home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@"
- # Prompted sentence recording application
- package require -exact snack 2.1
- set rate 16000
- snack::sound t -rate $rate
- snack::sound s -rate $rate
- # dbrec.tcl menus
- set m [menu .menu]
- $m add cascade -label File -menu $m.file -underline 0
- menu $m.file -tearoff 0
- $m.file add command -label "New session..." -command [list NewSession]
- $m.file add command -label "Open script..." -command [list OpenScriptFile]
- $m.file add command -label "Database browser..." -command [list OpenBrowser]
- $m.file add command -label "Show speaker info..." -command OpenSpeakerDialog
- $m.file add command -label "Exit" -command exit
- $m add cascade -label Audio -menu $m.audio -underline 0
- menu $m.audio -tearoff 0
- $m.audio add command -label "Mixer..." -command snack::mixerDialog
- . config -menu $m
- # Initialize some global variables
- set needsave 0
- set replay 1
- set fontsize 20
- set prompt "Please load a recording script and start a new session"
- set ::name ""
- set ::imax 0
- # Draw waveform and prompt boxes
- pack [canvas .c -height 80 -width 1000 -relief sunken -bd 3]
- .c create waveform 0 0 -sound s -height 80 -width 1000 -limit 32768
- pack [frame .f2 -relief sunken -bd 3] -pady 15
- pack [label .f2.l1 -text Prompt: -anchor w] -fill x
- pack [label .f2.l2 -textvar prompt -font "Helvetica $fontsize bold"] \
- -expand yes -fill x
- # Buttons, time, and level meter
- snack::createIcons
- pack [frame .f1] -pady 5
- button .f1.bp -bitmap snackPlay -width 40 -command Play -state disabled
- #button .f1.bu -bitmap snackPause -command Pause
- #button .f1.bs -bitmap snackStop -command Stop
- button .f1.br -bitmap snackRecord -width 40 -fg red -state disabled
- button .f1.pr -text Prev -command Prev -state disabled
- button .f1.ne -text Next -command Next -state disabled
- checkbutton .f1.be -text replay -variable replay
- label .f1.time -text "00:00.0" -width 10
- snack::levelMeter .f1.lm -width 20 -length 200
- label .f1.level -textvariable level
- # Arrow key descriptions
- frame .f1.f
- grid [frame .f1.f.g]
- grid [label .f1.f.g.lc -text <Space>=Play -relief raised -bd 3] -row 2 -col 1 -padx 20
- grid [label .f1.f.g.lu -text <Up>=Record -relief raised -bd 3] -row 1 -col 3
- grid [label .f1.f.g.ll -text <Left>=Prev -relief raised -bd 3] -row 2 -col 2
- grid [label .f1.f.g.ld -text <Down>=Stop -relief raised -bd 3] -row 2 -col 3
- grid [label .f1.f.g.lr -text <Right>=Next -relief raised -bd 3] -row 2 -col 4
- pack .f1.bp .f1.br .f1.pr .f1.ne .f1.be .f1.time .f1.lm .f1.level \
- .f1.f -side left
- bind .f1.br <ButtonPress-1> Record
- bind .f1.br <ButtonRelease-1> Stop
- # Database browser
- frame .db -relief raised -bd 3
- pack [label .db.l -text "Note! Recording is disabled when the database browser is displayed."]
