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- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@"
- package require -exact snack 2.1
- # Create a four channel sound with some computed waveform data
- sound s -channels 4 -rate 8000
- s length 16000
- set p 16
- set n 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < [expr int([s length] / $p -1)]} {incr i} {
- s sample [incr n] 0 0 10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] 3827 7071 10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] 7071 10000 10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] 9239 7071 10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] 10000 0 10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] 9239 -7071 10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] 7071 -10000 10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] 3827 -7071 10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] 0 0 -10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] -3827 7071 -10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] -7071 10000 -10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] -9239 7071 -10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] -10000 0 -10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] -9239 -7071 -10000 -10000
- s sample [incr n] -7071 -10000 -10000 10000
- s sample [incr n] -3827 -7071 -10000 -10000
- }
- # Filters for channel selection
- set f1 [snack::filter map 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
- set f2 [snack::filter map 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0]
- set f3 [snack::filter map 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0]
- set f4 [snack::filter map 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1]
- set f5 [snack::filter map 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0]
- set f6 [snack::filter map 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0]
- pack [frame .a] -side left
- pack [label .a.l -text "Sound channels 1-4"]
- pack [canvas .a.c -width 256 -height 200]
- .a.c create waveform 0 0 -sound s -channe 0 -end 128 -width 256 -height 50
- .a.c create waveform 0 50 -sound s -channe 1 -end 128 -width 256 -height 50
- .a.c create waveform 0 100 -sound s -channe 2 -end 128 -width 256 -height 50
- .a.c create waveform 0 150 -sound s -channe 3 -end 128 -width 256 -height 50
- pack [frame .f] -side left
- pack [label .f.l -text "Play channels:"]
- pack [button .f.a1 -text "Default 1,2" -wi 12 -command "s play"]
- pack [button .f.a2 -text "Channel 1" -wi 12 -command "s play -filter $f1"]
- pack [button .f.a3 -text "Channel 2" -wi 12 -command "s play -filter $f2"]
- pack [button .f.a4 -text "Channel 3" -wi 12 -command "s play -filter $f3"]
- pack [button .f.a5 -text "Channel 4" -wi 12 -command "s play -filter $f4"]
- pack [button .f.a6 -text "Channels 3,2" -wi 12 -command "s play -filter $f5"]
- pack [button .f.a7 -text "Channels 2,3" -wi 12 -command "s play -filter $f6"]