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- # @(#) $Id: ss.tcl,v 1.11 2001/06/17 22:45:35 peter Exp $
- #
- # This script implements the "ss" application. "ss" implements
- # a presentation slide-show based on HTML slides.
- #
- wm title . {Tk Slide Show}
- wm iconname . {SlideShow}
- package require Tkhtml
- # Attempt to load the HTML widget if it isn't already part
- # of the interpreter
- #
- if {[info command html]==""} {
- foreach f {
- ./tkhtml.so
- /usr/lib/tkhtml.so
- /usr/local/lib/tkhtml.so
- ./tkhtml.dll
- } {
- if {[file exists $f]} {
- if {[catch {load $f Tkhtml}]==0} break
- }
- }
- }
- # Pick the initial filename from the command line
- #
- set HtmlTraceMask 0
- set file {}
- foreach a $argv {
- if {[regexp {^debug=} $a]} {
- scan $a "debug=0x%x" HtmlTraceMask
- } else {
- set file $a
- }
- }
- # These are images to use with the actual image specified in a
- # "<img>" markup can't be found.
- #
- image create photo biggray -data {
- 6sq27gvH8kzX9o3n+s73/g8MCofEovGITCqXzKbzCY1Kp9Sq9YrNFgsAO///
- }
- image create photo smgray -data {
- 6sq27gvH8kzX9m0VADv/
- }
- # Build the half-size view of the page
- #
- frame .mbar -bd 2 -relief raised
- pack .mbar -side top -fill x
- menubutton .mbar.help -text File -underline 0 -menu .mbar.help.m
- pack .mbar.help -side left -padx 5
- set m [menu .mbar.help.m]
- $m add command -label Open -underline 0 -command Load
- $m add command -label {Full Screen} -underline 0 -command FullScreen
- $m add command -label Refresh -underline 0 -command Refresh
- $m add separator
- $m add command -label Exit -underline 1 -command exit
- frame .h
- pack .h -side top -fill both -expand 1
- html .h.h \
- -width 512 -height 384 \
- -yscrollcommand {.h.vsb set} \
- -xscrollcommand {.f2.hsb set} \
- -padx 5 \
- -pady 9 \
- -formcommand FormCmd \
- -imagecommand "ImageCmd 1" \
- -scriptcommand ScriptCmd \
- -appletcommand AppletCmd \
- -hyperlinkcommand HyperCmd \
- -fontcommand pickFont \
- -appletcommand {runApplet small} \
- -bg white -tablerelief raised
- .h.h token handler meta "Meta .h.h"
- if {$HtmlTraceMask} {
- .h.h config -tablerelief flat
- }
- # This routine is called to pick fonts for the half-size window.
- #
- proc pickFont {size attrs} {
- # puts "FontCmd: $size $attrs"
- set a [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs fixed]?{courier}:{charter}}]
- set b [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs italic]?{italic}:{roman}}]
- set c [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs bold]?{bold}:{normal}}]
- set d [expr {int(12*pow(1.2,$size-4))}]
- list $a $d $b $c
- }
- # This routine is called to pick fonts for the fullscreen view.
