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#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@" # derived from Snack snamp.tcl demo player by Tom Wilkason # global taFiles tomAmp set tomAmp(settingsFile) "~/.tomAmpDefaults" set tomAmp(cacheFile) "~/.tomAmpCache" set tomAmp(defaultFolderFile) "~/default.tafs" set tomAmp(Console) 0 set tomAmp(p) 0 set tomAmp(pause) 0 set tomAmp(elapsed) 0 set tomAmp(current) {} set tomAmp(currentMP3) {} ;# Setup sound settings package require -exact snack 2.1 # Buttons option add *font {Helvetica 10 bold} option add *Button.activeBackground yellow option add *Button.borderwidth 1 option add *Button.relief raised option add *Entry.background lightyellow option add *Entry.foreground black option add *Entry.font {Helvetica 9 bold} option add *Entry.relief sunken #option add *Entry.borderwidth 2 option add *Label.font {Helvetica 9 bold} option add *Listbox.background black option add *Listbox.foreground green option add *Listbox.font {Helvetica 9 bold} if {$::tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} { option add *Scale.font {Helvetica 8} } else { option add *Scale.font {Helvetica 7} } option add *Scale.activebackground blue option add *troughcolor black snack::debug 0 snack::sound s -debug 0 snack::audio playLatency 1200 ############################################################################### # Function : buildGui # Description: Build the player Gui # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/27/2000 ############################################################################### proc buildGui {args} { global tomAmp taFiles LB SS set tomAmp(timestr) "Snack MP3 Player" wm title . "SnackAmp MPEG Player" wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit ;## ;# Control Panel ;# pack [frame .panel -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge] -side top -fill x -expand false -anchor w ;# Display name and current status label .panel.l -background black -foreground green -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge \ -font {Helvetica 12 bold} -height 4 -textvar tomAmp(timestr) -wraplength 550 set tomAmp(Mute) 0 bind .panel.l <ButtonPress-1> {toggleMute .panel.l} grid .panel.l -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew snack::createIcons grid [frame .panel.player -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news ;# Amp controls pack [button .panel.player.prev -bitmap snackPlayPrev -command Prev] -side left balloon .panel.player.prev "Play previous in list" pack [button .panel.player.bp -bitmap snackPlay -command Play] -side left balloon .panel.player.bp "Play Selection" pack [button .panel.player.pause -bitmap snackPause -command {Pause}] -side left balloon .panel.player.pause "Pause/Resume playback" proc pauseRelief {down} { global tomAmp if {$down} { .panel.player.pause configure -relief sunken } else { .panel.player.pause configure -relief raised } ;# end if set tomAmp(pause) $down } pack [button .panel.player.bs -bitmap snackStop -command Stop] -side left balloon .panel.player.bs "Stop playing" pack [button .panel.player.next -bitmap snackPlayNext -command Next] -side left balloon .panel.player.next "Play next in list" pack [button .panel.player.bo -image snackOpen -command OpenFile] -side left balloon .panel.player.bo "Add a file to play list" ;# Offset within file set SS [scale .panel.ss -show yes -orient horiz -width 10 -len 250 -from 0. -to 60. \ -var tomAmp(p) -tickinterval 30 -sliderlength 15 -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \ -activebackground blue -troughcolor black] balloon $SS "Show/Adjust playback location within file" grid $SS -column 2 -row 1 -sticky ew ;# Sound level set tomAmp(gain) [snack::audio play_gain] scale .panel.sv -show no -orient vert -width 10 -command {snack::audio play_gain}\ -len 85 -var tomAmp(gain) -from 130. -to 0. -sliderlength 15 \ -activebackground blue -troughcolor black grid .panel.sv -column 0 -row 0 -rowspan 3 -sticky ns balloon .panel.sv "Adjust the playback level" # Adjust grid resize behavior grid columnconfigure .panel 0 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure .panel 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure .panel 2 -weight 1 ;# Allow time to be addjusted set tomAmp(setdrag) 1 bind $SS <ButtonPress-1> {set tomAmp(setdrag) 0} bind $SS <ButtonRelease-1> {set tomAmp(setdrag) 1 ; PlayOffset} ;# Collapsable frame set CF [cframe .hull "MP3 Files"] pack .hull -side top -fill both -expand true cframe.close $CF ;# Filter box pack [frame $CF.filter -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge] -side top -expand no -fill x pack [label $CF.filter.label -text "Filter Selection"] -side left -expand no -fill x pack [entry $CF.filter.entry -textvariable tomAmp(filter) -width 50] -side left -expand no -fill x bind $CF.filter.entry <Return> "filterMusic" bind $CF.filter.entry <Double-1> {set tomAmp(filter) "";filterMusic} balloon $CF.filter.entry "Enter text to restrict files to play,\nEnter or 'Replace' to