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- <A HREF="/sysadmin/index.stm" TARGET=_top>
- <IMG border=0 ALIGN=left SRC="/sysimage/system/console.gif"></A>
- <CENTER><FONT SIZE=6>System Reports</FONT>
- <HR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=20>
- <RCif RCEautolog = daily OR RCEautolog = weekly OR RCEautolog = monthly>
- <TR valign=top><TD colspan=2>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width=100%>
- <TR valign=top><TD align=center>
- <B>Rotated Server Logs</B><BR>
- <RCXcalendar nav=/sysadmin/reports/reports.stm month=RC$month year=RC$year path=/sysadmin/reports/server>
- </TD><TD align=center>
- <B>Rotated HTTP Logs</B><BR>
- <RCXcalendar nav=/sysadmin/reports/reports.stm month=RC$month year=RC$year path=/sysadmin/reports/http>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/http/statslog.htm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>HTTP Log Report</FONT></A>
- </TD></TD>
- <TD>Latest report from HTTP log file analysis.
- <A HREF="/session/logstats?infile=access.log&outfile=statslog.htm&RCpage=/sysadmin/reports/http/statslog.htm">Re-generate</A>
- this report from the current HTTP log. To modify the log analysis
- groupings, the <A HREF="logstats.stm">HTTP Log Analysis Groups</A>
- configuration page should be used.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCif RCElogproxy = true>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/http/proxylog.htm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>HTTP Proxy Log Report</FONT></A>
- </TD></TD>
- <TD>Latest report from HTTP Proxy log file analysis.
- <A HREF="/session/proxystats?infile=proxy.log&outfile=proxylog.htm&RCpage=/sysadmin/reports/http/proxylog.htm">Re-generate</A>
- this report from the current HTTP Proxy log.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/http/proxybkp.htm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>Rotated HTTP Proxy Report</FONT></A>
- </TD></TD>
- <TD>Report from the previously rotated HTTP Proxy log file analysis.
- <A HREF="/session/proxystats?infile=proxy.bkp&outfile=proxybkp.htm&RCpage=/sysadmin/reports/http/proxybkp.htm">Re-generate</A>
- the log report from the previously rotated HTTP log.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCEftpserver = true>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/ftp/ftpstats.htm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>FTP Log Report</FONT></A></TD></TD>
- <TD>Latest report from FTP log file analysis.
- <A HREF="/session/ftpstats?RCpage=/sysadmin/reports/ftp/ftpstats.htm">Re-generate</A>
- this report from the current FTP log.
- </TD></TR>
- <RCendif>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/tstats.stm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>Template Statistics</FONT></A></TD></TD>
- <TD>A tabular report of the top 20 templates sorted by hit count.
- This report is dynamically generated in real-time.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/envt.stm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>Environment Variables</FONT></A></TD></TD>
- <TD>A report displaying the system's environment variables and their
- current values.
- </TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><A HREF="/sysadmin/reports/url2file.stm">
- <FONT SIZE=+1>URL-to-file Generation</FONT></A></TD></TD>
- <TD>Process an URL request and direct the output to a file.
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="/"><IMG border=0 SRC="/sysimage/system/powerby.gif"></A>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>