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- # -*-Mode:Tcl-*-
- catch {tk_getOpenFile -junk}
- namespace eval dataplot_v1 {
- variable dataplot
- set dataplot(fmtstr) "0:red"
- set dataplot(max) 0
- set dataplot(min) 0
- set dataplot(ybase) [expr $::v(waveh) + $::v(spegh)]
- set dataplot(height) $::v(spegh)
- set dataplot(frametime) 0.01
- set dataplot(offset) 0.0
- set dataplot(skip) 0
- set dataplot(lockmax) 0
- set dataplot(lockmin) 0
- lappend ::v(plugins) ::dataplot_v1
- snack::menuCommand Tools {Plot Data} ::dataplot_v1::PlotDataWin
- proc Describe {} {
- return "This plug-in adds the capability to plot numerical ASCII data. It is also possible to modify the plot and save the changes."
- }
- proc Unload {} {
- snack::menuDelete Tools {Plot Data}
- }
- proc Redraw y {
- global c f v
- variable dataplot
- set max -1000000
- set min 1000000
- if ![info exist dataplot(check)] { return 0 }
- if {$dataplot(check) != $f(sndfile)} { return 0 }
- $c delete plot
- foreach def [split $dataplot(fmtstr)] {
- scan $def "%d:%s" column color
- set plot($column) $color
- }
- foreach column [array names plot] {
- if {!$dataplot(lockmax)} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < $dataplot(rows)} {incr i} {
- set val $dataplot($i.$column)
- if {$val > $max} { set max $val }
- }
- set dataplot(max) $max
- } else {
- set max $dataplot(max)
- }
- if {!$dataplot(lockmin)} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < $dataplot(rows)} {incr i} {
- set val $dataplot($i.$column)
- if {$val < $min} { set min $val }
- }
- set dataplot(min) $min
- } else {
- set min $dataplot(min)
- }
- set range [expr $max - $min]
- set data [ComputeCoords 0 [expr $dataplot(rows)-1] $column $range $min]
- eval $c create line $data -tags {[list col$column $column plot]} -fill $plot($column)
- set dataplot(data$column) $data
- }
- $c bind plot <B1-Motion> "::dataplot_v1::EditPlot %W %x %y draw"
- $c bind plot <ButtonPress-1> "::dataplot_v1::EditPlot %W %x %y set"
- set dataplot(min) $min
- set dataplot(range) $range
- return 0
- }
- proc Putmark m {
- }
- proc ComputeCoords {start end column range min} {
- global v
- variable dataplot
- set t 0
- set toff [expr $dataplot(offset) - double($v(startsmp))/$v(rate)]
- for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
- set val $dataplot($i.$column)
- set yplot [expr $dataplot(ybase) - (($val - $min) * $dataplot(height) / $range)]
- set t [expr ($i * $dataplot(frametime) + $toff) * $v(pps)]
- lappend data $t $yplot
- }
- return $data
- }
- proc PlotDataWin {} {
- global v
- variable dataplot
- set w .plot
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Plot data"
- wm geometry $w [xsGetGeometry]
- pack [ label $w.lFmt -text "Format example: 1:green 3:red"]
- pack [ entry $w.eFmt -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(fmtstr) -wi 34]
- pack [ frame $w.f1]
- pack [ label $w.f1.lFrameTime -text "Frame spacing (s):" -wi 26] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f1.eFrameTime -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(frametime) -wi 8] -side left
- pack [ frame $w.f11]
- pack [ label $w.f11.lStartOffset -text "Start offset (s):" -wi 20] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f11.eStartOffset -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(offset) -wi 8] -side left
- pack [ frame $w.f2]
- pack [ label $w.f2.lmax -text "Plot value at top:" -wi 26] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f2.emax -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(max) -wi 8] -side left
- pack [ checkbutton $w.f2.rLock -text Lock -var ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(lockmax)]
- pack [ frame $w.f21]
- pack [ label $w.f21.lmin -text "Plot value at bottom:" -wi 26] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f21.emin -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(min) -wi 8] -side left
- pack [ checkbutton $w.f21.rLock -text Lock -var ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(lockmin)]
- pack [ frame $w.f3]
