44454 Modify Control Points\nModify Control Points
44455 Move\nMove
44456 Preview mode\nPreview mode
44457 Vector Oval\nVector Oval
44458 Pattern Fill\nPattern Fill
44459 Vector Polygon\nVector Polygon
44460 Vector Rect\nVector Rect
44461 Rotate\nRotate
44462 Vector Round Rect\nVector Round Rect
44463 Scale\nScale
44464 Select Curves\nSelect Curves
44465 Sharp Corners\nSharp Corners
44467 Skew\nSkew
44468 Solid Fill\nSolid Fill
44469 Vector Text\nVector Text
44470 Ungroup Objects\nUngroup Objects
44471 Class Browser\nClass Browser
44485 Single Column Selection\nSingle Column Selection
44493 Zoom\nZoom
45100 Regular
45101 Bold
45102 Italic
45103 Bold Italic
45104 AaBbYyZz
45105 Black
45106 Maroon
45107 Green
45108 Olive
45109 Navy
45110 Purple
45111 Teal
45112 Gray
45113 Silver
45114 Red
45115 Lime
45116 Yellow
45117 Blue
45118 Fuchsia
45119 Aqua
45120 White
45121 Automatic
45122 This is a True Type font. The same font will be used on both\n your screen and your printer.
45123 This is a printer font. The closest matching Windows font will\n be used on your screen.
45124 This is a screen font.
45125 Custom child control
45126 None
45127 Back Color
45128 Fore Color
45131 DRAW
45133 WRITE
45134 Ability Launcher
45135 Ability Database
45136 Ability Draw
45137 Ability Spreadsheet
45138 Ability Write
45139 Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright and international treaties.\nUnauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
45140 The trial period has expired.\nTo continue using Ability, you'll need to purchase a full version.
45141 This is a trial version and will expire in \nTo continue using Ability, you'll need to purchase a full version.
45142 This Ability Office application is fully registered.\nTo register the other Ability Office applications, see the How To Buy button.
46312 You can open one of the last files you worked on by choosing it from the Recent Files on the File menu.
46313 You can repeat the last Find command in the source editor by pressing F3.
46314 You can move to the beginning of a line by pressing Home. You can move to the end of a line by pressing End.
46315 You can undo most actions by clicking the Undo button on the Standard toolbar.
46316 The pop-up menu often has commands specific to the selected text.
46317 You can hide all screen elements to see more of your text. From the View menu, choose Full Screen. To restore the screen, click the Full Screen button or press Esc.
46318 When editing, you can replace text by selecting it and then typing.
46319 You can press Ctrl-F to display the Find dialog.
46320 When editing, you can press F5 to move to a line in the file.
46321 When editing, you can go to the beginning of a file by pressing Ctrl-Home. You can go to the end of a file by pressing Ctrl-End.
46322 You can move or copy selected text or graphics by dragging and dropping. To copy the item, hold down Ctrl as you drag.
46323 When editing, you can use the selection bar to select text. In the space to the left of text, click once to select a line.
46324 The status bar at the bottom of the Ability Write frame shows the current line number, editor mode and other information.
46325 Ability Write displays the name of a toolbar button when you point to the button.
46326 You can split the window into two panes and see two parts of a file simultaneously. Drag the split bar at the top of the scroll bar to split the window.
46327 You can open a file by clicking the Open button on the Standard toolbar. To see the file in the list, you may need to select a different drive or directory or select All Files from the File types combo box.
46507 The width of a field must be greater then the decimal size
46508 A Table with that Name Already Exists!\nChoose Another Name
46509 The item already exists in the database.
46510 You must give the new item a different name.
46511 Error Occurred When Creating The Table!
46512 Error Occurred When Deleting Record\nRecordSet Unstable!
46516 &New Object...
46517 &New Picture...
46518 &New Memo...
46519 American English (US)\nBritish English (UK)\nCanadian French\nDanish\nDutch\nFrench\nGerman\nItalian\nNorwegian\nSpanish\nSwedish