replace list\n'Append' to add to bottom of current list\nDouble-click to clear" ;# Append/Replace buttons for filter pack [button $CF.filter.btApp -text "Append" -command {filterMusic append} -pady 0] -side left balloon $CF.filter.btApp "Modify the filter box and then press this to append files to files below" pack [button $CF.filter.btRep -text "Replace" -command {filterMusic replace} -pady 0] -side left balloon $CF.filter.btApp "Modify the filter box and then press this to replace list below with newly filtered files" ;## ;# Scrolled Listbox ;# set LB [Scrolled_Listbox $CF.frame -selectmode extended -exportselection no -height 20 \ -background black -foreground green -font {Helvetica 9 bold}] pack $CF.frame -side top -expand yes -fill both # set w $LB # Listbox popup menu set m $LB.popup menu $m -tearoff 0 $m add command -label "Play" -command {Play} $m add command -label "Remove" -command {Cut} $m add command -label "Delete from Disk" -command {Delete} $m add command -label "Append to Config File" -command {} bind $LB <ButtonPress-3> { tk_popup %W.popup %X %Y } # Bindings bind $LB <Double-ButtonPress-1> Play bind $LB <B1-Motion> {Drag %y} bind $LB <ButtonPress-1> {focus %W;Select %y} bind $LB <BackSpace> Cut bind $LB <Delete> Cut ;# Entry box to allow renaming of current selection pack [frame $CF.fname] -side top -expand no -fill x pack [label $CF.fname.fname -textvariable tomAmp(fullName) -justify left -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge] -side top -expand no -fill x pack [entry $CF.fname.name -textvariable tomAmp(entryName) ] -side top -expand false -fill x balloon $CF.fname.name "Change the file name here and press enter when complete" bind $CF.fname.name <Return> { if {$tomAmp(entryName) != $tomAmp(origEntryName)} { if {$tomAmp(currentMP3)==$taFiles($tomAmp(origEntryName))} { Stop s destroy snack::sound s } ;# end if set newFileName [file join [file dirname $taFiles($tomAmp(origEntryName))] $tomAmp(entryName)] # puts "$tomAmp(entryName) vs $tomAmp(origEntryName) -> '$newFileName'" file rename -force $taFiles($tomAmp(origEntryName)) $newFileName unset taFiles($tomAmp(origEntryName)) set tomAmp(origEntryName) $tomAmp(entryName) set taFiles($tomAmp(entryName)) $newFileName $LB delete $tomAmp(entryIndex) ;# Insert either with or without folder name $LB insert $tomAmp(entryIndex) $tomAmp(entryName) Highlight $tomAmp(entryIndex) } ;# end if } InstallMenu } proc Scrolled_Listbox { f args } { frame $f listbox $f.list \ -xscrollcommand [list Scrolled_Listbox.set $f.xscroll [list grid $f.xscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news]] \ -yscrollcommand [list Scrolled_Listbox.set $f.yscroll [list grid $f.yscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news]] eval {$f.list configure} $args scrollbar $f.xscroll -orient horizontal -command [list $f.list xview] scrollbar $f.yscroll -orient vertical -command [list $f.list yview] grid $f.list -sticky news ;## ;# Only the data should expand, not the scroll bars ;# grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 ;## ;# Modify to not resize when the scroll bars go away (make a minimum size) ;# grid columnconfigure $f 1 -minsize 18 grid rowconfigure $f 1 -minsize 18 return $f.list } #******************************************************# # Function : Scroll_set # Description: callback for the scroll list box, hide # scroll bars if they aren't needed # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 6/4/1999 #*******************************************************# proc Scrolled_Listbox.set {scrollbar geoCmd offset size} { if {$offset != 0.0 || $size != 1.0} { eval $geoCmd $scrollbar set $offset $size } else { set manager [lindex $geoCmd 0] $manager forget $scrollbar } ;# end if } ;## ;# Build the menu bar at the top of the GUI ;# proc InstallMenu {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings tcl_platform set M .bRmenubar catch {menu $M} # attach it to the main window . config -menu $M # Create more cascade menus foreach m {File Play-Lists Folders Settings Help} { if {$m == "Play-Lists"} { set $m [menu $M.m$m -postcommand [list configFiles $M.m$m]] $M.m$m add command -label "Clear" -command {Clear} $M.m$m add command -label "Save..." -command {SavePlaylistFile} $M.m$m add separator $M.m$m add cascade -label "Append" -menu [menu $M.m$m.mAppend -tearoff 0] $M.m$m add cascade -label "Replace" -menu [menu $M.m$m.mReplace -tearoff 0] } else { set $m [menu $M.m$m] } $M add cascade -label $m -menu $M.m$m } $Folders add command -label "Clear All" -command { global taFolders foreach {item} [array name taFolders *] { set taFolders($item) 0 } ;# end foreach filterMusic } $Folders add command -label "Set All" -command { global taFolders foreach {item} [array name taFolders *] { set taFolders($item) 1 } ;# end foreach filterMusic } $Folders add command -label "Save Folder List..." -command {SaveFolderFile} $Folders add cascade -label "Folder Lists..." -menu [menu $Folders.settings -tearoff 0 -postcommand [list folderFiles $Folders.settings]] $Folders add separator set tomAmp(FolderMenu) $Folders set tomAmp(FolderSettings) $Folders.settings $File add command -label "Add a file to playlist" -command {OpenFile} $File add command -label "Rescan Folders" -command {Rescan} $File add separator $File add command -label "Exit" -command {exit} if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { $Settings add check -label "Show Console" -variable tomAmp(Console) -command Console $Settings add separator } ;# end if $Settings add check -label "Random Play" -variable tomAmpSettings(randomPlay) -command filterMusic $Settings add check -label "Continuous Play" -variable tomAmpSettings(ContinuousPlay) $Settings add check -label "Rescan Folders on Startup" -variable tomAmpSettings(AutoRescan) $Settings add check -label "Show folder names with files" -variable tomAmpSettings(ShowFolder) -command showFolders $Settings add check -label "Monitor base folders for new files" -variable tomAmpSettings(MonitorFolders) -command MonitorFolders $Settings add separator $Settings add command -label "Set Defaults" -command settingsGui } ############################################################################### # Function : Console # Description: Toggle the console for debugging purposes (WIN32 only) # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/27/2000 ############################################################################### proc Console {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB if {$tomAmp(Console)==0} { console hide } else { console show } } ;## ;# Callback to show config files on menu, called from postcommand ;# proc configFiles {menu} { global taFiles tomAmp LB # Rescan if {[catch {set Files [glob ~/*.taf]} result]} { return } $menu.mAppend delete 0 end $menu.mReplace delete 0 end ;## ;# Need to sort the list by decending date ;# foreach File $Files { set Date [file mtime $File] lappend FileList [list $File $Date] } set FileList [lsort -index 1 -decreasing $FileList] foreach {File} $FileList { ;## ;# Pull out only the file name and add it to the menu ;# set F [lindex $File 0] $menu.mAppend add command -label "[file tail $F]" -command [list ReadPlaylistFile $F "append"] $menu.mReplace add command -label "[file tail $F]" -command [list ReadPlaylistFile $F "replace"] } } ;## ;# Callback to show folder setting files ;# proc folderFiles {menu} { global taFiles tomAmp LB # Rescan if {[catch {set Files [glob ~/*.tafs]} result]} { return } $menu delete 0 end ;## ;# Need to sort the list by decending date ;# foreach File $Files { set Date [file mtime $File] lappend FileList [list $File $Date] } set FileList [lsort -index 1 -decreasing $FileList] foreach {File} $FileList { ;## ;# Pull out only the file name and add it to the menu ;# set F [lindex $File 0] $menu add command -label "[file tail $F]" -command [list ReadFolderFile $F] } } ############################################################################### # Function : toggleMute # Description: Toggle muting of sound, bound to click on main label # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/31/2000 ############################################################################### proc toggleMute {widget} { global tomAmp if {$tomAmp(Mute)} { set tomAmp(Mute) 0 $widget configure -foreground green snack::audio play_gain $tomAmp(saveGain) } else { set tomAmp(Mute) 1 set tomAmp(saveGain) [snack::audio play_gain] snack::audio play_gain 0 $widget configure -foreground red } ;# end if set tomAmp(saveMute) $tomAmp(Mute) } ############################################################################### # Function : settingsGui # Description: Small GUI to allow the user to set the defaults # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/30/2000 ############################################################################### proc settingsGui {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings set B .settings toplevel $B set i 0 grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Please set the defaults below and press OK to save\nRescan folders if you change them here" ]\ -columnspan 2 grid [frame $B.[incr i] -height 2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken] -columnspan 2 -sticky nsew #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "List of base directories to scan" -justify left] \ [entry $B.[incr i] -textvariable tomAmpSettings(mediaDirs) -width 50] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Start with random play" -justify left] \ [checkbutton $B.[incr i] -variable tomAmpSettings(randomPlay)] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Continuous Play Mode" -justify left] \ [checkbutton $B.[incr i] -variable tomAmpSettings(ContinuousPlay)] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Rescan Folders on Startup" -justify left] \ [checkbutton $B.[incr i] -variable tomAmpSettings(AutoRescan)] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Show folder names with song names" -justify left] \ [checkbutton $B.