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# vscale.tcl -- # # This demonstration script shows an example with a vertical scale. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: vscale.tcl,v 1.2 1998/09/14 18:23:30 stanton Exp $ if {![info exists widgetDemo]} { error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo." } set w .vscale catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Vertical Scale Demonstration" wm iconname $w "vscale" positionWindow $w label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 3.5i -justify left -text "An arrow and a vertical scale are displayed below. If you click or drag mouse button 1 in the scale, you can change the size of the arrow." pack $w.msg -side top -padx .5c frame $w.buttons pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w" button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w" pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1 frame $w.frame -borderwidth 10 pack $w.frame scale $w.frame.scale -orient vertical -length 284 -from 0 -to 250 \ -command "setHeight $w.frame.canvas" -tickinterval 50 canvas $w.frame.canvas -width 50 -height 50 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 $w.frame.canvas create polygon 0 0 1 1 2 2 -fill SeaGreen3 -tags poly $w.frame.canvas create line 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 -fill black -tags line frame $w.frame.right -borderwidth 15 pack $w.frame.scale -side left -anchor ne pack $w.frame.canvas -side left -anchor nw -fill y $w.frame.scale set 75 proc setHeight {w height} { incr height 21 set y2 [expr $height - 30] if {$y2 < 21} { set y2 21 } $w coords poly 15 20 35 20 35 $y2 45 $y2 25 $height 5 $y2 15 $y2 15 20 $w coords line 15 20 35 20 35 $y2 45 $y2 25 $height 5 $y2 15 $y2 15 20 }