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- <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
- <!--
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Bar Chart v4.0 - 7/4/98
- // Copyright (C) 1998 Michael Brownlow
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- // (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- //
- // For questions and comments, please email the author at:
- // starten@atdot.org
- // http://ctelcom.net/mike/java/barchart/
- // http://ctelcom.net/mike/
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Chart constructor:
- /////////////////////
- // title : Title for graph
- // hlabel : Label for horizontal axis
- // vlabel : Label for vertical axis
- // orientation : "horizontal" or "vertical"
- // hsize : length of horizontal axis (left and right)
- // vsize : length of vertical axis (up and down)
- // barsize : width/length of bar as a percentage of the axis length
- // it is on divided by the number of bars
- // tickimg : image to use for scale tick
- // baseimg : image to make base of graph
- // ticks : approximate # of ticks to show
- function Chart (
- title,
- hlabel,
- vlabel,
- orientation,
- hsize,
- vsize,
- barsize,
- tickimg,
- baseimg,
- ticks
- ) {
- // User defined
- this.title = title;
- this.hlabel = hlabel;
- this.vlabel = vlabel;
- this.orientation = orientation;
- this.hsize = hsize;
- this.vsize = vsize;
- this.barsize = barsize;
- this.tickimg = tickimg;
- this.baseimg = baseimg;
- this.ticks = ticks;
- // System defined
- this.scale = new Array();
- this.data = new Array();
- this.scalesize = 0;
- this.labelsize = 0;
- this.scaledelta = 0;
- }
- // Data constructor:
- ////////////////////
- // label : the label to show for the bar
- // num : the number to use (can be int or float)
- // img : the image to use for the bar
- // url : the url for the bar to link to ("-1" for no link)
- function Data (label, num, img, url) {
- this.label = label;
- this.num = num;
- this.img = img;
- this.url = url;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Special definitions
- var border = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // __chart : chart to plot
- // popup : 1 or 0
- // preinit : if you already have a window to draw to specify it
- // here, otherwise use "__default"
- function doChart(__chart,popup,preinit) {
- if(popup == 1) {
- if(preinit != "__default") {
- drawChart(__chart,preinit);
- } else {
- __popup = open("","__popup","width=400,height=300");
- __popup.document.write("<BODY Bgcolor=#FFFFFF>\n");
- drawChart(__chart,__popup);
- __popup.document.close();
- }
- } else {
- drawChart(__chart,window);
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- function initChart(__chart,__win) {
- var max = __chart.data[0].num;
- var min = __chart.data[0].num;
- for(var i=0; i<(__chart.data.length); i++) {
- if(max <= __chart.data[i].num)
- max = __chart.data[i].num;
- if(min >= __chart.data[i].num)
- min = __chart.data[i].num;
- }
- computeAutoScale(max,min,__chart);
- if(__chart.orientation == "vertical") {
- __chart.labelsize = __chart.hsize / __chart.data.length
- } else {
- __chart.labelsize = __chart.vsize / __chart.data.length
- }
- __chart.barsize = (__chart.barsize / 100) * __chart.labelsize;
- }
- function drawChart(__chart,__win) {
- initChart(__chart,__win);
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>"
- );
- doTitle(__chart,__win);
- __win.document.write("</TR><TR>");
- doVlabel(__chart,__win);
- doTopL(__chart,__win);
- doTopR(__chart,__win);
- __win.document.write("</TR><TR><TD></TD>");
- doBotL(__chart,__win);
- doBotR(__chart,__win);
- __win.document.write("</TR><TR>");
- doHlabel(__chart,__win);
- __win.document.write("</TR></TABLE>");
- doFooter(__chart,__win);
- }
- // Finds decent scaling for an array of numbers
- function computeAutoScale(max,min,__chart) {
- if(max == min) {
- max+=1;
- min-=1;
- }
- var ticks = __chart.ticks;
- range = nicenum(max - min, 0);
- d = nicenum(range/(ticks - 1), 1);
- graphmin = Math.floor(min/d)*d;
- if(graphmin>0) graphmin = 0;
- graphmax = Math.ceil(max/d)*d;
- if(graphmax<0) graphmax = 0;
- nfrac = Math.max( -Math.floor(Math.log(d)/Math.E), 0);
- i = 0;
- for (x=graphmin; x < (graphmax+0.5*d); x+=d) {
- __chart.scale[i] = doRound(x,nfrac,"after");
- i++;
- }
- __chart.scaledelta = d;
- // Make the chart stay an apprx size
- if(__chart.orientation == "vertical")
- __chart.scalesize = doRound(__chart.vsize / __chart.scale.length,
- 0, "after");
- else
- __chart.scalesize = doRound(__chart.hsize / __chart.scale.length,
- 0, "after");
- }
- // Finds a nice number
- function nicenum(x,round) {
- var expt = Math.floor(Math.log(x)/Math.E);
- var f = x/Math.pow(10,expt);
- var nf;
- if(round == 1) {
- if (f< 1.5) nf = 1.;
- else if (f<3) nf = 2.;
- else if (f<7) nf = 5.;
- else nf = 10.;
- } else {
- if (f<= 1) nf = 1.;
- else if (f<=2) nf = 2.;
- else if (f<=5) nf = 5.;
- else nf = 10.;
- }
- return nf*Math.pow(10, expt);
- }
- // Rounds 'num' to 'p' places 'after'/'before' the decimal point
- function doRound(num,p,point) {
- p = Math.pow(10,p);
- if(point == "after")
- num = Math.round(parseFloat(num)*(p))/(p);
