home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # arrow.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # Public commands
- # - ArrowButton::create
- # - ArrowButton::configure
- # - ArrowButton::cget
- # - ArrowButton::invoke
- # Private commands (redraw commands)
- # - ArrowButton::_redraw
- # - ArrowButton::_redraw_state
- # - ArrowButton::_redraw_relief
- # - ArrowButton::_redraw_whole
- # Private commands (event bindings)
- # - ArrowButton::_destroy
- # - ArrowButton::_enter
- # - ArrowButton::_leave
- # - ArrowButton::_press
- # - ArrowButton::_release
- # - ArrowButton::_repeat
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval ArrowButton {
- Widget::tkinclude ArrowButton button .c \
- include [list \
- -borderwidth -bd \
- -relief -highlightbackground \
- -highlightcolor -highlightthickness -takefocus]
- Widget::declare ArrowButton [list \
- [list -type Enum button 0 [list arrow button]] \
- [list -dir Enum top 0 [list top bottom left right]] \
- [list -width Int 15 0 "%d >= 0"] \
- [list -height Int 15 0 "%d >= 0"] \
- [list -ipadx Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"] \
- [list -ipady Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"] \
- [list -clean Int 2 0 "%d >= 0 && %d <= 2"] \
- [list -activeforeground TkResource "" 0 button] \
- [list -activebackground TkResource "" 0 button] \
- [list -disabledforeground TkResource "" 0 button] \
- [list -foreground TkResource "" 0 button] \
- [list -background TkResource "" 0 button] \
- [list -state TkResource "" 0 button] \
- [list -troughcolor TkResource "" 0 scrollbar] \
- [list -arrowbd Int 1 0 "%d >= 0 && %d <= 2"] \
- [list -arrowrelief Enum raised 0 [list raised sunken]] \
- [list -command String "" 0] \
- [list -armcommand String "" 0] \
- [list -disarmcommand String "" 0] \
- [list -repeatdelay Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"] \
- [list -repeatinterval Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"] \
- [list -fg Synonym -foreground] \
- [list -bg Synonym -background] \
- ]
- DynamicHelp::include ArrowButton balloon
- proc ::ArrowButton { path args } { return [eval ArrowButton::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- bind BwArrowButtonC <Enter> {ArrowButton::_enter %W}
- bind BwArrowButtonC <Leave> {ArrowButton::_leave %W}
- bind BwArrowButtonC <ButtonPress-1> {ArrowButton::_press %W}
- bind BwArrowButtonC <ButtonRelease-1> {ArrowButton::_release %W}
- bind BwArrowButtonC <Key-space> {ArrowButton::invoke %W; break}
- bind BwArrowButtonC <Return> {ArrowButton::invoke %W; break}
- bind BwArrowButton <Configure> {ArrowButton::_redraw_whole %W %w %h}
- bind BwArrowButton <Destroy> {ArrowButton::_destroy %W}
- variable _grab
- variable _moved
- array set _grab {current "" pressed "" oldstate "" oldrelief ""}
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::create
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::create { path args } {
- # Initialize configuration mappings and parse arguments
- array set submaps [list ArrowButton [list ] .c [list ]]
- array set submaps [Widget::parseArgs ArrowButton $args]
- # Create the class frame (so we can do the option db queries)
- frame $path -class ArrowButton -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
- Widget::initFromODB ArrowButton $path $submaps(ArrowButton)
- # Create the canvas with the initial options
- eval canvas $path.c $submaps(.c)
- # Compute the width and height of the canvas from the width/height
- # of the ArrowButton and the borderwidth/hightlightthickness.