[incr i] -variable tomAmpSettings(ShowFolder)] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Monitor base folders for changes" -justify left] \ [checkbutton $B.[incr i] -variable tomAmpSettings(MonitorFolders)] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Folder level to show on Folder Menu" -justify left] \ [entry $B.[incr i] -textvariable tomAmpSettings(FolderDepth)] -sticky ew grid [label $B.[incr i] -text "Subfolders to show in Song List" -justify left] \ [entry $B.[incr i] -textvariable tomAmpSettings(ListDepth)] -sticky ew #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grid [frame $B.[incr i] -height 2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken] -columnspan 2 -sticky nsew grid [button $B.[incr i] -text "OK" -command saveSettings] \ [button $B.[incr i] -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .settings}] after idle raise $B } ############################################################################### # Function : saveSettings # Description: Save the settings from the settingsGui # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/30/2000 ############################################################################### proc saveSettings {args} { global tomAmpSettings tomAmp set fid [open $tomAmp(settingsFile) w] puts $fid [array get tomAmpSettings] close $fid destroy .settings MonitorFolders } ############################################################################### # Function : MonitorFolders # Description: Monitor the base folders for incoming data, useful # for napaster adding files. # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/30/2000 ############################################################################### proc MonitorFolders {args} { global tomAmpSettings tomAmp if {$tomAmpSettings(MonitorFolders)} { foreach {Folder} $tomAmpSettings(mediaDirs) { ;# First time will be empty set tomAmp($Folder,thisData) [glob -nocomplain [file join $Folder *.mp3]] if {![info exists tomAmp($Folder,lastData)]} { set tomAmp($Folder,lastData) $tomAmp($Folder,thisData) } elseif {$tomAmp($Folder,lastData) != $tomAmp($Folder,thisData)} { puts "Changes detected" foreach {item} $tomAmp($Folder,thisData) { if {[lsearch $tomAmp($Folder,lastData) $item] < 0} { Append $item puts "Detected new file $item" } ;# end if } ;# end foreach set tomAmp($Folder,lastData) $tomAmp($Folder,thisData) } ;# end if } ;# end foreach after cancel MonitorFolders after 5000 MonitorFolders } } ;## ;# Read the default settings from the user home dir ;# proc readSettings {args} { global tomAmpSettings tomAmp set tomAmpSettings(mediaDirs) ~ set tomAmpSettings(randomPlay) 0 set tomAmpSettings(ContinuousPlay) 1 set tomAmpSettings(AutoRescan) 0 set tomAmpSettings(ShowFolder) 0 set tomAmpSettings(MonitorFolders) 0 set tomAmpSettings(ListDepth) 10 ;# Will show last folder set tomAmpSettings(FolderDepth) 10 ;# Will show last folder if {[catch { set fid [open $tomAmp(settingsFile) r] array set tomAmpSettings [read $fid] } result]} { settingsGui } else { close $fid } } ;## ;# Save the current folder settings to a file ;# proc SaveFolderFile {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB taFolders ;## ;# If a list for GlobData is passed in, the second item should be the name to save as (if different) ;# set types [list [list "Tom Amp Files" .tafs] [list "All Files" "*"]] set fName [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Folder Setting File" -filetypes $types \ -initialdir ~ -defaultextension tafs] catch {focus $ThisWin} if { $fName == "" } { return "" } if {[catch {open $fName w} InFile]} { return -code error "Save Error: Unable to open '$fName' for writing\n" } if {$InFile!=0} { foreach {File} [array names taFolders] { puts $InFile [list $File $taFolders($File)] } ;# end foreach close $InFile return $fName } else { return -1 } } ;## ;# Read a file and change the favorate folders ;# proc ReadFolderFile {fName} { global taFolders if {[file exists $fName]} { set fid [open $fName r] set full [split [read $fid] \n] ;# Insert the files if they are not already in the list foreach line $full { set taFolders([lindex $line 0]) [lindex $line 1] } ;# end foreach close $fid } ;# end if filterMusic } ;## ;# Save current files in list ;# proc SavePlaylistFile {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB ;## ;# If a list for GlobData is passed in, the second item should be the name to save as (if different) ;# set types [list [list "Tom Amp Files" .taf] [list "All Files" "*"]] set fName [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Configuration File" -filetypes $types \ -initialdir ~ -defaultextension taf] catch {focus $ThisWin} if { $fName == "" } { return "" } if {[catch {open $fName w} InFile]} { return -code error "Save Error: Unable to open '$fName' for writing\n" } if {$InFile!