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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # progressbar.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - ProgressBar::create
- # - ProgressBar::configure
- # - ProgressBar::cget
- # - ProgressBar::_destroy
- # - ProgressBar::_modify
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval ProgressBar {
- Widget::declare ProgressBar {
- {-type Enum normal 0 {normal incremental infinite}}
- {-maximum Int 100 0 "%d >= 0"}
- {-background TkResource "" 0 frame}
- {-foreground TkResource blue 0 label}
- {-borderwidth TkResource 2 0 frame}
- {-troughcolor TkResource "" 0 scrollbar}
- {-relief TkResource sunken 0 label}
- {-orient Enum horizontal 1 {horizontal vertical}}
- {-variable String "" 0}
- {-idle Boolean 0 0}
- {-width TkResource 100 0 frame}
- {-height TkResource 4m 0 frame}
- {-bg Synonym -background}
- {-fg Synonym -foreground}
- {-bd Synonym -borderwidth}
- }
- Widget::addmap ProgressBar "" :cmd {-background {} -width {} -height {}}
- Widget::addmap ProgressBar "" .bar {
- -troughcolor -background -borderwidth {} -relief {}
- }
- variable _widget
- proc ::ProgressBar { path args } { return [eval ProgressBar::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ProgressBar::create
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ProgressBar::create { path args } {
- variable _widget
- array set maps [list ProgressBar {} :cmd {} .bar {}]
- array set maps [Widget::parseArgs ProgressBar $args]
- eval frame $path $maps(:cmd) -class ProgressBar -bd 0 \
- -highlightthickness 0 -relief flat
- Widget::initFromODB ProgressBar $path $maps(ProgressBar)
- set c [eval canvas $path.bar $maps(.bar) -highlightthickness 0]
- set fg [Widget::cget $path -foreground]
- if { ![string compare [Widget::cget $path -orient] "horizontal"] } {
- $path.bar create rectangle -1 0 0 0 -fill $fg -outline $fg -tags rect
- } else {
- $path.bar create rectangle 0 1 0 0 -fill $fg -outline $fg -tags rect
- }
- set _widget($path,val) 0
- set _widget($path,dir) 1
- if { [set _widget($path,var) [Widget::cget $path -variable]] != "" } {
- GlobalVar::tracevar variable $_widget($path,var) w "ProgressBar::_modify $path"
- after idle ProgressBar::_modify $path
- }
- bind $path.bar <Destroy> "ProgressBar::_destroy $path"
- bind $path.bar <Configure> "ProgressBar::_modify $path"
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval ProgressBar::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ProgressBar::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ProgressBar::configure { path args } {
- variable _widget
- set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
- if { [Widget::hasChangedX $path -variable] } {
- set newv [Widget::cget $path -variable]
- if { $_widget($path,var) != "" } {
- GlobalVar::tracevar vdelete $_widget($path,var) w "ProgressBar::_modify $path"
- }
- if { $newv != "" } {
- set _widget($path,var) $newv
- GlobalVar::tracevar variable $newv w "ProgressBar::_modify $path"
- after idle ProgressBar::_modify $path
- } else {
- set _widget($path,var) ""
- }
- }
- foreach {cbd cor cma} [Widget::hasChangedX $path -borderwidth \
- -orient -maximum] break
- if { $cbd || $cor || $cma } {
- after idle ProgressBar::_modify $path
- }
- if { [Widget::hasChangedX $path -foreground] } {
- set fg [Widget::cget $path -foreground]
- $path.bar itemconfigure rect -fill $fg -outline $fg
- }
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ProgressBar::cget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ProgressBar::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ProgressBar::_destroy
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ProgressBar::_destroy { path } {
- variable _widget
- if { $_widget($path,var) != "" } {
- GlobalVar::tracevar vdelete $_widget($path,var) w "ProgressBar::_modify $path"
- }
- unset _widget($path,var)
- unset _widget($path,dir)
- Widget::destroy $path
- rename $path {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ProgressBar::_modify
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ProgressBar::_modify { path args } {
- variable _widget
- if { ![GlobalVar::exists $_widget($path,var)] ||
- [set val [GlobalVar::getvar $_widget($path,var)]] < 0 } {
- catch {place forget $path.bar}
- } else {
- place $path.bar -relx 0 -rely 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
- set type [Widget::getoption $path -type]
- if { $val != 0 && [string compare $type "normal"] } {
- set val [expr {$val+$_widget($path,val)}]
- }
- set _widget($path,val) $val
- set max [Widget::getoption $path -maximum]
- set bd [expr {2*[$path.bar cget -bd]}]
- set w [winfo width $path.bar]
- set h [winfo height $path.bar]
- if { ![string compare $type "infinite"] } {
- if { $val > $max } {
- set _widget($path,dir) [expr {-$_widget($path,dir)}]
- set val 0
- set _widget($path,val) 0
- }
- if { $val <= $max/2.0 } {
- set dx0 0.0
- set dx1 [expr {double($val)/$max}]
- } else {
- set dx1 [expr {double($val)/$max}]
- set dx0 [expr {$dx1-0.5}]
- }
- if { $_widget($path,dir) == 1 } {
- set x0 $dx0
- set x1 $dx1
- } else {
- set x0 [expr {1-$dx1}]
- set x1 [expr {1-$dx0}]
- }
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -orient] "horizontal"] } {
- $path.bar coords rect [expr {$x0*$w}] 0 [expr {$x1*$w}] $h
- } else {
- $path.bar coords rect 0 [expr {$h-$x0*$h}] $w [expr {$x1*$h}]
- }
- } else {
- if { $val > $max } {set val $max}
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -orient] "horizontal"] } {
- $path.bar coords rect -1 0 [expr {$val*$w/$max}] $h
- } else {
- $path.bar coords rect 0 [expr {$h+1}] $w [expr {$h*($max-$val)}]
- }
- }
- }
- if {![Widget::cget $path -idle]} {
- update
- }
- }