home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@"
- # An example of how to build a sound application using Snack.
- # Can also be used as a base for specialized applications.
- package require -exact snack 2.1
- # Try to load optional file format handlers
- catch { package require snacksphere }
- catch { package require snackogg }
- # If they are present add new filetypes to file dialogs
- set extTypes {}
- set loadTypes {}
- set loadKeys {}
- set saveTypes {}
- set saveKeys {}
- if {[info exists snack::snacksphere]} {
- lappend extTypes {SPHERE .sph} {SPHERE .wav}
- lappend loadTypes {{SPHERE Files} {.sph}} {{SPHERE Files} {.wav}}
- lappend loadKeys SPHERE SPHERE
- }
- if {[info exists snack::snackogg]} {
- lappend extTypes {OGG .ogg}
- lappend loadTypes {{Ogg Vorbis Files} {.ogg}}
- lappend loadKeys OGG
- lappend saveTypes {{Ogg Vorbis Files} {.ogg}}
- lappend saveKeys OGG
- }
- snack::addExtTypes $extTypes
- snack::addLoadTypes $loadTypes $loadKeys
- snack::addSaveTypes $saveTypes $saveKeys
- set v(debug) 0
- snack::sound snd -debug $v(debug)
- set v(rate) 16000
- set v(width) 600
- set v(height) 150
- set v(pps) 10
- set v(start) 0
- set v(end) [snd length]
- set v(pausex) -1
- set v(x0) 0
- set v(fileName) ""
- set v(skip) 0
- set v(rate) 16000
- set v(sfmt) LIN16
- set v(chan) 1
- set v(byteOrder) ""
- wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
- pack [set s [scrollbar .scroll -orient horiz -command Scroll]] -fill x
- $s set 0 1
- #bind $s <ButtonRelease-1> Redisplay
- pack [set c [canvas .c -width $v(width) -height $v(height) -highlightthi 0]] \
- -expand yes -fill both
- $c create waveform 0 0 -sound snd -height $v(height) -width $v(width) \
- -tag [list obj wave] -progress snack::progressCallback -trimstart 1 \
- -debug $v(debug)
- if [string match macintosh $::tcl_platform(platform)] {
- $c create rect -1 -1 -1 -1 -tags mark -width 2 -outline red
- } else {
- $c create rect -1 -1 -1 -1 -tags mark -fill yellow -stipple gray25 \
- -width 2 -outline red
- }
- $c create line -1 -1 -1 -1 -fill red -tags playmark
- bind $c <ButtonPress-1> { Button1Press %x }
- bind $c <ButtonRelease-1> { Button1Release }
- bind $c <Configure> Reconfigured
- bind $c <Double-Button-1> ClearMark
- pack [frame .f] -side bottom -before $c -fill x
- pack [button .f.pl -bitmap snackPlay -command {Play 0}] -side left
- pack [button .f.pa -bitmap snackPause -command Pause] -side left
- pack [button .f.st -bitmap snackStop -command Stop] -side left
- snack::createIcons
- pack [button .f.op -image snackOpen -command LoadSound] -side left
- pack [button .f.zi -image snackZoomIn -command ZoomIn] -side left
- pack [button .f.zo -image snackZoomOut -command ZoomOut] -side left
- pack [radiobutton .f.rs -text Spectrogram -command DrawSpectrogram -val 1] -side left
- pack [radiobutton .f.rw -text Waveform -command DrawWaveform -val ""] -side left
- pack [label .f.l -textvar v(time)] -side left
- proc ZoomIn {} {
- global v c s
- set co [$c coords mark]
- set start [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * [lindex $co 0] / $v(pps))]
- set end [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * [lindex $co 2] / $v(pps))]
- if {$start == $end || [snd length] == 0} return
- # Update scrollbar
- $s set [expr double($start)/[snd length]] [expr double($end)/[snd length]]
- set v(pps) [expr $v(width) / (double($end - $start) / $v(rate))]
- set v(start) $start
- set v(end) $end
- ClearMark
- Redisplay
- }
- proc ZoomOut {} {
- global v c s
- set n 2.0
- set delta [expr int($v(rate) * $v(width) / $v(pps))]
- set start [expr int($v(start)-($n-1)/2*$delta)]
- set end [expr int($v(start)+$delta+($n-1)/2*$delta)]
- if {$start < 0} { set start 0 }
- if {$end > [snd length]} { set end [snd length] }
- if {$start == $end} return
- # Update scrollbar
- $s set [expr double($start)/[snd length]] [expr double($end)/[snd length]]
- set v(pps) [expr $v(width) / (double($end - $start) / $v(rate))]
- set v(start) $start
- set v(end) $end
- ClearMark
- Redisplay
- }
- proc Scroll args {
- global v s
- set delta [expr int($v(rate) * $v(width) / $v(pps))]
- if {[lindex $args 0] == "moveto"} {
- set v(start) [expr int([snd length] * [lindex $args 1])]
