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- #
- # Below are the mappings from the file abreviation to the mime type.
- # Updated for the samdar server on 29/8/97 By pete@source-design.demon.co.uk
- #
- application/astound = asd
- application/astound = asn
- application/autocad = dwg
- application/dsptype = tsp
- application/dxf = dxf
- application/envoy = evy
- application/futuresplash = spl
- application/immedia = imd
- application/mac-binhex40 = hqx
- application/mac-compactpro = cpt
- application/msword = doc
- application/octet-stream = bin
- application/octet-stream = class
- application/octet-stream = dms
- application/octet-stream = dll
- application/octet-stream = exe
- application/octet-stream = lha
- application/octet-stream = lzh
- application/octet-stream = z
- application/oda = oda
- application/pdf = pdf
- application/postscript = ai
- application/postscript = eps
- application/postscript = ps
- application/powerpoint = ppt
- application/rtf = rtf
- application/studiom = apm
- application/vnd.xara = xar
- application/vnd.wap.wmlc = wmlc
- application/vnd.wap.wmlsc = wmlsc
- application/vocaltec-media-desc = vmd
- application/vocaltec-media-file = vmf
- application/x-annotator = ano
- application/x-authorware-map = aam
- application/x-authorware-seg = aas
- application/x-authorware-bin = aab
- application/x-bcpio = bcpio
- application/x-cdlink = vcd
- application/x-chat = chat
- application/x-compress = Z
- application/x-cpio = cpio
- application/x-director = dcr
- application/x-director = dir
- application/x-director = dxr
- application/x-director = fgd
- application/x-dvi = dvi
- application/x-enterlicense = lic
- application/x-epublisher = epb
- application/x-fax-manager = faxmgr
- application/x-fax-manager-job = faxmgrjob
- application/x-framemaker = fm
- application/x-framemaker = frame
- application/x-framemaker = frm
- application/x-framemaker = maker
- application/x-gtar = gtar
- application/x-gzip = gz
- application/x-hdf = hdf
- application/x-insight = ins
- application/x-insight = insight
- application/x-install = inst
- application/x-inventor = iv
- application/x-javascript = js
- application/x-koan = skd
- application/x-koan = skm
- application/x-koan = skp
- application/x-koan = skt
- application/x-latex = latex
- application/x-licensemgr = licmgr
- application/x-mailfolder = mail
- application/x-mif = mif
- application/x-netcdf = cdf
- application/x-netcdf = nc
- application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig = config
- application/x-onlive = sds
- application/x-crossword = puz
- application/x-sgi-lpr = sgi-lpr
- application/x-sh = sh
- application/x-shar = shar
- application/x-shockwave-flash = swf
- application/x-showcase = sc
- application/x-showcase = sho
- application/x-showcase = show
- application/x-showcase = showcase
- application/x-showcase = slides
- application/x-sprite = spr
- application/x-sprite = sprite
- application/x-stuffit = sit
- application/x-sv4cpio = sv4cpio
- application/x-sv4crc = sv4crc
- application/x-tar = tar
- application/x-tardist = tardist
- application/x-tcl = tcl
- application/x-tex = tex
- application/x-texinfo = texi
- application/x-texinfo = texinfo
- application/x-troff = roff
- application/x-troff = t
- application/x-troff = tr
- application/x-troff-man = man
- application/x-troff-me = me
- application/x-troff-ms = ms
- application/x-tvml = tvm
- application/x-tvml = tvml
- application/x-ustar = ustar
- application/x-wais-source = src
- application/x-wingz = wkz
- application/x-zip-compressed = zip
- application/x-ztardist = ztardist
- audio/basic = au
- audio/basic = snd
- audio/echospeech = es
- audio/mpeg = mp2
- audio/mpeg = mpga
- audio/x-mpeg = mp3
- audio/x-mpegurl = m3u
- audio/x-mpegurl = mp3url
- audio/tsplayer = tsi
- audio/voxware = vox
- audio/x-aiff = aif
- audio/x-aiff = aifc
- audio/x-aiff = aiff
- audio/x-midi = mid
- audio/x-mpeg2 = mp2a
- audio/x-mpeg2 = mpa2
- audio/x-pat = pat
- audio/x-pn-realaudio = ram
- audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin = rpm
- audio/x-realaudio = ra
- audio/x-pn-realaudio = rm
- audio/x-sbk = sbk
- audio/x-str = str
- audio/x-wav = wav
- chemical/x-cs-chemdraw = chm
- chemical/x-daylight-smiles = smi
- chemical/x-mdl-isis = skc
- chemical/x-mdl-molfile = mol
- chemical/x-mdl-rxn = rxn
- chemical/x-pdb = pdb
- chemical/x-pdb = xyz
- chemical/x-smd = smd
- chemical/x-synopsys-accord = acc
- image/cis-cod = cod
- image/x-cmx = cmx
- image/fif = fif
- image/gif = gif
- image/ief = ief
- image/ico = ico
- image/jpeg = jpe
- image/jpeg = jpeg
- image/jpeg = jpg
- image/png = png
- image/tiff = tif
- image/tiff = tiff
- image/vasa = mcf
- image/vnd.wap.wbmp = wbmp
- image/x-cmu-raster = ras
- image/x-freehand = fh4
- image/x-freehand = fh5
- image/x-freehand = fh7
- image/x-freehand = fh
- image/x-freehand = fhc
- image/x-photo-cd = pcd
- image/x-portable-anymap = pnm
- image/x-portable-bitmap = pbm
- image/x-portable-graymap = pgm
- image/x-portable-pixmap = ppm
- image/x-rgb = rgb
- image/x-xbitmap = xbm
- image/x-xpixmap = xpm
- image/x-xwindowdump = xwd
- text/css = css
- text/html = htm
- text/html = html
- text/html = stm
- text/html = shtml
- text/html = jhtml
- text/html = php
- text/html = asp
- text/jsp = jsp
- text/plain = txt
- text/richtext = rtx
- text/tab-separated-values = tsv
- text/vnd.wap.wml = wml
- text/vnd.wap.wmls = wmls
- text/warez-info = nfo
- text/x-setext = etx
- text/x-sgml = sgm
- text/x-sgml = sgml
- text/x-speech = talk
- video/mpeg = mpe
- video/mpeg = mpeg
- video/mpeg = mpg
- video/quicktime = mov
- video/quicktime = qt
- video/vivo = viv
- video/vivo = vivo
- video/x-mpeg-system = mps
- video/x-mpeg-system = sys
- video/x-mpeg2 = mp2v
- video/x-mpeg2 = mpv2
- video/x-ms-asf = asx
- video/x-ms-asf = asf
- video/x-msvideo = avi
- video/x-sgi-movie = movie
- video/x-sgi-movie = mv
- x-conference/x-cooltalk = ice
- x-world/x-svr = svr
- x-world/x-vrml = vrml
- x-world/x-vrml = wrl
- x-world/x-vrt = vrj
- x-world/x-vrt = vrt
- #
- # END
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