=0} { foreach {File} [getSelection 0 end] { puts $InFile $taFiles($File) } ;# end foreach close $InFile return $fName } else { return -1 } } ;## ;# Read a file and append/replace current list ;# proc ReadPlaylistFile {fName {how "replace"}} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings set fid [open $fName r] set full [split [read $fid] \n] if {$how == "replace"} { $LB delete 0 end } ;# end if ;# Insert the files if they are not already in the list foreach file $full { if {[file exists $file]} { set name [getListName $file] $LB insert end $name set taFiles($name) $file } ;# end if } ;# end foreach close $fid } ############################################################################### # Function : Clear # Description: Clear the playlist # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/27/2000 ############################################################################### proc Clear {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB # catch {unset taFiles} result $LB delete 0 end } ;## ;# Open a single file for playing, add to play list (should we play immed?) ;# proc OpenFile {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB set file [snack::getOpenFile -format MP3] if {$file != ""} { Append $file } } ;# Play a list item. proc Play {{offset 0}} { global taFiles tomAmp LB SS if {[$LB index active] == ""} { set i 0 } else { set i [$LB index active] } ;# Note: Using current selection causes a problem if the song didn't change ;# but the selection did an time scale change that changes the time. # if no offset specified then see if random play Highlight $i Stop ;# Check file existance set Selection [getSelection $i] if {$Selection!={}} { if {! [file exists $taFiles($Selection)]} { after 10 Next return } ;# end if set errorInfo "" ;## ;# It seems faster on play -start to have the short file name and cd to that directory ;# Also, UNC names are really slow (on Win2K anyway)! ;# Strangly, network drive mappings are also fast (if not using UNC) ;# set tomAmp(currentMP3) $taFiles($Selection) cd [file dirname $taFiles($Selection)] s config -file $Selection # length samprate "maximum sample" "minimum sample" "STRencoding" "number of channels" "file format" "header size in bytes" set Info [s info] ;# This can check for an invalid header if {[lindex $Info 0] == -1} { puts stderr "Invalid file: $taFiles($Selection)\n $Info" set tomAmp(timestr) "Invalid header for:\n$Selection" update after 10 Next return } else { #puts "OK: $taFiles($Selection)\n $Info" #update } ;# See if user changed the slider to adjust where to play if {$offset == 0} { s play -command Next ;# After complete call 'Next' function } else { ;# Fires Next command at end of this file s play -start $offset -command Next } ;# What ~10 ticks on 5 or multiple sec intervals set trackTime [s length -units SECONDS] set Interval [expr {(round($trackTime/10)/5)*5}] if {$Interval == 0} { set interval 5 } ;# end if $SS configure -to $trackTime -tickinterval $Interval set songTitle [file root $Selection] wm title . "$songTitle" set tomAmp(current) $songTitle file stat $tomAmp(currentMP3) Stat append tomAmp(current) " - ($Stat(size))" balloon .panel.l "$taFiles($Selection)" Timer } } ;## ;# Play next sound file in list ;# proc Next {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings catch { # puts "$tomAmp(elapsed) of [s length -units sec] - $tomAmp(current)" } set i [$LB index active] if {$i == ""} { set i 0 } else { incr i } ;# check for continouos play if {$i >= [$LB index end]} { if {$tomAmpSettings(ContinuousPlay)} { set i 0 } else { return } } ;# end if Highlight $i after 10 Play } ;## ;# Play previous sound file in list ;# proc Prev {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings set i [$LB index active] if {$i == ""} { set i 0 } elseif {$i==0} { set i [$LB index end] } else { if {$i > 0} { incr i -1 } ;# end if } Highlight $i after 10 Play } ;## ;# Play a mp3 at some offset, likely bound to slider control ;# proc PlayOffset {{manual 0}} { global taFiles tomAmp LB ;# Make sure we have an open file if {[s length] > 0} { Stop ;# Some files are fast and some are slow to respond to -start = 0 if {$manual == 0} { set offset [expr {int(double($tomAmp(p))/[s length -units sec]*[s length])}] } else { set offset $manual } s play -start $offset -command Next Timer } ;# end if } ############################################################################### # Function : Highlight # Description: Highlight only one selection # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/27/2000 ############################################################################### proc Highlight {i} { global taFiles tomAmp LB $LB selection clear 0 end $LB selection set $i $LB activate $i $LB see $i set Entry [getSelection $i] catch { set tomAmp(entryName) $Entry set tomAmp(fullName) [file dirname $taFiles($Entry)] } } ############################################################################### # Function : getSelection # Description: Return the selection(s) with no folder names (for index use) # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 1/1/2001 ############################################################################### proc