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- #!/bin/sh
- # -*- tcl -*- \
- exec tclsh8.3 "$0" "$@"
- # flatten.tcl --
- #
- # Parse a DTD, resolve all external entities, parameter
- # entities and conditional sections and save the result.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2000 Zveno Pty Ltd
- # http://www.zveno.com/
- #
- # Zveno makes this software and all associated data and documentation
- # ('Software') available free of charge for any purpose.
- # Copies may be made of this Software but all of this notice must be included
- # on any copy.
- #
- # The Software was developed for research purposes and Zveno does not warrant
- # that it is error free or fit for any purpose. Zveno disclaims any
- # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may
- # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying the Software.
- #
- # CVS: $Id: flatten.tcl,v 1.2 2000/05/19 23:56:20 steve Exp $
- # Allow the script to work from the source directory
- set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]]]
- # We need TclXML
- package require xml 2.0
- # Process --
- #
- # Parse a XML document or DTD and emit result
- #
- # Arguments:
- # data XML text
- # type "xml" or "dtd"
- # out output channel
- # args configration options
- #
- # Results:
- # Data is parsed and flattened DTD written to output channel
- proc Process {data type out args} {
- global elementDeclCount PEDeclCount AttListDeclCount CommentCount
- global config
- set elementDeclCount [set PEDeclCount [set AttListDeclCount [set CommentCount 0]]]
- # Create the parser object.
- # We want to use the Tcl-only parser for this application,
- # because it can resolve entities without doing full
- # validation.
- set parser [eval ::xml::parser \
- -elementstartcommand ElementStart \
- -validate 1 \
- $args \
- ]
- if {$config(wantElementDecls)} {
- $parser configure -elementdeclcommand [list ElementDeclaration $out]
- }
- if {$config(wantPEDecls)} {
- $parser configure -parameterentitydeclcommand [list PEDecl $out]
- }
- if {$config(wantAttListDecls)} {
- $parser configure -attlistdeclcommand [list AttListDecl $out]
- }
- if {$config(wantComments)} {
- $parser configure -commentcommand [list Comment $out]
- }
- switch $type {
- xml {
- # Proceed with normal parsing method
- $parser parse $data
- }
- dtd {
- # Use the DTD parsing method instead
- $parser parse $data -dtdsubset external
- }
- }
- # Clean up parser object
- #$parser free
- #rename $parser {}
- return {}
- }
- # ElementStart --
- #
- # Callback for the start of an element.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # name tag name
- # attlist attribute list
- # args other information
- #
- # Results:
- # Returns break error code, since we don't
- # care about the document instance, only the DTD
- proc ElementStart {name attlist args} {
- return -code break
- }
- # ElementDeclaration --
- #
- # Callback for an element declaration.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # out output channel
- # name tag name
- # cmodel content model specification
- #
- # Results:
- # Writes element declaration to output channel
- proc ElementDeclaration {out name cmodel} {
- global elementDeclCount
- incr elementDeclCount
- regsub -all "\[ \t\n\r\]+" $cmodel { } cmodel
- puts $out "<!ELEMENT $name $cmodel>"
- return {}
- }
- # PEDecl --
- #
- # Callback for a parameter entity declaration.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # out output channel
- # name PE name
- # repl replacement text
- #
- # Results:
- # Writes info to stderr
- proc PEDecl {out name repl args} {
- global PEDeclCount
- incr PEDeclCount
- if {[llength $args]} {
- puts $out "<!ENTITY % $name PUBLIC \"[lindex $args 0]\" \"$repl\">"
- } else {
- puts $out "<!ENTITY % $name \"[string trim $repl]\">"
- }
- return {}
- }
- # AttListDecl --
- #
- # Callback for an attribute list declaration.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # out output channel
- # name element name
- # attname attribute name
- # type attribute definition type
- # dflt default type
- # dfltval default value
- #
- # Results:
- # Writes info to stderr
- proc AttListDecl {out name attname type dflt dfltval} {
- global AttListDeclCount
- incr AttListDeclCount
- puts $out "<!ATTLIST $name $attname $type $dflt $dfltval>"
- return {}
- }
- # Comment --
- #
- # Callback for a comment.