46523 Row resize mode
46524 Row print mode
46525 Single
46526 Automatic
46527 None
46528 Fit rows
46529 Default
46530 The value you entered isn't appropriate for this field
46531 An Error Occurred During Updating the Database
46532 An Error Occurred when Trying to \nSave the Sort Order
46533 An Error Occurred when Trying to \nSave the Query
46534 There are no sufficient resources\nto continue operation.
46535 The types of objects in the query\ndiffer. Check the filter clause!
46536 There is a syntax error in the query.\nCheck the filter clause!
46537 One of the tables specified in the query\ndoes not exist. Remove that table!
46538 One of the fields specified in the query\ndoes not exist. Remove that field!
46539 Operation cannot be finished due to\nlack of memory!
46540 Maximum Length is 24
46541 Maximum Precision is 8
46542 Wrong Initial Value
46543 This is not a valid number.
46544 Times New Roman
46545 Courier New
46546 The number must be between 1 and 1638.
46547 Count
46549 Ability Database
46550 Microsoft Access Database
46551 dBASE III Table
46552 dBASE IV Table
46553 dBASE 5.0 Table
46554 FoxPro 2.0 Table
46555 FoxPro 2.5 Table
46556 FoxPro 2.6 Table
46557 Excel 3.0 Spreadsheet
46558 Excel 4.0 Spreadsheet
46559 Excel 5.0 Spreadsheet
46560 Excel 7.0 Spreadsheet
46561 Delimited Text File
46562 ODBC Data Source
46563 Paradox 3.0 Table
46564 Paradox 4.0 Table
46565 Paradox 5.0 Table
46566 Specify a Name for the Form.
46567 Ability for Windows 1.5 Exchange
46568 Ability 1.2 DOS Database
46569 Ability Plus DOS Database
46570 There is not enough memory. Quit one or more programs and then try again.
46571 Sum
46572 Header
46573 Minimum
46574 Maximum
46575 Average
46576 Are you sure you want to delete this item ?
46577 Bitmap too big to process
46578 ColorComboBox
46579 Open an existing database
46580 Create a new database
46581 &Create
46582 Select an existing database
46583 Current Field
46584 All Fields
46585 File %s not found.
46587 Database to Compact From
46588 Compact Database Into
46589 &Compact
46590 &Save
46620 An Error Occurred When Trying to Copy Data!
46621 An Error Occurred when Trying to \nLoad the Form
46622 It is possible to create only three groups.
46623 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
46624 Windows sockets initialization failed.
46625 Duplicate fields in Grouping/Sorting.
46626 An error occurred when trying to repair the database.\nError description: %s
46627 The database was successfully repaired.
46628 Finished! No more items found!
46629 There are no items to search in!
46630 Internal error: Bad browse list. Search is canceled!
46631 Internal error: Search is not initialized!
46632 Do you want to replace this occurrence?
46633 The end of the records is reached! Do you want to continue searching from the beginning?
46634 The beginning of the records is reached! Do you want to continue searching from the end?
46635 There is no room to place all fields on page!
46636 This feature is not yet supported!
46637 Total records found: %d
46638 You are going to delete selected table.\n Are you sure?
46639 You are going to delete selected column view.\n Are you sure?
46640 You are going to delete selected sort order.\n Are you sure?
46641 You are going to delete selected filter.\n Are you sure?
46642 You are going to delete selected query.\n Are you sure?
46643 You are going to delete selected form.\n Are you sure?
46644 You are going to delete selected report.\n Are you sure?
46645 You are going to delete selected relation.\n Are you sure?
46646 The OLE Object found in clipboard is not\nsuitable for this field!
46647 The data types of the corresponding fields\nmust be the same!
46648 You must specify at least one\ncorrespondence among the fields!
46649 There are no suitable fields\nto be imported!
46650 This report has changed!\nDo you want to save it?
46651 This form has changed!\nDo you want to save it?
46652 All documents must be closed for the database to be sent.\nClose all documents now?
46653 The name you entered is not a valid object name!
46654 The current record will be permanently deleted.\nThe operation cannot be undone.\nProceed with delete?
46655 All records will be permanently deleted.\nThe operation cannot be undone.\nProceed with delete?
46656 Selected records will be permanently deleted.\nThe operation cannot be undone.\nProceed with delete?
46657 Name could not be empty!
46658 The field '%s' is part of one or more indexes. \nRename anyway?"
46659 Deleting field '%s' requires deletion of one or more indexes.\nContinue anyway?
46660 Field names cannot be empty!
46661 Field names must be different!
46662 '%s' is an invalid field name!
46663 The formula in the field '%s' is invalid!
46664 Can't have index without name!
46665 Index names must be different!
46666 Invalid index definition!
46667 %s is an invalid index name!
46668 The name already exists.
46669 A function with name %s exists.
46670 Do you want to save this object?
46671 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
46672 This is an action query.\nExecute Yes/No?
46673 Warning, the text is too long to fit into field and will be trimmed to fit.
46674 Would you like to redraw the report based on the new settings?
46675 An error occurred when trying to compact the database.\nError description: %s
46676 Cannot delete original database\nafter compacting it.
46677 Cannot rename temporary database,\ninto original database after compacting.
46678 An Error Occurred when Trying to \nLoad the Report
46679 You are going to delete selected macro.\n Are you sure?
46680 An Error Occurred when Trying to \nLoad the Macro
46681 The database is in earlier format or created by an application other than Ability Database.\nWould You like to update to current format?\nIf you choose Yes, the old file will be saved as
46682 Compacting to same database not allowed.\nYou must choose a name, diferent from the original one
46683 This control is improper for this field type
46684 [ Whole Document ]
46685 [ Selection ]
46686 &Match whole fields only
46687 You cannot use Memo field as Data Field or Join Field!
47886 Invalid workspace. Operation has been cancelled.
47887 &Other...
