelp
- #
- # And brief lines are in the form:
- #
- # #@brief: Short, one line description
- #
- # The only processing done on text extracted from .tcl files it to replace
- # the # in column one with a space.
- #
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # To generate help:
- #
- # buildhelp helpDir brief.brf filelist
- #
- # o helpDir is the help tree root directory. helpDir should exists, but any
- # subdirectories that don't exists will be created. helpDir should be
- # cleaned up before the start of manual page generation, as this program
- # will not overwrite existing files.
- # o brief.brf is the name of the brief file to create form the @brief entries.
- # It must have an extension of ".brf". It will be created in helpDir.
- # o filelist are the nroff manual pages, or .tcl, .tlib files to extract
- # the help files from. If the suffix is not .tcl or .tlib, a nroff manual
- # page is assumed.
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #@package: TclX-buildhelp buildhelp
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Truncate a file name of a help file if the system does not support long
- # file names. If the name starts with `Tcl_', then this prefix is removed.
- # If the name is then over 14 characters, it is truncated to 14 charactes
- #
- proc TruncFileName {pathName} {
- global truncFileNames
- if {!$truncFileNames} {
- return $pathName}
- set fileName [file tail $pathName]
- if {"[crange $fileName 0 3]" == "Tcl_"} {
- set fileName [crange $fileName 4 end]}
- set fileName [crange $fileName 0 13]
- return "[file dirname $pathName]/$fileName"
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to ensure that all directories for the specified file path exists,
- # and if they don't create them. Don't use -path so we can set the
- # permissions.
- proc EnsureDirs {filePath} {
- set dirPath [file dirname $filePath]
- if [file exists $dirPath] return
- foreach dir [split $dirPath /] {
- lappend dirList $dir
- set partPath [join $dirList /]
- if [file exists $partPath] continue
- mkdir $partPath
- chmod u=rwx,go=rx $partPath
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to set up scan context for use by FilterNroffManPage.
- # This keeps the a two line cache of the previous two lines encountered
- # and the blank lines that followed them.
- #
- proc CreateFilterNroffManPageContext {} {
- global filterNroffManPageContext
- set filterNroffManPageContext [scancontext create]
- # On finding a page header, drop the previous line (which is
- # the page footer). Also deleting the blank lines followin
- # the last line on the previous page.
- scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {@@@BUILDHELP@@@} {
- catch {unset prev2Blanks}
- catch {unset prev1Line}
- catch {unset prev1Blanks}
- set nukeBlanks {}
- }
- # Save blank lines
- scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {$^} {
- if ![info exists nukeBlanks] {
- append prev1Blanks \n
- }
- }
- # Non-blank line, save it. Output the 2nd previous line if necessary.
- scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {
- catch {unset nukeBlanks}
- if [info exists prev2Line] {
- puts $outFH $prev2Line
- unset prev2Line
- }
- if [info exists prev2Blanks] {
- puts $outFH $prev2Blanks nonewline
- unset prev2Blanks
- }
- if [info exists prev1Line] {
- set prev2Line $prev1Line
- }
- set prev1Line $matchInfo(line)
- if [info exists prev1Blanks] {
- set prev2Blanks $prev1Blanks
- unset prev1Blanks
- }
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to filter a formatted manual page, removing the page headers and
- # footers. This relies on each manual page having a .TH macro in the form:
- # .TH @@@BUILDHELP@@@ n
- proc FilterNroffManPage {inFH outFH} {
- global filterNroffManPageContext
- if ![info exists filterNroffManPageContext] {
- CreateFilterNroffManPageContext
- }
- scanfile $filterNroffManPageContext $inFH
- if [info exists prev2Line] {
- puts $outFH $prev2Line
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractNroffHeader
- #
- proc CreateExtractNroffHeaderContext {} {
- global extractNroffHeaderContext
- set extractNroffHeaderContext [scancontext create]
- scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {'\\"@endheader[ ]*$} {
- break
- }
- scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {'\\"@:} {
- append nroffHeader "[crange $matchInfo(line) 5 end]\n"
- }
- scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {
- append nroffHeader "$matchInfo(line)\n"
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to extract nroff text to use as a header to all pass to nroff when
- # processing a help file.