- pack [frame .db.f0] -expand true -fill x
- pack [label .db.f0.l1 -text Session: -anchor w] -side left -fill x \
- -expand true
- pack [label .db.f0.l2 -text Sentence: -anchor w] -side left -fill x \
- -expand true
- pack [frame .db.f1] -expand true -fill both
- pack [listbox .db.f1.l1 -yscrollcommand [list .db.f1.s1 set]] \
- -side left -fill both -expand true
- pack [scrollbar .db.f1.s1 -orient vertical -command [list .db.f1.l1 yview]] \
- -side left -fill y
- pack [listbox .db.f1.l2 -yscrollcommand [list .db.f1.s2 set]] \
- -side left -fill both -expand true
- pack [scrollbar .db.f1.s2 -orient vertical -command [list .db.f1.l2 yview]] \
- -side left -fill y
- bind .db.f1.l1 <ButtonRelease-1> BrowseSession
- bind .db.f1.l2 <ButtonRelease-1> BrowseSentence
- pack [button .db.f1.b -text Goto -command Goto] -side left
- pack [frame .db.f2]
- pack [button .db.f2.b -text Save -command SaveTrans] -side right
- pack [entry .db.f2.e -width 100 -textvariable ::editprompt] -side right
- pack [button .db.b -text "Hide" -command CloseBrowser]
- # Message bar
- pack [frame .bf] -side bottom -fill x
- entry .bf.lab -font {Helvetica 18 bold} -textvar msg -width 1 \
- -relief sunken -bd 1 -state disabled
- pack .bf.lab -side left -expand yes -fill x
- wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
- proc OpenBrowser {} {
- wm geometry . {}
- pack .db -before .bf -expand true -fill both
- .f1.br configure -state disabled
- bind . <KeyRelease-Up> {}
- bind . <KeyPress-Down> {}
- }
- proc CloseBrowser {} {
- wm geometry . {}
- pack forget .db
- .f1.br configure -state normal
- bind . <KeyRelease-Up> Record
- bind . <KeyPress-Down> Stop
- }
- proc BrowseSession {} {
- set cur [.db.f1.l1 curselection]
- if {$cur != ""} {
- set ::bsession [lindex [split [.db.f1.l1 get $cur] :] 0]
- set dir [format "sn%04d" $::bsession]
- set filelist [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir sent???.wav]]]
- .db.f1.l2 delete 0 end
- foreach file $filelist {
- .db.f1.l2 insert end $file
- }
- set ::msg "Recorded [llength $filelist]/$::imax"
- }
- }
- proc BrowseSentence {} {
- set cur [.db.f1.l2 curselection]
- if {$cur != ""} {
- s read [.db.f1.l2 get $cur]
- SetTime [s length -unit sec]
- if [catch {open [file rootname [.db.f1.l2 get $cur]].txt} in] {
- set msg $in
- } else {
- set ::editprompt [lindex [split [read $in] \n] 0]
- close $in
- }
- Play
- }
- }
- proc SaveTrans {} {
- set cur [.db.f1.l2 curselection]
- if {$cur != ""} {
- if [catch {open [file rootname [.db.f1.l2 get $cur]].txt w} out] {
- error $out
- } else {
- puts $out $::editprompt
- close $out
- }
- }
- }
- proc Goto {} {
- CloseBrowser
- if {![info exists ::bsession]} return
- set ::session $::bsession
- GetSpeakerInfo $::session
- DoOpenScriptFile $::script
- set ::dir [format "sn%04d" $::session]
- set cur [.db.f1.l2 curselection]
- if {$cur != ""} {
- scan [.db.f1.l2 get $cur] "sn%d/sent%d" dummy n
- set ::sentence $n
- } else {
- set ::sentence 1
- }
- set ::prompt $::prompts($::sentence)
- GetSentence
- if {$::sentence == $::imax} {
- ConfigPrev normal
- ConfigNext disabled
- } elseif {$::sentence == 1} {
- ConfigPrev disabled
- ConfigNext normal
- } else {
- ConfigPrev normal
- ConfigNext normal
- }
- wm title . "Session $::session ($::script)"
- set ::msg "Session $::session, sentence 1/$::imax"
- }
- proc OpenSpeakerDialog {} {
- set w .si
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w -class Dialog
- GetSpeakerInfo $::session
- pack [label $w.nl -text Name:]
- pack [entry $w.ne -textvariable ::name -width 40]
- pack [label $w.al -text Age:]
- pack [entry $w.ae -textvariable ::age -width 4]
- pack [label $w.rl -text Region:]
- pack [entry $w.re -textvariable ::region -width 40]
- pack [radiobutton $w.gf -text Female -value Female -variable ::gender] \
- -anchor w
- pack [radiobutton $w.gm -text Male -value Male -variable ::gender] \
- -anchor w
- pack [label $w.ol -text Other:]
- pack [entry $w.oe -textvariable ::other -width 40]
- pack [frame $w.bf -relief raised -bd 1] -expand yes -fill x
- snack::makeDialogBox $w -title "Speaker information" -type ok