- else
- num = Math.round(parseFloat(num)/(p))*(p);
- return num;
- }
- function doTitle(__chart,__win) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD Align=center>" +
- "<TABLE Width=" + __chart.hsize + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=3 Cellspacing=0><TR>" +
- "<TD Align=center><FONT Size=4><B>" + __chart.title + "</B></FONT></TD>" +
- "</TR></TABLE></TD>"
- );
- }
- function doHlabel(__chart,__win) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD Align=center>" +
- "<TABLE Width=" + __chart.hsize + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=3 Cellspacing=0><TR>" +
- "<TD Align=center><B>" + __chart.hlabel + "</B></TD>" +
- "</TR></TABLE></TD>"
- );
- }
- function doVlabel(__chart,__win) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=middle>" +
- "<TABLE Height=" + __chart.vsize + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=3 Cellspacing=0><TR>" +
- "<TD Valign=middle><B>" + __chart.vlabel + "</B></TD>" +
- "</TR></TABLE></TD>"
- );
- }
- function doTopL(__chart,__win) {
- __win.document.write("<TD>");
- if(__chart.orientation == "vertical") {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>"
- );
- for(var i=__chart.scale.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
- var scaledeltas = doRound((__chart.scalesize-1)/2,0,'after');
- __win.document.write(
- "<TR><TD Height=" + __chart.scalesize + " Align=right>" +
- "<FONT Size=2>" + __chart.scale[i] + "</FONT></TD>" +
- "<TD Height=" + __chart.scalesize + ">" +
- "<TABLE Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>" +
- "<TR><TD Height=" + scaledeltas + " Align=right><IMG Src=" +
- __chart.baseimg + " Height=" + scaledeltas + " Width=1></TD></TR>" +
- "<TR><TD Height=1><IMG Src=" + __chart.tickimg + " Height=1></TD>" +
- "</TR><TR><TD Height=" + scaledeltas + " Align=right><IMG Src=" +
- __chart.baseimg + " Height=" + (scaledeltas+1) + " Width=1></TD></TR>" +
- "</TABLE>" +
- "</TD></TR>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TABLE>");
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>"
- );
- for(var i=0; i<__chart.data.length; i++) {
- if(i==0) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TR><TD Align=right Height=" + __chart.labelsize + "><FONT Size=2>" +
- __chart.data[i].label + "</FONT></TD>" +
- "<TD Rowspan=" + (__chart.data.length) + "><IMG Src=" +
- __chart.baseimg + " Width=1 Height=" + __chart.vsize + "></TD></TR>"
- );
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TR><TD Align=right Height=" + __chart.labelsize + "><FONT Size=2>" +
- __chart.data[i].label + "</FONT></TD></TR>"
- );
- }
- }
- __win.document.write("</TABLE>");
- }
- __win.document.write("</TD>");
- }
- function doTopR(__chart,__win) {
- // if(height>(__chart.scalesize*__chart.scale.length)) height=1;
- var lessthanzero = 0;
- var morethanzero = 0;
- for(i=0; i<__chart.scale.length; i++) {
- if(__chart.scale[i] < 0)
- lessthanzero++;
- else if(__chart.scale[i] > 0)
- morethanzero++;
- }
- lessthanzero = doRound(lessthanzero * __chart.scalesize,0,'after');
- if(lessthanzero) lessthanzero += doRound(__chart.scalesize/2,0,'after');
- lessthanzero += 1;
- morethanzero = doRound(morethanzero * __chart.scalesize,0,'after');
- if(morethanzero) morethanzero += doRound(__chart.scalesize/2,0,'after');
- morethanzero -= 1;
- if(__chart.orientation == "vertical") {
- __win.document.write("<TD Height=" + __chart.vsize + ">");
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Height=" + __chart.vsize +
- " Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>"
- );
- __win.document.write("<TR>");
- for(var i=0; i<__chart.data.length; i++) {
- var height =
- doRound((Math.abs(__chart.data[i].num)*__chart.scalesize)/
- __chart.scaledelta,0,'after');
- if(height<1) height = 1;
- if(__chart.data[i].num<0) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Height=" + __chart.vsize + " Valign=bottom Align=center Width=" +
- __chart.labelsize + ">"
- );
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Height=" + lessthanzero + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>"
- );
- if(__chart.data[i].url != "-1") {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=top Height=" + lessthanzero + "><A Href=" +
- __chart.data[i].url + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Height=" + height + " Width=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></A></TD>"
- );
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=top Height=" + lessthanzero + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Height=" + height + " Width=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR></TABLE>");
- __win.document.write("</TD>");
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Height=" + __chart.vsize + " Valign=top Align=center Width=" +
- __chart.labelsize + ">"
- );
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Height=" + morethanzero + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>"
- );
- if(__chart.data[i].url != "-1") {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=bottom Height=" + morethanzero + "><A Href=" +
