home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
- exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
- namespace eval Demo {
- variable _wfont
- variable notebook
- variable mainframe
- variable status
- variable prgtext
- variable prgindic
- variable font
- variable font_name
- variable toolbar1 1
- variable toolbar2 1
- set pwd [pwd]
- cd [file dirname [info script]]
- variable DEMODIR [pwd]
- cd $pwd
- foreach script {
- manager.tcl basic.tcl select.tcl dnd.tcl tree.tcl tmpldlg.tcl
- } {
- namespace inscope :: source $DEMODIR/$script
- }
- }
- proc Demo::create { } {
- global tk_patchLevel
- variable _wfont
- variable notebook
- variable mainframe
- variable font
- variable prgtext
- variable prgindic
- set prgtext "Please wait while loading font..."
- set prgindic -1
- _create_intro
- update
- SelectFont::loadfont
- # Menu description
- set descmenu {
- "&File" all file 0 {
- {command "E&xit" {} "Exit BWidget demo" {} -command exit}
- }
- "&Options" all options 0 {
- {checkbutton "Toolbar &1" {all option} "Show/hide toolbar 1" {}
- -variable Demo::toolbar1
- -command {$Demo::mainframe showtoolbar 0 $Demo::toolbar1}
- }
- {checkbutton "Toolbar &2" {all option} "Show/hide toolbar 2" {}
- -variable Demo::toolbar2
- -command {$Demo::mainframe showtoolbar 1 $Demo::toolbar2}
- }
- }
- }
- set prgtext "Creating MainFrame..."
- set prgindic 0
- set mainframe [MainFrame .mainframe \
- -menu $descmenu \
- -textvariable Demo::status \
- -progressvar Demo::prgindic]
- # toolbar 1 creation
- incr prgindic
- set tb1 [$mainframe addtoolbar]
- set bbox [ButtonBox $tb1.bbox1 -spacing 0 -padx 1 -pady 1]
- $bbox add -image [Bitmap::get new] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -helptext "Create a new file"
- $bbox add -image [Bitmap::get open] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -helptext "Open an existing file"
- $bbox add -image [Bitmap::get save] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -helptext "Save file"
- pack $bbox -side left -anchor w
- set sep [Separator $tb1.sep -orient vertical]
- pack $sep -side left -fill y -padx 4 -anchor w
- incr prgindic
- set bbox [ButtonBox $tb1.bbox2 -spacing 0 -padx 1 -pady 1]
- $bbox add -image [Bitmap::get cut] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -helptext "Cut selection"
- $bbox add -image [Bitmap::get copy] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -helptext "Copy selection"
- $bbox add -image [Bitmap::get paste] \
- -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -helptext "Paste selection"
- pack $bbox -side left -anchor w
- # toolbar 2 creation
- incr prgindic
- set tb2 [$mainframe addtoolbar]
- set _wfont [SelectFont $tb2.font -type toolbar \
- -command "Demo::update_font \[$tb2.font cget -font\]"]
- set font [$_wfont cget -font]
- pack $_wfont -side left -anchor w
- $mainframe addindicator -text "BWidget [package version BWidget]"
- $mainframe addindicator -textvariable tk_patchLevel
- # NoteBook creation
- set frame [$mainframe getframe]
- set notebook [NoteBook $frame.nb]
- set prgtext "Creating Manager..."
- incr prgindic
- set f0 [DemoManager::create $notebook]
- set prgtext "Creating Basic..."
- incr prgindic
- set f1 [DemoBasic::create $notebook]
- set prgtext "Creating Select..."
- incr prgindic
- set f2 [DemoSelect::create $notebook]
- set prgtext "Creating Dialog..."
- incr prgindic
- set f3b [DemoDlg::create $notebook]
- set prgtext "Creating Drag and Drop..."
- incr prgindic
- set f4 [DemoDnd::create $notebook]
- set prgtext "Creating Tree..."
- incr prgindic
- set f5 [DemoTree::create $notebook]
- set prgtext "Done"
- incr prgindic
- $notebook compute_size
- pack $notebook -fill both -expand yes -padx 4 -pady 4
- $notebook raise [$notebook page 0]
- pack $mainframe -fill both -expand yes
- update idletasks
- destroy .intro
- }
- proc Demo::update_font { newfont } {
- variable _wfont
- variable notebook
- variable font
- variable font_name
- . configure -cursor watch
- if { $font != $newfont } {
- $_wfont configure -font $newfont
- $notebook configure -font $newfont
- set font $newfont
- }
- . configure -cursor ""
- }
- proc Demo::_create_intro { } {
- variable DEMODIR
- set top [toplevel .intro -relief raised -borderwidth 2]
- wm withdraw $top
- wm overrideredirect $top 1
- set ximg [label $top.x -bitmap @$DEMODIR/x1.xbm \
- -foreground grey90 -background white]
- set bwimg [label $ximg.bw -bitmap @$DEMODIR/bwidget.xbm \
- -foreground grey90 -background white]
- set frame [frame $ximg.f -background white]
- set lab1 [label $frame.lab1 -text "Loading demo" \
- -background white -font {times 8}]
- set lab2 [label $frame.lab2 -textvariable Demo::prgtext \
- -background white -font {times 8} -width 35]
- set prg [ProgressBar $frame.prg -width 50 -height 10 -background white \
- -variable Demo::prgindic -maximum 10]
- pack $lab1 $lab2 $prg
- place $frame -x 0 -y 0 -anchor nw
- place $bwimg -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se
- pack $ximg
- BWidget::place $top 0 0 center
- wm deiconify $top
- }
- proc Demo::main {} {
- variable DEMODIR
- lappend ::auto_path [file dirname $DEMODIR]
- namespace inscope :: package require BWidget
- option add *TitleFrame.l.font {helvetica 11 bold italic}
- wm withdraw .
- wm title . "BWidget demo"
- Demo::create
- BWidget::place . 0 0 center
- wm deiconify .
- raise .
- focus -force .
- }
- Demo::main
- wm geom . [wm geom .]