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- <HTML>
- <HEAD><TITLE>Sambar Server Document Manager</TITLE></HEAD>
- <BODY bgcolor=#ffffff>
- <center><FONT SIZE=6>Sambar Server Document Manager</FONT>
- <P>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=8>
- <TR><TD>
- <br>
- <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
- <!--
- function Form_Validator(theForm)
- {
- if (theForm.user.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"User\" field.");
- theForm.user.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- if (theForm.server.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Server\" field.");
- theForm.server.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- if (theForm.base.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Remote Directory\" field.");
- theForm.base.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- if (theForm.from.value == "")
- {
- alert("Please enter a value for the \"Push Modified\" field.");
- theForm.from.focus();
- return (false);
- }
- }
- //-->
- <BR>
- <B><FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#000088>FTP To...</FONT></B><BR>
- <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/session/dm-ftp" onsubmit="return Form_Validator(this)">
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="<RC@txt2html(RC$path)>">
- <input type="hidden" name="root" value="<RCPdavdir>">
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=4>
- <TR><TD><B>Push Directory</B></TD>
- <TD><RC$path></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><B>FTP User</B></TD>
- <TD><input type="text" name="user"></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><B>FTP Password</B></TD>
- <TD><input type="text" name="pass"></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><B>FTP Server</B></TD>
- <TD><input type="text" name="server"></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><B>FTP Remote Directory</B></TD>
- <TD><input type="text" name="base" value="<RC$path>"></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><B>Push Modified (YYYY/MM/DD)</B></TD>
- <TD><input type="text" name="from" value="1997/01/01"></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD></TD>
- <TD><input type="submit" value="FTP To..."></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </FORM>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- Return to browsing:
- <A HREF="<RCSbrowse>/browse.stm?path=<RC@urlescape(RC$path)>"><RC$path></A>
- <BR>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>