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- <RC$title = Bar Chart>
- <RC$navurl = /samples/index.stm>
- <RC$navname = Samples>
- <RC$subnavurl = /barchart/index.stm>
- <RC$subnavname = Bar Chart>
- <RCinclude /header.stm>
- <RCinclude /barchart/barchart.js>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"><!--
- var myChart = new Chart (
- "Sample Title<BR> goes here",
- "Horizontal Label",
- "<I>Vertical<BR>Label</I>",
- "<RC$style>", // "veritcal" or "horizontal"
- 300, // length of horizontal axis
- 200, // length of vertical axis
- 90, // width of bar as a % of axis length
- "step3-white.gif", // scale image
- "base-white.gif", // base image
- 6 // approx. number of ticks to show
- );
- <RCif RC$style = vertical>
- <RC$barimg = "bar01.gif">
- <RCelse>
- <RC$barimg = "bar02.gif">
- <RCendif>
- myChart.data[0] = new Data("Value-1", <RC$val1>, <RC$barimg>, "-1");
- myChart.data[1] = new Data("Value-2", <RC$val2>, <RC$barimg>, "-1");
- myChart.data[2] = new Data("Value-3", <RC$val3>, <RC$barimg>, "-1");
- myChart.data[3] = new Data("Value-4", <RC$val4>, <RC$barimg>, "-1");
- myChart.data[4] = new Data("Value-5", <RC$val5>, <RC$barimg>, "-1");
- myChart.data[5] = new Data("Value-6", <RC$val6>, <RC$barimg>, "-1");
- initChart(myChart);
- doChart(myChart,0);
- // -->
- <BR>
- <RCinclude /footer.stm>