home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@"
- package require -exact snack 2.1
- set rate 16000
- snack::sound s -rate $rate
- # Length of FFT
- set n 1024
- set type FFT
- # Start recording, create polygon, and schedule a draw in 100 ms
- proc Start {} {
- Stop
- set ::pos 0
- .c delete all
- .c create polygon -1 -1 -1 -1 -tags polar -fill green
- s record
- after 100 Draw
- }
- # Stop recording and updating the plot
- proc Stop {} {
- s stop
- after cancel Draw
- }
- # Calculate spectrum and plot it
- proc Draw {} {
- if {[s length] > $::n} {
- set ::pos [expr [s length] - $::n]
- set spec [s dBPowerSpectrum -start $::pos -fftlen $::n -winlen $::n \
- -analysistype $::type]
- set coords {}
- set f 0.0001
- foreach val $spec {
- set v [expr {6.282985 * log($f)/log(2.0)}]
- set a [expr {[winfo height .c]/214.0*($val+100)}]
- set x [expr {[winfo width .c]/2+$a*cos($v)}]
- set y [expr {[winfo height .c]/2+$a*sin($v)}]
- lappend coords $x $y
- set f [expr {$f + 16000.0 / $::n}]
- }
- eval .c coords polar $coords
- }
- after 10 Draw
- if {[s length -unit sec] > 20} Stop
- }
- # Create simple GUI
- pack [ frame .f] -side bottom
- pack [ button .f.b1 -bitmap snackRecord -command Start -fg red -width 40] \
- -side left
- pack [ button .f.b2 -bitmap snackStop -command Stop -width 40] -side left
- pack [ radiobutton .f.b3 -text FFT -variable type -value FFT] -side left
- pack [ radiobutton .f.b4 -text LPC -variable type -value LPC] -side left
- pack [ canvas .c -width 300 -height 300 -bg black] -side top -expand true \
- -fill both
- .c create text 150 150 -text "Polar spectrum plot of microphone signal" \
- -fill red