- __chart.data[i].url + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Height=" + height + " Width=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></A></TD>"
- );
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=bottom Height=" + morethanzero + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Height=" + height + " Width=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR></TABLE>");
- __win.document.write("</TD>");
- }
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR>");
- __win.document.write("</TABLE>");
- } else {
- __win.document.write("<TD Width=" + __chart.hsize + ">");
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Width=" + __chart.hsize +
- " Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>"
- );
- for(var i=0; i<__chart.data.length; i++) {
- var width =
- doRound((Math.abs(__chart.data[i].num)*__chart.scalesize)/
- __chart.scaledelta,0,'after');
- if(width<1.0) width = 1;
- if(__chart.data[i].num<0) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TR><TD Width=" + __chart.hsize + " Valign=center Align=left" +
- " Height=" + __chart.labelsize + ">"
- );
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Width=" + lessthanzero + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>"
- );
- if(__chart.data[i].url != "-1") {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Align=right Width=" + lessthanzero + "><A Href=" +
- __chart.data[i].url + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Width=" + width + " Height=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></A></TD>"
- );
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Align=right Width=" + lessthanzero + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Width=" + width + " Height=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR></TABLE>");
- __win.document.write("</TD></TR>");
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TR><TD Width=" + __chart.hsize + " Valign=center Align=right" +
- " Height=" + __chart.labelsize + ">"
- );
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Width=" + morethanzero + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>"
- );
- if(__chart.data[i].url != "-1") {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Align=left Width=" + morethanzero + "><A Href=" +
- __chart.data[i].url + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Width=" + width + " Height=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></A></TD>"
- );
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Align=left Width=" + morethanzero + "><IMG Border=0 " +
- "Src=" + __chart.data[i].img + " Width=" + width + " Height=" +
- __chart.barsize + "></TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR></TABLE>");
- __win.document.write("</TD></TR>");
- }
- }
- __win.document.write("</TABLE>");
- }
- __win.document.write("</TD>");
- }
- function doBotL(__chart,__win) {
- __win.document.write("<TD Valign=top Align=right>");
- __win.document.write("<IMG Src=" + __chart.baseimg + " Height=1 Width=1>");
- __win.document.write("</TD>");
- }
- function doBotR(__chart,__win) {
- __win.document.write("<TD Align=center>");
- if(__chart.orientation == "vertical") {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Width=" + __chart.hsize + " Border=" + border +
- " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>"
- );
- __win.document.write("<TR>");
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD><IMG Src=" + __chart.baseimg +
- " Height=1 Width=" + __chart.hsize + "></TD>"
- );
- __win.document.write("</TR>");
- __win.document.write(
- "<TR><TD><TABLE Width=" + __chart.hsize + " Border=" + border +
- "Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>"
- );
- for(var i=0; i<__chart.data.length; i++) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=top Align=center Width=" + __chart.labelsize + "><FONT " +
- "Size=2>" + __chart.data[i].label + "</FONT></TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR></TABLE></TD></TR>");
- __win.document.write("</TABLE>");
- } else {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TABLE Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0>"
- );
- __win.document.write("<TR>");
- for(var i=0; i<__chart.scale.length; i++) {
- var scaledeltas = doRound((__chart.scalesize-1)/2,0,'after');
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=top Align=center Width=" + __chart.scalesize + ">" +
- "<TABLE Border=" + border + " Cellpadding=0 Cellspacing=0><TR>" +
- "<TD Width=" + scaledeltas + " Valign=top><IMG Src=" + __chart.baseimg +
- " Width=" + scaledeltas + " Height=1></TD>" +
- "<TD Width=1><IMG Src=" + __chart.tickimg + " Width=1></TD>" +
- "<TD Witdh=" + scaledeltas + " Valign=top><IMG Src=" + __chart.baseimg +
- " Width=" + scaledeltas + " Height=1></TD></TR></TABLE>" +
- "</TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR>");
- __win.document.write("<TR>");
- for(var i=0; i<__chart.scale.length; i++) {
- __win.document.write(
- "<TD Valign=top Align=center Width=" + __chart.scalesize + "><FONT " +
- "Size=2>" + __chart.scale[i] + "</FONT></TD>"
- );
- }
- __win.document.write("</TR>");
- __win.document.write("</TABLE>");
- }
- __win.document.write("</TD>");
- }
- function doFooter(__chart,__win) {
- }
- // -->