47888 Commands
47889 &Hide
47890 Close Button
47891 &Move
47892 This key must be used in combination with Ctrl or Alt key
47893 This key must be used in combination with Ctrl, Alt or Shift key
47894 Deleted buttons
47895 Button image copied to the Clipboard
47896 None
47897 Large Icon\nLarge Icon
47898 Small Icon\nSmall Icon
47899 Allow Docking
47900 Outside Border
47901 Top Border
47902 Bottom Border
47903 Left Border
47904 Right Border
47905 All Borders
47906 Inside Border
47907 Inside Horizontal Border
47908 Inside Vertical Border
47909 No Border
48001 #OK
48002 #REF
48003 #DIV0
48004 #VALUE
48005 #FUNC
48006 #CIRC
48010 Arithmetical
48011 Mathematical
48012 Trigonometric
48013 Logical
48014 Statistical
48015 Date && Time
48016 Text
48017 Financial
48018 Lookup && Reference
48019 Information
48020 Remote
48021 Document
48022 All
48050 TRUE
48051 FALSE
48052 Insert Function
48053 Reenter Password:
48054 SELECT
48055 FROM
48056 WHERE
48057 ORDER BY
48058 *
48059 $\nú\nUSD\n#\nDM\nm\ncm\nkg\ng\nlbs\nK\nFF
48060 Ability
48061 Ability Cells
48062 Auto\n100ths\n10ths\n16ths\n8ths\n4ths
48080 Cannot resolve circular formulas.
48081 Syntax error in formula.
48082 Password do not match
48083 Cannot write over locked cells in protected mode
48084 Cannot read from hidden cells in protected mode
48085 Bad edit source formula.
48086 The document contains remote links. Recalculate them?
48087 Decimal places must be between 0 and 15.
48088 Fractional places can be either automatic or 1 or 2.
48089 Brackets in formula do not match.
48090 The list and decimal separators specified by the system\nare identical. Substituting '%c' for the list separator.
48100 ABS\nABS (number)\nReturns the absolute value of a number.
48101 ACOSH\nACOSH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
48102 ACOTANH\nACOTANH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number.
48103 ASINH\nASINH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
48104 ATANH\nATANH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.
48105 COSH\nCOSH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
48106 COTANH\nCOTANH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number.
48107 DIVIDE\nDIVIDE (list)\nReturns the division of its arguments.
48108 EVEN\nEVEN (number)\nRounds a number up to the nearest even integer.
48109 EXP\nEXP (number)\nReturns e raised to the power of a given number.
48110 FACT\nFACT (n)\nReturns the factorial of a number.
48111 FACTDOUBLE\nFACTDOUBLE (number)\nReturns the double factorial of a number.
48112 GCD\nGCD (list)\nReturns the greatest common divisor.
48113 INT\nINT (number)\nReturns only the integer part of a value.
48114 LCM\nLCM (list)\nReturns the least common multiple.
48115 LN\nLN (number)\nReturns the natural logarithm of a number.
48116 LOG\nLOG (number)\nReturns the logarithm of a number to a specified base.
48117 LOG10\nLOG10 (number)\nReturns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
48118 MDETERM\nMDETERM (array)\nReturns the matrix determinant of an array.
48119 MINUS\nMINUS (list)\nReturns the substaction of its arguments.
48120 MOD\nMOD (x, y)\nReturns the remainder from division.
48121 MULTINOMIAL\nMULTINOMIAL (list)\nReturns the multinomial of a set of numbers.
48122 ODD\nODD (number)\nRounds a number up to the nearest odd integer.
48123 PLUS\nPLUS (list)\nReturns the sum of its arguments.
48124 POWER\nPOWER (list)\nReturns the power of its arguments.
48125 RAND\nRAND (number)\nReturns a random integer number from 0 to specified number.
48126 RANDBETWEEN\nRANDBETWEEN (bottom, top)\nReturns a random number between the numbers you specify.
48127 ROUND\nROUND (x, y)\nReturns a value rounded to the nearest number.
48128 ROUNDDOWN\nROUNDDOWN (number, num_digits)\nRounds a number down, toward zero.
48129 ROUNDUP\n ROUNDUP (number, num_digits)\nRounds a number up, away from zero.
48130 SERIESSUM\nSERIESSUM (x, n, m, coefficients)\nReturns the sum of a power series based on the formula.
48131 SIGN\nSIGN (number)\nReturns the sign of a number.
48132 SINH\nSINH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic sine of a number.
48133 SQR\nSQR (number)\nReturns the second power of a number.
48134 SQRT\nSQRT (number)\nReturns a positive square root.
48135 SUM\nSUM (list)\nReturns the total of the values in the list of arguments.
48136 SUMTIMES\nSUMTIMES (range1, range2, ...)\nReturns the sum of the products of corresponding array components.
48137 SUMSQ\nSUMSQ (list)\nReturns the sum of the squares of the arguments.
48138 SUMX2MY2\nSUMX2MY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.
48139 SUMX2PY2\nSUMX2PY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.
48140 SUMXMY2\nSUMXMY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays.
48141 SUMXPY2\nSUMXPY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of squares of sum of corresponding values in two arrays.