- #
- set baseFontSize 24
- proc pickFontFS {size attrs} {
- # puts "FontCmd: $size $attrs"
- set a [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs fixed]?{courier}:{charter}}]
- set b [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs italic]?{italic}:{roman}}]
- set c [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs bold]?{bold}:{normal}}]
- global baseFontSize
- set d [expr {int($baseFontSize*pow(1.2,$size-4))}]
- list $a $d $b $c
- }
- proc HyperCmd {args} {
- puts "HyperlinkCommand: $args"
- }
- # This routine is called to run an applet
- #
- proc runApplet {size w arglist} {
- global AppletArg
- catch {unset AppletArg}
- foreach {name value} $arglist {
- set AppletArg([string tolower $name]) $value
- }
- if {![info exists AppletArg(src)]} return
- set src [.h.h resolve $AppletArg(src)]
- set AppletArg(window) $w
- set AppletArg(fontsize) $size
- if {[catch {uplevel #0 "source $src"} msg]} {
- puts "Applet error: $msg"
- }
- }
- proc FormCmd {n cmd args} {
- # puts "FormCmd: $n $cmd $args"
- # switch $cmd {
- # select -
- # textarea -
- # input {
- # set w [lindex $args 0]
- # label $w -image smgray
- # }
- # }
- }
- proc ImageCmd {hs args} {
- global OldImages Images
- set fn [lindex $args 0]
- if {[info exists OldImages($fn)]} {
- set Images($fn) $OldImages($fn)
- unset OldImages($fn)
- return $Images($fn)
- }
- if {[catch {image create photo -file $fn} img]} {
- if {$hs} {
- return smallgray
- } else {
- return biggray
- }
- }
- if {$hs} {
- set img2 [image create photo]
- $img2 copy $img -subsample 2 2
- image delete $img
- set img $img2
- }
- if {[image width $img]*[image height $img]>20000} {
- global BigImages
- set b [image create photo -width [image width $img] \
- -height [image height $img]]
- set BigImages($b) $img
- set img $b
- after idle "MoveBigImage $b"
- }
- set Images($fn) $img
- return $img
- }
- proc MoveBigImage b {
- global BigImages
- if {![info exists BigImages($b)]} return
- $b copy $BigImages($b)
- image delete $BigImages($b)
- unset BigImages($b)
- }
- proc ScriptCmd {args} {
- # puts "ScriptCmd: $args"
- }
- proc AppletCmd {w arglist} {
- # puts "AppletCmd: w=$w arglist=$arglist"
- # label $w -text "The Applet $w" -bd 2 -relief raised
- }
- # This binding fires when there is a click on a hyperlink
- #
- proc HrefBinding {w x y} {
- set new [$w href $x $y]
- # puts "link to [list $new]";
- if {$new!=""} {
- ProcessUrl $new
- }
- }
- bind HtmlClip <1> {KeyPress %W Down}
- bind HtmlClip <3> {KeyPress %W Up}
- bind HtmlClip <2> {KeyPress %w Down}
- # Clicking button three on the small screen causes the full-screen view
- # to appear.
- #
- # bind .h.h.x <3> FullScreen
- # Handle all keypress events on the screen
- #
- bind HtmlClip <KeyPress> {KeyPress %W %K}
- proc KeyPress {w keysym} {
- global hotkey key_block
- if {[info exists key_block]} return
- set key_block 1
- after 250 {catch {unset key_block}}
- if {[info exists hotkey($keysym)]} {
- ProcessUrl $hotkey($keysym)
- }
- switch -- $keysym {
- Escape {
- if {[winfo exists .fs]} {FullScreenOff} {FullScreen}
- }
- }
- }
- # Finish building the half-size screen
- #
- pack .h.h -side left -fill both -expand 1
- scrollbar .h.vsb -orient vertical -command {.h.h yview}
- pack .h.vsb -side left -fill y
- frame .f2
- pack .f2 -side top -fill x
- frame .f2.sp -width [winfo reqwidth .h.vsb] -bd 2 -relief raised
- pack .f2.sp -side right -fill y
- scrollbar .f2.hsb -orient horizontal -command {.h.h xview}
- pack .f2.hsb -side top -fill x
- #proc FontCmd {args} {
- # puts "FontCmd: $args"
- # return {Times 12}
- #}
- #proc ResolverCmd {args} {
- # puts "Resolver: $args"
- # return [lindex $args 0]
- #}
- set lastDir [pwd]
- proc Load {} {
- set filetypes {
- {{Html Files} {.html .htm}}
- {{All Files} *}
- }
- global lastDir htmltext
- set f [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $lastDir -filetypes $filetypes]
- if {$f!=""} {
- LoadFile $f
- set lastDir [file dirname $f]
- }
- }
- # Clear the screen.
