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- <TITLE>Sambar Server Build Distribution</TITLE>
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- <A HREF="/sysadmin/index.stm" TARGET=_top>
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- <CENTER><FONT SIZE=+2>Sambar Server Build Distribution</FONT>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/sysadmin/dist/runbuild.stm">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="path1" VALUE="readme.txt">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="path2" VALUE="bin">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="path3" VALUE="lib">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="path4" VALUE="sysuser">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="path5" VALUE="sysadmin">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="path6" VALUE="sysimage">
- <TABLE BORDER=0 cellpadding=4>
- <TR valign=top>
- <TD><B>Server</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=60 NAME="server" VALUE="www.myserver.com"><BR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1><I>The server on which the distribution package will reside.
- </I></FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR valign=top>
- <TD><B>URL</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="url" SIZE=60 VALUE="/<RCEos>-latest.tar.gz"><BR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1><I>The URL that indicates the location (via HTTP) on the
- remote server where the package will reside.</I></FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR valign=top>
- <TD><B>Comments</B><BR>
- </TD>
- <TD nowrap><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="comments" SIZE=60 VALUE="Latest server build."></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR valign=top>
- <TD></TD>
- <TD nowrap><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Build Distribution"></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD colspan=2>
- <I>Note:</I> The "default" server distribution consists of all files found
- in the following directories (relative the Sambar Server installation):
- <B>/bin</B>, <B>/lib</B>, <B>/sysuser</B>, <B>/sysadmin</B>
- <P>
- This distribution interface was primarily designed as a mechanism for
- delivering patch releases from www.sambar.com. A mechanism was needed
- to build, distribute and install new releases to users (backing up their
- existing distributions first!) without all the steps of a full InstallShield
- installation. It is anticipated that all future "patch" releases of the Sambar
- Server will be available using these interfaces.
- These interfaces are exposed to all Pro server licensees with the hope that
- the functionality might assist in packaging internal distributions of the
- Sambar Server.
- The following three RPCs provide the distribution update mechanism:
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI> <I>dist-check</I> Check a site for a new distribution (www.sambar.com
- by default). You get a report of the difference between the distribution
- described in the file on the site and your current installation. Then you
- get a form asking if you want to run <I>dist-install</I> (using the download
- information in the distribution file).</LI>
- <LI> <I>dist-install</I> Grabs the distribution described in the distribution
- file, uploads it to your server, ungzips the file, backs up <I>bin</I> to
- <I>bin-old</I> and <I>lib</I> to <I>lib-old</I> and then untars the
- distribution over your running server. When complete, you receive a report
- of all files updated and must restart the server.</LI>
- <LI> <I>dist-build</I> Builds a new distribution from your current system by
- taring up the directories specified above and then compressing the distribution
- package and finally writing out a package distribution file describing the
- system. The package distribution description is contains:</LI>
- </UL>
- <P>
- <B>[Sambar Server]</B><BR>
- <B>Build = </B><build-date of the server><BR>
- <B>Version = </B><version of the server, i.e. 4.4><BR>
- <B>Server = </B><host where distribution is located, i.e. www.powertv.com><BR>
- <B>URL = </B><URL to distribution on host, i.e. /dist/win32-latest.tar.gz><BR>
- <B>Comments = </B><Description of distribution.><BR>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </FORM>
- <BR>
- <BR>
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