48142 TANH\nTANH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
48143 TIMES\nTIMES (list)\nReturns the multiplication of its arguments.
48144 TOTAL\nTOTAL (list)\nCalculates the total of the values in the list of arguments.
48145 ACOS\nACOS (number)\nReturns the inverse cosine of a number.
48146 ACOTAN\nACOTAN (number)\nReturns the the two-quadrant inverse cotangent of a number.
48147 ASIN\nASIN (number)\nReturns the inverse sine of a number.
48148 ATAN\nATAN (number)\nReturns the the two-quadrant inverse tangent of a number.
48149 ATAN2\nATAN2 (x, y)\nReturns the four-quadrant determination of the angle formed by a point and a x-axis.
48150 COS\nCOS (number)\nReturns the cosine of a number.
48151 COTAN\nCOTAN (number)\nReturns the cotangent of a number.
48152 DEGREES\nDEGREES (angle)\nConverts radians to degrees.
48153 PI\nPI ()\nReturns the value of pi (3.14159265359).
48154 RADIANS\nRADIANS (angle)\nConverts degrees to radians.
48155 SIN\nSIN (number)\nReturns the sine of a number.
48156 SQRTPI\nSQRTPI(number)\nReturns the square root of (number * PI).
48157 TAN\nTAN (number)\nReturns the tangent of a number.
48158 AVEDEV\nAVEDEV (list)\nReturns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean.
48159 AVERAGE\nAVERAGE (list)\nReturns the unweighted average value of its arguments.
48160 AVG\nAVG (list)\nReturns the unweighted average value of its arguments.
48161 BINOMDIST\nBINOMDIST (number, trials, probability, cumulative)\nReturns the individual term binomial distribution probability.
48162 COMB\nCOMB (n, m)\nReturns the number of combinations for a number of things.
48163 CORREL\nCORREL (array1, array2)\nReturns the correlation coefficient between two sets of data.
48164 COUNT\nCOUNT (list)\nCounts the number of items specified in in the list of arguments.
48165 COUNTN\nCOUNTN (list)\nCounts how many numbers are in the list of arguments.
48166 COVAR\nCOVAR (array1, array2)\nReturns covariance, the average of the products of paired deviations.
48167 DEVSQ\nDEVSQ (list)\nReturns the sum of squares of deviations.
48168 EXPONDIST\nEXPONDIST (x, lambda, cumulative)\nReturns the exponential distribution.
48169 FISHER\nFISHER (x)\nReturns the the Fisher transformation.
48170 FISHERINV\nFISHERINV (y)\nReturns the inverse of the Fisher transformation.
48171 FORECAST\nFORECAST (x, array_y, array_x)\nReturns a value along a linear trend.
48172 GAMMADIST\nGAMMADIST (x, alpha, beta)\nReturns the gamma distribution.
48173 GAMMALN\nGAMMALN (x)\nReturns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x).
48174 GEOMEAN\nGEOMEAN (list)\nReturns the geometric mean.
48175 HARMEAN\nHARMEAN (list)\nReturns the harmonic mean.
48176 HYPGEOMDIST\nHYPGEOMDIST (sample, n_sample, population, n_population)\nReturns the hypergeometric distribution.
48177 INTERCEPT\nINTERCEPT (array_y, array_x)\nReturns the intercept of the linear regression line.
48178 KURT\nKURT (list)\nReturns the kurtosis of a data set.
48179 LARGE\nLARGE (k, list)\nReturns the k-th largest value in a data set.
48180 MAX\nMAX (list)\nReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments.
48181 MEDIAN\nMEDIAN (list)\nReturns the median of the given numbers.
48182 MIN\nMIN (list)\nReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments.
48183 MODE\nMODE (list)\nReturns the most common value in a data set.
48184 NEGBINOMDIST\nNEGBINOMDIST (number_f, number_s, probability_s)\nReturns the negative binomial distribution.
48185 NORMDIST\nNORMDIST (x, mean, stdev)\nReturns the normal cumulative distribution.
48186 NORMSDIST\nNORMSDIST (z)\nReturns the standard normal cumulative distribution.
48187 PEARSON\nPEARSON (array_x, array_y)\nReturns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
48188 PERCENTILE\nPERCENTILE (k, array)\nReturns the k-th percentile of values in a range.
48189 PERCENTRANK\nPERCENTRANK (x, array)\nReturns the percentage rank of a value in a data set.
48190 PERM\nPERM (n, m)\nReturns the number of permutations for a number of things.
48191 POISSON\nPOISSON (x, mean, cumulative)\nReturns the Poisson distribution.
48192 PROB\nPROB (x_range, prob_range, lower_limit, upper_limit)\nReturns the probability that values in a range are between two limits.
