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- namespace eval DemoSelect {
- variable var
- }
- proc DemoSelect::create { nb } {
- set frame [$nb insert end demoSelect -text "Spin & Combo"]
- set titf1 [TitleFrame $frame.titf1 -text SpinBox]
- set subf [$titf1 getframe]
- set spin [SpinBox $subf.spin \
- -range {1 100 1} -textvariable DemoSelect::var(spin,var) \
- -helptext "This is the SpinBox"]
- set ent [LabelEntry $subf.ent -label "Linked var" -labelwidth 10 -labelanchor w \
- -textvariable DemoSelect::var(spin,var) -editable 0 \
- -helptext "This is an Entry reflecting\nthe linked var of SpinBox"]
- set labf [LabelFrame $subf.options -text "Options" -side top -anchor w \
- -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 \
- -helptext "Modify some options of SpinBox"]
- set subf [$labf getframe]
- set chk1 [checkbutton $subf.chk1 -text "Non editable" \
- -variable DemoSelect::var(spin,editable) -onvalue false -offvalue true \
- -command "$spin configure -editable \$DemoSelect::var(spin,editable)"]
- set chk2 [checkbutton $subf.chk2 -text "Disabled" \
- -variable DemoSelect::var(spin,state) -onvalue disabled -offvalue normal \
- -command "$spin configure -state \$DemoSelect::var(spin,state)"]
- pack $chk1 $chk2 -side left -anchor w
- pack $spin $ent $labf -pady 4 -fill x
- pack $titf1
- set titf2 [TitleFrame $frame.titf2 -text ComboBox]
- set subf [$titf2 getframe]
- set combo [ComboBox $subf.combo \
- -textvariable DemoSelect::var(combo,var) \
- -values {"first value" "second value" "third value" "fourth value" "fifth value"} \
- -helptext "This is the ComboBox"]
- set ent [LabelEntry $subf.ent -label "Linked var" -labelwidth 10 -labelanchor w \
- -textvariable DemoSelect::var(combo,var) -editable 0 \
- -helptext "This is an Entry reflecting\nthe linked var of ComboBox"]
- set labf [LabelFrame $subf.options -text "Options" -side top -anchor w \
- -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 \
- -helptext "Modify some options of SpinBox"]
- set subf [$labf getframe]
- set chk1 [checkbutton $subf.chk1 -text "Non editable" \
- -variable DemoSelect::var(combo,editable) -onvalue false -offvalue true \
- -command "$combo configure -editable \$DemoSelect::var(combo,editable)"]
- set chk2 [checkbutton $subf.chk2 -text "Disabled" \
- -variable DemoSelect::var(combo,state) -onvalue disabled -offvalue normal \
- -command "$combo configure -state \$DemoSelect::var(combo,state)"]
- pack $chk1 $chk2 -side left -anchor w
- pack $combo $ent $labf -pady 4 -fill x
- pack $titf1 $titf2 -pady 4
- return $frame
- }