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- /****************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* FILE: stat_dist.h */
- /* WRITTEN BY: Jonathan G. Fiscus */
- /* DATE: April 14 1989 */
- /* USAGE: for definition of the statistical table */
- /* structures and macros to access them */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- /****************************************************************/
- /* test results */
- /****************************************************************/
- #define TEST_DIFF 1
- #define NO_DIFF 0
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Z table lookup defines */
- /****************************************************************/
- #define PER99 0
- #define PER98 1
- #define PER97 2
- #define PER96 3
- #define PER95 4
- #define PER94 5
- #define PER93 6
- #define PER92 7
- #define PER91 8
- #define PER90 9
- #define MAX_Z_PER PER99
- #define MIN_Z_PER PER90
- #define GEN_Z_PER PER95
- /****************************************************************/
- /* chi squared table lookup defines */
- /****************************************************************/
- #define PER99 0
- #define DF1 0
- #define DF2 1
- #define DF3 2
- #define DF4 3
- #define DF5 4
- #define DF6 5
- #define DF7 6
- #define DF8 7
- #define DF9 8
- #define DF10 9
- #define DF11 10
- #define DF12 11
- #define DF13 12
- #define DF14 13
- #define DF15 14
- #define DF16 15
- #define DF17 16
- #define DF18 17
- #define DF19 18
- #define DF20 19
- #define DF21 20
- #define DF22 21
- #define DF23 22
- #define DF24 23
- #define DF25 24
- #define DF26 25
- #define DF27 26
- #define DF28 27
- #define DF29 28
- #define DF30 29
- #define X2PER99 0
- #define X2PER98 1
- #define X2PER95 2
- #define X2PER90 3
- #define X2PER80 4
- #define X2PER70 5
- #define X2PER50 6
- #define X2PER30 7
- #define X2PER20 8
- #define X2PER10 9
- #define X2PER5 10
- #define X2PER2 11
- #define X2PER1 12
- #define X2PER_1 13
- #define MAX_DF DF30
- #define MIN_DF DF1
- #define MAX_X2_PER X2PER_1
- #define MIN_X2_PER X2PER99
- #define GEN_X2_PER X2PER5
- /************************************************************/
- /* Statistical distribution structure definitions */
- /************************************************************/
- typedef struct Z_struct{
- double z;
- char *str;
- char *exterior_str;
- double perc_interior;
- typedef struct X2_df{
- char *str;
- double level[MAX_X2_PER+1];
- } X2_DF;
- typedef struct X2_struct{
- char *per_str[MAX_X2_PER+1];
- char *neg_per_str[MAX_X2_PER+1];
- X2_DF df[MAX_DF+1];
- } X2_STRUCT;
- #define Z_score(_strct,_pct) _strct[_pct].z
- #define Z_str(_strct,_pct) _strct[_pct].str
- #define Z_ext_str(_strct,_pct) _strct[_pct].exterior_str
- #define Z_inter(_strct,_pct) _strct[_pct].perc_interior
- #define Z_exter(_strct,_pct) (1.000000 - Z_inter(_strct,_pct))
- #define X2_pct_str(_pct) X2.per_str[_pct]
- #define X2_neg_pct_str(_pct) X2.neg_per_str[_pct]
- #define X2_df(_df) X2.df[_df]
- #define X2_df_str(_df) X2_df(_df).str
- #define X2_score(_df,_pct) X2_df(_df).level[_pct]
- extern Z_STRUCT Z2tail[];
- extern Z_STRUCT Z1tail[];
- extern X2_STRUCT X2;
- #define SILENT FALSE
- #define VERBOSE TRUE
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(sgi)
- #define PROTO(ARGS) ARGS
- #else
- #define PROTO(ARGS) ()
- #endif
- /* statdist.c */ void dump_X2_table PROTO((void)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ void calc_mean_var_std_dev_Zstat PROTO((int *Z_list, int num_Z, double *mean, double *variance, double *std_dev, double *Z_stat)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ void calc_mean_var_std_dev_Zstat_double PROTO((double *Z_list, int num_Z, double *mean, double *variance, double *std_dev, double *Z_stat)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ void calc_mean_var_std_dev_Zstat_double PROTO((double *Z_list, int num_Z, double *mean, double *variance, double *std_dev, double *Z_stat));
- /* statdist.c */ int print_Z_analysis PROTO((double Z_stat)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ int Z_pass PROTO((double Z_stat)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ void calc_two_sample_z_test_double PROTO((double *l1, double *l2, int num_l1, int num_l2, double *Z)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ double compute_acc_binomial PROTO((int R, int n, double p)) ;
- /* statdist.c */ double seq_mult PROTO((int f, int )) ;
- /* statdist.c */ double n_CHOOSE_r PROTO((int n, int r)) ;