- } elseif {[lindex $args 0] == "scroll"} {
- if {[lindex $args 1] > 0} {
- set v(start) [expr $v(start)+$delta]
- } else {
- set v(start) [expr $v(start)-$delta]
- }
- }
- if {$v(start) < 0} { set v(start) 0 }
- if {[expr $v(start)+$delta] > [snd length]} {
- set v(start) [expr [snd length]-$delta]
- }
- set v(end) [expr $v(start)+$delta]
- # Update scrollbar
- $s set [expr double($v(start))/[snd length]] [expr double($v(end))/[snd length]]
- ClearMark
- Redisplay
- }
- proc Redisplay {} {
- global v c
- # Display section [$start, $end] of the sound
- $c itemconf obj -start $v(start) -end $v(end)
- }
- proc Button1Press {x} {
- global c
- set xc [$c canvasx $x]
- $c raise mark
- $c coords mark $xc 0 $xc [expr [winfo height $c]-2]
- bind $c <Motion> { Button1Motion %x }
- }
- proc Button1Motion {x} {
- global c
- set xc [$c canvasx $x]
- if {$xc < 0} { set xc 0 }
- if {$xc > [winfo width $c]} { set xc [winfo width $c] }
- set co [$c coords mark]
- $c coords mark [lindex $co 0] 0 $xc [expr [winfo height $c]-2]
- ShowTime
- }
- proc Button1Release {} {
- global c
- bind $c <Motion> {}
- ShowTime
- }
- proc DrawSpectrogram {} {
- global v c
- $c delete obj
- set colors {#000 #006 #00B #00F #03F #07F #0BF #0FF #0FB #0F7 \
- #0F0 #3F0 #7F0 #BF0 #FF0 #FB0 #F70 #F30 #F00}
- $c create spectrogram 0 0 -sound snd -height [winfo height $c] \
- -width [winfo width $c] -start $v(start) -end $v(end) \
- -colormap $colors -tag obj -debug $v(debug)
- $c lower obj
- }
- proc DrawWaveform {} {
- global v c
- $c delete obj
- if {$v(fileName) == ""} {
- $c create waveform 0 0 -sound snd -height [winfo height $c] \
- -debug $v(debug) -width [winfo width $c] -tag [list obj wave]
- } else {
- snack::deleteInvalidShapeFile [file tail $v(fileName)]
- $c create waveform 0 0 -sound snd -height [winfo height $c] \
- -debug $v(debug) -trimstart 1 \
- -width [winfo width $c] -start $v(start) -end $v(end) \
- -tag [list obj wave] -progress snack::progressCallback
- snack::makeShapeFileDeleteable [file tail $v(fileName)]
- }
- $c lower obj
- }
- proc LoadSound {} {
- global v c s
- set fileName [snack::getOpenFile]
- if {$fileName == ""} return
- $c itemconf wave -sound ""
- set tmps [snack::sound]
- set ffmt [$tmps read $fileName -end 1 -guessproperties 1]
- if {$ffmt == "RAW"} {
- set v(rate) [$tmps cget -rate]
- set v(sfmt) [$tmps cget -encoding]
- set v(chan) [$tmps cget -channels]
- set v(byteOrder) [$tmps cget -byteorder]
- if {[InterpretRawDialog] == "cancel"} {
- $tmps destroy
- return
- }
- }
- $tmps destroy
- snd config -file $fileName -skip $v(skip) \
- -rate $v(rate) -encoding $v(sfmt) -channels $v(chan) \
- -byteorder $v(byteOrder)
- set v(rate) [snd cget -rate]
- set v(start) 0
- set v(end) [snd length]
- set v(pps) [expr $v(width) / (double($v(end) - $v(start)) / $v(rate))]
- set v(fileName) $fileName
- # Update scrollbar
- $s set 0.0 1.0
- wm title . [file tail $fileName]
- snack::deleteInvalidShapeFile [file tail $fileName]
- $c itemconf wave -sound snd -start $v(start) -end $v(end) \
- -shapefile [file rootname [file tail $fileName]].shape
- snack::makeShapeFileDeleteable [file tail $fileName]
- Redisplay
- ShowTime
- }
- proc InterpretRawDialog {} {
- global v
- set w .rawDialog
- toplevel $w -class Dialog
- frame $w.q
- pack $w.q -expand 1 -fill both -side top
- pack [frame $w.q.f1] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
- pack [frame $w.q.f2] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
- pack [frame $w.q.f3] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
- pack [frame $w.q.f4] -side left -anchor nw -padx 3m -pady 2m
- pack [label $w.q.f1.l -text "Sample Rate"]
- foreach e [snack::audio rates] {
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f1.r$e -text $e -val $e -var ::v(rate)]\
- -anchor w
- }
- pack [label $w.q.f2.l -text "Sample Encoding"]
- foreach e [snack::audio encodings] {
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f2.r$e -text $e -val $e -var ::v(sfmt)]\
- -anchor w
- }
- pack [label $w.q.f3.l -text Channels]
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f3.r1 -text Mono -val 1 -var ::v(chan)] -anchor w