48193 QUARTILE\nQUARTILE (quart, array)\nReturns the quartile of a data set.
48194 RANK\nRANK (number, ref, order)\nReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.
48195 RSQ\nRSQ (array_x, array_y)\nReturns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
48196 SKEW\nSKEW (list)\nReturns the skewness of a distribution.
48197 SLOPE\nSLOPE (array_y, array_x)\nReturns the slope of the linear regression line.
48198 SMALL\nSMALL (k, list)\nReturns the k-th smallest value in a data set.
48199 STANDARDIZE\nSTANDARDIZE (x, mean, stdev)\nReturns a normalized value.
48200 STD\nSTD (list)\nReturns the standard deviation of a sample.
48201 STDEV\nSTDEV (list)\nEstimates standard deviation based on a sample.
48202 STDEVP\nSTDEVP (list)\nCalculates standard deviation based on the entire population.
48203 STEYX\nSTEYX (array_y, array_x)\nReturns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression.
48204 VAR\nVAR (list)\nReturns the variance of a list.
48205 VARP\nVARP(list)\nCalculates variance based on the entire population.
48206 WAVG\nWAVG (array_x, array_y)\nCalculates the weighted average of values.
48207 WEIBULL\nWEIBULL (x, alpha, beta, cumulative)\nReturns the Weibull distribution.
48208 ZTEST\nZTEST (array, x, sigma)\nReturns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test.
48209 CHAR\nCHAR (number)\nReturns the character specified by the code number.
48210 CLEAN\nCLEAN (text)\nRemoves all nonprintable characters from text.
48211 CODE\nCODE (text)\nReturns a numeric code for the first character in a text string.
48212 CONCATENATE\nCONCATENATE (text_list)\nJoins several text items into one text item.
48213 DOLLAR\nDOLLAR (number, precision)\nConverts a number to text, using currency format.
48214 EXACT\nEXACT (text1, text2)\nChecks to see if two text values are identical.
48215 FINDTEXT\nFINDTEXT (find_text, within_text, start_num)\nFinds one text value within another (case-sensitive).
48216 FIXED\nFIXED (number, precision, commas)\nFormats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals.
48217 LEFT\nLEFT (text, num_chars)\nReturns the leftmost characters from a text value.
48218 LEN\nLEN (text)\nReturns the number of characters in a text string.
48219 LOWER\nLOWER (text)\nConverts text to lowercase.
48220 MID\nMID (text, start_num, num_chars)\nReturns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify.
48221 PROPER\nPROPER (text)\nCapitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value.
48222 REPLACE\nREPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)\nReplaces characters within text.
48223 REPT\nREPT (text, number_times)\nRepeats text a given number of times.
48224 RIGHT\nRIGHT (text, num_chars)\nReturns the rightmost characters from a text value.
48225 SEARCHTEXT\nSEARCHTEXT (find_text, within_text, start_num)\nFinds one text value within another (not case-sensitive).
48226 SUBSTITUTE\nSUBSTITUTE (text, old_text, new_text, instance_num)\nSubstitutes new text for old text in a text string.
48227 T\nT (value)\nConverts its arguments to text.
48228 TRIM\nTRIM (text)\nRemoves all spaces, other than single spaces between words, from text.
48229 UPPER\nUPPER (text)\nConverts text to uppercase.
48230 VALUE\nVALUE (text)\nConverts a text argument to a number.
48231 DATE\nDATE (year, month, day)\nReturns the date code of a particular date.
48232 DATEVALUE\nDATEVALUE (date_text)\nConverts a date in the form of text to a serial number.
48233 DAY\nDAY (date_code)\nReturns the day of the month from a date code.
48234 DAYS360\nDAYS360 (start_date, end_date, method)\nCalculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year.
48235 EDATE\nEDATE (start_date, months)\nReturns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date.
48236 EOMONTH\nEOMONTH (start_date, months)\nReturns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months.
48237 HOUR\nHOUR (time_code)\nConverts a serial number to an hour.
48238 MINUTE\nMINUTE (time_code)\nConverts a serial number to a minute.
48239 MONTH\nMONTH (date_code)\nReturns the month from a date code.
48240 NETWORKDAYS\nNETWORKDAYS (start_date, end_date, list_holidays)\nReturns the number of whole workdays between two dates.
48241 NOW\nNOW ()\nReturns the serial number of the current date and time.
48242 SECOND\nSECOND (time_code)\nConverts a serial number to a second.
48243 TIME\nTIME (hour, minute, second)\nReturns the serial number of a particular time.
48244 TIMEVALUE\nTIMEVALUE (time_text)\nConverts a time in the form of text to a serial number.
48245 TODAY\nTODAY ()\nReturns a date code for the current day.
48246 WEEKDAY\nWEEKDAY (date_code)\nReturns the day of the week for a date code.
48247 WEEKNUM\nWEEKNUM (date_code, return_type)\nReturns the week number in the year.
48248 WORKDAY\nWORKDAY (start_date, days, list_holidays)\nReturns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays.
48249 YEAR\nYEAR (date_code)\nReturns the year from a date code.
48250 YEARFRAC\nYEARFRAC (start_date, end_date, basis)\nReturns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date.
48251 ACCRINTM\nACCRINTM (issue, settlement, rate, par, basis)\nReturns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.
48252 COMPOUND\nCOMPOUND (principal, interest, periods)\nCalculates the compound amount, based on the principal and interest rate per period over the specified number of periods.
48253 COUPDAYBS\nCOUPDAYBS (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date.
48254 COUPDAYS\nCOUPDAYS (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the number of days in the coupon period which contains the settlement date.
48255 COUPDAYSNC\nCOUPDAYSNC (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date.
48256 COUPNCD\nCOUPNCD (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the next coupon date after the settlement date.
48257 COUPNUM\nCOUPNUM (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)()\nReturns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date.
48258 COUPPCD\nCOUPPCD (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the previous coupon date before the settlement date.
48259 DB\nDB (cost, salvage, life, period, month)\nReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method.
48260 DISC\nDISC (settlement, maturity, par, redemption, basis)\nReturns the discount rate for a security.
48261 DOLLARDE\nDOLLARDE (fractional_dollar, fraction)\nConverts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number.
48262 EFFECT\nEFFECT (nominal_rate, npery)\nReturns the effective annual interest rate.
48263 FV\nFV (payment, rate, periods)\nCalculates the future value of an annuity, based on the payments per period, interest rate per period, and the number of periods.
48264 INTRATE\nINTRATE (settlement, maturity, investment, redemption, basis)\nReturns the interest rate for a fully invested security.
48265 IRR\nIRR (guess, initial, list)\nCalculates the internal rate of return of a series of cash flows, starting with a guess at the correct answer.