- # manPageFH - The file handle of the manual page.
- #
- proc ExtractNroffHeader {manPageFH} {
- global extractNroffHeaderContext nroffHeader
- if ![info exists extractNroffHeaderContext] {
- CreateExtractNroffHeaderContext
- }
- scanfile $extractNroffHeaderContext $manPageFH
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractNroffHelp
- #
- proc CreateExtractNroffHelpContext {} {
- global extractNroffHelpContext
- set extractNroffHelpContext [scancontext create]
- scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@endhelp[ ]*$} {
- break
- }
- scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@brief:} {
- if $foundBrief {
- error {Duplicate "@brief:" entry}
- }
- set foundBrief 1
- puts $briefHelpFH "$helpName\t[csubstr $matchInfo(line) 11 end]"
- continue
- }
- scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@:} {
- puts $nroffFH [csubstr $matchInfo(line) 5 end]
- continue
- }
- scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@help:} {
- error {"@help" found within another help section"}
- }
- scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {
- puts $nroffFH $matchInfo(line)
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to extract a nroff help file when it is located in the text.
- # manPageFH - The file handle of the manual page.
- # manLine - The '\"@help: line starting the data to extract.
- #
- proc ExtractNroffHelp {manPageFH manLine} {
- global helpDir nroffHeader briefHelpFH colArgs
- global extractNroffHelpContext
- if ![info exists extractNroffHelpContext] {
- CreateExtractNroffHelpContext
- }
- set helpName [string trim [csubstr $manLine 9 end]]
- set helpFile [TruncFileName "$helpDir/$helpName"]
- if [file exists $helpFile] {
- error "Help file already exists: $helpFile"
- }
- EnsureDirs $helpFile
- set tmpFile "[file dirname $helpFile]/tmp.[id process]"
- echo " creating help file $helpName"
- set nroffFH [open "| nroff -man | col $colArgs > $tmpFile" w]
- puts $nroffFH {.TH @@@BUILDHELP@@@ 1}
- set foundBrief 0
- scanfile $extractNroffHelpContext $manPageFH
- # Close returns an error on if anything comes back on stderr, even if
- # its a warning. Output errors and continue.
- set stat [catch {
- close $nroffFH
- } msg]
- if $stat {
- puts stderr "nroff: $msg"
- }
- set tmpFH [open $tmpFile r]
- set helpFH [open $helpFile w]
- FilterNroffManPage $tmpFH $helpFH
- close $tmpFH
- close $helpFH
- unlink $tmpFile
- chmod a-w,a+r $helpFile
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractScriptHelp
- #
- proc CreateExtractScriptHelpContext {} {
- global extractScriptHelpContext
- set extractScriptHelpContext [scancontext create]
- scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@endhelp[ ]*$} {
- break
- }
- scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@brief:} {
- if $foundBrief {
- error {Duplicate "@brief" entry}
- }
- set foundBrief 1
- puts $briefHelpFH "$helpName\t[csubstr $matchInfo(line) 9 end]"
- continue
- }
- scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@help:} {
- error {"@help" found within another help section"}
- }
- scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#$} {
- puts $helpFH ""
- }
- scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {
- if {[clength $matchInfo(line)] > 1} {
- puts $helpFH " [csubstr $matchInfo(line) 1 end]"
- } else {
- puts $helpFH $matchInfo(line)
- }
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to extract a tcl script help file when it is located in the text.
- # ScriptPageFH - The file handle of the .tcl file.
- # ScriptLine - The #@help: line starting the data to extract.
- #
- proc ExtractScriptHelp {scriptPageFH scriptLine} {
- global helpDir briefHelpFH
- global extractScriptHelpContext
- if ![info exists extractScriptHelpContext] {
- CreateExtractScriptHelpContext
- }
- set helpName [string trim [csubstr $scriptLine 7 end]]
- set helpFile "$helpDir/$helpName"
- if {[file exists $helpFile]} {
- error "Help file already exists: $helpFile"
- }
- EnsureDirs $helpFile
- echo " creating help file $helpName"
- set helpFH [open $helpFile w]
- set foundBrief 0
- scanfile $extractScriptHelpContext $scriptPageFH
- close $helpFH
- chmod a-w,a+r $helpFile
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to scan a nroff manual file looking for the start of a help text
- # sections and extracting those sections.
