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- typedef
- enum
- struct
- union
- module
- dispinterface
- interface
- dual interface
- class
- enum enumName ///enumDsecription///
- {
- xxx vvv ///xxxDsecription///
- xxx2 vvv2 ///xxx2Dsecription///
- }
- class className ///classDsecription///
- {
- [properties:
- [methods:
- [helpstring("123 123 "), helpcontext(123123), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2), xxx]
- type name type1 param1 type1 param1 ///Dsecription///
- [helpstring("123 123 "), helpcontext(123123), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2)]
- type nameProp_1 ///Dsecription///
- [helpstring( " 123 123 " ) , helpcontext( 123123 ), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2)]
- type name ///Dsecription///
- ]
- [methods:
- [helpstring("123 123 "), helpcontext(123123), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2)]
- type name_Method1 ///Dsecription///
- [helpstring( " 123 123 " ) , helpcontext( 123123 ), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2)]
- type name ///Dsecription///
- [string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2), xxx]
- type name type1 param1 ///Dsecription///
- ]
- [Events:
- [helpstring("123 123 "), helpcontext(123123), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2)]
- type nameEvent_1 ///Dsecription///
- [helpstring( " 123 123 " ) , helpcontext( 123123 ), string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2)]
- type name ///Dsecription///
- [string, propget, propput, propputref, bindable, defaultbind, displaybind, vararg, id(2), xxx]
- type name type1 param1 ///Dsecription///
- ]
- };
- -------------------
- <begin>
- class ReturnVal ///Container for values///
- {
- [properties:
- [propget, id(0), helpstring("default property")]
- [propput, id(0), helpstring("default property")]
- [id(1), helpstring("method Clear")]
- void Clear();
- [propget, id(2), helpstring("property Var")]
- VARIANT Var( BSTR Name );
- [propput, id(2), helpstring("property Var")]
- void Var( BSTR Name, VARIANT newVal);
- [propget, id(3), helpstring("property FData")]
- VARIANT FData( BSTR FormName, BSTR ControlName);
- [propput, id(3), helpstring("property FData")]
- void FData( BSTR FormName, BSTR ControlName, VARIANT newVal);
- ]
- [methods:
- [id(4), helpstring("method SaveData")]
- void SaveData();
- [id(5), helpstring("method LoadData")]
- void LoadData();
- ]
- };
- enum ABError ///Error Codes for Forms///
- {
- } ;
- enum ABColors ////Colors///
- {
- abALICEBLUE 16775408,
- abANTIQUEWHITE 14150650,
- abAQUA 16776960,
- abAQUAMARINE 13959039,
- abAZURE 16777200,
- abBEIGE 14480885,
- abBISQUE 12903679,
- abBLACK 0,
- abBLANCHEDALMOND 13495295,
- abBLUE 16711680,
- abBLUEVIOLET 14822282,
- abBROWN 2763429,
- abBURLYWOOD 8894686,
- abCADETBLUE 10526303,
- abCHARTREUSE 65407,
- abCHOCOLATE 1993170,
- abCORAL 5275647,
- abCORNFLOWERBLUE 15570276,
- abCORNSILK 14481663,
- abCRIMSON 3937500,
- abCYAN 16776960,
- abDARKBLUE 9109504,
- abDARKCYAN 9145088,
- abDARKGRAY 11119017,
- abDARKGREEN 25600,
- abDARKKHAKI 7059389,
- abDARKMAGENTA 9109643,
- abDARKORANGE 36095,
- abDARKORCHID 13382297,
- abDARKRED 139,
- abDARKSALMON 8034025,
- abDARKSEAGREEN 9419919,
- abDARKSLATEBLUE 9125192,
- abDARKSLATEGRAY 5197615,
- abDARKTURQUOISE 13749760,
- abDARKVIOLET 13828244,
- abDEEPPINK 9639167,
- abDEEPSKYBLUE 12566272,
- abDIMGRAY 6908265,
- abDODGERBLUE 16748574,
- abFIREBRICK 2237106,
- abFLORALWHITE 15792895,
- abFORESTGREEN 2263842,
- abFUCHSIA 16711935,
- abGAINSBORO 14474460,
- abGHOSTWHITE 16775416,