48266 MIRR\nMIRR (finance_rate, reinvest_rate, list)\nReturns the internal rate of return where positive and negative cash flows are financed at different rates.
48267 NOMINAL\nNOMINAL (effect_rate, npery)\nReturns the annual nominal interest rate.
48268 NPV\nNPV (rate, list)\nCalculates the net present value of a set of future cash flows.
48269 PMT\nPMT (principal, rate, periods)\nCalculates the amount of payment required to pay off a loan or mortgage at the given principal, interest rate per period, and number of periods.
48270 PRICE\nPRICE (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, basis)\nReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest.\n
48271 PRICEDISC\nPRICEDISC (settlement, maturity, discount, redemption, basis)\nReturns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security.
48272 PRICEMAT\nPRICEMAT (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield, basis)\nReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity.
48273 PV\nPV (payment, rate, periods)\nCalculates the present value of an annuity, based on the amount of the payment, the interest rate per period, and the number of periods.
48274 RECEIVED\nRECEIVED (settlement, maturity, investment, discount, basis)\nReturns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security.
48275 SYD\nSYD (cost, salvage, life, per)\nReturns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period.
48276 TBILLEQ\nTBILLEQ (settlement, maturity, discount)\nReturns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill.
48277 TBILLPRICE\nTBILLPRICE (settlement, maturity, discount)\nReturns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill.
48278 TBILLYIELD\nTBILLYIELD (settlement, maturity, par)\nReturns the yield for a Treasury bill.
48279 AND\nAND (list)\nReturns logical AND of its arguments.
48290 IF\nIF (x, true, false)\nSpecifies a logical test to perform.
48291 NOT\nNOT (x)\nReturns logical NOT of its argument.
48292 OR\nOR (list)\nReturns logical OR of its arguments.
48293 COUNTBLANK\nCOUNTBLANK (list)\nCounts the number of blank cells within a range.
48294 ISBLANK\nISBLANK (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is blank.
48295 ISERR\nISERR (list)\nChecks the list and returns a count of the number of fields that contain error indicators.
48296 ISERROR\nISERROR (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is any error value.
48297 ISEVEN\nISEVEN (value)\nReturns TRUE if the number is even.
48298 ISNUMBER\nISNUMBER (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is a number.
48299 ISODD\nISODD (value)\nReturns TRUE if the number is odd.
48300 ISREF\nISREF (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is a reference.
48301 ISTEXT\nISTEXT (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is text.
48302 ADDRESS\nADDRESS (row_num, column_num, abs_mode)\nReturns a reference as text to a single cell.
48303 AREAS\nAREAS (list)\nReturns the number of areas in a reference
48304 CHOOSE\nCHOOSE (index_num, list)\nChooses a value from a list of values
48305 COLUMNS\nCOLUMNS (array)\nReturns the number of columns in a reference.
48306 FIND\nFIND (value, list)\nSearches a list to find where a number occurs in it.
48307 INDEX\nINDEX (number, list)\nFinds the value at a specified position in a list.
48308 LOOKUP\nLOOKUP (number, in_range, out_range)\nSearches a specific range to find a value and then looks up the corresponding value in another location.
48309 ROWS\nROWS (array)\nReturns the number of rows in a reference.
48310 YIELD\nYIELD(settlement, maturity, rate, pr, redemption, frequency, basis)\nReturns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest.
