// OleDoc.odl : type library source for OleDoc.exe
// This file will be processed by the MIDL compiler to produce the
// type library (OleDoc.tlb).
library MxPaint
class ABImage //////
BSTR Title;
OLE_COLOR* ForeColor;
OLE_COLOR* BackColor;
BSTR GetTitle()
void SetTitle(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue)
BSTR WindowTestMethod();
long Border(long Width);
long Contract(long Pixels);
long Expand(long Pixels);
long Feather(long Radius);
short SelectAll();
long SelectNothing();
long SelectRectangle (long Left, long Top, long Right, long Bottom)
long Smooth(long Radius);
long DeleteLayer();
long Group();
long FlattenImage() ;
long Rotate(long Angle);
long AddNoise(short Amount, short Distribution, short Monohromatic)
long MotionBlur(short Angle, short Distance);
long AddNoise(short Amount, short Distribution, short Monohromatic);
long Fill(OLE_COLOR Color, short Opacity, short Operatin);
long Text(LPCTSTR Title, short xpos, short ypos, short Align, LPCTSTR FaceName, short Size, BOOL Bold, BOOL Italic);
long Emboss(short Azimuth, short Elevation, short Depth, BOOL Emboss);
long GaussianBlur(short Radius);
long SelectPolygon(long Count, VARIANT FAR* XArray, VARIANT FAR* YArray);
long SetSelOp(short OP);
long SelectOval(long Left, long Top, long XWidth, long YWidth);
long Mosaic(short TileSize, short TileHieght, short TileSpacing, short TileNeatnes, short LightDirection, short Variation, short Options, short Primitives);
long AddLayer(LPCTSTR Title, short Opacity, short Mode);
long FillGradient(short blendmode, short gradienttype, short operationindex, short opacity, short sx, short sy, short ex, short ey, short gradientindex);