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- /*
- ** LOGIN.H
- **
- ** This header file contains the public HTTP interfaces used by the
- ** Sambar Server for interfacing with User Login/Logout/Profile
- ** Management.
- **
- ** Confidential Property of Tod Sambar
- ** (c) Copyright Tod Sambar 1996-1997
- ** All rights reserved.
- **
- **
- ** History:
- ** Chg# Date Description Resp
- ** ---- ------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----
- ** 27JAN97 Created sambar
- ** 25MAR97 Added FTP support sambar
- */
- #if !defined(__LOGIN_H__)
- #define __LOGIN_H__
- #include <sambar.h>
- #ifndef WIN32
- #define stricmp strcasecmp
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- /*
- ** Login/Logout/Profile Management Defines
- */
- #define LOGIN_PROFILE_KEY "Profile"
- /*
- ** User Profile Structure
- */
- typedef struct login__profile
- {
- SA_INT privs;
- SA_PROFILE *data;
- SA_CHAR name[SA_MAX_NAME + 1];
- SA_CHAR group[SA_MAX_NAME + 1];
- SA_CHAR username[SA_MAX_NAME + 1];
- SA_CHAR dir[SA_MAX_PATH + 1];
- SA_CHAR davdir[SA_MAX_PATH + 1];
- /*
- ** Sambar Server/User Login/Logout/Profile DLL Function Prototypes
- */
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT login_init(SA_CTX *sactx);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT user_login(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_CHAR *username, SA_INT usernamelen,
- SA_CHAR *password, SA_INT passwordlen,
- SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT user_logout(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT user_profile(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_INT action, SA_CHAR *name,
- SA_INT namelen, SA_VOID *datap);
- /*
- ** User Management
- */
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_add(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_delete(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_update(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_list(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_select(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_prop(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_passwd(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_maillist(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC user_mailbox(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- /*
- ** Group Management
- */
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC group_add(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC group_delete(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC group_list(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_PUBLIC group_select(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CONN *saconn,
- SA_PARAMS *saparams, SA_INT *infop);
- /*
- ** FTP Connect
- */
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT ftp_connect(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CHAR *user,
- SA_INT userlen, SA_CHAR *passwd,
- SA_INT passwdlen, SA_FTP *ftpresp);
- /*
- ** MAIL Connect
- */
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT mail_connect(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CHAR *user,
- SA_INT userlen, SA_CHAR *passwd,
- SA_INT passwdlen);
- /*
- ** Telnet Connect
- */
- extern SA_RETCODE SA_EXPORT telnet_connect(SA_CTX *sactx, SA_CHAR *user,
- SA_INT userlen, SA_CHAR *passwd,
- SA_INT passwdlen);
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- }
- #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
- #endif /* __LOGIN_H__ */