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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # panedw.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - PanedWindow::create
- # - PanedWindow::configure
- # - PanedWindow::cget
- # - PanedWindow::add
- # - PanedWindow::getframe
- # - PanedWindow::_destroy
- # - PanedWindow::_beg_move_sash
- # - PanedWindow::_move_sash
- # - PanedWindow::_end_move_sash
- # - PanedWindow::_realize
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval PanedWindow {
- namespace eval Pane {
- Widget::declare PanedWindow::Pane {
- {-minsize Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"}
- {-weight Int 1 0 "%d >= 0"}
- }
- }
- Widget::declare PanedWindow {
- {-side Enum top 1 {top left bottom right}}
- {-width Int 10 1 "%d >=3"}
- {-pad Int 4 1 "%d >= 0"}
- {-background TkResource "" 0 frame}
- {-bg Synonym -background}
- {-activator Enum "" 1 {line button}}
- }
- variable _panedw
- proc ::PanedWindow { path args } { return [eval PanedWindow::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::create
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::create { path args } {
- variable _panedw
- Widget::init PanedWindow $path $args
- frame $path -background [Widget::cget $path -background] -class PanedWindow
- set _panedw($path,nbpanes) 0
- bind $path <Configure> "PanedWindow::_realize $path %w %h"
- bind $path <Destroy> "PanedWindow::_destroy $path"
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval PanedWindow::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::configure { path args } {
- variable _panedw
- set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path -background bg] && $_panedw($path,nbpanes) > 0 } {
- $path:cmd configure -background $bg
- $path.f0 configure -background $bg
- for {set i 1} {$i < $_panedw($path,nbpanes)} {incr i} {
- set frame $path.sash$i
- $frame configure -background $bg
- $frame.sep configure -background $bg
- $frame.but configure -background $bg
- $path.f$i configure -background $bg
- $path.f$i.frame configure -background $bg
- }
- }
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::cget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::add
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::add { path args } {
- variable _panedw
- set num $_panedw($path,nbpanes)
- Widget::init PanedWindow::Pane $path.f$num $args
- set bg [Widget::getoption $path -background]
- set wbut [Widget::getoption $path -width]
- set pad [Widget::getoption $path -pad]
- set width [expr {$wbut+2*$pad}]
- set side [Widget::getoption $path -side]
- if { $num > 0 } {
- set frame [frame $path.sash$num -relief flat -bd 0 \
- -highlightthickness 0 -width $width -height $width -bg $bg]
- set sep [frame $frame.sep -bd 5 -relief raised \
- -highlightthickness 0 -bg $bg]
- set but [frame $frame.but -bd 1 -relief raised \
- -highlightthickness 0 -bg $bg -width $wbut -height $wbut]
- set placeButton 1
- set sepsize 2
- set activator [Widget::getoption $path -activator]
- if {$activator == ""} {
- if { $::tcl_platform(platform) != "windows" } {
- set activator button
- } else {
- set activator line
- }
- }
- if {$activator == "button"} {
- set activator $but
- } else {
- set activator $sep
- set sepsize 4
- $sep configure -bd 3
- set placeButton 0
- }
- if { ![string compare $side "top"] || \
- ![string compare $side "bottom"] } {
- place $sep -relx 0.5 -y 0 -width $sepsize -relheight 1.0 -anchor n
- if { $placeButton } {
- if { ![string compare $side "top"] } {
- place $but -relx 0.5 -y [expr {6+$wbut/2}] -anchor c
- } else {
- place $but -relx 0.5 -rely 1.0 -y [expr {-6-$wbut/2}] \
- -anchor c
- }
- }
- $activator configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow
- grid $frame -column [expr {2*$num-1}] -row 0 -sticky ns
- grid columnconfigure $path [expr {2*$num-1}] -weight 0
- } else {
- place $sep -x 0 -rely 0.5 -height $sepsize -relwidth 1.0 -anchor w
- if { $placeButton } {
- if { ![string compare $side "left"] } {
- place $but -rely 0.5 -x [expr {6+$wbut/2}] -anchor c
- } else {
- place $but -rely 0.5 -relx 1.0 -x [expr {-6-$wbut/2}] \
- -anchor c
- }
- }
- $activator configure -cursor sb_v_double_arrow
- grid $frame -row [expr {2*$num-1}] -column 0 -sticky ew
- grid rowconfigure $path [expr {2*$num-1}] -weight 0
- }
- bind $activator <ButtonPress-1> \
- "PanedWindow::_beg_move_sash $path $num %X %Y"
- } else {
- if { ![string compare $side "top"] || \
- ![string compare $side "bottom"] } {
- grid rowconfigure $path 0 -weight 1
- } else {
- grid columnconfigure $path 0 -weight 1
- }
- }
- set pane [frame $path.f$num -bd 0 -relief flat \
- -highlightthickness 0 -bg $bg]
