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- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
- ## dynarows.tcl
- ##
- ## This demos shows the use of the validation mechanism of the table
- ## and uses the table's cache (no -command or -variable) with a cute
- ## dynamic row routine.
- ##
- ## jeff.hobbs@acm.org
- source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
- proc table_validate {w idx} {
- if {[scan $idx %d,%d row col] != 2} return
- set val [$w get $idx]
- ## Entries in the last row are allowed to be empty
- set nrows [$w cget -rows]
- if {$row == ${nrows}-1 && [string match {} $val]} { return }
- if {[catch {clock scan $val} time]} {
- bell
- $w activate $idx
- $w selection clear all
- $w selection set active
- $w see active
- } else {
- set date {}
- foreach item [clock format $time -format "%m %d %Y"] {
- lappend date [string trimleft $item "0"]
- }
- $w set $idx [join $date "/"]
- if {$row == ${nrows}-1} {
- ## if this is the last row and both cols 1 && 2 are not empty
- ## then add a row and redo configs
- if {[string comp [$w get $row,1] {}] && \
- [string comp [$w get $row,2] {}]} {
- $w tag row {} $row
- $w set $row,0 $row
- $w configure -rows [incr nrows]
- $w tag row unset [incr row]
- $w set $row,0 "*"
- $w see $row,1
- $w activate $row,1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- label .example -text "Dynamic Date Validated Rows"
- set t .table
- table $t -rows 2 -cols 3 -cache 1 -selecttype row \
- -titlerows 1 -titlecols 1 \
- -yscrollcommand { .sy set } \
- -xscrollcommand { .sx set } \
- -height 5 -colstretch unset -rowstretch unset \
- -autoclear 1 -browsecommand {table_validate %W %s}
- $t set 0,1 "Begin" 0,2 "End" 1,0 "*"
- $t tag config unset -fg \#008811
- $t tag config title -fg red
- $t tag row unset 1
- $t width 0 3
- scrollbar .sy -command [list $t yview]
- scrollbar .sx -command [list $t xview] -orient horizontal
- grid .example - -sticky ew
- grid $t .sy -sticky news
- grid .sx -sticky ew
- grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
- bind $t <Return> {
- set r [%W index active row]
- set c [%W index active col]
- if {$c == 2} {
- %W activate [incr r],1
- } else {
- %W activate $r,[incr c]
- }
- %W see active
- break
- }
- bind $t <KP_Enter> [bind $t <Return>]