- set w [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -width]
- set h [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -height]
- set bd [Widget::cget $path -borderwidth]
- set ht [Widget::cget $path -highlightthickness]
- set pad [expr {2*($bd+$ht)}]
- $path.c configure -width [expr {$w-$pad}] -height [expr {$h-$pad}]
- bindtags $path [list $path BwArrowButton [winfo toplevel $path] all]
- bindtags $path.c [list $path.c BwArrowButtonC [winfo toplevel $path.c] all]
- pack $path.c -expand yes -fill both
- DynamicHelp::sethelp $path $path.c 1
- set ::ArrowButton::_moved($path) 0
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval ArrowButton::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::configure
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::configure { path args } {
- set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
- set ch1 [expr {[Widget::hasChanged $path -width w] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -height h] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -borderwidth bd] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -highlightthickness ht]}]
- set ch2 [expr {[Widget::hasChanged $path -type val] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -ipadx val] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -ipady val] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -arrowbd val] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -clean val] |
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -dir val]}]
- if { $ch1 } {
- set pad [expr {2*($bd+$ht)}]
- $path.c configure \
- -width [expr {$w-$pad}] -height [expr {$h-$pad}] \
- -borderwidth $bd -highlightthickness $ht
- set ch2 1
- }
- if { $ch2 } {
- _redraw_whole $path [winfo width $path] [winfo height $path]
- } else {
- _redraw_relief $path
- _redraw_state $path
- }
- DynamicHelp::sethelp $path $path.c
- return $res
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::cget
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::invoke
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::invoke { path } {
- if { ![string equal [winfo class $path] "ArrowButton"] } {
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- }
- if { [string compare [Widget::getoption $path -state] "disabled"] } {
- set oldstate [Widget::getoption $path -state]
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- set oldrelief [Widget::getoption $path -relief]
- configure $path -state active -relief sunken
- } else {
- set oldrelief [Widget::getoption $path -arrowrelief]
- configure $path -state active -arrowrelief sunken
- }
- update idletasks
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -armcommand]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- after 10
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- configure $path -state $oldstate -relief $oldrelief
- } else {
- configure $path -state $oldstate -arrowrelief $oldrelief
- }
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -disarmcommand]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -command]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_redraw
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_redraw { path width height } {
- variable _moved
- set _moved($path) 0
- set type [Widget::getoption $path -type]
- set dir [Widget::getoption $path -dir]
- set bd [expr {[$path.c cget -borderwidth] + [$path.c cget -highlightthickness] + 1}]
- set clean [Widget::getoption $path -clean]
- if { ![string compare $type "arrow"] } {
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag rect]] == "" } {
- $path.c create rectangle $bd $bd [expr {$width-$bd-1}] [expr {$height-$bd-1}] -tags rect
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $bd $bd [expr {$width-$bd-1}] [expr {$height-$bd-1}]
- }
- $path.c lower rect
- set arrbd [Widget::getoption $path -arrowbd]
- set bd [expr {$bd+$arrbd-1}]
- } else {
- $path.c delete rect
- }
- # w and h are max width and max height of arrow
- set w [expr {$width - 2*([Widget::getoption $path -ipadx]+$bd)}]
- set h [expr {$height - 2*([Widget::getoption $path -ipady]+$bd)}]
- if { $w < 2 } {set w 2}
- if { $h < 2 } {set h 2}
- if { $clean > 0 } {
- # arrange for base to be odd
- if { ![string compare $dir "top"] ||
- ![string compare $dir "bottom"] } {
- if { !($w % 2) } {
- incr w -1
- }
- if { $clean == 2 } {
- # arrange for h = (w+1)/2
- set h2 [expr {($w+1)/2}]
- if { $h2 > $h } {
- set w [expr {2*$h-1}]
- } else {
- set h $h2
- }
- }
- } else {
- if { !($h % 2) } {
- incr h -1
- }
- if { $clean == 2 } {
- # arrange for w = (h+1)/2
- set w2 [expr {($h+1)/2}]
- if { $w2 > $w } {
- set h [expr {2*$w-1}]
- } else {
- set w $w2
- }
- }
- }
- }
- set x0 [expr {($width-$w)/2}]
- set y0 [expr {($height-$h)/2}]
- set x1 [expr {$x0+$w-1}]
- set y1 [expr {$y0+$h-1}]
- switch $dir {
- top {
- set xd [expr {($x0+$x1)/2}]
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag poly]] == "" } {
- $path.c create polygon $x0 $y1 $x1 $y1 $xd $y0 -tags poly
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x0 $y1 $x1 $y1 $xd $y0
- }
- if { ![string compare $type "arrow"] } {
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag bot]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x0 $y1 $x1 $y1 $xd $y0 -tags bot
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x0 $y1 $x1 $y1 $xd $y0
- }
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag top]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x0 $y1 $xd $y0 -tags top
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x0 $y1 $xd $y0
- }
- $path.c itemconfigure top -width $arrbd
- $path.c itemconfigure bot -width $arrbd
- } else {
- $path.c delete top
- $path.c delete bot
- }
- }
- bottom {
- set xd [expr {($x0+$x1)/2}]
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag poly]] == "" } {
- $path.c create polygon $x1 $y0 $x0 $y0 $xd $y1 -tags poly
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x1 $y0 $x0 $y0 $xd $y1
- }
- if { ![string compare $type "arrow"] } {
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag top]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x1 $y0 $x0 $y0 $xd $y1 -tags top
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x1 $y0 $x0 $y0 $xd $y1
- }
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag bot]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x1 $y0 $xd $y1 -tags bot
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x1 $y0 $xd $y1
- }
- $path.c itemconfigure top -width $arrbd
- $path.c itemconfigure bot -width $arrbd
- } else {
- $path.c delete top
- $path.c delete bot
- }
- }
- left {
- set yd [expr {($y0+$y1)/2}]
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag poly]] == "" } {
- $path.c create polygon $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $yd -tags poly
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $yd
- }
- if { ![string compare $type "arrow"] } {
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag bot]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $yd -tags bot