48311 REMOTE\nREMOTE(document_name, reference_name)\nReturns the value of remote object.
48312 CREATEDATE\nCREATEDATE ()\nReturns the date the document was created.
48313 EDITTIME\nEDITTIME ()\nReturns the total document editing time.
48314 PRINTDATE\nPRINTDATE ()\nReturns the date the document was last printed.
48315 SAVEDATE\nSAVEDATE ()\nReturns the date the document was last saved.
48316 AUTHOR\nAUTHOR ()\nReturns the name of the document's author from the Summary Info.
48317 COMMENTS\nCOMMENTS ()\nReturns the comments from the Summary Info.
48318 FILENAME\nFILENAME ()\nReturns the document name and location.
48319 FILESIZE\nFILESIZE ()\nReturns the size on the disk of the document.
48320 KEYWORDS\nKEYWORDS ()\nReturns keywords from Summary Info.
48321 NUMCHARS\nNUMCHARS ()\nReturns the number of characters in the document.
48322 NUMPAGES\nNUMPAGES ()\nReturns the number of pages in the document.
48323 NUMWORDS\nNUMWORDS ()\nReturns the number of words in the document.
48324 SUBJECT\nSUBJECT ()\nReturns the document's subject from Summary Info.
48325 TITLE\nTITLE ()\nReturns the document's title from Summary Info.
48326 REVNUM\nREVNUM ()\nReturns the number of times the document has been saved.
48327 PAGE\nPAGE ()\nReturns the number of the current page.
48328 MERGEREC\nMERGEREC ()\nReturns the number of the current merge record.
48329 MERGECOUNT\nMERGECOUNT ()\nReturns the total number of merge records.
48330 DBGET\nDBGET (database, source, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object.
48331 DBSQL\nDBSQL(database, SQL_statement, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database SQL query.
48332 DBFIELDCOUNT\nDBFIELDCOUNT (database, source)\nReturns the number of fields in remote database object.
48333 DBFIELDNAME\nDBFIELDNAME (database, source, index)\nReturns the name of the field in remote database object.
48334 DBTABLECOUNT\nDBTABLECOUNT (database)\nReturns the number of tables in database.
48335 DBTABLENAME\nDBTABLENAME (database, index)\nReturns the name of table in database.
48336 DBQUERYCOUNT\nDBQUERYCOUNT (database)\nReturns the number of queries in database.
48337 DBQUERYNAME\nDBQUERYNAME (database, index)\nReturns the name of query in database.
48338 DBRELATIONCOUNT\nDBRELATIONCOUNT (database)\nReturns the number of relations in database.
48339 DBRELATIONNAME\nDBRELATIONNAME (database, index)\nReturns the name of relation in database.
48340 COLUMN\nCOLUMN (ref)\nReturns the column of reference or current column.
48341 ROW\nROW (ref)\nReturns the row of reference or current row.
48342 TAXBAND\nTAXBAND (salary, tax_rates, tax_bands)\nReturns tax payable on salary.
48343 DBFILTER\nDBFILTER (database, table, filter, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object applying filter.
48344 DBSORT\nDBSOR (database, table, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object applying sort order.
48345 DBFILTERSORT\nDBFILTERSORT (database, table, filter, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object applying filter and sort order.
48346 DBSQLFILTER\nDBSQLFILTER (database, table, filter, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object constructing a SQL statement with the specified filter.
48347 DBSQLSORT\nDBSQLSORT (database, table, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object constructing a SQL statement with the specified sort order.
48348 DBSQLFILTERSORT\nDBSQLFILTERSORT (database, table, filter, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object constructing a SQL statement with the specified filter and sort order.
48349 SSGET\nSSGET(spreadsheet, reference)\nReturns the contents of a cell/cells from a Spreadsheet document.
48350 WPGET\nWPGET(document, fieldname)\nReturns the contents of a field from a Write document.
48351 FINDEX\nFINDEX (value, list)\nSearches a list to find where a value occurs in it.
48352 LOOKUPEX\nLOOKUPEX (value, in_range, out_range)\nSearches a specific range to find a value and then looks up the corresponding value in another location.
48353 CONCAT\nCONCAT (text_list)\nJoins several text items into one text item.
48354 HYPERLINK\nHYPERLINK (link_location, friendly_name)\n Creates a link to specified document stored on your hard drive, a network server or on the Internet.
48355 SUMIF\nSUMIF (list, condition)\n Returns the sum of cells specified by the condition.
48356 COUNTIF\nCOUNTIF (list, condition)\n Returns the count of cells specified by the condition.
48357 INDIRECT\nINDIRECT(ref_as_text, mode)\nReturns reference from text
48500 Bad data source
48501 Cannot get available data source items
48502 Invalid Field Name
48503 DB Error
48504 Cannot get available data sources
48505 The database name of this field "%s" conflicts with one of the built in functions. Do You want its name to be changed to "%s"?
48506 Can not read filter file
48507 Standard brushes cannot be edited !
48508 Could not open file !
48509 Could not open file for writing!
48510 Could not use the cloning stamp because\nthe arrea to clone has not been defined\n(Alt-click to define source point).
48511 Crop the Image?
48512 File '%s' does not exist !
48513 Height be between %f and %f
48514 Specified image is larger than file; open anyway ?
48515 Specified image is smaller than file; open anyway ?
48516 Image size %d KB
48517 Internal error while preparing for TWAIN acquire.
48518 Invalid picture format!
48519 Ole Failed!
48520 PSD: Error - image resources block has invalid signature.
48521 Picture is too large !
48522 PNG import: Invalid file format !
48523 Pro Version File Format Not Supported
48524 %s: bad version number '%d', not 1 !
48525 %s: can't open \"%s\"\n
48526 Unexpected EOF while reading '%s' chunk\n
48527 This is not an Adobe Photoshop PSD file !
48528 %s: Image type %d (%s) is not supported in this data format\n"
48529 Unable to seek forward while reading '%s' chunk."
48530 PSD: Error - layer blend signature is incorrect.
48531 \nPSD: Sorry - this image has too many aux channels.
48532 PSD: Sorry - this image has too many channels.
48533 Sorry, this image has too many Guides.
48534 PSD: Sorry - this image has too many layers.\n
48535 Unsupported format !
48536 This image has no selection !
48537 This is not filter file !
48538 This is not valid palette file !
48539 Unknown file format!
48540 "Width must be between %f and %f"
48541 AaBbCc
48542 adb
48543 Cannot connect with Form Editor./n
48544 Can not remove Global Collections
48545 Cannot save global settings
48546 Close Anyway?
48547 Close without save changes in this module?
48548 Continue anyway?
48549 Checkbox
48550 Combo
48551 Editbox
48552 Listbox
48553 Record
48554 Field1
48555 Unnamed
48556 'Put macro code here/r/n
48557 Document not found.
48558 Document Properties
48559 Error create global settings file.
48560 Form not found.
48561 Error Macro name syntax.
48562 Error Module Name.
48563 Error Read Global Accelerators.
48564 Error Read Global Forms.
48565 Error read global macros.
48566 Error Read Global Settings.
48567 Error Register Base Type Library.
48568 Error save global settings.
48569 Error parameter of Windows.CloseAll/nUse constants abSaveChangesXXX.
49232 is not able to serialize itself properly using IPersistStorage.\nA corruption of whole document may follow.
