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- <RC$title = WWW Ping>
- <RC$navurl = /wwwping/index.stm>
- <RC$navname = WWW Ping>
- <RCinclude /header.stm>
- <BR>
- <TABLE border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><I>http://</I></FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="wwwsite" VALUE="localhost" SIZE=60 MAXLENGTH=60></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD></TD>
- <TD><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Ping Server"></TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </FORM>
- <BR>
- <RCif RC$wwwsite ! NULL>
- <RCXwwwstatus name=RC$wwwsite>
- <RCelse>
- <font size=+1><B>About...</B></font>
- <P>
- This utility provides the site status for a specified URL.
- <BR>After typing a URL in the above <B>Location</B> dialog the following
- information is provided:
- <P>
- <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=5>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>WWW Site</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The URL from the <B>Location</B> dialog. <I>Note: URLs are limited to
- 80 characters.</I></TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>IP Address</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The IP address associated with the site.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>Status</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The status of the URL being requested. A status of 200 is normal.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>HTTP Version</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The HTTP protocol version being run on the server.
- This will typically be either HTTP 1.0, newer servers will run HTTP 1.1</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>HTTP Request Time</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The total time it took to request and receive the URL. This includes
- setting up and tearing down the TCP connection, formulating the request,
- and receiving the data.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>Page Request Time</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The time it took to request and receive the URL page. This is <I>only</I>
- the time from the sending of the request to the receiving of the first response
- packet.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>HTTP Server</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The server software being run on the site.</TD></TR>
- <TR valign=top><TD><B><I>Last Modified</I></B></TD>
- <TD>The last time the URL being requested was modified.</TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <RCendif>
- <BR>
- <RCinclude /footer.stm>