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- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
- ## spreadsheet.tcl
- ##
- ## This demos shows how you can simulate a 3D table
- ## and has other basic features to begin a basic spreadsheet
- ##
- ## jeff.hobbs@acm.org
- source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
- array set table {
- rows 10
- cols 10
- page AA
- table .table
- default pink
- AA orange
- BB blue
- CC green
- }
- proc colorize num { if {$num>0 && $num%2} { return colored } }
- proc fill {array {r 10} {c 10}} {
- upvar \#0 $array ary
- for {set i 0} {$i < $r} {incr i} {
- for {set j 0} {$j < $c} {incr j} {
- if {$j && $i} {
- set ary($i,$j) "$array $i,$j"
- } elseif {$i} {
- set ary($i,$j) "$i"
- } elseif {$j} {
- set ary($i,$j) [format %c [expr 64+$j]]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc changepage {w e name el op} {
- global $name table
- if {[string comp {} $el]} { set name [list $name\($el\)] }
- set i [set $name]
- if {[string comp $i [$w cget -var]]} {
- $w sel clear all
- $w config -variable $i
- $e config -textvar ${i}(active)
- $w activate origin
- if {[info exists table($i)]} {
- $w tag config colored -bg $table($i)
- } else {
- $w tag config colored -bg $table(default)
- }
- $w see active
- }
- }
- label .example -text "TkTable v1 Spreadsheet Example"
- label .current -textvar table(current) -width 5
- entry .active -textvar $table(page)(active)
- label .lpage -text "PAGE:" -width 6 -anchor e
- tk_optionMenu .page table(page) AA BB CC DD
- fill $table(page)
- fill BB [expr {$table(rows)/2}] [expr {$table(cols)/2}]
- trace var table(page) w [list changepage $table(table) .active]
- set t $table(table)
- table $t \
- -rows $table(rows) \
- -cols $table(cols) \
- -variable $table(page) \
- -titlerows 1 \
- -titlecols 1 \
- -yscrollcommand { .sy set } \
- -xscrollcommand { .sx set } \
- -coltagcommand colorize \
- -flashmode on \
- -selectmode extended \
- -colstretch unset \
- -rowstretch unset \
- -width 5 -height 5 \
- -browsecommand {set table(current) %S}
- $t tag config colored -bg $table($table(page))
- $t tag config title -fg red -relief groove
- $t tag config blue -bg blue
- $t tag config green -bg green
- $t tag cell green 6,3 5,7 4,9
- $t tag cell blue 8,8
- $t tag row blue 7
- $t tag col blue 6 8
- $t width 0 3 2 7
- scrollbar .sy -command [list $t yview]
- scrollbar .sx -command [list $t xview] -orient horizontal
- button .exit -text "Exit" -command exit
- grid .example - - - - -sticky ew
- grid .current .active .lpage .page - -sticky ew
- grid $t - - - .sy -sticky ns
- grid .sx - - - -sticky ew
- grid .exit - - - - -sticky ew
- grid columnconfig . 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfig . 2 -weight 1
- grid config $t -sticky news
- bind .active <Return> [list tkTableMoveCell $t 1 0]
- menu .menu
- menu .menu.file
- . config -menu .menu
- .menu add cascade -label "File" -underline 0 -menu .menu.file
- .menu.file add command -label "Fill Array" -command { fill $table(page) }
- .menu.file add command -label "Quit" -command exit
- puts [list Table is $table(table) with array [$table(table) cget -var]]