home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # The next line restarts using wish8.3 \
- exec wish8.3 $0 ${1+"$@"}
- source [file join [file dirname [info script]] imgmsg.tcl]
- proc mmc string {
- regsub & $string {} string
- return $string
- }
- proc mml string {
- return [string first & $string]
- }
- #
- # Make the Image format available.
- #
- package require Img
- #
- # Initialization of some global variables
- #
- set tkvPriv(count) 0
- set tkvPriv(currentdir) [pwd]
- set tkvPriv(defaultext) .gif
- set tkvPriv(types) [list \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.bmp} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.gif} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.jpeg .jpg} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.png} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.tiff .tif} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.xbm} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.xpm} ] \
- [list [mc "Image Files"] {.ps .eps} ] \
- [list "BMP [mc Files]" {.bmp} ] \
- [list "GIF [mc Files]" {.gif} ] \
- [list "JPEG [mc Files]" {.jpeg .jpg} ] \
- [list "PNG [mc Files]" {.png} ] \
- [list "TIFF [mc Files]" {.tiff .tif} ] \
- [list "XBM [mc Files]" {.xbm} ] \
- [list "XPM [mc Files]" {.xpm} ] \
- [list "Postscript [mc Files]" {.ps .eps} ] \
- [list "GIF [mc Files]" {} GIFF] \
- [list "JPEG [mc Files]" {} JPEG] \
- [list "PNG [mc Files]" {} PNGF] \
- [list "TIFF [mc Files]" {} TIFF] \
- [list [mc {All files}] *] \
- ]
- proc Menu {base name} {
- set menu [ConCat $base menu]
- if {![winfo exists $menu]} {
- menu $menu
- $base configure -menu $menu
- }
- set accelerator [string toupper [string index $name 0]]
- set text [mc "&$accelerator[string range $name 1 end]"]
- set name $menu.$name
- if {![winfo exists $name]} {
- menu $name
- $menu add cascade -label [mmc $text] -menu $name -underline [mml $text]
- }
- return $name
- }
- #
- # Small proc to concatenate window pathnames
- #
- proc ConCat args {
- regsub -all {[ \.]+} $args . args
- return $args
- }
- #
- # Create a new image window
- #
- proc image_window {{window {}}} {
- global tkvPriv
- if {![string compare $window {}]} {
- set window .image$tkvPriv(count)
- incr tkvPriv(count)
- }
- if {[winfo exists $window]} {
- catch {eval destroy [winfo children $window]}
- } else {
- toplevel $window
- }
- wm title $window [mc {Viewer}]
- set frame [ConCat $window frame]
- label $frame -relief sunken -bg white -bd 2 -anchor nw
- set w [Menu $window file]
- $w configure -tearoff 0
- set text [mc &Open]
- $w add command -label [mmc $text] -command [list load_image $window] -underline [mml $text]
- set text [mc &Save]
- $w add command -label [mmc $text] -command [list save_image $window] -underline [mml $text]
- $w add separator
- set text [mc &Close]
- $w add command -label [mmc $text] -command [list destroy $window] -underline [mml $text]
- set text [mc E&xit]
- $w add command -label [mmc $text] -command [list destroy .] -underline [mml $text]
- set w [Menu $window images]
- set w [Menu $window help]
- $w configure -tearoff 0
- set text [mc &About]
- $w add command -label [mmc $text] -command About -underline [mml $text]
- catch {wm geometry $window 200x200}
- pack $frame -side top -expand y -fill both
- return $frame
- }
- proc register_image {w name} {
- set menu [Menu $w images]
- set item [file tail [lindex $name 0]]
- if {[llength $name] > 1} {
- append item " [lindex $name 1]"
- }
- $menu add command -label $item -command \
- [list show_image $w $name]
- }
- proc show_image {window name} {
- [ConCat $window frame] configure -image $name
- catch {wm geometry $window {}}
- }
- proc load_image window {
- global tkvPriv
- set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $tkvPriv(types) -parent \
- $window -initialdir $tkvPriv(currentdir)]
- if {[string compare $filename {}]} {
- set imagename [list $filename]
- image create photo $imagename -file $filename
- register_image $window $imagename
- show_image $window $imagename
- set tkvPriv(currentdir) [file dirname $filename]
- }
- }
- proc save_image window {
- global tkvPriv
- set img [[ConCat $window frame] cget -image]
- set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $tkvPriv(types) -parent \
- $window -initialdir $tkvPriv(currentdir) -defaultextension .gif \
- -initialfile [file rootname [lindex $img 0]].gif]
- if {[string compare $filename {}]} {
- $img write $filename -format gif
- set tkvPriv(currentdir) [file dirname $filename]
- }
- }
- proc About {} {
- tk_dialog .about "[mmc [mc &About]] tkv.tcl" "[mc {Tiny Image viewer}]\n[mc {written by}]\
- Jan Nijtmans <j.nijtmans@chello.nl>" {} 0 [mc O.K.]
- }
- set w [lindex $argv 1]
- if {![string compare $w {}]} {
- set w .
- }
- set filename [lindex $argv 0]
- image_window $w
- if {[string compare $filename {}]} {
- set imagename [list $filename]
- image create photo $imagename -file $filename
- register_image $w $imagename
- show_image $w $imagename
- }