- pack [ label $w.f3.lYBase -text "Plot baseline at (pixels):" -wi 26] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f3.eYBase -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(ybase) -wi 8]
- pack [ frame $w.f4]
- pack [ label $w.f4.lHeight -text "Plot height (pixels):" -wi 26] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f4.eHeight -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(height) -wi 8]
- pack [ frame $w.f5]
- pack [ label $w.f5.lSkipHeader -text "Skip header (lines):" -wi 26] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.f5.eSkipHeader -textvar ::dataplot_v1::dataplot(skip) -wi 8]
- pack [ frame $w.fb]
- pack [ button $w.fb.bLoad -text Load -command ::dataplot_v1::PlotGetFile] -side left
- pack [ button $w.fb.bSave -text Save -command ::dataplot_v1::SaveFile] -side left
- pack [ button $w.fb.bPlot -text Plot -command ::Redraw] -side left
- pack [ frame $w.f] -side bottom -fill x
- label $w.f.lab -text "" -width 1 -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w
- pack $w.f.lab -side left -expand yes -fill x
- pack [ button $w.f.bExit -text Close -command "destroy $w"] -side left
- bind $w <Key-Return> ::Redraw
- }
- proc PlotGetFile {} {
- global f v
- variable dataplot
- set file [tk_getOpenFile -title "Open data file" -initialfile [file rootname $f(sndfile)]]
- if {$file == ""} return
- if {[PlotReadFile $file] == -1} return
- set strip_fn [lindex [file split [file rootname $file]] end]
- set ext [file extension $f(sndfile)]
- if {[string compare $strip_fn$ext $f(sndfile)] != 0} {
- ::OpenFiles $f(spath)$strip_fn$ext
- }
- set dataplot(frametime) [expr [snd length -units seconds]/$dataplot(rows)]
- set dataplot(check) $f(sndfile)
- set v(msg) "Plotting data file: $file"
- ::Redraw
- }
- proc PlotReadFile file {
- global f v
- variable dataplot
- set dataplot(file) $file
- if {$file != ""} {
- if [catch {open $file} in] {
- SetMsg $in
- return -1
- } else {
- set row 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < $dataplot(skip)} {incr i} {
- gets $in line
- }
- gets $in line
- while ![eof $in] {
- set column 0
- foreach item [split $line] {
- if {$item == ""} continue
- if [catch {scan $item "%s" val} res] {
- SetMsg "Failed reading data at row: $row, col: $column"
- return
- }
- set dataplot($row.$column) $val
- incr column
- }
- incr row
- gets $in line
- }
- close $in
- }
- set dataplot(rows) $row
- set dataplot(cols) $column
- }
- }
- proc SaveFile {} {
- variable dataplot
- file copy -force $dataplot(file) $dataplot(file)~
- if [catch {open $dataplot(file) w} out] {
- SetMsg $out
- } else {
- for {set i 0} {$i < $dataplot(rows)} {incr i} {
- set row ""
- for {set j 0} {$j < $dataplot(cols)} {incr j} {
- if $j { append row " " }
- append row $dataplot($i.$j)
- }
- puts $out $row
- }
- }
- close $out
- }
- proc EditPlot {w x y flag} {
- global c v
- variable dataplot
- set xc [$c canvasx $x]
- set yc [$c canvasy $y]
- set tag [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
- set col [lindex [$c gettags current] 1]
- set i [expr int(($v(startsmp)/$v(rate)+$xc*1.0/$v(pps)-$dataplot(offset)) / $dataplot(frametime))]
- if {$i < 0 || $i >= $dataplot(rows)} return
- if {$flag == "set"} {
- set dataplot(orow) $i
- return
- }
- if {$yc > $dataplot(ybase)} {
- set yc $dataplot(ybase)
- }
- if {$yc < $dataplot(ybase) - $dataplot(height)} {
- set yc [expr $dataplot(ybase) - $dataplot(height)]
- }
- set val [expr -$dataplot(range) * ($yc - $dataplot(ybase)) / $dataplot(height) + $dataplot(min)]
- set inc 0
- if {$i > $dataplot(orow)} {
- set inc 1
- }
- if {$i < $dataplot(orow)} {
- set inc -1
- }
- set start [expr $dataplot(orow) + $inc]
- for {set j $start} {$j != $i} {incr j $inc} {
- set dataplot($j.$col) $val
- }
- set dataplot($i.$col) $val
- SetMsg "Row: $i, Value: $val"
- if {$start <= $i} {
- set end $i
- } else {
- set end $start
- set start $i
- }
- set chgd [ComputeCoords $start $end $col $dataplot(range) $dataplot(min)]
- set dataplot(data$col) [eval lreplace {$dataplot(data$col)} [expr 2*$start] [expr 2*$end+1] $chgd]
- eval $c coords $tag $dataplot(data$col)
- set dataplot(orow) $i
- }
- }