- #
- # Arguments:
- # out output channel
- # data comment data
- #
- # Results:
- # Writes info to stderr
- proc Comment {out data} {
- global CommentCount
- incr CommentCount
- puts $out "<!--${data}-->"
- return {}
- }
- # Open --
- #
- # Manage opening document in GUI environment
- #
- # Arguments:
- # None
- #
- # Results:
- # XML or DTD document opened and parsed
- proc Open {} {
- global currentDir status
- set filename [tk_getOpenFile -parent . -title "Open Document" -initialdir $currentDir -defaultextension ".xml" -filetypes {
- {{XML Documents} {.xml} }
- {{DTD Files} {.dtd} }
- {{All File} * }
- }]
- if {![string length $filename]} {
- return {}
- }
- set currentDir [file dirname $filename]
- set savename [file join [file rootname $filename].dtd]
- set savename [tk_getSaveFile -parent . -title "Save DTD" -initialdir $currentDir -initialfile $savename -defaultextension ".dtd" -filetypes {
- {{XML Documents} {.xml} }
- {{DTD Files} {.dtd} }
- {{All File} * }
- }]
- if {![string length $savename]} {
- return {}
- }
- set status Processing
- set oldcursor [. cget -cursor]
- . configure -cursor watch
- grab .elementDecls
- update
- set ch [open $filename]
- set out [open $savename w]
- if {[catch {Process [read $ch] [expr {[file extension $filename] == ".dtd" ? "dtd" : "xml"}] $out -baseurl file://[file join [pwd] $filename]} err]} {
- tk_messageBox -message [format [mc {Unable to process document "%s" due to "%s"}] $filename $err] -icon error -default ok -parent . -type ok
- } else {
- tk_messageBox -message [mc "DTD Saved OK"] -icon info -default ok -parent . -type ok
- }
- close $ch
- close $out
- set status {}
- grab release .elementDecls
- . configure -cursor $oldcursor
- return {}
- }
- ### Main script
- # Initialize message catalog, in case it is used
- package require msgcat
- namespace import msgcat::mc
- catch {::msgcat::mcload [file join [file dirname [info script]] msgs]}
- # Usage: flatten.tcl file1 file2 ...
- # "-" reads input from stdin
- # No arguments - Tk means read from stdin
- # Files read from stdin assumed to be XML documents
- # When given files to read, all output goes to stdout
- # No arguments + Tk means use GUI
- switch [llength $argv] {
- 0 {
- if {![catch {package require Tk}]} {
- # Create a nice little GUI
- array set config {wantElementDecls 1 wantPEDecls 0 wantAttlistDecls 1 wantComments 0}
- checkbutton .wantElementDecls -variable config(wantElementDecls)
- label .elementDeclLabel -text [mc "Element declarations:"]
- label .elementDecls -textvariable elementDeclCount
- checkbutton .wantPEDecls -variable config(wantPEDecls)
- label .peDeclLabel -text [mc "PE declarations:"]
- label .peDecls -textvariable PEDeclCount
- checkbutton .wantAttListDecls -variable config(wantAttListDecls)
- label .attListDeclLabel -text [mc "Atttribute List declarations:"]
- label .attListDecls -textvariable AttListDeclCount
- checkbutton .wantComments -variable config(wantComments)
- label .commentLabel -text [mc "Comments:"]
- label .comments -textvariable CommentCount
- label .status -textvariable status -foreground red
- grid .wantElementDecls .elementDeclLabel .elementDecls
- grid .wantPEDecls .peDeclLabel .peDecls
- grid .wantAttListDecls .attListDeclLabel .attListDecls
- grid .wantComments .commentLabel .comments
- grid .status - -
- . configure -menu .menu
- menu .menu -tearoff 0
- .menu add cascade -label [mc File] -menu .menu.file
- menu .menu.file
- .menu.file add command -label [mc Open] -command Open
- .menu.file add separator
- .menu.file add command -label [mc Quit] -command exit
- set currentDir [pwd]
- } else {
- Process [read stdin] xml stdout
- }
- }
- default {
- foreach filename $argv {
- if {$filename == "-"} {
- Process [read stdin] xml stdout
- } else {
- set ch [open $filename]
- Process [read $ch] [expr {[file extension $filename] == ".dtd" ? "dtd" : "xml"}] stdout -baseurl file://[file join [pwd] $filename]
- close $ch
- }
- }
- }
- }