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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # label.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: label.tcl,v 1.8 2001/09/06 00:08:35 andreas_kupries Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - BWLabel::create
- # - BWLabel::configure
- # - BWLabel::cget
- # - BWLabel::setfocus
- # - BWLabel::_drag_cmd
- # - BWLabel::_drop_cmd
- # - BWLabel::_over_cmd
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval BWLabel {
- Widget::tkinclude BWLabel label .l \
- remove {-foreground -text -textvariable -underline}
- Widget::declare BWLabel {
- {-name String "" 0}
- {-text String "" 0}
- {-textvariable String "" 0}
- {-underline Int -1 0 "%d >= -1"}
- {-focus String "" 0}
- {-foreground TkResource "" 0 label}
- {-disabledforeground TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-state Enum normal 0 {normal disabled}}
- {-fg Synonym -foreground}
- }
- DynamicHelp::include BWLabel balloon
- DragSite::include BWLabel "" 1
- DropSite::include BWLabel {
- TEXT {move {}}
- IMAGE {move {}}
- BITMAP {move {}}
- FGCOLOR {move {}}
- BGCOLOR {move {}}
- COLOR {move {}}
- }
- Widget::syncoptions BWLabel "" .l {-text {} -underline {}}
- proc ::Label { path args } { return [eval BWLabel::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- bind BwLabel <FocusIn> {BWLabel::setfocus %W}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::create
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::create { path args } {
- array set maps [list BWLabel {} .l {}]
- array set maps [Widget::parseArgs BWLabel $args]
- frame $path -class BWLabel -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 -relief flat
- Widget::initFromODB BWLabel $path $maps(BWLabel)
- bind real${path} <Destroy> {Widget::destroy %W; rename %W {}}
- eval label $path.l $maps(.l)
- if { [Widget::cget $path -state] == "normal" } {
- set fg [Widget::cget $path -foreground]
- } else {
- set fg [Widget::cget $path -disabledforeground]
- }
- set var [Widget::cget $path -textvariable]
- if { $var == "" &&
- [Widget::cget $path -image] == "" &&
- [Widget::cget $path -bitmap] == ""} {
- set desc [BWidget::getname [Widget::cget $path -name]]
- if { $desc != "" } {
- set text [lindex $desc 0]
- set under [lindex $desc 1]
- } else {
- set text [Widget::cget $path -text]
- set under [Widget::cget $path -underline]
- }
- } else {
- set under -1
- set text ""
- }
- $path.l configure -text $text -textvariable $var \
- -underline $under -foreground $fg
- set accel [string tolower [string index $text $under]]
- if { $accel != "" } {
- bind [winfo toplevel $path] <Alt-$accel> "BWLabel::setfocus $path"
- }
- bindtags $path.l [list $path.l $path Label [winfo toplevel $path] all]
- bindtags $path [list real${path} BwLabel [winfo toplevel $path] all]
- pack $path.l -expand yes -fill both
- DragSite::setdrag $path $path.l BWLabel::_init_drag_cmd [Widget::cget $path -dragendcmd] 1
- DropSite::setdrop $path $path.l BWLabel::_over_cmd BWLabel::_drop_cmd 1
- DynamicHelp::sethelp $path $path.l 1
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval BWLabel::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::configure { path args } {
- set oldunder [$path.l cget -underline]
- if { $oldunder != -1 } {
- set oldaccel [string tolower [string index [$path.l cget -text] $oldunder]]
- } else {
- set oldaccel ""
- }
- set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
- set cfg [Widget::hasChanged $path -foreground fg]
- set cdfg [Widget::hasChanged $path -disabledforeground dfg]
- set cst [Widget::hasChanged $path -state state]
- if { $cst || $cfg || $cdfg } {
- if { $state == "normal" } {
- $path.l configure -fg $fg
- } else {
- $path.l configure -fg $dfg
- }
- }
- set cv [Widget::hasChanged $path -textvariable var]
- set cb [Widget::hasChanged $path -image img]
- set ci [Widget::hasChanged $path -bitmap bmp]
- set cn [Widget::hasChanged $path -name name]
- set ct [Widget::hasChanged $path -text text]
- set cu [Widget::hasChanged $path -underline under]
- if { $cv || $cb || $ci || $cn || $ct || $cu } {
- if { $var == "" && $img == "" && $bmp == "" } {
- set desc [BWidget::getname $name]
- if { $desc != "" } {
- set text [lindex $desc 0]
- set under [lindex $desc 1]
- }
- } else {
- set under -1
- set text ""
- }
- set top [winfo toplevel $path]
- if { $oldaccel != "" } {
- bind $top <Alt-$oldaccel> {}
- }
- set accel [string tolower [string index $text $under]]
- if { $accel != "" } {
- bind $top <Alt-$accel> "BWLabel::setfocus $path"
- }
- $path.l configure -text $text -underline $under -textvariable $var
- }
- set force [Widget::hasChanged $path -dragendcmd dragend]
- DragSite::setdrag $path $path.l BWLabel::_init_drag_cmd $dragend $force
- DropSite::setdrop $path $path.l BWLabel::_over_cmd BWLabel::_drop_cmd
- DynamicHelp::sethelp $path $path.l
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::cget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::setfocus
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::setfocus { path } {
- if { ![string compare [Widget::cget $path -state] "normal"] } {
- set w [Widget::cget $path -focus]
- if { [winfo exists $w] && [Widget::focusOK $w] } {
- focus $w
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::_init_drag_cmd
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::_init_drag_cmd { path X Y top } {
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- if { [set cmd [Widget::cget $path -draginitcmd]] != "" } {
- return [uplevel \#0 $cmd [list $path $X $Y $top]]
- }
- if { [set data [$path.l cget -image]] != "" } {
- set type "IMAGE"
- pack [label $top.l -image $data]
- } elseif { [set data [$path.l cget -bitmap]] != "" } {
- set type "BITMAP"
- pack [label $top.l -bitmap $data]
- } else {
- set data [$path.l cget -text]
- set type "TEXT"
- }
- set usertype [Widget::getoption $path -dragtype]
- if { $usertype != "" } {
- set type $usertype
- }
- return [list $type {copy} $data]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::_drop_cmd
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::_drop_cmd { path source X Y op type data } {
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- if { [set cmd [Widget::cget $path -dropcmd]] != "" } {
- return [uplevel \#0 $cmd [list $path $source $X $Y $op $type $data]]
- }
- if { $type == "COLOR" || $type == "FGCOLOR" } {
- configure $path -foreground $data
- } elseif { $type == "BGCOLOR" } {
- configure $path -background $data
- } else {
- set text ""
- set image ""
- set bitmap ""
- switch -- $type {
- IMAGE {set image $data}
- BITMAP {set bitmap $data}
- default {
- set text $data
- if { [set var [$path.l cget -textvariable]] != "" } {
- configure $path -image "" -bitmap ""
- GlobalVar::setvar $var $data
- return
- }
- }
- }
- configure $path -text $text -image $image -bitmap $bitmap
- }
- return 1
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command BWLabel::_over_cmd
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BWLabel::_over_cmd { path source event X Y op type data } {
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- if { [set cmd [Widget::cget $path -dropovercmd]] != "" } {
- return [uplevel \#0 $cmd [list $path $source $event $X $Y $op $type $data]]
- }
- if { [Widget::getoption $path -state] == "normal" ||
- $type == "COLOR" || $type == "FGCOLOR" || $type == "BGCOLOR" } {
- DropSite::setcursor based_arrow_down
- return 1
- }
- DropSite::setcursor dot
- return 0
- }