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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # labelframe.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: labelframe.tcl,v 1.3 2000/03/01 02:12:39 ericm Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - LabelFrame::create
- # - LabelFrame::getframe
- # - LabelFrame::configure
- # - LabelFrame::cget
- # - LabelFrame::align
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval LabelFrame {
- BWLabel::use
- Widget::bwinclude LabelFrame BWLabel .l \
- remove {
- -highlightthickness -highlightcolor -highlightbackground
- -takefocus -relief -borderwidth
- -bitmap -image -cursor -textvariable
- -dragenabled -draginitcmd -dragendcmd -dragevent -dragtype
- -dropenabled -droptypes -dropovercmd -dropcmd} \
- initialize {-anchor w}
- Widget::declare LabelFrame {
- {-relief TkResource flat 0 frame}
- {-borderwidth TkResource 0 0 frame}
- {-side Enum left 1 {left right top bottom}}
- {-bd Synonym -borderwidth}
- }
- Widget::addmap LabelFrame "" :cmd {-background {}}
- Widget::addmap LabelFrame "" .f {-background {} -relief {} -borderwidth {}}
- Widget::syncoptions LabelFrame Label .l {-text {} -underline {}}
- bind BwLabelFrame <FocusIn> {BWLabel::setfocus %W.l}
- bind BwLabelFrame <Destroy> {Widget::destroy %W; rename %W {}}
- proc ::LabelFrame { path args } { return [eval LabelFrame::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command LabelFrame::create
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LabelFrame::create { path args } {
- Widget::init LabelFrame $path $args
- set path [eval frame $path [Widget::subcget $path :cmd] \
- -relief flat -bd 0 -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
- -class LabelFrame]
- set label [eval BWLabel::create $path.l [Widget::subcget $path .l] \
- -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 -relief flat -borderwidth 0 \
- -dropenabled 0 -dragenabled 0]
- set frame [eval frame $path.f [Widget::subcget $path .f] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0]
- switch [Widget::getoption $path -side] {
- left {set packopt "-side left"}
- right {set packopt "-side right"}
- top {set packopt "-side top -fill x"}
- bottom {set packopt "-side bottom -fill x"}
- }
- eval pack $label $packopt
- pack $frame -fill both -expand yes
- bindtags $path [list $path BwLabelFrame [winfo toplevel $path] all]
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval LabelFrame::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command LabelFrame::getframe
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LabelFrame::getframe { path } {
- return $path.f
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command LabelFrame::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LabelFrame::configure { path args } {
- return [Widget::configure $path $args]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command LabelFrame::cget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LabelFrame::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command LabelFrame::align
- # This command align label of all widget given by args of class LabelFrame
- # (or "derived") by setting their width to the max one +1
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LabelFrame::align { args } {
- set maxlen 0
- set wlist {}
- foreach wl $args {
- foreach w $wl {
- if { ![info exists Widget::_class($w)] } {
- continue
- }
- set class $Widget::_class($w)
- if { ![string compare $class "LabelFrame"] } {
- set textopt -text
- set widthopt -width
- } else {
- upvar 0 Widget::${class}::map classmap
- set textopt ""
- set widthopt ""
- set notdone 2
- foreach {option lmap} [array get classmap] {
- foreach {subpath subclass realopt} $lmap {
- if { ![string compare $subclass "LabelFrame"] } {
- if { ![string compare $realopt "-text"] } {
- set textopt $option
- incr notdone -1
- break
- }
- if { ![string compare $realopt "-width"] } {
- set widthopt $option
- incr notdone -1
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if { !$notdone } {
- break
- }
- }
- if { $notdone } {
- continue
- }
- }
- set len [string length [$w cget $textopt]]
- if { $len > $maxlen } {
- set maxlen $len
- }
- lappend wlist $w $widthopt
- }
- }
- incr maxlen
- foreach {w widthopt} $wlist {
- $w configure $widthopt $maxlen
- }
- }