getSelection {start {end ""}} { global LB if {$end==""} { return [file tail [$LB get $start]] } else { foreach {item} [$LB get $start $end] { lappend result [file tail $item] } ;# end foreach return $result } ;# end if } proc showFolders {args} { global LB tomAmpSettings taFiles foreach {item} [getSelection 0 end] { lappend insertList [getListName $taFiles($item)] } $LB delete 0 end if {[llength $insertList] > 0} { eval $LB insert end $insertList } } ;## ;# Apend a file to the bottom of the play list ;# proc Append {file} { global taFiles tomAmp LB set name [file tail $file] if {$file != "" && ![info exists taFiles($name)]} { $LB insert end $name set taFiles($name) $file } ;# end if } ;## ;# Stop playback of a file and cancle the update timer ;# proc Stop {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB pauseRelief 0 s stop after cancel Timer } ;## ;# Pause/resume playback ;# proc Pause {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB s pause if {$tomAmp(pause)} { pauseRelief 0 Timer } else { pauseRelief 1 after cancel Timer } set tomAmp(savePause) $tomAmp(pause) } ;## ;# Timer to update the display data, active while MP3 playing ;# proc Timer {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB SS # Time is curren pos/total len * total time # set elapsed [expr {round(double([s current_position])/[s length]*[s length -units sec])}] set elapsed [expr {round([s current_position -units sec])}] set tomAmp(elapsed) $elapsed set tomAmp(timestr) "$tomAmp(current)\n[clock format $elapsed -format %M:%S] of [clock format [expr {int([s length -units sec])}] -format %M:%S]" ;# If user dragging slider, don't also try to set slider if $tomAmp(setdrag) { catch { $SS set $elapsed } } # Draw after 500 Timer } ;## ;# GUI Bindings ;# proc Cut {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB if {[$LB curselection] != ""} { set Index [$LB index active] if {$Index} {incr Index -1} foreach {ind} [lsort -decreasing [$LB curselection]] { set cut [getSelection $ind] unset taFiles($cut) $LB delete $ind } ;# end foreach Highlight $Index } } ;## ;# Callback to remove the current selections from the display ;# proc Delete {} { global taFiles tomAmp LB if {[$LB curselection] != ""} { set Index [$LB index active] if {$Index} {incr Index -1} foreach {ind} [lsort -decreasing [$LB curselection]] { set File [getSelection $ind] if {$tomAmp(currentMP3)==$taFiles($File)} { Stop s destroy snack::sound s } ;# end if file delete $taFiles($File) unset taFiles($File) $LB delete $ind } ;# end foreach Highlight $Index } } ;## ;# Select/Drag ;# proc Select y { global taFiles tomAmp LB set tomAmp(old) [$LB nearest $y] set Value [$LB get $tomAmp(old)] if {$Value != {}} { set tomAmp(entryName) [file tail $Value] set tomAmp(fullName) [file dirname $taFiles([file tail $Value])] set tomAmp(origEntryName) [file tail $Value] ;# for renaming set tomAmp(entryIndex) $tomAmp(old) } ;# end if } proc Drag y { global taFiles tomAmp LB set new [$LB nearest $y] if {$new == -1} return set tmp [$LB get $tomAmp(old)] $LB delete $tomAmp(old) $LB insert $new $tmp $LB selection set $new set tomAmp(old) $new } ############################################################################### # Function : filterMusic # Description: Restrict files shown based on the filter & folder settings # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/26/2000 ############################################################################### proc filterMusic {{how replace}} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings taFolders if {$how == "replace"} { $LB delete 0 end } ;# end if set insertList [list] ;# Below will prevent duplicates due to hashing foreach {File} [array names taFiles *] { if {$File != "" && [string match -nocase "*$tomAmp(filter)*" $taFiles($File)]} { ;# Verify this file is in a checked folder if {[catch { # See if this file matches folder menu entry if {$taFolders([getFolderName [file dirname $taFiles($File)]])} { set File [getListName $taFiles($File)] lappend insertList $File } ;# end if } result]} { puts stderr $result } } ;# end if } ;# end foreach ;# Shuffle if needed if {$tomAmpSettings(randomPlay)} { set insertList [shuffle $insertList] } else { set insertList [lsort -dictionary $insertList] } if {[llength $insertList] > 0} { eval $LB insert end $insertList } ;# end if Highlight 0 } ;## ;# Shuffle a list, used to randomize play list ;# proc shuffle {list} { set tmp [list] foreach item $list { lappend tmp [list $item [expr {rand()}]] } set res [list] foreach item [lsort -real -index 1 $tmp] { foreach {orig num} $item { lappend res $orig } ;# end foreach } return $res } ############################################################################### # Function : getListName # Description: Return a song name with the appropriate folders prepended # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 1/3/2001 ############################################################################### proc getListName {File} { global tomAmpSettings set File [string