- SaveSpeakerInfo
- }
- proc GetSpeakerInfo {n} {
- set ::name ""
- set ::age ""
- set ::region ""
- set ::gender Female
- set ::other ""
- set dir [format "sn%04d" $n]
- catch {source [file join $dir info.txt]}
- }
- proc SaveSpeakerInfo {} {
- set dir [format "sn%04d" $::session]
- if {[catch {open [file join $dir info.txt] w} out]} {
- error $out
- } else {
- puts $out "set ::name \"$::name\""
- puts $out "set ::age \"$::age\""
- puts $out "set ::region \"$::region\""
- puts $out "set ::gender \"$::gender\""
- puts $out "set ::other \"$::other\""
- puts $out "set ::script \"$::script\""
- close $out
- }
- catch {destroy .si}
- set i 0
- while {[lindex [split [.db.f1.l1 get $i] :] 0] < $::session} {
- if {[.db.f1.l1 get $i] == ""} break
- incr i
- }
- .db.f1.l1 delete $i
- .db.f1.l1 insert $i "$::session: $::name, d $::script"
- }
- proc OpenScriptFile {} {
- set types {
- {{Script Files} {.scr}}
- {{All Files} * }
- }
- set file [tk_getOpenFile -title "Open prompt file" -filetypes $types]
- if {$file == ""} return
- set ::script $file
- if {$::name != ""} SaveSpeakerInfo
- DoOpenScriptFile $file
- wm title . "Session $::session ($::script)"
- set msg "Session $::session, sentence 1/$::imax"
- set ::sentence 1
- GetSentence
- ConfigNext normal
- ConfigPrev disabled
- }
- proc SetTime {t} {
- set mmss [clock format [expr int($t)] -format "%M:%S"]
- .f1.time config -text $mmss.[format "%d" [expr int(10*($t-int($t)))]]
- }
- proc Update {} {
- if {$::op == "p"} {
- set t [audio elapsed]
- set end [expr int([s cget -rate] * $t)]
- set start [expr $end - [s cget -rate] / 10]
- if {$start < 0} { set start 0}
- if {$end >= [s length]} { set end -1 }
- if {[s length] > 0 && $start < [s length]} {
- if [catch {set l [s max -start $start -end $end]}] {
- puts [s length],$start,$end
- }
- } else {
- set l 0
- }
- } else {
- set l [t max]
- t length 0
- set t [s length -unit sec]
- SetTime $t
- }
- .f1.lm configure -level $l
- after 100 Update
- }
- proc Record {} {
- if {$::op == "r"} return
- ConfigPrev disabled
- ConfigNext disabled
- s stop
- s record
- t record
- set ::op r
- set ::needsave 1
- .f1.bp configure -relief raised
- # .f1.br configure -relief groove
- .c itemconfig 1 -fill darkgreen
- }
- proc Play {} {
- t stop
- s stop
- s play -command Stop
- set ::op p
- .f1.bp configure -relief groove
- # .f1.br configure -relief raised
- ConfigPrev disabled
- ConfigNext disabled
- # .f1.bu configure -relief raised
- }
- proc Stop {} {
- if {$::op == "s"} return
- s stop
- t record
- .f1.bp configure -relief raised
- # .f1.br configure -relief raised
- if {[winfo ismapped .db] == 0} {
- if {[info exists ::sentence] && $::sentence > 1} {
- ConfigPrev normal
- }
- if {[info exists ::sentence] && $::sentence < $::imax} {
- ConfigNext normal
- }
- }
- if {$::op == "p"} {
- set ::op s
- if {[info exists ::sentence] && $::sentence == $::imax} {
- tk_messageBox -message "The script is finished"
- }
- return
- }
- set ::op s
- # .f1.bu configure -relief raised
- if {[s length -unit sec] < 0.8} {
- tk_messageBox -message "Note! Pressing the record button starts recording. Releasing it stops recording. You can not just click on it." -icon warning
- return
- }
- set arg [expr {[s max] / 32767.0}]
- if {$arg < 0.00001} { set arg 0.00001 }
- set ::level [format "%.1fdB" [expr {20.0 * log($arg)}]]
- if {[s max] < 10000} {
- .c itemconfig 1 -fill red
- tk_messageBox -message "Low volume!" -icon warning
- }
- if {[s max] == 32767 || [s min] == -32768} {
- .c itemconfig 1 -fill red
- tk_messageBox -message "Signal clipped!" -icon warning
- }
- if {$::needsave && [info exists ::dir]} {
- s write [file join $::dir [format "sent%03d" $::sentence].wav]
- if {[catch {open [file join $::dir [format "sent%03d" $::sentence].txt] \
- w} out]} {
- error $out
- } else {
- puts $out $::prompt
- close $out
- }
- set ::needsave 0
- if {$::replay} {
- Play
- } else {
- if {$::sentence == $::imax} {
- tk_messageBox -message "The script is finished"
- }
- }
- .menu.file entryconfigure "Open script..." -state disabled
- }
- }
