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#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@" # This utility creates stand-alone executables from Snack Tcl scripts # It needs the freewrap tool which can be downloaded from # http://freewrap.sourceforge.net/ # Edit this file to set the freewrap variable below according to # your freewrap install path. pack [label .l1 -text "This utility creates\nstand-alone executables"] update # Get the Snack package's directory package require -exact snack 2.1 set tmp [package ifneeded snack [package provide snack]] set tmp [lindex [lindex [split $tmp ";"] 0] end] set snackdir [file dirname $tmp] switch -glob [string tolower $tcl_platform(platform)] { windows { # Customize freewrap install dir here # freewrap.exe is included in the Windows binary distribution set freewrap [file join [pwd] freewrap.exe] set tmpdir C:/temp regsub -all {\\} $tmpdir / tmpdir set wrapdir [file join $tmpdir wrap] set appextension .exe } unix { # Customize freewrap install dir here # freewrap executable for Linux-i386 is included in the source distribution set freewrap [file join [pwd] freewrap] set tmpdir /tmp set wrapdir [file join $tmpdir wrap] set appextension "" } default { error "unknown os $tcl_platform(os)" } } if {[info exists argv] == 0} { set argv "" } set mainprog [file rootname [lindex $argv 0]] if {$mainprog == ""} { set mainprog [file rootname [lindex [file split \ [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {{{Tcl scripts} {.tcl}}}]] end]] if {$mainprog == ""} return } if {[file executable $freewrap] == 0} { tk_messageBox -message "This utility requires the freewrap program which is available at http://freewrap.sourceforge.net/. Edit wrap.tcl in order to specify its install path." exit } # Clean-up previous work directory file delete -force $wrapdir # Copy Snack's files foreach {dir list} [list $wrapdir/snack \ [list $snackdir/libsnack[info sharedlibextension] \ $snackdir/snack.tcl $snackdir/pkgIndex.tcl ]] { file mkdir $dir foreach file $list { file copy $file $dir } } # Copy standard extension packages if they are needed set f0 [open ${mainprog}.tcl r] while {[eof $f0] == 0} { set line [gets $f0] if {[string match {*package require*snackogg*} $line]} { file copy $snackdir/libsnackogg[info sharedlibextension] $dir } if {[string match {*package require*snacksphere*} $line]} { file copy $snackdir/libsnacksphere[info sharedlibextension] $dir } } close $f0 # copy script files to the wrap directory, and insert magic code set files ${mainprog}.tcl set files [concat $files [lrange $argv 1 end]] foreach fn $files { if {[string match *.tcl $fn]} { set f1 [open $fn r] set f2 [open $wrapdir/$fn w] set search 1 while {$search == 1 && [eof $f1] == 0} { set line [gets $f1] if [string match {package require*snack*} $line] { puts $f2 "set auto_path \"\[file join $tmpdir wrap snack\] \$auto_path\"" puts $f2 "rename load _load" puts $f2 "proc load {fname args} {" puts $f2 { set f [open $fname]} puts $f2 { fconfigure $f -encoding binary -translation binary} puts $f2 { set data [read $f]} puts $f2 { close $f} puts $f2 " switch -glob \[string tolower \$::tcl_platform(platform)\] {" puts $f2 " unix {set tmpdir \"/tmp\"}" puts $f2 " win* {" puts $f2 " if {\[info exists ::env(TEMP)] && \$::env(TEMP) != \"\"} {" puts $f2 { set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)} puts $f2 " } elseif {\[info exists ::env(TMP)\] && \$::env(TMP) != \"\"} {" puts $f2 { set tmpdir $::env(TMP)} puts $f2 " } else {" puts $f2 { set tmpdir ""} puts $f2 " }" puts $f2 " }" puts $f2 " macintosh {" puts $f2 " set tmpdir ." puts $f2 " }" puts $f2 " }" puts $f2 " set fname2 \[file join \$tmpdir \[file rootname \[file tail \$fname\]\].\[pid\]\]" puts $f2 { set f [open $fname2 w]} puts $f2 { fconfigure $f -encoding binary -translation binary} puts $f2 { puts -nonewline $f $data} puts $f2 { close $f} puts $f2 { eval _load $fname2 $args} puts $f2 " foreach f \[glob -nocomplain \[file join \$tmpdir libsnack*\]\] \{" puts $f2 " catch \{file delete -force \$f\}" puts $f2 " \}" puts $f2 "}" set search 0 } puts $f2 $line } # copy the rest puts $f2 [read $f1] close $f1 close $f2 } else { if {$fn != ""} { file copy $fn [file join $wrapdir $fn] } } } set appdir [pwd] cd $wrapdir set wrapfiles "" foreach item [glob -nocomplain * */* */*/*] { if [file isdirectory $item] continue lappend wrapfiles [file join $wrapdir $item] } # Do the actual wrapping eval exec $freewrap ${mainprog}.tcl $wrapfiles file copy -force $wrapdir/${mainprog}$appextension $appdir catch {exec chmod -R 777 $wrapdir} catch {tk_messageBox -message "Created: ${mainprog}$appextension"} cd $appdir exit