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- #
- # buildidx.tcl --
- #
- # Code to build Tcl package library. Defines the proc `buildpackageindex'.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- # that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
- # Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- # implied warranty.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: buildidx.tcl,v 8.7 1999/03/31 06:37:47 markd Exp $
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- namespace eval TclX {
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The following code passes around a array containing information about a
- # package. The following fields are defined
- #
- # o name - The name of the package.
- # o offset - The byte offset of the package in the file.
- # o length - Number of bytes in the current package (EOLN counts as one
- # byte, even if <cr><lf> is used. This makes it possible to do a
- # single read.
- # o procs - The list of entry point procedures defined for the package.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Write a line to the index file describing the package.
- #
- proc PutIdxEntry {outfp pkgInfo} {
- puts $outfp [concat [keylget pkgInfo name] \
- [keylget pkgInfo offset] \
- [keylget pkgInfo length] \
- [keylget pkgInfo procs]]
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Parse a package header found by a scan match. Handle backslashed
- # continuation lines. Make a namespace reference out of the name
- # that the Tcl auto_load function will like. Global names have no
- # leading :: (for historic reasons), all others are fully qualified.
- #
- proc ParsePkgHeader matchInfoVar {
- upvar $matchInfoVar matchInfo
- set length [expr [clength $matchInfo(line)] + 1]
- set line [string trimright $matchInfo(line)]
- while {[string match {*\\} $line]} {
- set line [csubstr $line 0 [expr [clength $line]-1]]
- set nextLine [gets $matchInfo(handle)]
- append line " " [string trimright $nextLine]
- incr length [expr [clength $nextLine] + 1]
- }
- set procs {}
- foreach p [lrange $line 2 end] {
- lappend procs [auto_qualify $p ::]
- }
- keylset pkgInfo name [lindex $line 1]
- keylset pkgInfo offset $matchInfo(offset)
- keylset pkgInfo procs $procs
- keylset pkgInfo length $length
- return $pkgInfo
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Do the actual work of creating a package library index from a library
- # file.
- #
- proc CreateLibIndex {libName} {
- if {[file extension $libName] != ".tlib"} {
- error "Package library `$libName' does not have the extension\
- `.tlib'"
- }
- set idxName "[file root $libName].tndx"
- catch {file delete $idxName}
- set contectHdl [scancontext create]
- scanmatch $contectHdl "^#@package: " {
- if {[catch {llength $matchInfo(line)}] ||
- ([llength $matchInfo(line)] < 2)} {
- error "invalid package header \"$matchInfo(line)\""
- }
- if ![lempty $pkgInfo] {
- TclX::PutIdxEntry $idxFH $pkgInfo
- }
- set pkgInfo [TclX::ParsePkgHeader matchInfo]
- incr packageCnt
- }
- scanmatch $contectHdl "^#@packend" {
- if [lempty $pkgInfo] {
- error "#@packend without #@package in $libName"
- }
- keylset pkgInfo length \
- [expr [keylget pkgInfo length] + \
- [clength $matchInfo(line)]+1]
- TclX::PutIdxEntry $idxFH $pkgInfo
- set pkgInfo {}
- }
- scanmatch $contectHdl {
- if ![lempty $pkgInfo] {
- keylset pkgInfo length \
- [expr [keylget pkgInfo length] + \
- [clength $matchInfo(line)]+1]
- }
- }
- try_eval {
- set libFH [open $libName r]
- set idxFH [open $idxName w]
- set packageCnt 0
- set pkgInfo {}
- scanfile $contectHdl $libFH
- if {$packageCnt == 0} {
- error "No \"#@package:\" definitions found in $libName"
- }
- if ![lempty $pkgInfo] {
- TclX::PutIdxEntry $idxFH $pkgInfo
- }
- } {
- catch {file delete $idxName}
- error $errorResult $errorInfo $errorCode
- } {
- catch {close $libFH}
- catch {close $idxFH}
- }
- scancontext delete $contectHdl
- # Set mode and ownership of the index to be the same as the library.
- # Ignore errors if you can't set the ownership.
- # FIX: WIN32, when chmod/chown work.
- global tcl_platform
- if ![cequal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"] return
- file stat $libName statInfo
- chmod $statInfo(mode) $idxName
- catch {
- chown [list $statInfo(uid) $statInfo(gid)] $idxName
- }
- }
- } ;# namespace TclX
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create a package library index from a library file.
- #
- proc buildpackageindex {libfilelist} {
- foreach libfile $libfilelist {
- if [catch {
- TclX::CreateLibIndex $libfile
- } errmsg] {
- global errorInfo errorCode
- error "building package index for `$libfile' failed: $errmsg" \
- $errorInfo $errorCode
- }
- }
- }