map {// /} $File] ;# remove UNC stuff if {$tomAmpSettings(ShowFolder)} { set parts [lrange [file split $File] end-$tomAmpSettings(ListDepth) end] set name [join $parts /] } else { set name [file tail $File] } return $name } ############################################################################### # Function : getListName # Description: Return a folder name with the appropriate depth away from base # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 1/3/2001 ############################################################################### proc getFolderName {File} { global tomAmpSettings set File [string map {// /} $File] ;# remove UNC stuff set parts [file split $File] set len [llength $parts] if {$tomAmpSettings(FolderDepth) >= $len} { set name [lindex $parts end] } else { set name [lindex $parts $tomAmpSettings(FolderDepth)] } # puts "getFolderName:($tomAmpSettings(FolderDepth)) $name - $File" return $name } ############################################################################### # Function : buildFolderMenu # Description: Build the folder menu base on folder names in taFolders # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/26/2000 ############################################################################### proc buildFolderMenu {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings taFolders $LB delete 0 end # Remove after the last fixed menu $tomAmp(FolderMenu) delete 5 end $tomAmp(FolderMenu) add separator foreach {folder} [lsort -dictionary [array names taFolders *]] { $tomAmp(FolderMenu) add check -label "$folder" -variable taFolders($folder) -command filterMusic } ;# end foreach } ############################################################################### # Function : Rescan # Description: Reread the directories for files, include subdirectories # For each folder, add a menu entry # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/26/2000 ############################################################################### proc Rescan {args} { global taFiles tomAmp LB tomAmpSettings taFolders set here [pwd] catch {unset taFiles} result ;# save folder settings catch {array set saveTaFolders [array get taFolders]} catch {unset taFolders} result foreach dir $tomAmpSettings(mediaDirs) { # set taFolders([file tail $dir]) 1 set taFolders([getFolderName $dir]) 1 Rescan.getRecurseFiles $dir } ;# end foreach ;# Restore folder settings foreach {index dir} [array get taFolders] { if {[info exists saveTaFolders($index)]} { set taFolders($index) $saveTaFolders($index) } } ;# end foreach ;## ;# Build the folder list for the menu ;# buildFolderMenu filterMusic ;## ;# Save the settings ;# set fid [open $tomAmp(cacheFile) w] puts $fid [array get taFiles] puts $fid [array get taFolders] close $fid } ;## ;# Recursively scan a directory and build a list of all files ;# proc Rescan.getRecurseFiles {dir} { global taFiles tomAmp LB taFolders set dirList [list] set fileCount 0 foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *]] { if {[file isdirectory $file]} { lappend dirList $file } else { if {[string match -nocase "*.mp3" $file]} { set name [file tail $file] set taFiles($name) [file join $dir $file] incr fileCount } ;# end if } } ;# If this dir contained files, the create a menu entry for it if {$fileCount} { set taFolders([getFolderName $dir]) 1 ;# checkbox on menu } ;# end if ;# process each directory recursively foreach {file} $dirList { Rescan.getRecurseFiles [file join $dir $file] } ;# end foreach } ;#################################################################################### ;# C O L L A P S A B L E F R A M E ;#################################################################################### ;# cframe: Collapsable frame ;# base: name of outer collapsable frame, user is responsible for packing ;# text: title for the window frame, next to collapse button ;# args: additional user settings passed to inner frame ;# returns hull: user can pack into this frame ;# proc cframe {base text args} { #----------------------------------------------------------- # Add the widget to the parent. #----------------------------------------------------------- # create button icons image create photo im_Close -data { R0lGODlhEAAQAKIAAP///9TQyICAgEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAAEAAQAAADNhi63BMg yinFAy0HC3Xj2EJoIEOM32WeaSeeqFK+say+2azUi+5ttx/QJeQIjshkcsBsOp/MBAA7 } image create photo im_Open -data { R0lGODlhEAAQAKIAAP///9TQyICAgEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAAEAAQAAADMxi63BMg yinFAy0HC3XjmLeA4ngpRKoSZoeuDLmo38mwtVvKu93rIo5gSCwWB8ikcolMAAA7 } frame $base # let the user pack the outside base frame frame $base.ohull -borderwidth 2 -height 16 -relief ridge label $base.button -borderwidth 0 -image im_Open -relief raised -text "101" bind $base.button <Button-1> {cframe.toggle [winfo parent %W].ohull.ihull} label $base.label -anchor w -borderwidth 1 -text $text # # pack special frame/button # pack $base.ohull -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill both -side left -ipadx 2 -ipady 8 place $base.button -x 5 -y -1 -width 21 -height 21 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.label -x 23 -y 3 -height 13 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore # # Create a label underneath the "title" to prevent overlap # then pack a frame in below that which will be the hull i.e. childsite for users # label $base.ohull.padder -text "" pack $base.ohull.padder -side top eval set hull $base.ohull.ihull ;# Create the inner frame using any additional arguments passed in eval frame $hull $args pack $hull -expand true -fill both return $hull } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Toggle the widget, toggle the 'can be opened' icon. # can also called as cframe.toggle $cframeWidget #----------------------------------------------------------- proc cframe.toggle {ihull} { set button "[winfo parent [winfo parent $ihull]].button" set a [$button cget -image] if { $a == "im_Open" } { cframe.close $ihull } else { cframe.open $ihull } } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Collapse the widget, display the 'can be opened' icon. # can also called as cframe.close $cframeWidget #----------------------------------------------------------- proc cframe.close {ihull} { set base [winfo parent [winfo parent $ihull]] $base.button configure -image im_Close pack forget $base.ohull ;# Make outer frame just small enough for button and title $base configure -height 16 -width 50 # Force the screen back to its requested size in case the # user manually changed it's size. wm geometry [winfo toplevel $base] {} } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Open the widget, display the 'can be closed' icon. # cal also called as cframe.open $cframeWidget #----------------------------------------------------------- proc cframe.open {ihull} { set base [winfo parent [winfo parent $ihull]] $base.button configure -image im_Open pack $base.ohull -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill both -side left -ipadx 2 -ipady 10 ;# Below will force the toplevel to refresh it's size incase the user ;# Manually resized the toplevel. In those cases the packing areas ;# won't automatically contract unless you tell the toplevel to ;# use it's requested size. wm geometry [winfo toplevel $base] {} } #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # B A L L O O N H E L P #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ############################################################################### # Function : balloon # Description: Bind ballon help to some widget # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 1/2/2000 ############################################################################### proc balloon {w help} { bind $w <Any-Enter> "after 300 [list balloon:show %W [list $help]]" bind $w <Any-Leave> "destroy %W.balloon" } ############################################################################### # Function : balloon:show # Description: Pop-up the ballon help based on a callback for the widget enter # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 1/2/2000 ############################################################################### proc balloon:show {w arg} { if {[eval winfo containing [winfo pointerxy .]]!=$w} {return} set top $w.balloon catch {destroy $top} toplevel $top -bd 1 -bg black wm overrideredirect $top 1 pack [message $top.txt -aspect 10000 -bg lightyellow \ -font {Arial 8} -text $arg] set wmx [winfo rootx $w] set wmy [expr [winfo rooty $w]+[winfo height $w]] wm geometry $top \ [winfo reqwidth $top.txt]x[winfo reqheight $top.txt]+$wmx+$wmy raise $top } # ############################################################################### # Fire it up ############################################################################### # buildGui readSettings if {$tomAmpSettings(AutoRescan)} { Rescan ;## ;# Apply the default folder settings ;# ReadFolderFile $tomAmp(defaultFolderFile) } else { if {[catch {set fid [open $tomAmp(cacheFile) r]} result]} { Rescan } else { ;## ;# Read the cached data ;# gets $fid TaFiles array set taFiles $TaFiles gets $fid TaFolders array set taFolders $TaFolders close $fid buildFolderMenu ReadFolderFile $tomAmp(defaultFolderFile) } } MonitorFolders ############################################################################### # Function : tst # Description: # Author : Tom Wilkason # Date : 12/31/2000 ############################################################################### proc tst {{offset 0}} { set file "d:/media/incoming/Classic Rock/Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Everybody I Love You.mp3" set file "//Toms/K6 D/Media/Incoming/Classic Rock/Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Everybody I Love You.mp3" Stop s config -file $file set now [clock seconds] set xxx [expr {int(double(100.)/[s length -units sec]*[s length])}] s play -start $offset -command Next puts "Time:[expr {[clock seconds] - $now}]" puts [s info] Timer after 3000 s stop }