- #
- proc Clear {} {
- global Images OldImages hotkey
- if {[winfo exists .fs.h]} {set w .fs.h} {set w .h.h}
- $w clear
- catch {unset hotkey}
- ClearBigImages
- ClearOldImages
- foreach fn [array names Images] {
- set OldImages($fn) $Images($fn)
- }
- catch {unset Images}
- }
- proc ClearOldImages {} {
- global OldImages
- foreach fn [array names OldImages] {
- image delete $OldImages($fn)
- }
- catch {unset OldImages}
- }
- proc ClearBigImages {} {
- global BigImages
- foreach b [array names BigImages] {
- image delete $BigImages($b)
- }
- catch {unset BigImages}
- }
- # Read a file
- #
- proc ReadFile {name} {
- if {[catch {open $name r} fp]} {
- tk_messageBox -icon error -message $fp -type ok
- return {}
- } else {
- set r [read $fp [file size $name]]
- close $fp
- return $r
- }
- }
- # Process the given URL
- #
- proc ProcessUrl {url} {
- switch -glob -- $url {
- file:* {
- LoadFile [string range $url 5 end]
- }
- exec:* {
- regsub -all \\+ [string range $url 5 end] { } url
- eval exec $url &
- }
- default {
- LoadFile $url
- }
- }
- }
- # Load a file into the HTML widget
- #
- proc LoadFile {name} {
- set html [ReadFile $name]
- if {$html==""} return
- Clear
- global LastFile
- set LastFile $name
- if {[winfo exists .fs.h]} {set w .fs.h} {set w .h.h}
- $w config -base $name -cursor watch
- $w parse $html
- $w config -cursor top_left_arrow
- ClearOldImages
- }
- # Refresh the current file.
- #
- proc Refresh {} {
- global LastFile
- if {![info exists LastFile]} return
- LoadFile $LastFile
- }
- # This routine is called whenever a "<meta>" markup is seen.
- #
- proc Meta {w tag alist} {
- foreach {name value} $alist {
- set v($name) $value
- }
- if {[info exists v(key)] && [info exists v(href)]} {
- global hotkey
- set hotkey($v(key)) [$w resolve $v(href)]
- }
- if {[info exists v(next)]} {
- global hotkey
- set hotkey(Down) $v(next)
- }
- if {[info exists v(prev)]} {
- global hotkey
- set hotkey(Up) $v(next)
- }
- if {[info exists v(other)]} {
- global hotkey
- set hotkey(o) $v(other)
- }
- }
- # Go from full-screen mode back to window mode.
- #
- proc FullScreenOff {} {
- destroy .fs
- wm deiconify .
- update
- raise .
- focus .h.h.x
- Clear
- ClearOldImages
- Refresh
- }
- # Go from window mode to full-screen mode.
- #
- proc FullScreen {} {
- if {[winfo exists .fs]} {
- wm deiconify .fs
- update
- raise .fs
- return
- }
- toplevel .fs
- wm overrideredirect .fs 1
- set w [winfo screenwidth .]
- set h [winfo screenheight .]
- wm geometry .fs ${w}x$h+0+0
- # bind .fs <3> FullScreenOff
- html .fs.h \
- -padx 5 \
- -pady 9 \
- -formcommand FormCmd \
- -imagecommand "ImageCmd 0" \
- -scriptcommand ScriptCmd \
- -appletcommand AppletCmd \
- -hyperlinkcommand HyperCmd \
- -bg white -tablerelief raised \
- -appletcommand {runApplet big} \
- -fontcommand pickFontFS \
- -cursor tcross
- pack .fs.h -fill both -expand 1
- .fs.h token handler meta "Meta .fs.h"
- Clear
- ClearOldImages
- Refresh
- update
- focus .fs.h.x
- }
- focus .h.h.x
- # Load the file named on the command-line, if there is
- # one.
- #
- update
- if {$file!=""} {
- LoadFile $file
- }