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $yd
- }
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag top]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x1 $y0 $x0 $yd -tags top
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x1 $y0 $x0 $yd
- }
- $path.c itemconfigure top -width $arrbd
- $path.c itemconfigure bot -width $arrbd
- } else {
- $path.c delete top
- $path.c delete bot
- }
- }
- right {
- set yd [expr {($y0+$y1)/2}]
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag poly]] == "" } {
- $path.c create polygon $x0 $y1 $x0 $y0 $x1 $yd -tags poly
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x0 $y1 $x0 $y0 $x1 $yd
- }
- if { ![string compare $type "arrow"] } {
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag top]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x0 $y1 $x0 $y0 $x1 $yd -tags top
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x0 $y1 $x0 $y0 $x1 $yd
- }
- if { [set id [$path.c find withtag bot]] == "" } {
- $path.c create line $x0 $y1 $x1 $yd -tags bot
- } else {
- $path.c coords $id $x0 $y1 $x1 $yd
- }
- $path.c itemconfigure top -width $arrbd
- $path.c itemconfigure bot -width $arrbd
- } else {
- $path.c delete top
- $path.c delete bot
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_redraw_state
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_redraw_state { path } {
- set state [Widget::getoption $path -state]
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- switch $state {
- normal {set bg -background; set fg -foreground}
- active {set bg -activebackground; set fg -activeforeground}
- disabled {set bg -background; set fg -disabledforeground}
- }
- set fg [Widget::getoption $path $fg]
- $path.c configure -background [Widget::getoption $path $bg]
- $path.c itemconfigure poly -fill $fg -outline $fg
- } else {
- switch $state {
- normal {set stipple ""; set bg [Widget::getoption $path -background] }
- active {set stipple ""; set bg [Widget::getoption $path -activebackground] }
- disabled {set stipple gray50; set bg black }
- }
- set thrc [Widget::getoption $path -troughcolor]
- $path.c configure -background [Widget::getoption $path -background]
- $path.c itemconfigure rect -fill $thrc -outline $thrc
- $path.c itemconfigure poly -fill $bg -outline $bg -stipple $stipple
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_redraw_relief
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_redraw_relief { path } {
- variable _moved
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -relief] "sunken"] } {
- if { !$_moved($path) } {
- $path.c move poly 1 1
- set _moved($path) 1
- }
- } else {
- if { $_moved($path) } {
- $path.c move poly -1 -1
- set _moved($path) 0
- }
- }
- } else {
- set col3d [BWidget::get3dcolor $path [Widget::getoption $path -background]]
- switch [Widget::getoption $path -arrowrelief] {
- raised {set top [lindex $col3d 1]; set bot [lindex $col3d 0]}
- sunken {set top [lindex $col3d 0]; set bot [lindex $col3d 1]}
- }
- $path.c itemconfigure top -fill $top
- $path.c itemconfigure bot -fill $bot
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_redraw_whole
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_redraw_whole { path width height } {
- _redraw $path $width $height
- _redraw_relief $path
- _redraw_state $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_destroy
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_destroy { path } {
- variable _moved
- Widget::destroy $path
- unset _moved($path)
- rename $path {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_enter
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_enter { path } {
- variable _grab
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- set _grab(current) $path
- if { [string compare [Widget::getoption $path -state] "disabled"] } {
- set _grab(oldstate) [Widget::getoption $path -state]
- configure $path -state active
- if { $_grab(pressed) == $path } {
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- set _grab(oldrelief) [Widget::getoption $path -relief]
- configure $path -relief sunken
- } else {
- set _grab(oldrelief) [Widget::getoption $path -arrowrelief]
- configure $path -arrowrelief sunken
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_leave
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_leave { path } {
- variable _grab
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- set _grab(current) ""
- if { [string compare [Widget::getoption $path -state] "disabled"] } {
- configure $path -state $_grab(oldstate)
- if { $_grab(pressed) == $path } {
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- configure $path -relief $_grab(oldrelief)
- } else {
- configure $path -arrowrelief $_grab(oldrelief)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_press
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_press { path } {
- variable _grab
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- if { [string compare [Widget::getoption $path -state] "disabled"] } {
- set _grab(pressed) $path
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- set _grab(oldrelief) [Widget::getoption $path -relief]
- configure $path -relief sunken
- } else {
- set _grab(oldrelief) [Widget::getoption $path -arrowrelief]
- configure $path -arrowrelief sunken
- }
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -armcommand]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- if { [set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatdelay]] > 0 ||
- [set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatinterval]] > 0 } {
- after $delay "ArrowButton::_repeat $path"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_release
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_release { path } {
- variable _grab
- set path [winfo parent $path]
- if { $_grab(pressed) == $path } {
- set _grab(pressed) ""
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -type] "button"] } {
- configure $path -relief $_grab(oldrelief)
- } else {
- configure $path -arrowrelief $_grab(oldrelief)
- }
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -disarmcommand]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- if { $_grab(current) == $path &&
- [string compare [Widget::getoption $path -state] "disabled"] &&
- [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -command]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command ArrowButton::_repeat
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArrowButton::_repeat { path } {
- variable _grab
- if { $_grab(current) == $path && $_grab(pressed) == $path &&
- [string compare [Widget::getoption $path -state] "disabled"] &&
- [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -armcommand]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- if { $_grab(pressed) == $path &&
- ([set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatinterval]] > 0 ||
- [set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatdelay]] > 0) } {
- after $delay "ArrowButton::_repeat $path"
- }
- }