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- Sambar Server Installation
- Introduction
- ============
- The Sambar Server is designed to be configured using a web-based
- System Administration interface. From your web browser, you can
- access the administration forms via:
- http://localhost/sysadmin/index.stm
- A complete set of web-base server documentation is also available via:
- http://localhost/syshelp/index.htm
- Upgrading
- =========
- If upgrading from an older version of the Sambar Server, no files
- in the 'config' directory should be modified. All Sambar Server
- installations are backward compatible, allowing you to use previous
- configuration files. Once a change is made using the web-based
- System Administration (http://localhost/sysadmin/index.stm), existing
- configuration files are updated with any new parameters (with defaults).
- Important: When upgrading an existing installation, any running
- servers must be stopped.
- Uninstalling
- ============
- The Sambar Server installation does not create any registry entries
- or copy files into folders outside the installation directory. Therefore,
- the Sambar Server installation directory can be removed (or moved to
- another server) without affecting the server.
- Files
- =====
- README.TXT Changes/fixes from the previous beta or release as well
- as known bugs and limitations.
- SAMBAR.NSI NSIS build file.
- INSTALL.TXT Installation information.
- bin Sambar Server executables.
- cgi-bin Default CGI-BIN directory.
- cgi-win Default CGI-WIN directory.
- config Sambar Server configuration files.
- docs Default server documents directory (all files served
- by the Sambar Server should reside here by default).
- include Sambar Server include files (for programmers wishing
- to extend the server).
- lib JavaEngine JAR package (servlet and JSP execution code;
- source code is included).
- log Default log directory.
- messages Sambar Server error message files.
- perl Default PERL executable.
- profiles User-specific profile attribute files.
- samples Sambar Server source code files (for programmers
- wishing to extend the server).
- search Sambar Server search indexes.
- servlets Default location for all JavaEngine servlets.
- sysadmin Sambar Server web-based system administration pages.
- syshelp Sambar Server documentation.
- sysimage Sambar Server images.
- sysuser Sambar Server default applications (i.e. WebMail,
- Document Manager).
- tmp Default location of server temporary files.
- Thanks for running the Sambar Server.
- Sambar Technologies
- http://www.sambar.com