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f3.r2 -text Stereo -val 2 -var ::v(chan)] -anchor w
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f3.r4 -text 4 -val 4 -var ::v(chan)] -anchor w
- pack [entry $w.q.f3.e -textvariable ::v(chan) -width 3] -anchor w
- pack [label $w.q.f4.l -text "Byte Order"]
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f4.ri -text "Little Endian\n(Intel)" \
- -value littleEndian -var ::v(byteOrder)] -anchor w
- pack [radiobutton $w.q.f4.rm -text "Big Endian\n(Motorola)" \
- -value bigEndian -var ::v(byteOrder)] -anchor w
- pack [label $w.q.f4.l2 -text "\nRead Offset (bytes)"]
- pack [entry $w.q.f4.e -textvar v(skip) -wi 6]
- snack::makeDialogBox $w -title "Interpret Raw File As" -type okcancel
- }
- proc ClearMark {} {
- global c
- $c coords mark -1 -1 -1 -1
- ShowTime
- }
- proc Reconfigured {} {
- global v c
- if {$v(end) == $v(start)} return
- set co [$c coords mark]
- if {[lindex $co 0] != -1} {
- set start [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate))*[lindex $co 0] / $v(pps))]
- set end [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate))*[lindex $co 2] / $v(pps))]
- set x0temp [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate))*$v(x0) / $v(pps))]
- }
- set newHeight [winfo height $c]
- set newWidth [winfo width $c]
- $c itemconf obj -height $newHeight -width $newWidth
- set v(pps) [expr $newWidth / (double($v(end) - $v(start)) / $v(rate))]
- set v(width) $newWidth
- set v(height) $newHeight
- if {[lindex $co 0] != -1} {
- set left [expr double($start - $v(start))/$v(rate)*$v(pps)]
- set right [expr double($end - $v(start))/$v(rate)*$v(pps)]
- set v(x0) [expr double($x0temp - $v(start))/$v(rate)*$v(pps)]
- $c coords mark $left 0 $right [expr [winfo height $c]-2]
- }
- }
- proc Play x {
- global v c s
- snd stop
- set c0 [lindex [$c coords mark] 0]
- set c2 [lindex [$c coords mark] 2]
- if {$x == 0} {
- set x $c0
- if {$c0 == -1} {
- set l $v(start)
- set r $v(end)
- } elseif {$c0 == $c2} {
- set l [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $c0 / $v(pps))]
- set r $v(end)
- } else {
- set l [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $c0 / $v(pps))]
- set r [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $c2 / $v(pps))]
- }
- } else {
- if {$c0 == $c2} {
- set l [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $x / $v(pps))]
- set r $v(end)
- } else {
- set l [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $x / $v(pps))]
- set r [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $c2 / $v(pps))]
- }
- }
- snd play -start $l -end $r
- after 0 PutPlayMarker $x
- }
- proc Pause {} {
- global v
- if [snack::audio active] {
- set v(pausex) [expr $v(x0) + $v(pps) * [snack::audio elapsedTime]]
- snd stop
- } elseif {$v(pausex) != -1} {
- Play $v(pausex)
- }
- }
- proc Stop {} {
- global v
- snd stop
- set v(pausex) -1
- }
- proc PutPlayMarker args {
- global v c
- if ![snack::audio active] {
- $c coords playmark -1 -1 -1 -1
- ShowTime
- return
- }
- if {$args != ""} {
- set v(x0) [lindex $args 0]
- }
- set x [expr $v(x0) + $v(pps) * [snack::audio elapsedTime]]
- set co [$c coords mark]
- if {[lindex $co 0] != [lindex $co 2] && $x > [lindex $co 2]} {
- $c coords playmark -1 -1 -1 -1
- ShowTime
- return
- }
- $c coords playmark $x 0 $x $v(height)
- after 50 PutPlayMarker
- set time [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * $x / $v(pps))]
- set v(time) "Time: [SampleIndex2Time $time]"
- }
- proc ShowTime {} {
- global v c
- set co [$c coords mark]
- set start [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * [lindex $co 0] / $v(pps))]
- set end [expr int($v(start) + double($v(rate)) * [lindex $co 2] / $v(pps))]
- if {[lindex $co 0] < 0.0} {
- set v(time) "Length: [SampleIndex2Time [snd length -unit samples]]"
- return
- }
- set v(t1) [SampleIndex2Time $start]
- set v(t2) [SampleIndex2Time $end]
- if {$end == $start} {
- set v(time) "Time: $v(t1)"
- return
- }
- set v(time) "\[$v(t1)-$v(t2)\]"
- }
- proc SampleIndex2Time index {
- global v
- set sec [expr int($index / $v(rate))]
- set dec [format "%.2d" [expr int(100*((double($index) / $v(rate))-$sec))]]
- return [clock format $sec -format "%M:%S.$dec"]
- }