- abGOLD 55295,
- abGOLDENROD 2139610,
- abGRAY 8421504,
- abGREEN 32768,
- abGREENYELLOW 3145645,
- abHONEYDEW 15794160,
- abHOTPINK 11823615,
- abINDIANRED 6053069,
- abINDIGO 8519755,
- abIVORY 15794175,
- abKHAKI 9234160,
- abLAVENDER 16443110,
- abLAVENDERBLUSH 16118015,
- abLAWNGREEN 64636,
- abLEMONCHIFFON 13499135,
- abLIGHTBLUE 15128749,
- abLIGHTCORAL 8421616,
- abLIGHTCYAN 16777184,
- abLIGHTGREEN 9498256,
- abLIGHTGREY 13882323,
- abLIGHTPINK 12695295,
- abLIGHTSALMON 8036607,
- abLIGHTSEAGREEN 11186720,
- abLIGHTSKYBLUE 16436871,
- abLIGHTSLATEGREY 10061943,
- abLIGHTSTEELBLUE 14599344,
- abLIGHTYELLOW 14745599,
- abLIME 65280,
- abLIMEGREEN 3329330,
- abLINEN 15134970,
- abMAGENTA 16711935,
- abMAROON 128,
- abMEDIUMBLUE 13434880,
- abMEDIUMORCHID 13850042,
- abMEDIUMPURPLE 14381203,
- abMIDNIGHTBLUE 7346457,
- abMINTCREAM 16449525,
- abMISTYROSE 14804223,
- abMOCCASIN 11920639,
- abNAVAJOWHITE 11394815,
- abNAVY 8388608,
- abOLDLACE 15136253,
- abOLIVE 32896,
- abOLIVEDRAB 2330219,
- abORANGE 42495,
- abORANGERED 17919,
- abORCHID 14053594,
- abPALEGOLDENROD 11200750,
- abPALEGREEN 10025880,
- abPALETURQUOISE 15658671,
- abPALEVIOLETRED 9662683,
- abPAPAYAWHIP 14020607,
- abPEACHPUFF 12180223,
- abPERU 4163021,
- abPINK 13353215,
- abPLUM 14524637,
- abPOWDERBLUE 15130800,
- abPURPLE 8388736,
- abRED 255,
- abROSYBROWN 9408444,
- abROYALBLUE 14772545,
- abSADDLEBROWN 1262987,
- abSALMON 7504122,
- abSANDYBROWN 6333684,
- abSEAGREEN 5737262,
- abSEASHELL 15660543,
- abSIENNA 2970272,
- abSILVER 12632256,
- abSKYBLUE 15453831,
- abSLATEBLUE 13458026,
- abSLATEGRAY 9470064,
- abSNOW 16448255,
- abSPRINGGREEN 8388352,
- abSTEELBLUE 11829830,
- abTAN 9221330,
- abTEAL 8421376,
- abTHISTLE 14204888,
- abTOMATO 4678655,
- abTURQUOISE 13688896,
- abVIOLET 15631086,
- abWHEAT 11788021,
- abWHITE 16777215,
- abWHITESMOKE 16119285,
- abYELLOW 65535,
- abYELLOWGREEN 3329434,
- abYELLOWGRE 3329434
- } ;
- enum AOArrangeStyle ///Styles for finction Windows.Arrange///
- {
- aoArrangeStyleTiled 1,
- aoArrangeStyleCascade 2,
- aoArrangeStyleHorizontal 3,
- aoArrangeStyleVertical 4,
- aoArrangeStyleIcons 5
- } ;
- enum ABSaveChanges ///Parameters for function Windows.CloseAll///
- {
- abSaveChangesYes = 1,
- abSaveChangesNo = 2,
- abSaveChangesPrompt = 3
- } ;
- class Windows ///Windows Collection///
- {
- [properties:
- [propget, id(1)]
- long Count();
- [propget, id(2)]
- LPDISPATCH Application
- [propget, id(3)]
- [propget, id(0)]
- Window Item( VARIANT Index );///Default prorerty///
- ]
- [methods:
- [id(4)]
- void Arrange( aoArrangeStyle ArrangeStyle );
- [id(10)]
- void CloseAll( abSaveChanges SaveChanges );
- ]
- };
- class Form ///A Form///
- {
- [methods:
- [propget, id(1), helpstring("Title of Form")]
- String Title();
- [id(2), helpstring("Execute Form")]
- void Run();
- [id(3), helpstring("Go to Edit mode in Form Editor")]
- void GoEdit();
- ]
- };
- class Forms ///Forms Collection///
- {
- [properties:
- [propget, id(1)]
- long Count
- [propget, id(2)]
- LPDISPATCH Application
- [propget, id(3)]
- [propget, id(4)]
- String Active ///Return Name of Avtive Form
- If no one form is active return empty string///
- [propget, id(0)]
- Form Item( VARIANT Index); ///Index is Name of a Form///
- ]
- [methods:
- [id(5)]
- void CloseActive();
- [id(6)]
- void ShowForm( VARIANT FormName);
- ]
- };
- class RunMacro ///Use to run macro or function in other document///
- {
- [methods:
- [id(1)]
- VARIANT Run( BSTR DocName, BSTR MacroName); ///After MacroName can be stored parameters for function///
- ]
- };