- proc Pause {} {
- s pause
- if {$::op != "s"} {
- if {[.f1.bu cget -relief] == "raised"} {
- .f1.bu configure -relief groove
- } else {
- .f1.bu configure -relief raised
- }
- }
- }
- proc GetSentence {} {
- if {[info exists ::dir]} {
- if {[file exists [file join $::dir [format "sent%03d" $::sentence].wav]]} {
- s read [file join $::dir [format "sent%03d" $::sentence].wav]
- SetTime [s length -unit sec]
- }
- }
- set ::prompt $::prompts($::sentence)
- set ::msg "Session $::session, sentence $::sentence/$::imax"
- set size 20
- while {[font measure "Helvetica $size bold" $::prompt] > 1024} {
- incr size -2
- }
- .f2.l2 configure -font "Helvetica $size bold"
- }
- proc Next {} {
- incr ::sentence
- s flush
- GetSentence
- if {$::sentence == $::imax} {
- ConfigNext disabled
- }
- ConfigPrev normal
- }
- proc Prev {} {
- incr ::sentence -1
- s flush
- GetSentence
- if {$::sentence == 1} {
- ConfigPrev disabled
- }
- ConfigNext normal
- }
- proc DoOpenScriptFile {script} {
- set i 1
- if [catch {open $script} in] {
- set ::msg $in
- } else {
- set promptfile [read $in]
- close $in
- foreach row [split $promptfile \n] {
- if {$row != ""} {
- set ::prompts($i) $row
- incr i
- }
- }
- set ::imax [expr $i - 1]
- }
- .f1.bp configure -state normal
- bind . <space> Play
- .f1.br configure -state normal
- bind . <KeyRelease-Up> Record
- bind . <KeyPress-Down> Stop
- }
- proc FirstSession {} {
- set declist [lsort -decreasing $::dirlist]
- if {$::dirlist != ""} {
- set lastdir [lindex $declist 0]
- set lastsession [string trimleft $lastdir sn0]
- if {[llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $lastdir sent???.wav]]] > 0} {
- incr lastsession
- }
- set ::session $lastsession
- } else {
- set ::session 1
- }
- incr ::session -1
- # Uncomment to make Speaker window pop-op immediately
- # NewSession
- }
- set ::next(normal) Next
- set ::next(disabled) ""
- set ::prev(normal) Prev
- set ::prev(disabled) ""
- proc ConfigNext { arg } {
- .f1.ne configure -state $arg
- bind . <Key-Right> $::next($arg)
- }
- proc ConfigPrev { arg } {
- .f1.pr configure -state $arg
- bind . <Key-Left> $::prev($arg)
- }
- proc NewSession {} {
- set ::name ""
- set ::age ""
- set ::region ""
- set ::gender Female
- set ::other ""
- incr ::session
- set ::dir [format "sn%04d" $::session]
- file mkdir $::dir
- if {$::script != ""} {
- set ::sentence 1
- set ::prompt $::prompts($::sentence)
- GetSentence
- ConfigNext normal
- ConfigPrev disabled
- }
- .menu.file entryconfigure "Open script..." -state normal
- wm title . "Session $::session ($::script)"
- set msg "Session $::session, sentence 1/$::imax"
- update
- OpenSpeakerDialog
- # while {$::name == ""} OpenSpeakerDialog
- }
- # Create a list with all sessions so far
- set dirlist [lsort [glob -type d -nocomplain {sn[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]}]]
- foreach sn $dirlist {
- set n [string trimleft $sn sn0]
- GetSpeakerInfo $n
- set l $script
- if {[string length $l] > 30} {
- set l ...[string range $l [expr {[string length $l]-30}] end]
- }
- .db.f1.l1 insert end "$n: $::name, $::l"
- }
- set ::script ""
- # Uncomment these lines to open default script at start-up
- #set script tests2.txt
- #DoOpenScriptFile $script
- # Uncomment these line to use built-in script
- #set script "Built-in"
- #set sentlist [list \
- # "This is sentence one" \
- # "This is sentence two" \
- # "This is sentence three" \
- # "This is sentence four"
- #]
- #set i 0
- #foreach sent $sentlist { set prompts([incr i]) $sent }
- #set ::imax $i
- #.f1.bp configure -state normal
- #.f1.br configure -state normal
- #bind . <KeyRelease-Up> Record
- #bind . <KeyPress-Down> Stop
- # Use session number specified on command line, otherwise use next slot
- if {[info exists argv] && $argv != ""} {
- if {[string match "-b" [lindex $argv 0]]} {
- OpenBrowser
- set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0]
- }
- set session [lindex $argv end]
- if {$session != ""} {
- set ::dir [format "sn%04d" $session]
- file mkdir $::dir
- }
- } else {
- FirstSession
- }
- t record
- set op s
- Update