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- <TITLE>Mail Aliases Configuration</TITLE>
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- <CENTER><FONT SIZE=6>Mail Aliases Configuration</FONT></CENTER><BR>
- <CENTER><I>Changes take affect immediately!</I></CENTER><BR>
- <P>
- <I><B>Wildcard Characters</B></I>
- <BR>
- The star (*) wildcard character matches any character string. The
- question mark (?) wildcard character matches any one character in a
- fixed position. All mail aliases are case-insensitive.
- <P>
- <P>
- <FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=#990033><B>Mail Aliases</B></FONT>
- <P>
- Mail aliases are used to map a mail userid to one or more mailboxes on
- the this mail server or internet mail addresses. In the example below,
- mail addressed to <B>Tod.Sambar@sambar.com</B> is redirected to
- the local <B>tod</B> mailbox. Typical uses for aliases include mapping
- <I>firstname.lastname</I> to a mail user's mailbox and/or addressing
- all the members of a group using a single name such as <I>engineering</I>.
- <P>
- The <B>Fred.Sambar</B> aliase below forwards mail to the <B>null</B>
- mailbox. The <B>null</B> mailbox is a "special" mailbox that results
- in the mail quietly being discarded without the sender being notified.
- <P>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=4>
- <TR><TH>Alias </TH><TH align=left> Mailbox(s)</TH></TR>
- <TR><TD>support </TD><TD align=left> tod stacia</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>info </TD><TD align=left> tod support@microsoft.com</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>Tod.Sambar </TD><TD align=left> tod</TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>Fred.Sambar </TD><TD align=left> null</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- <RCXcfgshow fname=mail.ini section=aliases>
- <P>
- <P>
- <FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=#990033><B>Mail Fetcher Aliases</B></FONT>
- <P>
- Mail <I>fetcher</I> aliases are exactly like regular mail aliases
- (above), except they <I>only apply to the fetcher</I>; outgoing mail
- is not affected by this alias.
- Fetcher aliases are necessary for mailing lists that come in without an
- identifiable user account. For example, mail received from
- <B>sambarlist@skyweb.se</B> is also addressed to <B>sambarlist@skyweb.se</B>,
- so there is no identifiable local mailbox. A <B>Fetcher Alias</B>
- can be used to indicate that <B>sambarlist@skyweb.se</B> should go into
- one or more local accounts, otherwise, it would go into
- the account identified by the <B>Unknown Mailbox</B>.
- (Note: Fetcher aliases are applied before standard aliases when retrieving
- mail via the fetcher.)
- <P>
- <P>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=4>
- <TR><TH>Alias </TH><TH align=left> Mailbox(s)</TH></TR>
- <TR><TD>sambarlist@skyweb.se </TD><TD align=left> tod stacia</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- <RCXcfgshow fname=mail.ini section=fetcher-aliases>
- <P>
- <FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=#990033><B>Forward Mail</B></FONT>
- <P>
- Mail "forwarding" operates much the same way as mail aliases
- do. The only difference is in the order of evaluation (aliases
- are evaluated first) and the requirement that the mailbox being
- forwarded exist. The "forward" entry below sends all mail destined
- for the mailbox <B>tod</B> to the internet address <B>tod@altavista.net</B>.
- Warning: If you inadvertently forward mail to an invalid mail address,
- all mail destined for the address will be bounced back to the client.
- <P>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=4>
- <TR><TH>Mailbox </TH><TH align=left> Destination(s)</TH></TR>
- <TR><TD>tod </TD><TD align=left> tod@altavista.net</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- <RCXcfgshow fname=mail.ini section=forward>
- <P>
- <BR>
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