- set user [frame $path.f$num.frame -bd 0 -relief flat \
- -highlightthickness 0 -bg $bg]
- if { ![string compare $side "top"] || ![string compare $side "bottom"] } {
- grid $pane -column [expr {2*$num}] -row 0 -sticky nsew
- grid columnconfigure $path [expr {2*$num}] \
- -weight [Widget::getoption $path.f$num -weight]
- } else {
- grid $pane -row [expr {2*$num}] -column 0 -sticky nsew
- grid rowconfigure $path [expr {2*$num}] \
- -weight [Widget::getoption $path.f$num -weight]
- }
- pack $user -fill both -expand yes
- incr _panedw($path,nbpanes)
- return $user
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::getframe
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::getframe { path index } {
- if { [winfo exists $path.f$index.frame] } {
- return $path.f$index.frame
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::_destroy
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::_destroy { path } {
- variable _panedw
- for {set i 0} {$i < $_panedw($path,nbpanes)} {incr i} {
- Widget::destroy $path.f$i
- }
- unset _panedw($path,nbpanes)
- Widget::destroy $path
- rename $path {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::_beg_move_sash
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::_beg_move_sash { path num x y } {
- variable _panedw
- set fprev $path.f[expr {$num-1}]
- set fnext $path.f$num
- set wsash [expr {[Widget::getoption $path -width] + 2*[Widget::getoption $path -pad]}]
- $path.sash$num.but configure -relief sunken
- set top [toplevel $path.sash -borderwidth 1 -relief raised]
- set minszg [Widget::getoption $fprev -minsize]
- set minszd [Widget::getoption $fnext -minsize]
- set side [Widget::getoption $path -side]
- if { ![string compare $side "top"] || ![string compare $side "bottom"] } {
- $top configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow
- set h [winfo height $path]
- set yr [winfo rooty $path.sash$num]
- set xmin [expr {$wsash/2+[winfo rootx $fprev]+$minszg}]
- set xmax [expr {-$wsash/2-1+[winfo rootx $fnext]+[winfo width $fnext]-$minszd}]
- wm overrideredirect $top 1
- wm geom $top "2x${h}+$x+$yr"
- update idletasks
- grab set $top
- bind $top <ButtonRelease-1> "PanedWindow::_end_move_sash $path $top $num $xmin $xmax %X rootx width"
- bind $top <Motion> "PanedWindow::_move_sash $top $xmin $xmax %X +%%d+$yr"
- _move_sash $top $xmin $xmax $x "+%d+$yr"
- } else {
- $top configure -cursor sb_v_double_arrow
- set w [winfo width $path]
- set xr [winfo rootx $path.sash$num]
- set ymin [expr {$wsash/2+[winfo rooty $fprev]+$minszg}]
- set ymax [expr {-$wsash/2-1+[winfo rooty $fnext]+[winfo height $fnext]-$minszd}]
- wm overrideredirect $top 1
- wm geom $top "${w}x2+$xr+$y"
- update idletasks
- grab set $top
- bind $top <ButtonRelease-1> "PanedWindow::_end_move_sash $path $top $num $ymin $ymax %Y rooty height"
- bind $top <Motion> "PanedWindow::_move_sash $top $ymin $ymax %Y +$xr+%%d"
- _move_sash $top $ymin $ymax $y "+$xr+%d"
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::_move_sash
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::_move_sash { top min max v form } {
- if { $v < $min } {
- set v $min
- } elseif { $v > $max } {
- set v $max
- }
- wm geom $top [format $form $v]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::_end_move_sash
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::_end_move_sash { path top num min max v rootv size } {
- variable _panedw
- destroy $top
- if { $v < $min } {
- set v $min
- } elseif { $v > $max } {
- set v $max
- }
- set fprev $path.f[expr {$num-1}]
- set fnext $path.f$num
- $path.sash$num.but configure -relief raised
- set wsash [expr {[Widget::getoption $path -width] + 2*[Widget::getoption $path -pad]}]
- set dv [expr {$v-[winfo $rootv $path.sash$num]-$wsash/2}]
- set w1 [winfo $size $fprev]
- set w2 [winfo $size $fnext]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $_panedw($path,nbpanes)} {incr i} {
- if { $i == $num-1} {
- $fprev configure -$size [expr {[winfo $size $fprev]+$dv}]
- } elseif { $i == $num } {
- $fnext configure -$size [expr {[winfo $size $fnext]-$dv}]
- } else {
- $path.f$i configure -$size [winfo $size $path.f$i]
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command PanedWindow::_realize
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PanedWindow::_realize { path width height } {
- variable _panedw
- set x 0
- set y 0
- set hc [winfo reqheight $path]
- set hmax 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < $_panedw($path,nbpanes)} {incr i} {
- $path.f$i configure \
- -width [winfo reqwidth $path.f$i.frame] \
- -height [winfo reqheight $path.f$i.frame]
- place $path.f$i.frame -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
- }
- bind $path <Configure> {}
- }