- # pathName - Full path name of file to extract documentation from.
- #
- proc ProcessNroffFile {pathName} {
- global nroffScanCT scriptScanCT nroffHeader
- set fileName [file tail $pathName]
- set nroffHeader {}
- set manPageFH [open $pathName r]
- set matchInfo(fileName) [file tail $pathName]
- echo " scanning $pathName"
- scanfile $nroffScanCT $manPageFH
- close $manPageFH
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Proc to scan a Tcl script file looking for the start of a
- # help text sections and extracting those sections.
- # pathName - Full path name of file to extract documentation from.
- #
- proc ProcessTclScript {pathName} {
- global scriptScanCT nroffHeader
- set scriptFH [open "$pathName" r]
- set matchInfo(fileName) [file tail $pathName]
- echo " scanning $pathName"
- scanfile $scriptScanCT $scriptFH
- close $scriptFH
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # build: main procedure. Generates help from specified files.
- # helpDirPath - Directory were the help files go.
- # briefFile - The name of the brief file to create.
- # sourceFiles - List of files to extract help files from.
- proc buildhelp {helpDirPath briefFile sourceFiles} {
- global helpDir truncFileNames nroffScanCT
- global scriptScanCT briefHelpFH colArgs
- echo ""
- echo "Begin building help tree"
- # Determine version of col command to use (no -x on BSD)
- if {[system {col -bx </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1}] != 0} {
- set colArgs {-b}
- } else {
- set colArgs {-bx}
- }
- set helpDir $helpDirPath
- if {![file exists $helpDir]} {
- mkdir $helpDir
- }
- if {![file isdirectory $helpDir]} {
- error [concat "$helpDir is not a directory or does not exist. "
- "This should be the help root directory"]
- }
- set status [catch {set tmpFH [open $helpDir/AVeryVeryBigFileName w]}]
- if {$status != 0} {
- set truncFileNames 1
- } else {
- close $tmpFH
- unlink $helpDir/AVeryVeryBigFileName
- set truncFileNames 0
- }
- set nroffScanCT [scancontext create]
- scanmatch $nroffScanCT {'\\"@help:} {
- ExtractNroffHelp $matchInfo(handle) $matchInfo(line)
- continue
- }
- scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@header} {
- ExtractNroffHeader $matchInfo(handle)
- continue
- }
- scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@endhelp} {
- error [concat {@endhelp" without corresponding "@help:"} \
- ", offset = $matchInfo(offset)"]
- }
- scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@brief} {
- error [concat {"@brief" without corresponding "@help:"} \
- ", offset = $matchInfo(offset)"]
- }
- set scriptScanCT [scancontext create]
- scanmatch $scriptScanCT {^#@help:} {
- ExtractScriptHelp $matchInfo(handle) $matchInfo(line)
- }
- if {[file extension $briefFile] != ".brf"} {
- error "Brief file \"$briefFile\" must have an extension \".brf\""
- }
- if [file exists $helpDir/$briefFile] {
- error "Brief file \"$helpDir/$briefFile\" already exists"
- }
- set briefHelpFH [open "|sort > $helpDir/$briefFile" w]
- foreach manFile [glob $sourceFiles] {
- set ext [file extension $manFile]
- if {$ext == ".tcl" || $ext == ".tlib"} {
- set status [catch {ProcessTclScript $manFile} msg]
- } else {
- set status [catch {ProcessNroffFile $manFile} msg]
- }
- if {$status != 0} {
- global errorInfo errorCode
- error "Error extracting help from: $manFile" $errorInfo $errorCode
- }
- }
- close $briefHelpFH
- chmod a-w,a+r $helpDir/$briefFile
- echo "Completed extraction of help files"
- }