49233 Unable to create one or more controls.
49234 \n\nIt is possible you have not called AfxEnableControlContainer in your app's InitInstance.
49235 Select All
49236 Select Horizontal Line
49237 Select None
49238 Select Vertical Line
49239 Selection Pattern
49240 Selection to Alpha
49241 Shading Amount
49242 Sharp Corners
49243 Sharpen
49244 Sharpen More
49245 Shine 1
49246 Shine 2
49247 Shine 3
49248 (Unassigned)
49249 Silver
49250 Size
49251 Size of Pattern
49252 Sliding Spirals
49253 Smart Blur
49254 Smooth
49255 Smooth Selection
49256 Smudge
49257 Smudge Options
49258 Sobel
49259 Sobel Edge Detect
49260 Soft Light
49261 Soft Sharpen
49262 Solid Fill
49263 Space Evenly Horizontally
49264 Space Evenly Vertically
49265 Spin
49266 Spokes
49267 Spread
49268 Square Tiles
49269 Squares
49270 Star
49271 Streamer
49272 Strength
49273 Stroke
49274 Subtraction
49275 Super Nova
49277 Swirl Distortion
49278 TARGA Settings
49279 Tear Drop
49280 Text Layer
49281 Texture Brush
49282 Texture Brush Options
49283 Texturize
49284 Thickness
49285 Threshold
49286 TIFF Settings
49287 Tone Sets
49288 Tonic 1
49289 Tonic 2
49290 Tools
49291 Transform
49292 Transform Selection
49293 Transparency
49295 Triangle Tiles
49296 Triangle Tiles 2
49297 Triangles
49298 TV RGB
49299 Twirl
49300 Uncertainty
49301 Undo
49302 Unknown Command
49303 Unsharp Mask
49304 Vector
49305 Vector Bezier Curve
49306 Vector Cut
49307 Vector Delete
49308 Vector Free Hand Options
49309 Vector Freehand
49310 Vector Gradient Fill
49311 Vector Paste
49312 Vector Pattern Fill
49313 Vector Round Rect Options
49314 Vector Solid Fill
49315 Vector Transform
49316 Vertical
49317 Vertical Blinds
49318 Verticals contrast
49319 Vertical Density
49320 Verticals ratio
49321 Vertical Stripes
49322 "All Pictures"
49323 Wave 1
49324 Wave 2
49325 Waves
49326 Waves Maker
49327 Weaver
49329 Whirl
49330 Whirling and Pinching
49331 Whiteout
49332 Width
49333 Wind
49334 This key must be used in combination with Ctrl or Alt key
49335 This key must be used in combination with Ctrl, Alt or Shift key
49336 Ability Database
49337 Ability Draw
49338 Ability Launcher
49339 Ability Spreadsheet
49340 Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright and international treaties.\nUnauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
49341 Ability Write
49342 X Amplitude:
49343 days.\nday.
49344 X Factor
49345 X Freq. finetune:
49346 X Frequency:
49348 DRAW
49351 WRITE
49352 Name:
49353 X offset:
49354 Organization:
49355 Product Key:
49356 Version 2.1.001
49357 This Ability Office application is fully registered.\nTo register the other Ability Office applications, see the How To Buy button.
49358 The trial period has expired.\nTo continue using Ability, you'll need to purchase a full version.
49359 This is a trial version and will expire in \nTo continue using Ability, you'll need to purchase a full version.
49360 X Wave
49361 X1 thread
49362 X2 thread
49363 Y Amplitude:
49364 Y Factor
49365 Y Freq. finetune:
49366 Y Frequency:
49367 Y Offset:
49368 Y Wave
49369 Y1 thread
49370 Y2 thread
49371 Zags (Y)
49372 Zero Tolerance
49373 Zigs (X)
49374 ZigZag
49375 Zoom In/Out
49376 Control with this name already exists on the form
49377 This name already exists. Please, use another name !
49547 Toggle bookmark\nToggle bookmark
49548 Show next bookmark\nShow next bookmark
49549 Show previous bookmark\nShow previous bookmark
49550 Clear all bookmarks\nClear all bookmarks
49561 Ability Classes Browser\nClass Browser
49580 Choose element...
49581 Bad browser info file format.
49582 Begin tag not found in file with browser info.
49583 Class
49584 Const
49585 Cannot find string"%s"
49586 C&ut
49587 Delete
49588 Typing
49589 Backspace
49590 Indent
49591 Drag And Drop
49592 Replace
49593 Auto Indent
49594 Unknown
49595 &Paste
49596 Delete Selection
49597 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
49598 &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
49599 &Undo Ctrl+Z
49600 &Redo Ctrl+Z
49601 No Active Document.
49602 Macro name contain illegal characters.
49603 Error Module Name.
49604 Error Macro name syntax.
49605 Fail to create macro.
49606 Failed Parse Script Text :\n
49607 Missing 'End Sub' for Macros %s
49608 Document
49609 Couldn't load Type Library.
49610 Error load Type Library.
49611 Exception while loading Type Library -\nInternal error in Script engine or Registry conflict