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- ' This program is for PowerBasic Console Compiler and was converted from
- ' the Delphi program named CGITEST which was by Dave Wedwick,
- ' Phoenix Transit System, June, 1997
- ' Converted on June 1998 by David Martin, Ivy League Software
- ' This tests the win-cgi capabilities of a web server.
- ' The win-cgi programs receive three command line parameters. These are
- ' filenames for interacting with the server.
- ' The first parameter is the name of an INI file (doesn't have to be an
- ' .INI file extension) containing information needed to process the request.
- ' The second parameter is the name of a file containing data that was POSTed
- ' by a form.
- ' The third parameter is the file to where output needs to go to return data
- ' to the web server.
- ' This program simply reads the data from the file identified by the first
- ' command line parameter and writes it to the file identified by the third
- ' parameter. Some HTML formatting is included in the output. Include this
- ' program in HTML Forms to see the results of submitting the form, etc.
- ' If launched by the web server, there will be (at least) three
- ' command line parameters. If there aren't, assume that this is
- ' being launched by the command line and show a usage message.
- CommandLine$ = COMMAND$
- IF PARSECOUNT ( CommandLine$ , ANY ", " ) < 3 THEN
- ' This is for when someone runs it from the command line
- STDOUT "This is a Win-CGI Test Program..."
- STDOUT "This program tests the cgi-win capabilities of a web server."
- STDOUT "To test, copy this executable to the cgi-win area of the web"
- STDOUT "server and reference it via the web browser."
- STDOUT "Example: HTTP:\\www.myserver.com\cgi-win\pbcgi.exe"
- IF NOT CommandLine$ = "" THEN
- STDOUT "The COMMAND$ was: ";
- STDOUT CommandLine$
- STDOUT "Which has" ;
- STDOUT LTRIM$(STRING$(PARSECOUNT ( CommandLine$ , ANY ", " ),2)) ;
- STDOUT "parameters"
- gIniFile$ = PARSE$( CommandLine$ , ANY ", " , 1 )
- gInputFile$ = PARSE$( CommandLine$ , ANY ", " , 2 )
- gOutputFile$ = PARSE$( CommandLine$ , ANY ", " , 3 )
- ' Open the third parameter for writing (output)
- gOutputNum% = FREEFILE
- OPEN gOutputFile$ FOR BINARY AS #gOutputNum%
- ' Required header used by the server for processing
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" + CHR$(13,10)
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "Content-type: text/html" + CHR$(13,10) + CHR$(13,10)
- ' Useing builtin commands is easy
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "The date & time at the server is " + DATE$ + " at " + TIME$
- ' Show what the three filenames are
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "<H4>INI file is: " + gIniFile$ + _
- "<br>Input file is: " + gInputFile$ + _
- "<br>Output file is: " + gOutputFile$ + "</H4>"
- ' Read INI file and write it back out to the Output file
- gIniNum% = FREEFILE
- OPEN gIniFile$ FOR BINARY AS #gIniNum%
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "<HR><H1>Contents of INI file:</H1>"
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "<PRE>" + CHR$(13,10)
- GET$ #gIniNum% , 4000 , TheLineIn$
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , TheLineIn$ + CHR$(13,10)
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "</PRE>" + CHR$(13,10)
- CLOSE #gIniNum%
- ' Read Input file and write it back out to the Output file
- gInputNum% = FREEFILE
- OPEN gInputFile$ FOR BINARY AS #gInputNum%
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "<BR><HR><H1>Contents of INPUT file:</H1>"
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "<PRE>" + CHR$(13,10)
- WHILE NOT EOF(gInputNum%)
- GET$ #gInputNum% , 4000 , TheLineIn$
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , TheLineIn$ + CHR$(13,10)
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "</PRE>" + CHR$(13,10)
- CLOSE #gInputNum%
- PUT$ #gOutputNum% , "<HR>"
- CLOSE #gOutputNum%
- ' We're done. When this .EXE finishes, the web server
- ' then processes the output file for the client.