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- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@"
- # A cross-platform mixer application that adapts to the capabilities
- # of Snack on the machine it is run on.
- # Lots of functionality on Linux - play volume only on Windows, currently.
- package require -exact snack 2.1
- proc Update {} {
- global doMonitor
- snack::mixer update
- if $doMonitor { after 100 Update }
- }
- bind . <Configure> Update
- wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
- pack [frame .f] -expand yes -fill both
- pack [checkbutton .r -text Monitor -command Update -variable doMonitor]
- foreach line [snack::mixer lines] {
- pack [frame .f.g$line -bd 1 -relief solid] -side left -expand yes -fill both
- pack [label .f.g$line.l -text $line]
- if {[snack::mixer channels $line] == "Mono"} {
- snack::mixer volume $line v(r$line)
- } else {
- snack::mixer volume $line v(l$line) v(r$line)
- pack [scale .f.g$line.e -from 100 -to 0 -show no -var v(l$line)] -side \
- left -expand yes -fill both
- }
- pack [scale .f.g$line.s -from 100 -to 0 -show no -var v(r$line)] -expand yes\
- -fill both
- }
- pack [frame .f.f2] -side left
- if {[llength [snack::mixer inputs]] > 0} {
- pack [label .f.f2.li -text "Input jacks:"]
- foreach jack [snack::mixer inputs] {
- snack::mixer input $jack v(i$jack)
- pack [checkbutton .f.f2.b$jack -text $jack -variable v(i$jack)] -anc w
- }
- }
- if {[llength [snack::mixer outputs]] > 0} {
- pack [label .f.f2.lo -text "Output jacks:"]
- foreach jack [snack::mixer outputs] {
- snack::mixer output $jack v(o$jack)
- pack [checkbutton .f.f2.b$jack -text $jack -variable v(o$jack)] -anc w
- }
- }